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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Secret IDF Special Forces mission rescues last remaining Jewish family in Aleppo, Syria from ISIS slaughter

Very very interesting! Zionists saving a family from ISIS? 
Where were the  Satmar Shomrim?
Where were the big "machers" with the keys, and flashing lights?
Watch! Soon, Artscroll will be re-writing history and claim that Rav Weissmandel would have saved them but the Jewish Agency didn't give him any money!
Oy vey, the Zionists IDF saved them...oy vey!
Special mission rescues final Jewish family in Aleppo, but aliyah regulations prevent complete success.
By Matt Wanderman
It was recently revealed that Israeli special forces carried out a daring operation to rescue the last Jewish family in the Syrian city of Aleppo.
The Jewish Chronicle reports that preparation for the mission began months in advance. First an Israeli-American businessman named Moti Kahana sent a message to the family, whose name has not been released, that he wanted to get them out of the war-torn country. Despite the constant dangers in Syria, though, the family was too afraid to even take the chance on escaping.
Kahana, who has a number of connections with rebel forces, soon heard reports that ISIS was closing in on the family and decided to get them out, whether they liked it or not.
Without revealing precisely how or with whom he coordinated his plans, Kahana set the wheels in motion for the IDF to make another tally in its history of saving stranded Jews, a list that already made its mark in Yemen and Ethiopia.
Once the time came, three soldiers knocked on the family’s front door. The 88-year-old matriarch answered, fearing that Assad’s soldiers had come to take them all away. Instead, the soldiers ordered the seven people present that they could each take one bag and that they must get into a waiting minibus.
After the minibus began moving, the soldiers handed out Syrian passports and said that they would soon be free.
The vehicle was stopped at an ISIS checkpoint, but the family was able to convince the guard that they were refugees trying to escape from Assad. The guard was so impressed by their claims that he even called other checkpoints, instructing them to let the minibus through.
It took them 36 hours to cross the hundred kilometers to the Turkish border. Once out of Syria, they drove to a rented home in Istanbul, where Kahana was waiting.
However, their problems were not yet over.
One woman, who is referred to as Gilda, was married to a Muslim man and had converted to Islam. While the rest of the family quickly received Israeli identity cards and resettled in Ashkelon, the Jewish Agency informed Gilda that people who voluntarily convert to a religion other than Judaism lose their right of return.

According to Kahana, the two chose to return to Syria rather than remain in a Syrian refugee camp inside of Turkey. He says that he is still working to get them out again, but he is less optimistic about a second operation.

Obama will not allow Pollard to make Aliyah even though he will be released

Barack Obama will not take action to enable Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard to move to Israel following his expected parole in less than two weeks, Obama's deputy national security adviser for strategic communication Ben Rhodes told Israeli reporters in a briefing late Thursday night.

Pollard is set to be released from prison after serving 30 years of a life sentence for passing classified information to an American ally on November 20, the US Parole Commission announced July 28. The conditions of Pollard's parole have not yet been released but they are expected to include a ban on him leaving the US for five years and he is to be forbidden from giving interviews.

It was still unclear Saturday whether Pollard's release will take place on Friday November 20 or on Saturday November 21, 30 years since his arrest. Pollard keeps Shabbat but it was unclear whether he will be released Friday to enable him to spend Shabbat outside of prison.

When Pollard's parole was announced, his lawyers, Eliot Lauer and Jacques Semmelman, wrote that Obama has the constitutional power of executive clemency, which grants him the authority to commute Pollard's sentence to time served and allow him to leave the United States and move to Israel immediately. They urged the president to exercise that power.

But Rhodes made clear when asked by reporters that Obama would not take such action on Pollard's behalf, saying that the president does not interfere in American legal procedures.

"President Obama has not intervened in the judicial process here in the United States, and that's been his consistent approach," Rhodes said. "With respect to the case of Jonathan Pollard, he’s made clear that he wants there to be fair treatment under the law, as there should be with any individual. But he as President has not intervened in that process. He respects how important this issue is to many Israelis. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Prime Minister raised this. That's obviously his determination. But again, that's been the approach that the President has taken."

