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Sunday, July 6, 2014

A Tale of 2 Rabbonim

One Rebbe, the Sanz-Kloizenberg Rebbi visits the mother of one of the murdered boys, and gives her Chizuk, while the other, the clown, Aron Teitelbaum, the leader of thousands of Satmar Chassidim,  says that it was all her fault.
Question: Whos actions does G-D like better? Hmmm!
The Sanzer Rebbe Shlita was among the many being menachem aveil at the home of the families of the kedoshim HY”D. The rebbe visited with the Yifrach family, the parents of Eyal HY”D. The rebbe explained
“אין כל בריה יכולה לעמוד במעלתם ובמחיצתם של קדושים”.

The rebbe spoke with Mr. Yifrach explaining the level of the boys who dies Al Kiddush Hashem and the mission, they the parents were selected to fulfill. He explained “our existence as the Jewish People is dependent on our steadfast emunah in HKBH”, praising their actions during recent weeks.

When the rebbe finished being menachem aveil, he got up and went to the women’s section and spoke with Mrs. Yifrach, explaining to her that she and the other women were MeKadesh Shem Shomayim around the world.
As the search for the boys continued, the rebbe was mispallel for them as the Kosel.

Statement of OU and RCA on Arrest by Israel of Jewish Suspects in Killing

The Orthodox Union and the Rabbinical Council of America unequivocally condemn the brutal murder of Muhammad Hussein Abu Khdeir. We are appalled that this heinous crime was allegedly carried out in revenge for the kidnapping and murders of three innocent Jewish teens in Gush Etzion. The murder of innocents is antithetical to Jewish law and tradition and must always be opposed by men and women of decency and morality. This merciless act of brutality defiles the name of God and desecrates the memories of Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frenkel. We pray for the day when such senseless acts of violence will cease. We mourn the victim and offer condolences to his grieving family. We salute the Government of Israel for resolutely and without hesitation seeking to bring to justice the perpetrators of this reprehensible crime.
Orthodox Union

Rabbinical Council of America

Chinese Government Gets Sick Of Islamic Violence, Take 13 Muslim Jihadists And Execute All Of Them

China executed 13 people today for “terrorist attacks” in the far western region of Xinjiang, state media said, while a further three were sentenced to death for staging a lethal attack in Tiananmen Square in Beijing.
“The 13 criminals had planned violent terrorist attacks and ruthlessly killed police officers, government officials and civilians, which took innocent lives, caused huge property losses and seriously endangered public security,” the official news agency Xinhua said.
Xinjiang is the traditional home of Muslim Uighurs who speak a Turkic language, and China has blamed previous attacks on Islamist separatists it says seek to establish an independent state there called East Turkestan.
Exiled Uighur groups and human rights activists say the government’s own repressive policies in Xinjiang have provoked unrest, something Beijing denies.
The 13 executed men were involved in attacks in different parts of Xinjiang, including one last June that killed 24 policemen and local residents, Xinhua said.
In the Tiananmen case, five people were killed and 40 hurt when a car ploughed into a crowd in the square and burst into flames. Those killed included three people in the car.

Satmar to Annex 500 acres in Monroe! Causing a huge Chillul Hashem!

The Satmar guys see nothing wrong with antagonizing the goyim in Monroe, and will annex over 500 acres in neighboring Kiryas Yoel.
The Hypocrisy is astounding!
They yell and shout when the Zionists annex parts of Eretz Yisroel,  land that was given to us by G-D!
Why is it ok for Satmar to annex but wrong for Jews to annex our very own land?
If they want to live together, why don't they all move to Israel?
I don't get it.

Kiryas Joel is a fast-growing island of ultra-Orthodox Satmar Chasidic Jews in a suburban stretch of New York’s Hudson Valley. Sidewalks are busy with mothers in head coverings pushing strollers, and kids’ plastic trikes seem to outnumber cars.

Now a petition to expand the densely settled village by annexing 507 acres of leafy lots nearby has heightened tensions with some suburban neighbors. While expansion could help a village bursting at the seams, there are fears it would lead to unwanted increases in apartment complexes, homes and traffic.

“The quality of life here will be completely destroyed,” said John Allegro, standing on his family’s wooded 1.5-acre lot, which he said would be semi-circled by annexed land. Allegro said he moved farther from New York City to escape that kind of hubbub.

A group of residents called United Monroe, which includes Allegro and others, has been raising alarms about the landowners’ annexation request, much of it covering undeveloped acres. They argue looser village zoning could usher in a new wave of high-density development that will stress sewers, hurt air quality and create a “dramatic change in the rural landscape.”

“The reality is that it changes everything, fundamentally,” Monroe resident Michael Egan said.

The annexation issue arose amid friction in other Orthodox populations in the region and after Kiryas Joel separately challenged zoning restrictions in neighboring Woodbury.

Freund insists villagers are trying to live in peace and follow the customs of their ancestors. “Because we’re looking different, they’re fighting us,” Freund said. Similarly, Kiryas Joel school superintendent Joel Petlin said that while the village generates heated debate, officials elsewhere in the county quickly passed resolutions supporting proposals for large casino resorts and allowed the expansion of the nearby outlet mall.

Shelly Dadon was murdered by an Arab Cab Driver

Nearly two months after 20 year old Shelly Dadon was found stabbed to death in a parking lot in Migdal Haemek, information about an arrest made in the case was cleared for publication by police on Sunday.

Hussein Yousef Hussein Khalifa, 34, a resident of the Arab village of A’ablin in the Galilee, was arrested on June 16 for suspected involvement in Dadon’s May 1 murder. He later confessed to committing the crime.
Khalifa was a taxi driver who provided a daily employee shuttle to the industrial area of Migdal Haemek in the Jezreel Valley.

