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Thursday, April 21, 2011

47 Self- Hating Israeli "Intellectual" Jews Join Satmar & Neturei Karta and Sign for Palestinian State!

Shulamit Aloni

Prominent Israeli "intellectuals" and artists have come out in favor of creating a Palestinian state based on the 1967 line marking the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem.
The 47 signatories include 16 recipients of the Israel Prize, the country's highest civilian honor. Among them are civil rights pioneer Shulamit Aloni, actress Hannah Marom and Holocaust historian Yehuda Bauer.

The only difference with them and the Satmar philosophy is that Satmar would want the State of Israel to totally collapse.

Don't Cheat On Your Wife if you Own an IPhone, It Keeps a Secret Record of Your Movements!

Security researchers have discovered that Apple's iPhone keeps track of where you go – and saves every detail of it to a secret file on the device which is then copied to the owner's computer when the two are synchronised.
"Apple has made it possible for almost anybody – a jealous spouse, a private detective – with access to your phone or computer to get detailed information about where you've been," said Pete Warden, one of the researchers.
Warden and Allan have set up a web page which answers questions about the file, and created a simple downloadable application to let Apple users check for themselves what location data the phone is retaining.  3G-enabled devices including the iPad also retain the data and copy it to the owner's computer.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Thoughts for Pesach!

This is a time to celebrate our precious freedom, while remembering the price we paid for it.

Pesach is having an empty chair at the Seder for Israel’s missing soldiers – and a huge place in our hearts for the family of Gilad Schalit.

It’s worrying about how the members of the Fogel family are going to get through their meal, without the five who were slaughtered in their beds last month.

Pesach is so much a part of who we are that Jews all over the world, no matter how far they are from home, seek out the comfort of a Seder together. We are not only commanded to tell the story, we need to tell it.

It occurred to me the other day that Israel has almost stopped believing in miracles while nevertheless relying on them. And there are some things that go way beyond our understanding: When an anti-tank missile hit a school bus near Gaza a week ago, was it a miracle that only one teenager and the driver were on it? Obviously not to the family of the boy that got killed; definitely for those whose children had just disembarked.

There are all sorts of scientific theories to explain how the Red Sea parted, but the “why then?” is miraculous.

Why we celebrate Pesach is similarly easy to explain. That we continue to do so after thousands of years – that we still feel that each of us was part of the Exodus – that’s the miracle. That we end the Seder with the wish “Next year in Jerusalem” is understandable – that we are free to celebrate Pesach in Israel, that’s Divine.

May Hashem give all you Health and Wealth and Time to Enjoy Them.

Rabbis BAN Yiddish Magazine "A Blik" Because it Contains Beautiful Pictures of Nature!

Failed Messiah reports that Chareidie Rabbis are now banning the Yiddish Magazine,  "A Blik" (A Glimpse) because it may G-D forbid show them the beauty of G-D's Creation. The basis of this ban is that the Magazine gets its information from "impure" and "contaminated" sources.

Loose Translation of the Heading:

"We were asked by the respected Rabbis Geonim to inform the respected community about the new publication:
 A Blik 

that unfortunately opened a new wound in Klall Yisroel, by developing a new product from gentile literature, with attractive pictures"
Loose translation of last paragraph:

"We are "warning" each and every Man and Lady, to stay far away from this publication. And for those who knew or didn't know and brought this magazine into the house, please don't forget to burn it with your chometz.
Watch your children, that they shouldn't touch this poison that destroys the soul till the flesh. These precious Jewish children should instead prepare themselves for this Holiday of Pesach  with pure hearts, holiness, and cleanliness, with the right preparations as fitting for Jewish children."

"Democracy" in Egypt?" Christians Fleeing For Their Lives!