Obama has commuted sentences of 89 people during his presidency, more than any American president since Lyndon B. Johnson. He has granted full pardons to another 64 people.

Most of the convicts who received clemency from Obama were drug dealers and thieves. When he has announced commutations, he has said that the sentence of the convicts did not fit their crime. Obama is expected to announce more commutations later this month in honor of the Thanksgiving holiday.

The official Pollard campaign and the caucus for Pollard in the Knesset declined to respond to Rhodes' comments, saying that they were not new.

"We have made a strategic decision not to intervene at this stage," said the head of the caucus, MK Nachman Shai. "After he's out of prison, we can struggle for him to be able to move here."

Eli Shur aka David Porat Refuses to give his wife a Get!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Faisal Mohammad was the Muslim Savage that stabbed 4 at California University

The University of California Merced student who stabbed four people on Wednesday was identified on Thursday as Faisal Mohammad, a Muslim freshman from Santa Clara.

The 18-year-old Computer Science and Engineering major was identified as the attacker by Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke to the local paperMerced Sun-Star.

The sheriff said investigators, including from the FBI and US Department of Homeland Security, are still trying to determine the motive of the Muslim student's stabbing attack. Little is known about Mohammad other than that his 18th birthday came in late October.

University of California campuses have become home to radical pro-Islamic and anti-Israel sentiment, as evidenced in a vote to boycott Israel in February at UC Davis, during which anti-Israel activists shouted "Allahu akbar" (Allah is greater) at Jewish students and after which a student senator wrote "Hamas has taken over UC Davis."

In the attack Wednesday, Mohammad wounded two students, a female student adviser and a construction worker who was taking part in a remodeling project on campus; the wounds of all four were defined as non-life-threatening.

One student remained hospitalized Thursday morning but is expected to recover, and the other wounded student has already been released. The student adviser suffered a collapsed lung from her wounds, but is recovering after a successful surgery according to a university spokesperson. The construction worker was treated at a hospital and later released.

In the attack, Mohammad entered a second-floor classroom as a class began while armed with a large hunting knife. He stabbed a male student, before 31-year-old construction worker Byron Price, who was in a nearby room, went to intervene and got cut around the waist. Co-workers drove him to hospital for treatment.

Sheriff Warnke praised Price's actions, saying, "without him, the first victim could have been a lot worse off, or even dead."

Mohammad then apparently left the building where he stabbed another male student outside, and then attacked the female student adviser as she sat on a bench, stabbing her twice.

At that point two university police officers arrived, chasing the Muslim attacker to a bridge on campus where he was shot dead.

One officer was give an automatic three-day leave from the department, which the local paper said is standard protocol in "officer-involved shootings."

Classes were canceled for the rest of the day and remained canceled on Thursday, although they are to resume Friday.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Charedi Jews To Launch Ad Campaign In Arabic - 'We Don't Ascend Temple Mount

Chareidim learned a lot from the holocaust.... and it seems that the biggest lesson they learned was "selektion" ...
The watched how Mengele selected Jews from other Jews and they now think its a great idea....
They want the Arabs to stab non-chareiim,....
These crazy demented fools think that the Arabs give a hoot about Jews either going on the Har Habayis or not going to the Har Habayis!
Since they have learned nothing from the past, they come up with these cockamamie ideas!
What they should have learned was that most Jews that were ever  killed were murdered before the Zionist State was even created!