On the day of the murder, he was waiting at a cab stand in the center of town when he was approached by Dadon, who asked for a ride to the industrial area, where she was scheduled to have a job interview, police said.
Instead of dropping her off, Khalifa took her to an abandoned parking lot near her intended destination, and stabbed her to death before fleeing the scene.
Khalifa’s motive had yet to be fully verified, police said, but the Shin Bet evaluated that the murder had nationalistic motives.


Chassidim Protesting with Arabs against Israel in London

Don't tell me that they are Neturei Karta! ...
I'll only believe these bastards are Neturei Karta, when the Chassidishe Rabbonim come out with a statement that this is unacceptable!
As long as the leaders just call them a "bunch of meshigaim" we will accept the notion that they agree with this obscenity!

London - More than 1,000 people protested outside the Israeli embassy in West London today, Saturday, against Israel’s deadly new attacks on the Gaza strip.
The protest was called at just a few days notice by Palestine Solidarity Campaign and backed by Stop the War Coalition and Friends of Al Aqsa among others.
The diverse crowd included many young Muslims fasting for Ramadan, and some members of the Jewish Chassidim.

I’ve come down here to show solidarity with the Palestinian people and obviously to support their freedom and their justice, and also to protest against the collective punishment which is constantly occurring in Palestine when terrible tragedies occur, which all of the Palestinian people get punished for and get blamed for. There are hundreds of people who are trying to just live in peace in that area,” said Adam Lee, an activist at the rally.
Protesters at the event also condemned the media and called for an end to biased and one-sided coverage of the news related to the occupied Palestinian territories.
There were other protests in towns around Britain, including Glasgow where 200 people rallied in Buchanan Street.
In London, the protest began behind fences across the street from the embassy. But after a group of activists staged a symbolic “die-in” at the embassy entrance, others followed chanting “Free Free Palestine,” forcing police to close the road.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Der Blaat, Aroinie Newspaper, Prints the entire Hatefull Speech, for the entire world to see

Der Blaat, the Aroinie Yiddish weekly, published the entire speech of their Hate Monger Rabbi, just in case someone missed it!

So for those useful idiots, that say that the blogs are spreading hate, see the above full page copy of Aron Teitelbaum's sick perverted speech to his naive sheep, which was printed in Der Blatt!

This speech is straight out of Al jazirah!


Der Yid, Satmar Newspaper, Just like Hamas Blame Zionists for the brutal murder of the boys.

Der Yid, a Satmar Yiddish weekly newspaper, puts all the blame on the State of Israel. Their arguments are identical to Hamas and  Haaretz.
Satmar is no different than the Israel leftist communist daily newspaper, Haaretz.
Im not going to translate this convoluted garbage they espouse, suffice it to say, it's no different than the hate coming out of the Hamas terrorist organization.
Satmar may do alot of Chesed, but so does the Salvation Army!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Rav Aviner's Response to Aron Teitelbaum

In the wake of our tremendous pain over the murder of the three innocent teens, a desire has arisen within the Nation to understand why this has happened.

The Admor of Satmar, who dwells in the Exile, claims that it is a punishment for the teens learning in the “Settlements” and blames the parents for sending them to learn there.

We fear that assigning such blame may violate the prohibition of “Ona’at Devarim” (distressing others). As the Gemara in Baba Metzia (58b) says, one may not speak to one who is suffering affliction or illness, or whose children have died, the way Iyov’s friends spoke to him: “Surely your fear was your foolishness, your hope and the sincerity of your ways” (Iyov 4:6).

And we can add that the Rishonim on this Gemara write that the problem is not only causing distress to another person but also arrogance in thinking that we can know the ways of Hashem.

This recalls the reciprocal placing of blame that occurred following the horrors of the Holocaust: Some said that it happened on account of Zionism, others said it was because there was not Zionism. Still others blamed it on the Enlightenment. Each group’s explanation came from its own biased outlook, with no regard for the idea: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways are not your ways” (Yeshayahu 55:8).

As is known, the uncle of the Admor of Satmar, Ha-Rav Yoel Teitelbaum, wrote a book “Va-Yoel Moshe” which is based on the idea that the murder of the holy one during the Holocaust was because of Zionism and the Return to Tzion.

But the great Rabbis of Israel have already answered that if the main transgression was Jews making Aliyah to Eretz Yisrael in an organized fashion, then the first Jews to make Aliyah should have been murdered. Yet those who came to Eretz Yisrael and “violated” the Three Oaths (according to the Satmar Rebbe’s opinion) were saved, and those who did not make Aliyah were the ones who were murdered! (See the book “Alo Naale” – Response to Va-Yoel Moshe #43). The number of Jews murdered in Auschwitz alone was, in fact, higher than that of all of the Jews murdered in all of the wars and terror attacks since the beginning of the Return to Tzion.

Today – with the kindnesses of Hashem upon us – there are almost half a million Jews who live in Yesha. Therefore the Admor of Satmar’s claim is not valid.

Regarding the question itself, whether learning in Yesha is permissible:
this was already asked of Ha-Rav Yitzchak Zilberstein, Rabbi of “Ramat Elchanan” (neighborhood in Bnei Brak).

A student was learning in a Yeshiva in Yesha and his parents were opposed on account of the danger. Ha-Rav Zilberstein proves that “a frequent damage” (Pesachim 8b. See Mesilat Yesharim, end of Chapter 9) is five percent. Baruch Hashem, 5% of the residents in Yesha are not murdered! And Ha-Rav Yitzchak Isaac Herzog in Shut Heichal Yitzchak proved based on Shut Rabbi Akiva Eiger (#60) that a frequent danger is not five percent, but one in a thousand (Shut Ha-Rav Herzog Vol. 1, p. 269).

Baruch Hashem, one in a thousand Jews is not murdered in Yesha. The basic halachah is therefore that there is nothing to fear. Obviously, nothing is 100% certain, but nowhere in this world is 100% safe, not Yerushalayim and not Tel Aviv, and it is all based on the definition of “a frequent damage”.

We agree with the Admor of Satmar that there are many Arab murderers in Eretz Yisrael, but we must see things in proportion. We have already been living in Yesha for 40 years and the number of murders that occur there is extremely low. The same is true in all of Eretz Yisrael. We must remember that according to a report of the WHO, World Health Organization, 8 out of 100,000 Israeli citizens are murdered each year. That’s compared with 15 out of 100,000 citizens in France, and 25 out of 100,000 Americans.

Therefore, it is more dangerous for the Admor of Satmar, may he live a long and good life, Amen!, to live in America than to live in the “Settlements”!

We must thank Hashem, and his loyal agents – Tzahal, the police, the Mossad, the Shabak and the rest of the security establishment – day and night for the peace and quiet we merit in our Land.

In the Gemara in Chullin (63b), Rabbi Abayu asks: Why is there a bird called “Ra’ah” (the one who saw)?
He answers:
Because he sits in Bavel and sees a carcass in Eretz Yisrael. The great Rabbis explain that this is a parable to someone who dwells outside of Eretz Yisrael and see the deficiencies in Eretz Yisrael and speaks Lashon Ha-Ra against it…

This obviously in no way detracts from the incredible merits of the Admor of Satmar in strengthening Torah and fear of Hashem in America, and we pray regarding them: “May our eyes behold Your return to Tzion in compassion”.

(Source: Rav Aviner)

The Yeshiva World Blog writes that Aron Teitelbaum violated the Torah, for speaking against parents of murdered teens!

I have to say, that I didn't expect it, but they did what's right.
Here is the editorial of the Yeshivaworld blog: in response to the maniacal rant of the Romanian Rabbi.

Yelamdeinu Rabbeinu.
There is a recording of the Rav’s recent talk on the tragedy of the murder of three precious neshamos in Klal Yisroel.
Among the Rav’s words were the following:

“Instead of just eulogizing [their children] they should have also said ashamnu bagadnu, klap all chait, that we had a portion in this.. They caused the retzicha of their own children.”
One can understand the Rav’s view on Zionism. One can also understand the Rav’s view on the three shavuos that Klal Yisroel took. What I cannot understand, however, and this meant with the utmost respect, is how does the Rav read a simple Gemorah? It is in Bava Metziah 58b.

Tanu Rabbanan: Our Rabbis Taught

Lo sonu ish es amito ...........A person should not anguish his friend

B’onaas Dvarim hakasuv medaber.. The pasuk is speaking about anguish brought through words..

Ha Kaitzad?.. What are examples of this?..

Im hayu yisurin ba-in alav.. If he was suffering from difficulties..

Oh shehaya mekaver es banav      Or he was burying his sons

Al yomar lo kederech     He should NOT SAY TO HIM in the manner

Sh’amru lo chaveirav l’Iyov      that Iyov’s friends said to him

“Surely, your fear was your foolishness, your hope and the sincerity of your ways. Remember now, who was innocent that perished? And where were the upright destroyed?”

The words that the Rav spoke seem to be in direct contradiction to this Gemorah. 
Does the Rav feel that this Gemorah is not l’halacha? 
How can this be? All the Poskim quote it.

Does the Rav feel that these parents are not within the category of Amito? This also cannot be because the Rav’s words described the children as precious neshamos in Klal Yisroel.

The prohibition of Onaas Dvarim is very severe. It is also true that the Rav would never knowingly violate this issur.

One can only conclude that the Rav -

1] feels that it is permitted to speak like Iyov’s friends if the words do not reach the person suffering.

2] was unaware that his words would be recorded and would reach the ears of the parents too.

Unfortunately, the second point is not true. Whenever anything is said publically or recorded one should make an assumption that others will hear of it.

I am certain then that the Rebbe will correct this error at the first opportunity,

With blessings of peace and achdus,

Dovid Kates

לכבוד הגאון הרב הצדיק יסוד עולם סוע”ה כקש”ת מו”ה אהרן טייטלבוים שליט”א, אדמו”ר דסאטמער

ילמדנו רבינו. ישנה קלטת של שיחת רבינו בענין האסון של רציחת ג’ נפשות בישראל ר”ל.

ובתוך דבריו, הרב אמר:

“ובמקום הספד היה להם לומר אשמנו בגדנו וגם שהיה להם ל”קלאפ” על חטא שהיה לנו חלק בזה (ברציחה זו).” ושוב אמר, “ההורים אשמים ברציחת בנם.”

ניתן להבין את שיטת הרב בענין הציונות. וגם ניתן להבין את שיטת הרב בענין הג’ שבועות [שלא לעלות בחומה]. אבל קשה לי מאד להבין, איך הרב מבין דברי גמרא מפורשת בבבא מציעא נח ע”ב.

לא תונו איש את עמיתו – באונאת דברים הכתוב מדבר. אתה אומר באונאת דברים, או אינו אלא באונאת ממון? כשהוא אומר וכי תמכרו ממכר לעמיתך או קנה מיד עמיתך – הרי אונאת ממון אמור, הא מה אני מקיים לא תונו איש את עמיתו – באונאת דברים. הא כיצד? אם היה בעל תשובה אל יאמר לו זכור מעשיך הראשונים, אם היה בן גרים אל יאמר לו זכור מעשה אבותיך, אם היה גר ובא ללמוד תורה אל יאמר לו פה שאכל נבילות וטריפות, שקצים ורמשים בא ללמוד תורה שנאמרה מפי הגבורה. אם היו יסורין באין עליו, אם היו חלאים באין עליו, או שהיה מקבר את בניו, אל יאמר לו כדרך שאמרו לו חביריו לאיוב הלא יראתך כסלתך תקותך ותם דרכיך זכר נא מי הוא נקי אבד.