Christian being burned alive by Muslims in Egypt
For all those naive people who believe that Arabs want Democracy, and that's why they threw out Mubarak..... think again! 
Since the toppling of Hosni Mubarak in February, many Coptic Christians have begun making plans to leave the country, fearing instability and the rising power of Islamist political groups.
Lawyers who specialize in working with Coptic Egyptians, who account for around 10 per cent of the country’s 80 million citizens, say that in the past few weeks they have received hundreds of calls from Copts wanting to leave Egypt.
At least 15 people, Christians and Muslims, were killed last month in a chain of violence which erupted because of a relationship between a Coptic man and Muslim woman in a village south of Cairo. At least 10 people were killed in similar clashes in the Cairo neighborhood of Moqattam in March.

Here are some details:
In the last two weeks three attacks on churches were undertaken by Salafis or Islamic Fundamentalists in Egypt. The Salafis demanded churches move to locations outside communities and be forbidden from making repairs, "even if they are so dilapidated that the roofs will collapse over the heads of the congregation," says Father Estephanos Shehata of Samalut Coptic Diocese.
On Sunday March 27 nearly 500 Salafis, armed with swords, batons and knives, stood in front of St. Mary's church in the Bashtil district of Imbaba, Giza demanding its closure because "this is a Muslim area and no church should be allowed here." They closed the church door and held a number of the parishioners inside, including children. The terrorized Copts called the army to get them out, especially the children, who were traumatized. The military police arrived, freed the congregation and dispersed the Muslim mob, who lurked nearby "to see if they need to attack again in case the Copts returned to the church," said a Coptic witness.

St. George's Church in Beni Ahmad, 7 KM south of Minya was also subjected to Muslim intimidation. The 100 year-old church received three years ago an official permit from Minya governorate allowing for the expansion of its eastern side as well as the erection of a social services center within a small plot of land belonging to the church. Three Salafis together with a large crowd of village Muslims visited the church on Wednesday, March 23 and ordered the church officials to stop construction immediately and undo what they had completed, otherwise they would demolish the church after Friday prayers. They also demanded the church priest, Father Georgy Thabet, leave the village with his family.
There will never be democracy in Egypt, and Israel will now have to deal with this new realty ...
And there will always be  stupid naive Jewish reporters rooting for the demonstrators.
The Obama administration is pressuring Israel to give the Temple Mount and the Cave of Machpeilah and Rachel's Tomb to the Palestinians, with assurances that they will allow All religions to pray there... 
Arabs have a history of forbidding other religions to pray at their perspective places of worship.. When Jordon controlled the Kotel, they prohibited Jews from praying there.
Read Aaron Klein ..."The Great Late State of Israel"

UPDATE April 21, 2011

Christian governor must go, south Egypt protesters say

CAIRO, April 21 (Reuters) - Protesters in a southern Egyptian city insisted on Thursday their new Christian governor resign, stepping up a week-long challenge to his appointment by the country's military rulers.
The army generals ruling Egypt since President Hosni Mubarak's ouster appointed Emad Mikhail, a Copt and a senior former officer in Egypt's vilified police force, as governor of Qena province earlier this month.
But he has so far not taken up his post because thousands of demonstrators have contested the decision, resorting to the same people-power that ended Mubarak's 30-year rule in February.
Protesters have blocked highways and railway tracks leading to Qena, a province with a large Coptic Christian population and whose previous governor was also a Christian.

Friday, April 15, 2011

1,000 US Christians Want to Be Jews, Move To Israel and Join the Israeli Army!


Will US Christians settle in Samaria? 
About 1,000 Americans have signed a document requesting to convert to Judaism, move to Israel, and settle in Samaria.
 The group members are seeking to serve in the IDF and later establish communities based on the Kibbutz movement model.
Read more

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lebovitz the Convicted Molester Walks, Eventhough the Critical Witness Wasn't Bribed!!

UPDATE April 20, 2011
Lebovitz with his brother The Nikolsburger Rebbi smiling
Lebovitz  is Home
The @KmarnaRabbi is home . on Twitpic
Lebovitz "Kamarnar Rebbi" at Home for Pesach

For those who are new to this case, here read the history:

But things got complicated because Samuel Kellner, frustrated that victims were not coming forward to testify against Lebovits, (a man even the roaches on the streets of Boro Park knew was molesting hundreds of children) went ahead and bribed two witnesses to testify against this Menuval. But if you were at trial you would have known that the jury did not convict Lebovits on the basis of these two witnesses, they convicted him on the testimony of a third witness that wasn't bribed. Hopefully the Appellate Court will uphold the conviction :
Read from the Daily News Report:
Prosecutors stood by a Brooklyn rabbi's child-molestation conviction Wednesday, even as they charged a Hasidic man with shaking down his family and bribing someone to make false accusations.

Baruch Lebovits, 60, received a sentence of 10 2/3 to 32 years in prison a year ago, based on the testimony of a 22-year-old man who said the rabbi sexually abused when he was 16.

The trial and stiff penalty sent shockwaves through Borough Park's tight-knit Jewish community.

But Samuel Kellner, 49, who brought the victim to prosecutors' attention, was charged with paying another man $10,000 to accuse Lebovits of abuse.

Kellner was also charged with trying to blackmail Lebovits' family out of $400,000 to make the cases disappear.
Now read an interview: A Private Investigator and Failed Messiah
Joe Levine Interview:   Shmarya Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.com

I spoke with Joe Levine of TOT Investigations this morning about the Baruch Lebovits case.

Last year, Lebovits was convicted of child sexual abuse and sentenced to 10 2/3 to 32 years in prison.

Tuesday, the Brooklyn DA Joe Hynes ordered the arrest of Rabbi Samuel Kellner for allegedly bribing a witness to testify against Lebovits and for trying to extort $400,000 from Lebovits’ family.

Hynes pointed out that the bribed witness did not testify against Lebovits at trial, and Hynes’ office strongly opposed releasing Lebovits on bail pending appeal. Even so, yesterday a judge granted Lebovits $250,000 bail.

Levine worked on the Lebovits case for Lebovits’ family, documenting Kellner’s extortion and bribery. He told me that contrary to other media media reports, as of 10 am EST this morning, Lebovits was still in jail, awaiting the details of his release and electronic monitoring, which Lebovits must pay for, to be completed.

“Lebovits is not a tzaddik,” Levine said. "I think he is a child molester. Whether he deserves 5 years [in prison] or 32 years [in prison] is a different story…People think I’m on his side, but I’m not…I want people to know I’m against child abuse and I fight child abuse and crime.” But that includes fighting extortion and witness tampering, which are also crimes.

"I want people to know that if there is abuse, they should call the police–not rabbis, not [the Brooklyn DA's Jewish liaison] Henna White," Levine said.
Levine noted that he’s seen a large uptick in families of abuse victims seeking his help, which he interprets as a greater willingness in the haredi community to acknowledge and fight sexual abuse and domestic violence.

“It’s changing bit by bit,” Levine said. “but it will take time.”
Meanwhile Rabbi Samuel Kellner gets arrested for allegedly bribing those two witnesses
See an analysis from Frum Follies

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Frum Man Kills His Wife in Staten Island!

The Staten Island man whose wife was found strangled today inside her home is now in police custody, sources said.
Eva Rubin, 63, was found dead at 1:30 p.m. inside her Crafton Avenue home in Willowbrook, police said.
Her husband, Arthur Rubin, 64, surrendered to authorities after reaching out to a friend who helped orchestrate the meeting with detectives, sources said.
He was taken to an undisclosed hospital to be treated for puncture wounds to his chest, sources added. It is unclear how he incurred the injuries.
Earlier in the day, cops had launched a citywide search for a green Hyundai Sante Fe that Rubin was believed to be driving, according to sources.
"Get to the house. I'm sorry for what I did," Rubin told his son-in-law in a text message he sent earlier in the day, the sources said.
His wife was found face-up on her bed with marks on her neck, the sources added.
Rubin also sent family members emails saying he was "sorry" and that he "couldn’t take it anymore," as well as several other self-incriminating statements, sources said.
 Read more:
UPDATE!!! April 14

The Staten Island man who emailed an apology to relatives before his wife was found dead killed her in a fight over over money, police said Wednesday.
The medical examiner confirmed Eva Rubin, 63, was strangled. Her body was discovered inside the family's Willowbrook home Tuesday afternoon.
There were apparently some financial issues involved between both of them," Kelly said. "Apparently, there was an argument, a fight over money, and the availability of money to the wife."

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_crime/2011/04/13/2011-04-13_staten_island_man_accused_of_strangling_wife_killed_her_in_argument_over_money_p.html#ixzz1JUxUbgnq

Oy Vey: Yeshiva students to combine work, Torah studies

Israel: Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar signed a new regulation Tuesday enabling Kolel students to receive a state scholarship for studying Torah in a part-time capacity. Yeshiva students will no longer be required to study 35 weekly hours to enjoy the benefit. Anyone studying 18 hours or more will qualify for a stipend or part of it.
Maybe now the Kolel Yungerleit will be able to fulfill their Ketubah obligations :

ואנא אפלח ואוקיר ואיזון ואפרנס יתיכי ליכי כהלכות גוברין יהודאין
"I will cherish, honor, support and maintain you in accordance with the Halachic guidelines of Jewish husbands"


Sunday, April 10, 2011

50 Year Anniversary of Eichmann Trial!

Adolf Eichmann YM"S
Israel’s Yad Vashem museum said on Friday that it had uploaded footage of the entire trial of Holocaust architect Adolf Eichmann to YouTube to mark the 50 years since the groundbreaking court case.
Eichmann was  captured by Israeli agents in Argentina in 1960, and was brought to Israel and put on trial on April 11, 1961 for his central role in the genocide of some six million Jews.
In this footage at the 20:11 mark, one can  listen to words of the prosecutor.

Sharia Law! Lady Whipped For Having An Affair!

A woman flinches as she is about to be repeatedly caned for having an extramarital affair.
Irdayanti Mukhtar, 34, received nine lashes by Sharia Police for having a relationship with another man, even though she is said to be in the process of divorcing her husband.
The harsh punishment was meted out in front of a crowd of 200 people outside the Al Munawwarah Mosque in Jantho, Indonesia.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1375168/Sharia-Law-A-woman-whipped-having-affair.html#ixzz1J4xNaJs2

Dus iz Nies:
You think that this is only happening in Indonesia? Think again! Just recently a Judge in New Jersey ruled that Sharia Law trumps US Law. Fortunately, the ruling was overturned, but it’s obvious sharia is creeping up on us here in the United States!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Arabs Clerics Say "Jews have to be killed, even if they returned Israel to Arabs"

Watch this chilling video
Listen to them bring up the old lie that Jews kill little boys to use the blood for Matzos. There goes the theory of some Charedie circles and even Gedoilei Yisroel that the Arabs would leave us alone if only we would hand Eretz Yisroel over to them.

New Trends in Arabic Anti-semitism from Henrik Clausen on Vimeo.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Let My People Go, Now!

Egypt Establishes a "Tznius Vaad" Just Like in Williamsburg, Monroe and Monsey!

Egyptions just like the Chassidim have established their own "Vaad" to monitor those who defy their guidlines of modesty!

Officials of the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's leading Islamic group, have called for the establishment of a Saudi-style modesty police to combat "immoral" behavior in public areas in what observers say in another sign  of a growing Islamic self-confidence in the post-Mubarak era.
Issam Durbala, a member of the Brotherhood's Shura council, told the Egyptian daily Al-Masri Al-Youm on Sunday, that he supported the establishment of a virtue police, or Hisbah, which had existed in medieval Islamic societies to oversee public virtue and modesty, mostly in the marketplace and other public gathering spaces.

So there you have it, we are turning into crazy Islamists! Or are the "crazy Islamists" turning into Chassidim?
read more:

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tendler Bloggers in Court to Quash Subpoena !

