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Showing posts with label Weberman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weberman. Show all posts

Monday, September 9, 2013

Weberman's Victim thrown out of shul on Rosh Hashana

Victim with her husband, Boorey Deutsch

The brave Orthodox Jewish teen whose testimony helped convict the prominent Brooklyn counselor who had sexually abused her was driven out of her own synagogue on Rosh Hashana last week.
The married, 18-year-old victim was in the Williamsburg synagogue where her family has prayed for the past decade when a man yelled, “Moser, out of the shul!” the woman’s husband told The Post on Sunday.
The word “moser” refers to a Jew who informs on another Jew to secular authorities.
“They stopped the praying until she left,” said her husband, Boorey Deutsch, 26. “Some woman tried telling my wife to stay there and not leave. She shouldn’t care what they say. But my wife ended up leaving.”
“She felt horrible and mistreated. They treat survivors as if they are the abusers,” Deutsch fumed to The Post.
Deutsch and his wife have suffered harassment ever since she first accused Nechemya Weberman, 54, of sexually abusing her after she was sent to him for counseling as a 12-year-old.
“Several weeks ago, someone threw eggs at Boorey’s store,” a law-enforcement source said.
The gutsy victim testified at Weberman’s trial that she was afraid to report the abuse because he was “supposedly a god in Williamsburg” and nobody would believe her.
“Satmar would have kicked me out, and if Satmar kicks you out, nobody accepts you,” she said during the trial last year.
The pressure for her to drop the case against Weberman was at times overwhelming.
At one point, three Orthodox Jewish brothers, Jacob, Joseph and Hertzka Berger, tried to intimidate Deutsch and his then-girlfriend into dropping the case by ripping down the “kosher” certificate at his Williamsburg restaurant.
The men pleaded guilty in June in a deal that gave them no jail time.
Last month, Abraham Rubin, 49, also pleaded guilty to offering Deutsch and the victim $500,000 to leave the country so that the case against Weberman could be dropped.
Weberman — who is married with 10 children — is currently serving his 50-year sentence at the maximum-security Shawangunk Correctional Facility in upstate Wallkill.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Weberman a Serial Molester?

Weber with unidentified lady that intimidated supporters of victim, with camera (Photo Credit: Failedmessiah
History of the Weberman Case:
 A father was convinced his 16-year-old daughter was having a relationship with a 17-year-old boy, so the father set up a hidden camera in the house. What he recorded shocked him — what he saw the daughter doing to please the young man.
 The father had already taken the daughter to seek counseling with Rabbi Nechemya Weberman in years past. Just as he had taken her older sister. It is a common practice in the community for a respected person to be a counselor, or serve as a therapist. Weberman is affiliated, police said, with Brooklyn’s United Talmudic Community, a yeshiva.
Now, the father went to the Brooklyn DA’s office with the tape, and Rabbi Weberman. The Brooklyn DA’s office has set up special channels of communication to bridge cultural gaps that might be beneficial to both sides. However, the more that investigators talked to the parties involved — especially when they spoke with them separately — the more that there were questions which indicated something was not right. Around Feb. 16, the girl told a counselor at school that the rabbi has been raping her for years. The counselor reported it, and when the investigators talked to her again, she claimed there were at least 16 incidents at 263 Classon Avenue, in the Clinton Hill section of Brooklyn, which serves as Weberman’s home and office. It is where the counseling sessions took place. The girl told investigators it began in 2007, when she was 12; and continued through 2010.
Detectives assembled sufficient preliminary evidence to start a case; and arrested Weberman. He was brought to Brooklyn Criminal Court that night, and told he was being charged with rape, endangering the welfare of a child, sexual abuse, sexual misconduct against a child, and engaging in a criminal sexual act.
The Orthodox Jewish community that has gone to Weberman as a therapist and counselor, especially for young people, are in shock. Reeling. The debate has even gone to blogs on the Internet. Weberman is not a licensed therapist, he is one of those "Fake Chassidic Therapists."  NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly added one thing more: “The rabbi … is NOT a rabbi! He’s a 52-year-old male arrested for molestation of a young woman who is still a minor.

March 25, 2011.....Brooklyn Criminal Court : Intimidation!
Frumfollies reports :

"Weberman was accompanied by four relatives including a woman who took pictures of Hasidim attending today’s court session. Pictures or names were then circulated instantly into online or listserve discussion groups of hasidim.
Two Hasidim attending in support of the alleged victim got messages from their family members telling them that word was circulating about them and they should get out of the courtroom. Both refused to take the advice. As one of them said to me, “I have nothing to be ashamed of. I am there to protect Jewish girls. The shanda(disgrace) is that so many people are afraid to speak up.”
Serial Molester?
Failedmessiah speculates that Weberman must be a serial molester. He reports that Joe DiAngelo, (whose name was Yoilie Deutsch) says that as a child he was a victim of sexual abuse by Weberman. In Court this morning, DiAngelo walked up to Weberman as Weberman was about to enter the courtroom and said to him, "Karma is a bitch." Weberman recognized him and allegedly became frightened and started saying tehillim, psalms."