ובמחילת כבודו לכאורה דברי הרב הנ”ל הם ממש כנגד דברי הגמרא הנ”ל. ואיך יתכן? האם הרב ס”ל שלא ק”ל כהגמרא להלכה? הלוא כל הפוסקים מביאין הדברים כפשוטם. ואם הרב ס”ל שההורים יצאו מכלל אמיתך, הרי לא משמע שזה שיטתו מכיון שהרב בעצמו דיבר על ג’ נפשות יקרות מישראל.

והנה ידוע שאיסור אונאת דברים חמור מאד ולא יתכן שהרב יעבור על איסור זה במזיד חלילה. אלא ע”כ ס”ל לרבינו שמותר לומר דברים של אונאה שלא בפניו של זה שנפגע – אם בטוח שדבריו לא יגיעו לזה שקובר את בניו. אך בזמנינו דבר זה לא שייך, שכל דברים של אדם נכתבים ונקלטטים מיד. ובטוחני שרבינו יתקן הטעות בסי המהירות.

בברכת שלום ואחדות,

דוד קייטז

Satmar Rebbe, Aron Teielbaum, goes totally insane! Blames Parents of the Murdered Teens while the parents are still sitting shiva!

In a crazed rant, the leader of the Satmar Rumanian Sect, Aronie Teitelbaum, had the chutzpah to attack the parents of the slain boys, while they are still in the shivah!
This lunatic, who is in secular court with his brother, said that the "blood of the three slain boys is on the parents' head", because they live in a "dangerous place"... That's the exact words of the Meraglim in Parshas Shelach!
אפס כי עז העם הישב בארץ .... עמלק יושב בארץ הנגב, והחתי והיבוסי והאמרי יושב בהר, והכנעני יושב על הים ועל יד הירדן
And didn't his uncle the late R' Yoel Teitelbaum advise Jews during WWII, that had visas to Palestine or the USA, to remain in dangerous Europe?
We didn't hear this lunatic  scream when Menachem Stark got himself killed in a "dangerous area?"
This rant was beyond the pale of decency ! 
People keep writing me not to attack Satmar because they do Chesed! 
Is this Chesed? Or is this רשעות ? 

Read the following article written by Sandy Eller of VIN and barf:

Just one day after the burial of the three murdered teenage boys, the parents of three boys became the subject of criticism from an unexpected source: the Satmar Rebbe.

The Satmar Rebbe’s words came tonight with no prior warning at the yeshiva in Kiryas Joel, with Rabbi Aron Teitelbaum blaming the parents of the slain teens for their deaths, saying that the boys died because they lived in the Israeli settlements, places that are inhabited by “predatory animals.”

The speech is aired on the Satmar news line Kol Satmar.

Speaking in Yiddish, the Rebbe began his words expressing his deep sorrow over the tragedy.

“I want to speak about an incident that happened in Eretz Yisroel where three Jewish lives were taken in an extremely brutal manner, Hashem yeracheim.  When something tragic happens in our holy land, every heart bleeds and Hakadosh Baruch Hu feels the pain of his nation and Jews everywhere feel tremendous sorrow over what happened here.”
The Satmar Rebbe went on to describe the widespread sense of mourning that has blanketed the Jewish community worldwide and said that he has no doubt that this tremendous sorrow will bring even strangers to come and be menachem aveil.
“But with all the pain and devastation that is part of this terrible incident, we have to examine the circumstances from a wider perspective and with wisdom with eyes that are open to true daas Torah. 
During the funerals, the parents eulogized their sons, but I think it would have been preferable if they had done teshuva, if they had said viduy with tears, in the nusach that is used on Yom Kippur, to repent for their decision to live and learn Torah in a place of barbaric murderers.
Who gave them a heter to live in a place like that, where they were living among known murderers?  Is there no place in Israel to live and to learn other than in a place of tremendous danger? 
Who gave them permission for themselves and for their children to live and to learn Torah in the midst of the lion’s den?  To put their lives at risk, and the lives of their families at risk?  It is all because of the yetzer hara and the desire for Jews to inhabit the entire State of Israel.  It is Zionism for the mehadrin min hamehadrin.”
Placing the blame for the deaths of the three teens squarely on the shoulders of their parents the Rebbe continued, “it is incumbent upon us to say that these parents are guilty.  They caused the deaths of their sons and they must do teshuva for their actions.”
Discussing the death today of a Palestinian teen, the Satmar Rebbe observed that the revenge had already begun.
“There is a suspicion that this murder was an act of vengeance and who knows if Jews all over the world are not in danger now from the Arabs. I hope that this youth was killed by another Arab but it is wise to be afraid. It is already 2,000 years that we are in exile and during that time millions of Jews have been killed.  Jews have always been the ones who were killed, not the ones doing the killing.”
The Satmar Rebbe said that the truth must always be said, even when it is difficult.
“My holy uncle (Reb Yoel) taught us to love the truth and to despise falsehood.
In the generation prior to Moshiach, truth will be a scarcity and he taught us to fight with all our might against lies and to say the truth even when times are difficult, even if it will bring great troubles, even if we are face to face with arrows and catapults and if people will say that we are the enemies of Israel.
But it is not we who are the enemies.  It is the Zionists, who place the lives of the Jewish people at risk for the sake of Zionism.  The enemies are those who take revenge and who awaken the ire of the murderers who will surely take revenge and the cycle of vengeance will continue.
This is what Dovid Hamelech meant in Tehillim when he said ‘I hate falsehood and am disgusted by it.’”
Urging the Chareidi world to stand strong and to distance itself from the settlements, Zionism and revenge, the Satmar Rebbe concluded his remarks with a prayer.
“Hakadosh Baruch Hu should watch over the entire Jewish nation wherever they may be, in Israel and all over the world from all sorrow and all sadness and he should break the yoke of the gentiles, the wicked and the evil Jewish Zionists.”