Tricky Tendler is back to his old tricks and tried to pull a fast one, so he had his attorney, Marvin Neiman issue a subpoena to Google to reveal the identity of the bloggers to intimidate them. He never informed the bloggers of his intent to sue Google, in fact the bloggers found out a day before Google's compliance due date. When the bloggers  contacted Mr. Neiman and asked him for
a) a postponement
b) an explanation of the relevance of the bloggers identities for his case against his former Shul, KNH
Mr. Neiman refused.
When the bloggers  contacted Google's legal compliance staff, they agreed to a postponement.
This is not the first time he tried pulling this off, in February 2006, Tricky Tendler sued to find out the identities of the bloggers in Commons Pleas Court in Ohio. Nowhere in his petition did he say that he actually lived in New York. Google refused to accept an Ohio subpoena, and the Ohio Court dismissed the lawsuit.
Tricky Tendler then initiated proceedings in California.  Once Tricky Tendler found out that the bloggers had a lawyer fighting his suit in California, and that the bloggers were countersuing on the basis that the subpoena was a violation of California's anti-SLAPP statue, he withdrew his motion to sue. The anti-SLAPP statue provides for an award of attorney fees if his case is dismissed before the special motion to strike can be heard.
To make a long story short, here is a guy who preached all his life that a Jew can't go to court, and all he does is go to court. 
Tricky Tendler is now in court suing KNH (Kehilat New Hempstead) for 1.5 million Dollars. He is suing for back pay ... can you imagine? Tendler single handily destroyed his family, his neighbors and now he is out to destroy what is left of his former congregation, KNH!
The Bloggers have and are prepared to reveal concrete forensic evidence and tapes that will convince everyone including the courts that every word that the bloggers wrote were 100% true and accurate. 
Now read the history:

Friday, April 1, 2011

Lakewood Bais Din Disbands & Refuses To Deal With Alleged Molester!

Yosef Kolko, Alleged Molester
Our Rabbonim keep telling us not to go to the courts, but rather to go to Bais Din.
Here see a case where a father of a molested boy did the "right thing" and went to Bais Din,  but Bais Din refused to deal with it. When the father realized that the Bais Din would do nothing, he went to the Police. He was then subjected to tremendous Community and Rabbinical pressure to withdraw the complaint and had to move his family from the "Holy" city of Lakewood. This and other similiar stories are causing a tremendous dilemma and an inevitable rift between Torah True Jews and their Rabbonim. The "Baalie Batim" are turning away in droves from their leaders and turning to the blogs for relief. If the Rabbonim do not  act swiftly against molesters, they will lose all respect which will eventually hurt the integrity of all Roshei Yeshivos'.
It may already be too late!

Non Observant Jew: "Even though the Eiruv is invisible, I'm Against It"

The Jew in the video says everybody is welcome in his town, except for the Orthodox Jews. 
A must watch...very funny!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More South Koreans Than Israelis Own A Gemarah (Talmud)!

"Almost every home in South Korea now contains a Korean-translated Talmud. But unlike in Israel, the Korean mothers teach the Talmud to their children. In a country of close to 49 million people who believe in Buddhism and Christianity, there are more people who read the Talmud - or at least own their own copy at home - more than in the Jewish state. Much more."

"Jews study the Talmud at a young age, and it helps them, in our opinion, to develop mental capabilities. This understanding led us to teach our children as well. We believe that if we teach our children Talmud, they will also become geniuses. This is what stands behind the rationale of introducing Talmud Study to our school curriculum."

Korean Talmud

Read more:

Even Former President George Bush became a learner, and he isn't even a South Korean

Friday, March 25, 2011

Weberman a Serial Molester?