The poster below has been paid for by Netruni, an arm of the Romanian gypsy cult called Satmar!
Last month, a Hebrew-language ultra-Orthodox newspaper caused a stir when its deputy editor published an opinion piece in Arabic urging would-be Palestinian terrorists to spare haredim since they have no intention of visiting the Islamic and Jewish holy sites on Temple Mount.
Now, an austere, anti-Zionist sect of Hassidic Judaism is taking the notion a number of steps further by reportedly planning a massive public relations campaign in the West Bank, east Jerusalem, and Arab municipalities in Israel proper.
According to the Kikar Hashabat news site, the organized Satmar community is raising funds from followers in both Israel and abroad for an extensive blitz on Israeli Arab and Palestinian media, the aim of which is to make clear its opposition to Zionism as well as to highlight the halachic edict banning Jews from visiting the Temple Mount.
The campaign, which is being run by the Natruna - True Torah Jews organization, was launched last week in a number of cities with large Hassidic Jewish populations. Streets were adorned with large banners and notices in Yiddish urging the haredi public to back the campaign, which is aimed at disassociating Hassidic Jews with religious Zionist settlers in the West Bank.
The banners also urge Hassidim to donate money to the effort.
“There is a very important need to explain to the Arabs that haredi Jews do not ascend the Temple Mount under any circumstances,” one of the ultra-Orthodox businessmen involved in the fundraising effort told Kikar Hashabat.
A century ago, Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, the co-founder of the anti-Zionist Edah Hachareidis community in Jerusalem, also signed banners and notices reminding the public of a religious ban on entering Temple Mount.
Now the Hassidic sect wishes to “revitalize” the effort.
Badatz, the religious courts that rule on issues of halacha, endorsed the campaign, calling on followers to contribute money.
Hassidic leaders hope that the message will get through to its intended audience and “the Arabs will be convinced that haredi Jews adamantly oppose going up to Temple Mount.”
Palestinians have accused Israel of seeking to change the status quo at the holy sites, with a number of religious Zionists agitating for increased rights of worship for Jews.
Israel has sought to ensure the international community that it wishes to preserve the status quo in which “Muslims worship and Jews visit.”

Stabber shot dead by police after he stabs four inside California University, and Obama doesn't call for restraint!

Hey, where is the White House Spokesman calling for restraint? 

Four people were stabbed by a male student inside a University of California, Merced, classroom.

The suspect was shot dead by police once they arrived on the scene on Wednesday morning.

Two of the victims were airlifted to specific hospitals for treatment. The other three are being treated locally, according to the school's spokesman Lorena Anderson.
Campus officials reported earlier in the day that five people were stabbed. 


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Zionist State of Israel Ranks 6th On List Of World’s Healthiest Countries

The State of Monroe and the State of Williamsburg weren't in the study for some reason....
It could be that all the Shmaltz herring Yaptcha, Kishka, and tzveebil keegel that the Chassidim consume isn't so good for the heart.
Or it could be that it is healthy but that the ones who did the study, the UN, are a bunch of Zionists!

Israel is the sixth-healthiest country in the world and is the only Middle Eastern country in the top 10, according to recent world health rankings by media outlet Bloomberg and reported in British newspaper The Independent.

The rankings, which compiled data from the United Nations, the World Bank and the World Health Organization, placed Singapore in first place of 145 countries, with a “health grade” of 89.45 percent.

Italy came in second, followed by Australia, Switzerland and Japan. After Israel came Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden and Germany.
The United Kingdom ranked 21st and the United States 33rd. The U.S. came in after Costa Rica (No. 24), Denmark (26), Cuba (28) and the United Arab Emirates (30). Russia was in 97th place and Iraq in 98th.
In last place was Swaziland, with a health grade of only 0.26 percent.
The rankings were determined using a points system for positive and negative indicators of health, including life expectancy from birth, smoking rates among young people, and immunization rates.

Jewish Man Punched In Face in Crown Heights Attacker Yells He Is ‘Tired Of Jews’

Second attack in less than 12 hours!

A Jewish man was assaulted early this morning while on his way to Shul in Crown Heights. The assailant slapped a cell phone out of the victims’ hands, then punched him in the face while yelling “I am tired of Jews.”

The incident occurred at around 6:00am near the corner of Albany Avenue and Lefferts Avenue. The victim, a 49-year-old Jewish man, was on his way to Shul when he was accosted by a man who slapped a cell phone out of his hands then punched the victim in the face while shouting “I am tired of Jews.”
Cellphone video from the scene show police holding a man, presumably the assailant, in handcuffs who is readily admitting that he slapped the phone out of the victims’ hands “because he is tired of all the Jews.”

After calling for help police responded to the scene and managed to apprehend the attacked, who is described as a 46-year-old Hispanic man, who police say is a resident of the area.