Satmar will Partner with the Zionist Israeli Government to grow bug-free vegetables in Jordan!

Masgichim in Jordan dressed in the Arab Kafiyeh
The Satmar Yiddish Newspaper, Dee Zeitung, reports that the Eida Hachareidus, the Satmar Hashgacha Organization, has decided to partner with the Israeli government to grow bug-free vegetables in Jordan.

The Agricultural Dept of the Government of Israel did a study to see how many Jews refuse to consume Israeli Products during Shmittah. The results were, that 15 - 18 % will not rely on the Rabbanute Shtar Mechirah.

The Eida Hachareidus therefore agreed to be the Kashrut Supervisors.
In the picture above, see Chassidishe Mashgichim wearing the required Arab Kafiyah!

The Israeli Zionist government rented or bought over a million square meters land in the Jordanian dessert. The Jordanion dessert is in Chutz L'aretz and therefore not under the Shmittah regulations. The dessert is also conducive to grow bug-free vegetables since there are no nearby wheat fields that attract bugs!

What Satmar won't do for money! I don't believe it's about the vegetables, it's all about the almighty dollar!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Arab kid murdered by his own family in an "Honor killing?" UPDATED


Mohammid Abu Kheider

This morning, reports began circulating that investigators were now focusing on the possibility that the boy may, in fact, have been murdered by members of his own family as part of an “honor killing,” completely unrelated to the widely reported Israeli teen kidnappings and murders, because he was gay.


Four days after the alleged revenge killing of Palestinian teen Muhammad Abu Khdeir convulsed the nation, one of the six unidentified Jewish extremists arrested early Sunday morning in the brutal murder confessed to the crime.
According to numerous sources, the unidentified suspects made the confession during questioning by Shin Bet security agents. While details of the arrests and investigation remain largely unknown due to a court-sanctioned gag order, hours after their arrests a Petah Tikva court ruled that five of the suspects be held for an additional eight days.
The sixth suspect has been ordered held for an additional five days and all the defendants are being barred from legal representation.
According to Channel 2, one of the suspects was cooperating with police and has incriminated his accomplices.
Following the arrests, Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch condemned the suspects.
“The State of Israel is a country that abides by, and enforces the law, and will continue to take determined action against all those who violate the law,” the statement read. “I ask that everyone show responsibility and work to prevent further disturbances.”
Aharonovitch continued: “This was a shocking and unacceptable act which any sane person, certainly in a strong and democratic country such as the State of Israel, must strongly condemn.”
Abu Khdeir’s murder set off a chain of riots throughout east Jerusalem, with residents demanding vengeance against the suspected Israeli killers.
The Palestinian boy’s badly burned body was found by police in Jerusalem Forest shortly after residents of nearby Beit Hanina reported seeing a young man being forced into a gray vehicle early Wednesday morning.
According to the autopsy report, compiled by Israeli doctors and a Palestinian coroner, more than 90 percent of Abu Khdeir’s body sustained burns. The teen also suffered a head wound, the report determined.

Is Satmar and Neturei Karta to blame for all anti-Israel incidents?

The Gemarrah explains, that on Yom Kippur, as the Kohen Gadol finished up his service, before he left the Bais Hamikdash and rejoined the congregation, he tarried in the Kodshe Kedoshim and recited one last prayer:

"May it be your will Hashem that this year be a year of rain, and good weather, and don't listen to the prayers of the travelers"

So the Kohen Gadol, who represented ALL of Klall Yisroel, prayed an additional prayer at Neilah, that Hashem should not be moved by a  specific prayer of travelers whose interests went against the interests of the larger community.
Travelers want it not to rain, they want clear roads, so they can travel home faster.
But the larger community needs the rain for the crops.

Why would Hashem listen to some "yukel" that wants to get home quicker rather then the prayers of the Kohen Gadol and the entire Jewish community that wants it to rain?
Why does the Kohen Gadol need a special prayer?
Wouldn't Hashem listen to the majority that wants it to rain?

It seems from my understanding of the Gemarrah, that when we have people that pray about things that go against the community, then, we need a special prayer to overcome and overpower the prayers of those whose interests are against the greater good.

Why would Hashem even listen to those prayers who don't care about the good of the greater community?
Because those who pray and whose interests are against the greater good, really mean it, and Hashem listens to genuine prayer. Prayer that comes from the heart.
But we the ones who daven by rote, who don't even listen to the words we mouth, need a special prayer, indeed!

Which brings me to Satmar and now the Yeshivishe world that is now suddenly embracing Satmar theology!

Satmar davens every single day, three times a day, that the Zionist State of Israel should be totally obliterated, Chas V'shalom!
When they say the Bracha "v'lamshinim al tehee sikvah" in the Shemona Esrei, they have the State in mind!

I know, I come from that background.

Satmar children as soon as they are able to daven are indocrinated with the premise that  the State of Israel is an abomination, and it's very existence is holding up the Geulah Shleimah!
More than that, they spew official hatred against their fellow Jews, every single week in their Yiddish Newspapers, Der Yid, Der Blatt, Der Zeitung, and the English weekly Ami Magazine.
By the way, the names of those three newspapers were the exact names of Haskala Newspapers 70 years ago.