Weber with unidentified lady that intimidated supporters of victim, with camera (Photo Credit: Failedmessiah
History of the Weberman Case:
 A father was convinced his 16-year-old daughter was having a relationship with a 17-year-old boy, so the father set up a hidden camera in the house. What he recorded shocked him — what he saw the daughter doing to please the young man.
 The father had already taken the daughter to seek counseling with Rabbi Nechemya Weberman in years past. Just as he had taken her older sister. It is a common practice in the community for a respected person to be a counselor, or serve as a therapist. Weberman is affiliated, police said, with Brooklyn’s United Talmudic Community, a yeshiva.
Now, the father went to the Brooklyn DA’s office with the tape, and Rabbi Weberman. The Brooklyn DA’s office has set up special channels of communication to bridge cultural gaps that might be beneficial to both sides. However, the more that investigators talked to the parties involved — especially when they spoke with them separately — the more that there were questions which indicated something was not right. Around Feb. 16, the girl told a counselor at school that the rabbi has been raping her for years. The counselor reported it, and when the investigators talked to her again, she claimed there were at least 16 incidents at 263 Classon Avenue, in the Clinton Hill section of Brooklyn, which serves as Weberman’s home and office. It is where the counseling sessions took place. The girl told investigators it began in 2007, when she was 12; and continued through 2010.
Detectives assembled sufficient preliminary evidence to start a case; and arrested Weberman. He was brought to Brooklyn Criminal Court that night, and told he was being charged with rape, endangering the welfare of a child, sexual abuse, sexual misconduct against a child, and engaging in a criminal sexual act.
The Orthodox Jewish community that has gone to Weberman as a therapist and counselor, especially for young people, are in shock. Reeling. The debate has even gone to blogs on the Internet. Weberman is not a licensed therapist, he is one of those "Fake Chassidic Therapists."  NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly added one thing more: “The rabbi … is NOT a rabbi! He’s a 52-year-old male arrested for molestation of a young woman who is still a minor.

March 25, 2011.....Brooklyn Criminal Court : Intimidation!
Frumfollies reports :

"Weberman was accompanied by four relatives including a woman who took pictures of Hasidim attending today’s court session. Pictures or names were then circulated instantly into online or listserve discussion groups of hasidim.
Two Hasidim attending in support of the alleged victim got messages from their family members telling them that word was circulating about them and they should get out of the courtroom. Both refused to take the advice. As one of them said to me, “I have nothing to be ashamed of. I am there to protect Jewish girls. The shanda(disgrace) is that so many people are afraid to speak up.”
Serial Molester?
Failedmessiah speculates that Weberman must be a serial molester. He reports that Joe DiAngelo, (whose name was Yoilie Deutsch) says that as a child he was a victim of sexual abuse by Weberman. In Court this morning, DiAngelo walked up to Weberman as Weberman was about to enter the courtroom and said to him, "Karma is a bitch." Weberman recognized him and allegedly became frightened and started saying tehillim, psalms."

Trump to Obama .. "Show me your Birth Certificate"

Donald Trump is not backing down from his demand that President Barack Obama produce his birth certificate and stepped up his criticism by questioning why he has not released other personal records, including college transcripts and legislative papers.

Read more on Newsmax.com: Trump Refuses to Back Down Over Obama's 'Very Strange' Birth

Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Monsey Rabbis Ban Places of Exercise!

