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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Military rabbinate tells IDF soldiers not to fast on Tisha B'Av


The IDF rabbinate told soldiers engaged in operational activity not to fast on Tisha B'Av on Sunday, KAN News reported. 

"Fasting during operational activity is prohibited; it is a life-threatening matter," the rabbinate said. 

This order followed a case where two soldiers who were involved in operational activity and were fasting on the 17th of Tammuz deteriorated to a life-threatening condition.

Soldiers were also told, "Soldiers in the field across all sectors, including the Gaza Strip, northern Israel, and the West Bank, as well as those who may be called up for operational activity and soldiers on guard duty, need to eat and drink to perform optimally."


LOL said...

How many times have Satmar made announcements in response to a blog post by DIN?



Rollercoaster Ride said...

The oissvorfs thrown out of Cedarhurst by the 5 Towns Vaad for kashrus violations & bullying mashgichim were snuck into Queens by the corrupt Queens Vaad using Aron as a front to prevent public outrage. Aron's opened a tzveiter location in West Orange, NJ, which one day just closed, leaving that community & the creditors holding the bag. There are also indications of possible connection to the Passaic treif scandal. Then they snuck into Monsey like banditten in der nacht 1 year ago as Kosher Hive. Things started going sideways again. They weren't paying their bills & started getting sued. The Jalas mishpocho who own Honeydew Supermarket in Woodridge took a hit from those bums at their wholesale paper goods gesheft Fantastic Industries to the tune of $256,000! Hive is already closed. Evergreen is taking it over but unsure so far if it's duplicating the other locations or becoming Bingo style.