So what can we do to counter their obscene prayers?
My suggestion is take our religion back. 
Years ago, Satmar stood practically alone in their fanatical despisement of the Jewish State. They only had some lone Briskers, but today they have managed to change the thinking of the Rosh Yeshivas and are able to get them on board with their sick and demented understanding of what a Jewish State means.

We need a grass roots movement. We need to get  a bunch of respected Baalei-Batim, to march out of shul, when the Rabbi says anything derogatory against the State!
This will give the Rabbi the message, that we will not tolerate Loshon Harah on our fellow Jews!
They keep ranting against bloggs, but have no compunction to talk against the land that G-d gave to his children!

This will be a start! More to come!

And to those who have e-mailed me asking why I want "to spread hate" during a time like this? I answer, I'm not the one speading "hate", I'm just reporting what they are writing and what I think is the reason, why we have "times like these". 'I believe it's time to set the record straight.... and to point in a "time like this" exactly where the problem is.
There are people who argue, that Satmar does alot of chesed. That's absolutely true, but you cannot daven three times a day for the demise of a State that houses over 8 million of our brothers and sisters and then arrange for apartments to visit the sick...
All the chesed does not wash away all the terrible aveiros of condeming our brethern to eternal hell! That's not how it works!

So to get back to my headline. "Is Satmar and Neturei Karta to blame for all anti-Israel incidents?"
The answer is .... absolutely! They are to blame for all anti-Israel incidents because of there fervent and obscene prayers that they chant three times a day.
We need to also daven fervently and genuinely and have them in mind at the bracha "V'Lamshinim Al tehee Tikvah" "To those who slander us, let there be no hope" ! Amen!


New York Times Equates Mother of Dead Israeli Teen with Mother of Dead Terrorist

The Ugly Jewish Selfhating  Bitch, Jodi Rudoren that wrote the obscene  article

On the front page of Monday’s The New York Times, published just hours before the bodies of three missing Israeli teens were found murdered and partially buried in a field outside Hebron, a story by Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi Rudoren tries to compare the pain and heartache of the mother of one of the kidnapped Israeli teenagers, Rachel Fraenkel, with the pain of a Palestinian mother, Aida Dudeen, whose son was killed after attempting to ambush an Israeli search party looking for the missing boys.

The inch-deep moralizing that oozes throughout Rudoren’s piece is made even more pronounced following revelations that the kidnapped Israeli teens were in fact brutally murdered. The truth, which is ever harder to find in The New York Times’s coverage of anything to do with Israel, is that there is nothing at all to compare about the two mothers, their suffering, or the moral validity of their claims.

The comparisons between Fraenkel and Dudeen begin and end with the fact that both now have dead sons. One son was murdered, the other killed while hoping to murder.

The Israeli mother said she was sorry to see any Palestinian suffer.

The Palestinian mother proudly called her dead son a “martyr” and praised his “sacrifice” for Palestine. While claiming she was sorry to see her son join a terrorist band, she is proud now because Israelis are, after all, “colonizing” her land. In other words, the Jews of Israel deserve to be murdered, and those who do the killing are often lionized on the front pages of The New York Times.

One boy was murdered in cold blood while attempting to hitch a ride home from school. The other was killed after he made the conscious choice to ambush forces working to find the missing boys. Shooting back at those staging an ambush is usually called self defense.
Unless of course you are an Israeli, and those ambushing you are Palestinians. Then, The New York Times equates you with those who kidnap and murder unarmed Israeli teenagers.
by Thomas Rose

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Phone call of murdered Teen to Police

Farewell, Our young brothers!

Modi’in Cemetery, Israel

The bodies of Eyal Yifrah, 19, from Elad; Gilad Sha’ar, 16, from Talmon; and Naftali Frenkel, also 16, from Nof Ayalon - who were murdered nearly three weeks ago by terrorists after being abducted on their way home from school - were laid to rest side by side this afternoon in Modi’in cemetery.

Tens of thousands took part at the funeral ceremony that began at roughly 6:40 p.m., with slightly over an hour delay apparently due to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s late arrival amid the complicated arrangements of coordinating the thousands of participants.
The three bodies, wrapped in Israeli flags, were laid beside the podium.

At the start of the ceremony, the fathers of the three murdered teens recited kaddish (the prayer for the dead) together, facing the flag-draped bodies of their sons.

Rabbi Dov Zinger, Dean of Yeshiva Makor Chaim in Kfar Etzion where Naftali and Gilad studied, and where the teens were returning from when they were abducted and murdered, spoke next.
“You were abducted at the start, the very start of your lives,” said the rabbi, describing the boys and their personalities.
Addressing the families, the rabbi commented “you opened your hearts and your doors to us in recent days,” noting how through bringing all of Israel together in sorrow - from across the religious and political spectrum - they succeeded in unifying the nation.
“Let us remember that saying‘two Jews, three opinions’ - but one heart,” remarked Rabbi Zinger.

Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi David Lau in his passionate speech described how “you see the nation with so much empathy…we saw what a strong nation there is here…no one could ever harm this nation…because it’s one nation with one heart.”
“Even if you cut off these three flowers you never will succeed, because there’s a continuation. There’s Gilad, Naftali and Eyal in all the people of Israel and the whole world,” added Rabbi Lau.

Addressing G-d, he added “No one can defeat this people, even in hard moments they stand before You in prayer. ...They don’t give up on an eternal tradition.”
“Rest in peace, our holy brothers, rest in peace on the the land…whose many children accompany you today with a promise that we are continuing,” concluded the rabbi. “The sons continues in the land that is an inheritance of their fathers, which became an inheritance of the sons.”