Hatzalah treated the victim, who suffered a bloodied nose, at the scene. He B”H did not require further medical attention.
This incident is being treated by the police as a possible bias incident.

Jews Should Boycott EU Exports

Despite Israeli objections, the European Union is moving ahead with its new policy that compels marking items originating in yishuvim to be labeled as being manufactured in the “West Bank”. 

The exact guidelines for the new policy are to be announced on November 11, 2015.

Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotevely is planning to travel to Europe this week to hold official meetings ahead of the EU announcing its guidelines. She plans to continue lobbying against the new program, which Israel views as handing a prize to Israel’s enemies.
The move will likely fuel the growing fires of anti-Semitism in many European nations.

Stabbings comes to New York

Jewish man stabbed in Crown Heights, NY

Hatzolah volunteer stabbed from behind by unknown assailant; police investigate possibility of hate crime.

An Emergency Medical Services (EMS) worker for Jewish medical group Hatzolah was stabbed in Crown Heights, NYC overnight Tuesday/Wednesday, just before 8:30 pm local time (3:30 am IST). 
Police sources say a man - who may have been masked - stabbed the off-duty medic from behind on Eastern Parkway and Rogers Avenue with an unknown weapon before running off, ABC7 reports. 
Footage has surfaced of him being lifted into his own ambulance for medical treatment. He is listed in serious condition. 

Police scoured the scene for a weapon and the suspect; neither have been found. 
Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams stated late Tuesday night that the stabbing may have been a hate crime. 
"With the stabbings that are taking place in Israel, we cannot be relaxed when you investigate something of this magnitude, we need to determine if it is a hate crime, and we need to use all the video footage and whatever we can to apprehend the person," he said. 

He added that the Borough is 'extremely sensitive now' to the needs of the neighborhood's large Chabad-Lubavitch community, which is due to have a convention in Crown Heights at the end of the week. 
"We want to make sure that the community is safe, and that's what the police department is doing right now," he said. 

Mattis Gluck Monroe Bus Driver Found Dead On Bus In Spring Valley,

by Sandy Eller (VIN)
 A Brooklyn bus driver who was scheduled to drive a busload of wedding goers back home to Brooklyn was found dead early this morning.
34 year old Mattis Gluck of Borough Park had driven passengers from Brooklyn to a wedding in Spring Valley on Monday night.  Gluck, a long time driver for Monroe Bus, had apparently parked his bus at the nearby Kennedy Mall shopping on Route 59 to wait for the end of the wedding.
Spring Valley Police received report of a medical emergency aboard a bus located at the Kennedy Mall at 3:55 AM. Police responding to the scene discovered a person, who was later identified as Gluck, in cardiac arrest and both paramedics and Hatzolah responded to the scene.
Efforts by Hatzolah to revive Gluck proved unsuccessful and he was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital in Suffern where he was pronounced dead at 5:05 AM.
Monroe Bus called in another bus to transport the stranded passengers back to Brooklyn.
Police said that they do not suspect foul play in Gluck’s death and that it appears that he died of natural causes.  Police also noted that since no autopsy will be done for religious reasons, they will not be able to confirm the exact cause of Gluck’s death.
Gluck, who was not married, was the son of the well known Chazan Nussen Glick. 
A spokesperson at Monroe Bus who asked to remain anonymous said that Gluck had been with them for approximately ten years and during that time he had developed a stellar reputation with both passengers and his co-workers.
“He was a driver that was very, very nice to people,” the spokesperson told VIN News. “He never had a problem not with people, not with the road and not with driving.  He always had a shmeichel on his face and went out of his way for everyone to help all the time.”
The levaya for Gluck was held at 12 o’clock this afternoon at Shomrei Hadas Chapels in Borough Park, followed by kevura at the Beth Moses Cemetery in Long Island.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Today’s Scare: Diet Coke Kills You

