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Showing posts with label jealous girlfriend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jealous girlfriend. Show all posts

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Don't Cheat On Your Wife if you Own an IPhone, It Keeps a Secret Record of Your Movements!

Security researchers have discovered that Apple's iPhone keeps track of where you go – and saves every detail of it to a secret file on the device which is then copied to the owner's computer when the two are synchronised.
"Apple has made it possible for almost anybody – a jealous spouse, a private detective – with access to your phone or computer to get detailed information about where you've been," said Pete Warden, one of the researchers.
Warden and Allan have set up a web page which answers questions about the file, and created a simple downloadable application to let Apple users check for themselves what location data the phone is retaining.  3G-enabled devices including the iPad also retain the data and copy it to the owner's computer.