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Thursday, August 8, 2024

Ha Ha! How Der Yid the Satmar Newspaper Reported Cori Bush's Loss ... They Changed Cori into a Man



FYI said...

The photo shows her victorious opponent, Wesley Bell, so it is not at all out of place, and is very relevant.

Anonymous said...

Youre crazier then them!

Liberal Yutz said...

Bravo! I never thought I’d see Satmar support Trans rights!

Anonymous said...

-Careful.Jokes have a way recently of taking on a life of their own.

Anonymous said...

Learn to read and understand Yiddish. It clearly states Congresswoman. קאנגרעספרוי

Dusiznies said...

Yiddish is my first language, you meshiginer! Yes it says "congresswoman" but my point is that they posted a picture of a man! That exactly was my point!