RUSH Limbaugh: 
All right, here's the Diet Coke story.  Really all you need to do is read the first line and the last line of the story.  It's from the UK Sun.  "Just two sweetened drinks a day can dramatically raise heart risk, studies show."  
Okay, that's the first line of the story.  The headline:  "Diet Coke Heart Risk."  And then elsewhere in the story you'll find the reference to "two cans of fizzy pop a day" raised heart risk.
I guess they've gotta give the orange juice crowd an exemption.  
Do you know how much sugar there is in orange juice? 
Do you know how much sugar there is in apple juice?  
So they have to throw in fizzy drinks here in order to describe soft drinks like Coke and Pepsi, 7-Up, Sprite, you name it.  Those are the villains. 
And, you know, on the other end of it artificial sweeteners are gonna kill you.  You've read that. 
 Equal, that's gonna kill you.  
Saccharin was gonna kill you back in the seventies.
  You know how they determined that?  If a rat had an adult comparable amount of saccharin every day, you know, whatever an adult takes to satisfy the sweet urge, whatever that would be in a rat, they calculated what that is per day, and then they multiplied that times a million and shot the rat up with it.  I mean, the rat would die from renal cancer just from that liquid being shot up.

Anyway, that's how they tried to prove saccharin caused cancer.  
So now Equal, aspartame, all these other things, they're gonna cause cancer and kill you.  
Sugar is gonna kill you.  Fizzy sweetened drinks are gonna kill you.  Global warming is going to kill you.  
It's amazing, given abortion, it's amazing anybody is alive.  
In fact, I've got a story here in the Stack coming up later about what is happening to white people aged 45 to 56.  They are dying in inordinate numbers and nobody can figure out why because it's not related to illness.  The death rate in that age-group has researchers stymied. 
So they're offering a bunch of theories and they're not coming up with this cockamamie stuff.  They're not coming up with global warming, climate change, aspartame, sugar, any of that.  
They're admitting they don't know, so they're examining cultural influences that might be leading to early middle-aged death among only white people in a basic 10-year range.  
Here's the first line. 
 "Just two sweetened drinks a day can dramatically raise heart risk, studies show."  
Last line of the story.  
"It is not clear if the harmful effects are because of the drinks themselves or the lifestyle that goes with them."  
So you have a headline and then an entire story devoted to the premise that if you drink soft drinks, two of them a day, you are vastly increasing your risk of heart attack from heart disease.  And you know people believe this.  
How long is it gonna be, folks, how long is it gonna be before you're walking down the street and you see somebody drinking a Diet Coke and somebody jabs you, "You know, that person's gonna have a heart rate increase now because did you see that story in the news the other day?  Yeah, two of these things a day and your heart rate increase goes way up."
People are gonna start repeating this like they're gonna be repeating the vitamin C myth, like they're gonna be repeating every other one of these health myths.  They just buy these up, they eat 'em up, and they believe 'em.  
Then you read the rest of the story,
 "But it's not clear if the harmful effects of sweetened drinks are really because of drinks themselves or because of the lifestyle that goes with them." 
What is the lifestyle that goes with sweetened drinks?  
What is that lifestyle?  Can somebody explain to me what the lifestyle is?  
What's exclusive about people who drink sweetened drinks?
  Nothing.  Exactly.  It's absurd. 
 It's a total, 100 percent totally made up absurd story that fulfills the crisis narrative each day: 
keep people frightened, scared, or what have you.  

New archaeological digs finds mysterious 2,000-year-old fortification during Antiochus IV’s reign. Video

A recent discovery bt Israel Antiquities Authority in Jerusalem’s City of David may reveal the answer to one of archaeology's most enduring mysteries: the location of the Greek Acra citadel.

The exact location of the famous stronghold built by Antiochus IV, to control Jerusalem and monitor activity on the Temple Mount, has long been unknown due to the paucity of architectural remains that can be traced to the Greek presence in Jerusalem.

Over the past 100 years of archaeological research in Jerusalem, numerous theories have been put forth identifying the location of the Acra, which was eventually overtaken by the Hasmoneans.
The Book of Maccabees addresses the location of the Acra, stating: “And they built the City of David with a great and strong wall, and with strong towers, and made it a fortress [Greek: Acra] for them: And they placed there a sinful nation, wicked men, and they fortified themselves therein.”

