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Monday, August 19, 2024

Ger Issues New Prohibitions for Girls "A Bar Code Scanner is Asur"

 Crazed Gerer Prohibitions on the Girls

In the attached audio file (I didn't down load it) you can listen to a list of delusional regulations on guarding against the hazards of technology set by the rabbis of the Gur Hasidic community so that the girls will not be exposed, God forbid, to unacceptable and dangerous content.

A partial list of prohibited and permitted things:

It is forbidden to use a barcode scanner when purchasing products in large chains.
It is forbidden to use the device for Rav-Kav charging.
It is forbidden to develop images in personal positions in photo development stores.
It is forbidden to bring computer-made work such as greeting cards, etc. to school.
You are allowed to look at security camera screens but you should not watch much. (It is necessary to find out why this was allowed.)
And more and more different and strange prohibitions.


Garnel Ironheart said...

Are you sure this is real and not someone just trying to smear Gur?

Dusiznies said...

My neighbor showed it to me, it was a note to parents!

Hershy said...

Please get a copy of the letter from your neighbor and post

Garnel Ironheart said...

This is beyond bizarre.

Dusiznies said...

I am reporting what I saw, I'm not an investigative reporter, I don't care either way, I'm posting this to show that the Gerer Chassidius is off the wall. If you have Gerer friends in Bnei-Brak ask them about it and report back to us. BTW I didn;t half of it, which gets crazier and crazier!

Professor Ryesky said...

Even if this is a prank hoax, the fact that anyone would believe it tells you quite a lot about Ger.

Anonymous said...

What about a Siddur? It was printed

Anonymous said...

You find this strange ? Ge er chassidim have to ask a masgiach when they can have sex with their very own wives.
There is a menahal set up for this. No joke find out about this. Many from other Chassidus wont let their daughter marry Gerers due of this.

FYI said...

Anonymous 4:34 AM - the term for it in Ger is Kommandant (seriously).

Correction said...

"Scanner is Asur"

צ"ל Scammer is Asur

Anonymous said...

What about other people's wives??? Just asking for a friend.

jack said...

Criminally insane ignorant savages, no wonder the Chasidim are leaving this insane asylum in droves, and joining Harav Shaul Alter as their Manhig

Anonymous said...

I can confirm this i've seen this list of takkanus.