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Showing posts with label Tender. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tender. Show all posts

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tendler Bloggers in Court to Quash Subpoena !

Tricky Tendler is back to his old tricks and tried to pull a fast one, so he had his attorney, Marvin Neiman issue a subpoena to Google to reveal the identity of the bloggers to intimidate them. He never informed the bloggers of his intent to sue Google, in fact the bloggers found out a day before Google's compliance due date. When the bloggers  contacted Mr. Neiman and asked him for
a) a postponement
b) an explanation of the relevance of the bloggers identities for his case against his former Shul, KNH
Mr. Neiman refused.
When the bloggers  contacted Google's legal compliance staff, they agreed to a postponement.
This is not the first time he tried pulling this off, in February 2006, Tricky Tendler sued to find out the identities of the bloggers in Commons Pleas Court in Ohio. Nowhere in his petition did he say that he actually lived in New York. Google refused to accept an Ohio subpoena, and the Ohio Court dismissed the lawsuit.
Tricky Tendler then initiated proceedings in California.  Once Tricky Tendler found out that the bloggers had a lawyer fighting his suit in California, and that the bloggers were countersuing on the basis that the subpoena was a violation of California's anti-SLAPP statue, he withdrew his motion to sue. The anti-SLAPP statue provides for an award of attorney fees if his case is dismissed before the special motion to strike can be heard.
To make a long story short, here is a guy who preached all his life that a Jew can't go to court, and all he does is go to court. 
Tricky Tendler is now in court suing KNH (Kehilat New Hempstead) for 1.5 million Dollars. He is suing for back pay ... can you imagine? Tendler single handily destroyed his family, his neighbors and now he is out to destroy what is left of his former congregation, KNH!
The Bloggers have and are prepared to reveal concrete forensic evidence and tapes that will convince everyone including the courts that every word that the bloggers wrote were 100% true and accurate. 
Now read the history: