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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Harav Avadia Yosef z'l called those who don't shower in the 9 days and stink ..."Donkeys"



Asiatisher Marmorosher Ferd said...

Where's that shtinky Greaseball from KJ when we need him, who wrote the letter to the editor of a Satmar tzeitung, all bent out of shape that horror of horrors, he found out that etlicher Chassidishe bucherim are showering vee goyim when it's not erev Shabbos or Yomtov? He'll need a sedative when he hears Rav Ovadya!

Mr Clean said...

With all due respect to Rabbi Yosef, the worst BO that I've ever came close to passing out from was compliments of Sfardi meshulochim mooching off American yeshivos for free food & lodging. Then the worst hygiene I saw among the domestic bochurim is a Sfardi who was apparently machmir even before 9 Days. After shvitzing vee a chazir a gantz voch playing sports he wouldn't even wash himself lekovod Shabbos!!!!! He was eventually thrown out for his sick middos & landed in public school. I am certain that part of the cheshbon in the back of the Hanhala's minds is that he is as gross & disgusting as a homeless bum!

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Abadi too siman רי"ט

Zako said...

"Mr Clean" 11.36 PM
What are you trying to prove here ??
Ever heard the difference between prat & klal ?
Ever heard about blatant public LH ?

Anonymous said...

In this occurence, Chamor means supid /fool / idiot. Not "donkey"

Dr Phil ,Esquire, Petach Tikvah said...

Nowhere in the entire Hebrew lexicon is חמור a "stupid/fool/idiot"
YOU ARE the חמור

Zako said...

Dr Phil esquire 12:52
You are the illiterate uneducated ignorant here, this is why you don't even know the difference between written hebrew and spoken hebrew (a difference that exist btw in english and in all other languages). So yes, in modern spoken ivrit, the signification of "chamor" is stupid / fool / idiot, wether you like it or not.
Step out of your home and get yourself some hebrew basics.

GR - Bnei Brak Ir Hakoidesh said...

I am a native Israeli, and Hebrew is my first language. When Israelis say "Chamor" it means "donkey". Yes a "chamor" is stubbern and stupid, but calling somene a "chamor" is calling him a "donkey"

Zako said...

To GR Bne Brak 5:39
Yes, sure, chamor definitely is a donkey and it's surely not a rabbit or a kangaroo. Are you satisfied ?
Now, in the whole of Bnei Brak there's no one to teach you what the figurative sense is ? Or at least to explain to you what the difference between WRITTEN ivrit and SPOKEN ivrit can be ??
One more question... in this occurence, do you believe that Rav Ovadia z"l meant that people who don't shower in the 9 days are "fools", or did he mean "donkeys" ?
(I don't even know why I'm waisting my time here...)

GR - Bnei Brak Ir Hakoidesh said...

Harav Yosef z"l meant "donkey" since a donkey stinks, a "fool" may actually smell good if he puts on cologne

Anonymous said...

But a fool can also just be someone who builds up his own interpretation of the halochos…