The ad appeared in this week's edition of the "Community Connections." This time it was in Hebrew and in Yiddish. Why didn't they print it in English? Are only Yiddish & Hebrew speakers part of this ban, and the English speaking public exempt? Are there two different Torahs, one for the English speaking public and another for the Yiddish speaking public?
These Rabbis call themselves the "Vaad Mishmeres Yehadus" the "Committee for the Protection of Yiddishkeit." It is fascinating to note that the Rabbis on the letterhead of this ban are the same Rabbis insisting that the Convicted Rapist Yisroel Weingarten is innocent, and are raising large sums of money to get him released from prison.
On one hand they prohibit Places of Exercise, because there is "Taruvois" "mixing" of men and women, on the other hand they don't have any problems with one of their own raping his own child!
Here is the ban, scroll down to see English translation: Then see my comments:
Committee for the Protection of Yiddishkeit.
Here in our City of Monsey
Harav the Gaon Moshe Green, Harav the Gaon Chaim Yehoshua Halberstam, Harav the Gaon Bezalel Toivia Wettenstein, Harav the Gaon Yisroel Hagar, Harav the Gaon Menachem Meir Weismandl, Harav the Gaon Chaim Faivel Shnaibalg
In Honor of our Jewish Brothers, Residents of Monsey and its surrounding Towns,
Since we heard a report, that there are people in Monsey that are "Moreh Heter" (permitting via a distortion of Halacha) to go to the so called "Exercise Places" where men and women or televisions and other destructive tools are found, and their excuse is that they are going there "for health reasons," and therefore permitted,  we are therefore letting everyone know that this is definitely prohibited. Even though the Important Public at Large knows that going to places where men and women congregate is prohibited, we find it necessary to publicize it.... and to those who listen to this ban will come blessings.
Committee officials
Dus iz nies:
With all due respect to the signed Honorod Rabbonim, with this ban you are not "Protecting Yiddishkeit" as your name of your Vaad proposes. You are actually advocating for obesity and Heart Attacks. Practically ALL of the Exercise Places have separate men and woman exercise rooms.  Yes, all men and women should actually join so that they improve their health. What other solutions did you Rabbis come up with? Your Committee was basically set up to ban ban ban ban ban ban and ban again. The Community Connection is becoming the place where anyone with a letterhead can dump on the Jewish People!
I personally think that the reason the ad does not appear in English is because "LIfePlex" an exercise place in Monsey advertises occasionally in the Community Connections, and they didn't want Lifeplex to G-D Forbid see the ad!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mordechai Tendler Suing Google to Identify Bloggers, Again!

New York Post
Mordechai Tendler will not give up! He has been booted out of his shul, KNH (Kehillat New Hempstead) in New Hempstead, yet he has the hidden wish to want to self - destruct! He knows that by suing Google for the identity of the Bloggers he will be rattling the lion's cage which will put him in the news again. For the past four years, he was out of the news, and the Bloggers let him be, but now that he is messing with them they will fight to the bitter end. I have very reliable information that one of the Bloggers that is being sued has compelling forensic evidence that will destroy Tendler's reputation for good. The Blogger is seriously considering posting this evidence in the event he is outed!
see Subpoena Duces Tecum

Sometime ago Mordechai Tendler circulated a rumor that he was actually exonerated by a Bais Din, here see a letter by those very Rabbonim that the rumor is a blatant lie!

Translation of a joint Rabbinic Kol Korah
“Denial & Clarification” letter
issued by 7 Leading Monsey Rabbonim
against R’ Mordecai Tendler of
New Hempstead, New York
Denial (of his claims) and Clarification!

We have gathered together to inform the public that since it has been publicly announced, written and printed that we investigated R’ Mordecai Tendler and that we were convinced of the truth of his statements. We are hereby forced to publicize that this is an outright Lie!

In addition, we want to publicize our opinion that after thoroughly investigating the matter in his presence and after a thorough examination of the issues, it is our opinion that one must not seek any advice in any area, and certainly not in any Halachic matters pertaining to Divorce, Marriage or Conversions!

On this matter we are affixing our signatures on this the 20th day of the month of Iyar* in the year 5765. Here, in Monsey, New York

(In order of Hebrew Signatures)
Rabbi Moshe Green,
Rosh Yeshivah, Yeshivah D’Monsey
Rabbi Yisroel Hager
Son of the Grand Rabbi of Vishnitz
Rabbi Chaim Halberstam,
Rav, K’hal Yoel Moshe, Satmar, Monsey
Rabbi Chaim Shraga Feival Shnaybalg
Rav, K’hal Avreichim, Monsey
Rabbi Chaim Leibish Halevi Rottenberg
Rav, K’hal Netzach Yisroel,Monsey
Rabbi Sharaga Feivel Halevi Zimmerman
Rav, K’hal Bney Ashkenaz,Monsey
Rabbi Mordechai Ohrbach
Rav, K’hal Forshay,Monsey
If you want to read the entire history, click on website below
See Below JTC ... See 1:45 - 2:29