A visibly emotional Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu then took to the podium.
“In the last 18 days the figures of Eyal, Gilad and Naftali were carved on our hearts. ...This day spontaneously became a national day of mourning.
“The whole nation prayed for the return of the boys, and the whole nation saw the nobility of spirit, and inner strength of you, the parents,” added the prime minister.
“The nation understood immediately the depth of the roots and the strength of spirit you possess,” continued Netanyahu, turning to the parents. “We learned a lesson that will not be forgotten, of faith and firmness, of unity and sensitivity, of Judaism and humanity.”

Netanyahu continued “a whole nation stood together and received a reminder: who are we? why are we here?”

Addressing the mothers Racheli, Bat-Galim and Iris, Netanyahu remarked “you gave the whole world a lesson about the cry of a mother,” likely referencing their speech at the UN.
“These are despicable murderers of children, whose brothers rejoice over the spilled blood of the innocent. A deep moral abyss separates between us and our enemies. They sanctify death, we sanctify life. They sanctify cruelty, and we sanctify mercy. That’s the secret to our strength, and also the basis for our unity,” noted Netanyahu.
“Life has it’s own strength, like a river that drags us forward, and gives us hope,” concluded the Prime Minister. “An entire nation cries and embraces you…they will be a source of comfort.”

President Shimon Peres in his farewell to Gil-Ad Shaer, Eyal Yifrah and Naftali Fraenkel said, “We prayed for a miracle, unfortunately a tragedy occurred,”.
“We will strike with a strong hand until terror is eradicated at the root,” Peres vowed. “Terrorism is a boomerang,” the president added, saying that acts of terror such as the kidnapping are directed at Israel, but do more harm to those who carry out the acts.

Photos of Funeral of the Murdered Boys

The parents of Naftali Frenkel, one of the three Israeli teens found dead, Rachel (L) and Abraham, sit in front of their son's body wrapped in an Israeli flag during his funeral service in their town of Nof Ayalon, Israel, 01 July 2014. Israel was weighing further punitive measures against the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas after three Israeli teens were found dead in a West Bank field, 18 days after they disappeared trying to hitchhike home. The bodies of the teens were found under a pile of rocks near the town of Halhul, some five kilometres north of Hebron, by teams of volunteers and Israeli troops combing the area. (Credit: EPA)

The body of 16-year-old Naftali Frenkel, one of the three Israeli teens found dead, covered in an Israeli flag, is carried onto a lawn outside a synagogue during his funeral service in the town of Nof Ayalon, Israel, 01 July 2014. Thousands of people turned out for the service. Israel was weighing further punitive measures against the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas after three Israeli teens were found dead in a West Bank field, 18 days after they disappeared trying to hitchhike home. The bodies of the teens were found under a pile of rocks near the town of Halhul, some five kilometres north of Hebron, by teams of volunteers and Israeli troops combing the area. (Credit: EPA)

The body of Gilad Sha'ar, wrapped in the Israeli flag, is led during a funeral procession ceremony held in his family's hometown of Talmon, ahead of a joint funeral for the three murdered Jewish teens, that will take place later in Modiin, on July 1, 2014. The bodies of Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Sha'ar and Naftali Fraenkel were discovered the previous day,their bodies were discovered in a field near Karmei Tzur in the West Bank. The three teenagers had been missing since June 12, while hitchhiking in the West Bank, and were presumed to have been abducted by terrorists. (Credit: Flash90)

Defense Minister Moshe Boogie Yaalon approaches Iris Ifrach, mother of the late Eyal Ifrach, during a funeral procession ceremony in Elad ahead of a joint funeral for the three murdered Jewish teens, that will take place later in Modiin, on July 1, 2014. The bodies of Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Sha'ar and Naftali Fraenkel were discovered the previous day,their bodies were discovered in a field near Karmei Tzur in the West Bank. The three teenagers had been missing since June 12, while hitchhiking in the West Bank, and were presumed to have been abducted by terrorists. (Credit: Flash90)

The parents (C) and other family members of Naftali Frankel, one of the three Israeli teens found dead, attend his funeral service in Nof Ayalon, Israel, 01 July 2014. Israel was weighing further punitive measures against the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas after three Israeli teens were found dead in a West Bank field, 18 days after they disappeared trying to hitchhike home. The bodies of the teens were found under a pile of rocks near the town of Halhul, some five kilometres north of Hebron, by teams of volunteers and Israeli troops combing the area. (Credit: EPA)


People mourn during the eulogy ceremony for Eyal Yifrach, one of the three Israeli teens found dead, before his funeral at the synagogue in city of Elad, Israel, 01 July 2014. Israel was weighing further punitive measures against the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas after three Israeli teens were found dead in a West Bank field, 18 days after they disappeared trying to hitchhike home. The bodies of the teens were found under a pile of rocks near the town of


Iris Yifrach (C) mother of Eyal Yifrach, one of the three Israeli teens found dead, attends her son's eulogy ceremony before his funeral at the synagogue in city of Elad, Israel, 01 July 2014. Israel was weighing further punitive measures against the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas after three Israeli teens were found dead in a West Bank field, 18 days after they disappeared trying to hitchhike home. The bodies of the teens were found under a pile of rocks near the town of Halhul, some five kilometres north of Hebron, by teams of volunteers and Israeli troops combing the area. (Credit: EPA


The body of Gilad Sha'ar, wrapped in the Israeli flag, is led during a funeral procession ceremony held in his family's hometown of Nof Ayalon, ahead of a joint funeral for the three murdered Jewish teens, that will take place later in Modiin, on July 1, 2014. The bodies of Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Sha'ar and Naftali Fraenkel were discovered the previous day,their bodies were discovered in a field near Karmei Tzur in the West Bank. The three teenagers had been missing since June 12, while hitchhiking in the West Bank, and were presumed to have been abducted by terrorists. (Credit: Flash90

A Kidnapping That Made Israel Into One Family How Three Boys United a Country in Death

By Elana Sztokman
With news that the bodies of the three kidnapped boys — Eyal Yifrach, 19, Gilad Shaar, 16, and Naftali Frankel, 16 — were found near Hebron, a collective sigh of grief has been released throughout Israel.
It is one of these moments that brings both tragedy and closure — the former, which Israel already has in excess, and the latter which is far more elusive.

It also brings a certain degree of vindication at the end of a 17-day period of aching unknown and seemingly endless scenarios, one worse than the other.

But while these events have exacerbated tensions and added anxiety-filled narratives to a country overflowing with conflict, they also highlight some of the most important and inspiring aspects of life in Israel at a time when we can all use some sources for optimism, and reminds Israel of some important lessons as we go forward.

These past two and a half weeks since the three boys disappeared on their way home, after calling the police to say, “We have been kidnapped,” Israelis everywhere have been walking on eggshells. Even as Israelis mostly continued life almost as normal, concern for the boys dominated the public consciousness everywhere.

 Prayer vigils united even those not prone to praying; bar mitzvahs and weddings included mentions of the boys; meetings and conversations on mundane and non-mundane agendas incorporated updates and exchanges about the search. This collective anguish in some ways epitomizes life in Israel. There is this constant sense of family connection, sometimes to the extreme, but always genuine in its care for victims whose crime is being a Jew.

This kidnapping, coming so shortly after the release of Gilad Shalit, also brought out a particular kind of panic. The thought that we were going to be subjected to another indefinite period of waiting, in which the threat of long-term kidnappings hangs over the heads of Israelis, inducing unbearable guilt and tortuous uncertainty, was at times too much to bear. The sight of the mothers going to the United Nations to plead for their release — a scene that is especially sad in retrospect now that we know the boys were already gone — was both empowering and frightening.

The mothers, especially Rachel Frankel, demonstrated remarkable poise and strength, but also revived images of Noam Schalit traveling the world to release his son, hinting that Israel may once again be in it for the long haul. I think it’s in some ways easier to deal with the certainty of death than with that kind of indefinite unknowing. Thoughts of Ron Arad, whose fate so many decades later is still unknown, hang over Israel’s head like a flock of vultures. The enormous emotional and spiritual toll that these stories take on Israel is in some ways what makes Israel who we are.

I think this is why Israel was so quick to strike back at Hamas, to isolate Hebron, and to take as many prisoners as the top brass felt necessary. There was this sense that we must preempt that scenario no matter what. I think that this is also why most Israelis fully supported the actions of the IDF, even when some of these actions seemed unexplainable.

There were quiet corners of question, asked in ways that would not disturb the search. Why arrest so many Palestinians, some whispered? What about the toll on Palestinian lives, others dared say, but not too loudly? Is all this really necessary? With all those challenges, it seems clear now that had it not been for that no-holds-barred approach, the IDF may have never actually found the bodies. Despite doubts some people may have had along the way, right now the IDF is having a moment of proud if despondent vindication, an unspoken posture that they did precisely the job that they set out to do.

And then there were the conspiracy theories. Several different Facebook feeds gently explored the strange possibility that this was all a façade, the work of the Mossad, an excuse for the IDF to go into Hebron and root out the Hamas infrastructure. That no reliable group came forward to take responsibility or demand ransom added troubling fodder to the theories. That today’s New York Times quoted Palestinians as widely believing those theories did not help either.

Still, in other conversations both online and in person, it seemed clear that most Arabs do not favor kidnapping. Some Arabs — MK Zoabi notwithstanding – came forward to bravely show solidarity with the three boys and their families.” Personally, I would really like to believe that many more were silently in this camp. It meshes with encounters I have recently had with Arab women. And besides, the alternative is too hard for me to live with.

Ultimately, this is a very, very sad day in Israel — especially for the families, but also for all those who prayed and spoke out in allegiance with the victims. But in some ways it is a reminder of what Israel is really made of. When a Jew is in danger because of his or her Jewishness, the entire country feels for the victim. Israel’s willingness to go on a mission to save the victim still resonates very strongly.

Now, our challenge is how to retain that feeling of unwavering protection for Jews while maintaining a stalwart and uncompromised commitment to the humanity of everyone else as well.

Read more: http://forward.com/articles/201082/a-kidnapping-that-made-israel-into-one-family/#ixzz36ANAS74d

Obama wants Israel to Show Restraint?

"On behalf of the American people I extend my deepest and heartfelt condolences to the families of Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar, and Naftali Fraenkel – who held Israeli and American citizenship. As a father, I cannot imagine the indescribable pain that the parents of these teenage boys are experiencing. The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms this senseless act of terror against innocent youth. From the outset, I have offered our full support to Israel and the Palestinian Authority to find the perpetrators of this crime and bring them to justice, and I encourage Israel and the Palestinian Authority to continue working together in that effort.
 I also urge all parties to refrain from steps that could further destabilize the situation. As the Israeli people deal with this tragedy, they have the full support and friendship of the United States."

Netanyahu: They Were Abducted & Murdered In Cold Blood By Human Animals

Remarks by Israeli PM on killings of abducted teens:
“With heavy grief, this evening we found three bodies. All signs indicate that they are the bodies of our three abducted youths – Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frankel.

They were abducted and murdered in cold blood by human animals. On behalf of the entire Jewish People, I would like to tell the dear families – the mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, and brothers and sisters – we are deeply saddened, the entire nation weeps with you. We will give the boys a proper burial. ‘Vengeance for the blood of a small child,

Satan has not yet created. neither has vengeance for the blood of three pure youths, who were on their way home to meet their parents, who will not see them anymore. Hamas is responsible – and Hamas will pay. May the memories of the three boys be blessed.”