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Sunday, August 11, 2024

How Chareide Gedoilim Distort and Manipulate The Gemarrah That States that Torah "Protects and Shields"





Femineest said...

Wow! For a guy like Feminist Am Haaretz rabbi Scotty to keep demanding a little humility he's got a chip on his own shoulder the size of the Rock of Gibraltar! Is this one of his Pontifications that he presented to the Koifrim at the Limmud convention? Of course he's going to arrogantly deny any right to gedolim to posken when he constantly huffs that Daas Torah is "idolatry" kaviyochol. There is such a thing as poskening from Agaddata which gedolim know when to do since time immemorial, despite Scotty's ignorance or just plain denial thereof.

DIN really outdid himself with "mayseh rav" from the fringe. Scotty is a promoter of all kinds of not normative meshugassen like Bassar Basser type kashrus from the likes of profiteering shyster Zev Schwarcz & his IKC on any goy operating on Shabbos in non-Jewish neighborhoods. In 2022 he had Schwarcz ploppeling on his website using all kinds of sheker & lukshin to be "matzdik" all sorts of maacholim assurim that he takes money to certify.

Dusiznies said...

I don't know about anything else, but in this post, he is spot on. We do not pasken from an agaddeteh, as you can clearly see from the Shalosh Shevuois which is not mentioned in the entire Shulchan Aruch and the Mishna Torah of the Rambam! I can bring you countless examples, and the Shoel Umeishiv and the Noda Be'Yehuda say that emphatically!

Femineest said...

Arrogant Scotty is "spot on" in the minds of those who want to abolish Daas Torah & belittle gedolei Torah as know-nothings or liars. I'm not bakant with the 2 teshuvos you cite and their context. From what I'm familiar with, even though other sifrei Chazal do not have the same kedusha & authority of Shas, we do often see gedolei haposkim poskening from them - including Medroshim like one episs about a bird and another about the Mitzri civil war on Shabbos Hagadol. Most often this is when they do not contradict Shas but sometimes even when in seeming contradiction to Shas. This includes the Zohar regarding tefillin on Chol Hamoed. Scotty is too overconfidant when outside his apikorsish confines of Maimonides Boston, Limmud, JOFA, etc

Dusiznies said...

I grew up in the 50,60 70, and 80 amongst Holocaust survivors and I learned in Chassidishe and Ober-lender Yeshivois, I never heard the term "Daas Torah" ..This was made up by the Litvishe Roshei Yeshivas so that people should conform with their stupid meshigina chumrois. and to force their radical ideas down our throats!
There is no such thing as "Daas Torah"
We don't have a Sanhedrin or a universal leader, everyone has their own rabbi or rav. Telling me that this or that is "Dass Torah" means absolutely nothing to me or even to my generation.
I remember when a Bobover Chusid was doing something and a Litvisheh guy was telling him that this is not "Daas Torah" so he innocently asked him "what is Daas Torah" so the litvach answered him R' Chaim Kanievski, so the Chusid asked him naively and who is R" Chaim? He really had no clue who R' Chaim was. No one in the Chassidishe or MO world gave two hoots what R' Chaim thought or said!
You say "gedoilei Torah" I ask by whose standards? Not by me or my entire generation! I have my Rav and Scott has his, he doesn't have to conform with your "Daas Torah" or with your "gedoilim"
All of us have our own, most of who you call "Gedoilim" I never heard of if I wasn't reading the Yated!
Again he was spot on! Kol Hakovod!

Mrs. Greenjeans said...

It's still hard not to smile when people refer to their greatest rabbis with the same term they use for feces, as it were.

Femineest said...

Oh please! Show me one Chassidishe or Oyberlandishe gadol who says bochurim areingetung in lernen should close their Gemara & go to Tzahal boot camp. You can't. So stop parrotting the alter shtussim that Litvaks are supposedly the only ones who subscribe to what Daas Torah is truly defined as.

Dusiznies said...

All Chassidishe Yeshivos promote working, Satmar especially! Even in Israel, Belz, Stolin and Viznitz will now introduce secular studies so that their students can go to work and bring a parnassah! ALL and I repeat ALL oberlander graduates went to work, no one went to Kollel, no one!
Well as far as the army, that they don't want because they would rather someone else sacrifice their children to protect them!
Litvaks were always against work, I remember the Alteh Mirer and Bais Ha'Talmud guys that never got married because they refused to support a family, they were all buried in their Talis Katans! The entire Fakewood apparatus is built on schnorerei and that someone else support them! This is all collapsing as there are now 4 generations not working and it is unsustainable!
They are slowly waking up from this parasitical cesspool as many are leaving the fold, when I say many, I mean tens of thousands. At least the Chassidishe guys that go OTD still love the connection to their culture, but the Litvishje when they go OTD they are forever lost to Judaism unless they live in Israel, them at least they will marry someone Jewish! Again, they is no such thing as "Daas Torah" which was fabricated by the Kalteh Litvaks to try to convince the oilom goilim that their Torah is authentic! Which is hogwash!