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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Kamala Chooses Waltz an insane looney socialist of the worst extremes !

 Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’ far-left running mate, is being accused of “embellishing” his military career, “betraying his country”, and abandoning his National Guard battalion.

This lunatic of a governor let 5 miles of Minneapolis burn for 5 days during the Floyd riots, standing down the police (even one of the precinct stations was burned down!). 

He finally figured out to call the National Guard 5 days into the riots.

 He supports defunding the police. He’s made Minnesota a mecca for radical Islamists and looked away when many ran fraudulent, non-existent nursery programs at the state’s expense to the tune of several hundred million dollars and were found out for it.

 He’s said publicly that being aligned with socialism is being neighborly. He was proud of the Floyd riots and his wife is just as looney – she said on air that the smell of burning tires from the riots was the smell of success! 

Much more too. This democrat ticket is a solicitation for governance of greed – rights to abortion to the last second of pregnancy, toaivah rights, and government funds for every migrant immigrant – who they plan to grant citizenship to, and for every whining liberal has-not who can learn to grunt.

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