Additionally, the historian Josephus Flavius wrote of the Arca in “Antiquities of the Jews.”

“...and when he had overthrown the city walls, he built a citadel [Greek: Acra] in the lower part of the city, for the place was high, and overlooked the temple; on which account he fortified it with high walls and towers, and put into it a garrison of Macedonians,” Flavius wrote.

At a Tuesday morning press conference outside the Old City Wall’s at the City of David’s Givati parking lot, where excavations have been conducted for over a decade, researchers said they have finally exposed evidence of the Acra citadel on the City of David hill.

Indeed, IAA excavation directors Dr. Doron Ben-Ami, Yana Tchekhanovets and Salome Cohen, said the discovery has afforded them the unprecedented opportunity to reconstruct the layout of the settlement in the city, on the eve of the Maccabean uprising in 167 BCE.

“The new archaeological finds indicate the establishment of a well-fortified stronghold that was constructed on the high bedrock cliff overlooking the steep slopes of the City of David hill,” the archaeologists said in a joint statement.

“This stronghold controlled all means of approach to the Temple atop the Temple Mount, and cut the Temple off from the southern parts of the city.”

The researchers unearthed a section of a massive wall, which they said served as the base of a large watchtower that was four meters wide and 20 meters high. Additionally, a defensive sloping embankment composed of layers of soil, stone and plaster, designed to keep attackers away from the base of the wall, was located adjacent to the wall.

“This embankment extended as far down as the bottom of the Tyropoeon – the valley that bisected the city in antiquity, and constituted an additional obstacle in the citadel’s defenses,” the researchers said.

“Lead sling shot stones, bronze arrowheads and ballista stones that were discovered at the site and stamped with a trident, which symbolized the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes, are the silent remains of battles that were waged there at the time of the Hasmoneans in their attempt to conquer the citadel which was viewed as a ‘thorn in the flesh’ of the city.”

According to historical sources, the stronghold was occupied by mercenaries, and Hellenized Jews documented great suffering that Jerusalem’s residents were exposed to at the hands of the Acra’s inhabitants.

“The fortification’s mighty defenses withstood all attempts at conquering it, and it was only in 141 BCE, after a prolonged siege and the starvation of the Greek garrison within the Acra, that Simon Maccabeus was able to force its surrender,” the archaeologists said.

“The numerous coins, ranging in date from the reign of Antiochus IV to that of Antiochus VII, and the large number of wine jars that were imported from the Aegean region to Jerusalem, which were discovered at the site, provide evidence of the citadel’s chronology, as well as the non-Jewish identity of its inhabitants.”

The Elad Foundation, which operates the national park, is funding the extensive excavations, which have uncovered numerous artifacts from more than 10 different ancient cultures from Jerusalem’s history.

There are over 200 territorial disputes in the world, but the European Union is boycotting Israel

Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely opened Israel's battle against the European Union's decision to label Jewish-made products from Judea and Samaria Tuesday, calling the EU out for "discriminating" against the Jewish state.

Earlier Tuesday senior EU officials stated to Arutz Sheva that there was "no room for negotiation" with Israel on the topic of labeling Jewish goods. 

Speaking at a press conference in the Barkan Industrial Region in Samaria, where Israelis and Palestinians work side-by-side, Hotovely stated that - despite EU officials' insistence - labeling Jewish-made products was a form of a boycott.

"Today the Foreign Minister is starting a battle against the idea of labeling," she said. "Labeling, it's very clear to say... it's a clear boycotting (of) the State of Israel."
Hotovely noted that targeting one specific region of Israel was essentially tantamount to "boycotting the State itself and creating delegitimization of the State."

She also claimed it marked the start of a slippery slope, again despite the EU's insistence to the contrary. "When you boycott Judea and Samaria you eventually boycott Tel Aviv."
The outspoken deputy minister also called the EU out on its "discriminatory" stance vis-a-vis Israel

"There are over 200 territorial disputes in the world, but the European Union is singling out Israel - this is discrimination, this is a boycott," she declared.

The "majority of Israelis" agree with her, Hotovely asserted.
She also noted that Palestinian employees in Judea and Samaria would be the first to suffer from such a boycott. Those purporting to support"coexistence" could not simultaneously target specifically those businesses which encourage Jews and Arabs to work together, she said.

"You're not harming Israel's economy when you do labeling, what you harm is over 10,000 Palestinian families who are going to lose their jobs."
"Whoever wants coexistence in the Middle East" should oppose the measure, she continued. "Labeling is distancing peace."

Hotovely then turned the incitement from the Palestinian Authority, which has helped fan the flames of the ongoing wave of terrorism buffeting Israel.

"We hear day after day strong incitement against Israelis and Jews - those are the things you need to fight! You need to fight violence, you don't need to fight coexistence.
"Just yesterday an 80-year-old woman was stabbed in the streets of Netanya," she said, apparently mixing up yesterday's attacks in Rishon Letzion and Netanya, both of which targeted elderly Israelis. 

"Terrorism doesn't see a difference between the Green Line" and the rest of Israel, she noted.

Vote for St. Lawrence and live in this piece of garbage,

This is what you are going to look forward to if you vote for St. Lawrence!

This is a brand new development not too far from Hatzlacha Grocery!
Yes! It was just built and this is the front entrance, the back is a bunch of asphalt and houses that mirror these houses!

Notice no greenery, no sidewalk and no room for children to play!

The houses below on Route 59 look nicer, but again no greenery, just a bush here and there, no playground

The Developers rented double header buses to bring the sheep to the polling stations

Monday, November 2, 2015

Voting for St. Lawrence in Monsey is putting your entire family in danger!

St.Lawrence hates Jewish children, that explains his allowing developers to build with  no regard to the safety of the families.

Each development has hundreds of Jewish children and there is no place for them to play.....
so they run into the streets ...or play in the busy  paved parking lots!

Even the Projects in the Bronx have playgrounds!

And all this is the least of the problems,
 as I mentioned in a previous post ...something that I witnessed myself this past Sunday..... an ambulance with its sirens blasting, was desperately trying to maneuver down Route 306 but had to stop because way up front was a school bus dropping off children at the Belzer Yeshivah that doesn't have, thanks to St,. Lawrence, a place to accommodate buses!

I have  been notified that the Rabbonim never signed that Kol Korah endorsing St. Lawrence, it was a fraud perpetrated by the developers to scare the sheep!

The fraudulent poster
I think that we should all vote for the "anti-Semites" ! Yes .... you read it right! 
So, what do the "anti-Semites propose?
They propose.........now sit down guys ......they propose that Yeshivas keep your precious children safe by adhering to the local Fire codes! 
They propose that houses that are built to accommodate two families shouldn't have 10 families living in them.
We have had a bunch of fires this year in Monsey with families barely getting out alive!

I know that writing this post is an exercise in futility, because the developers have stacked millions of newspapers and postcards in the mailboxes scaring the crap out of the innocent naive sheep, writing in Yiddish and English that the anti-Semites are closing up the Yeshivos, and stopping development!

All Lies all Lies all Lies !

Goebbels the propaganda minister of Adolf Hitler YM"S once said that if you repeat a lie over and over again, people will believe it!
So St. Lawrence will get re-elected and soon Monseyeites who moved to Monsey thinking that they moved out of the city for a better life will get a rude awakening thanks to the money whores!

Turns out that the real anti-Semites are the developers and St. Lawrence!

Satmar Rebbe’s Great-Grandson an IDF soldier Puts on Tefilin in a Chabad Tefillin Booth!

Hey, how come the Satmars are not throwing stones at him? 

Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Roderman regularly mans a Tefilin stand in the Machane Yehudah marketplace in Jerusalem. On Friday, while chatting with an IDF soldier, he was surprised by the young man’s Hungarian-Chasidic accent.
During their conversation, it emerged that this soldier is non-other than Chaim Meizlish, a great-grandson of the previous Rebbe of Satmar, Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum, OBM.
Chaim readily agreed to put on Tefilin, and a long and meaningful conversation ensued between him and Rabbi Roderman. After their talk, they exchanged phone numbers and pledged to remain in touch.