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Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Zionists readying for 10,000 immigrants from Ukraine in coming weeks


Israel's government estimates that around 10,000 Ukrainians will immigrate to Israel in the coming weeks, government officials told The Jerusalem Post on Saturday. 

The Ministry of Immigration and Absorption would not comment on this estimate, but responded saying: "The Ministry of Immigration and Absorption is prepared for the emergency immigration of Ukrainian Jews, and in view of the escalation in Ukraine, the ministry, headed by Minister Tamano Shata, is preparing all sectors to assist and absorb any Jew seeking to immigrate to Israel."

"In light of the drastic increase in applications for immigration from Ukraine and in view of the security situation in the region", the ministry said that Tamano-Shata and Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman agreed on providing additional budgets to actualize the emergency immigration operation from Ukraine.

The Ministry of Immigration and Absorption convened an emergency discussion last Thursday during which Tamano-Shata assembled an inter-ministerial team to remove bureaucratic hurdles for potential olim and to issue immigration visas digitally, in light of a drastic increase in applications. This is in addition to reinforcements in the Absorption Division at Ben Gurion Airport and the cooperation with the IDF.

The Ministry concluded, "We call on the Jews of Ukraine to immigrate to Israel - your home."


Anonymous said...

The government needs to settle them in buildings that won't crumble later on.

Anonymous said...

What does Yvette "Avigdor" Lieberman have up his sleeve to be nasty only to the Charedi ones?

frum but normal; said...

To make room for them, i suggest we start deporting to Gaza all the Israel hating gangsters and traitors of Neturai Karta and the SHmuel Aurbach crazies.

Anonymous said...

oh no I hope we dont have another yaldai Teheran situation where the Zionists y"s will try and shmad the Jews with every dirty trick they could dig up

Anonymous said...

One day , I'll write about Yaldei Teheran .. But for tonight , the uninformed about this event should know that it was not a simple "shmad " campaign. There were anti religious Zionists, secular not anti daati , Agudah , religious agencies, Satmar , all involved.
But this cat here is a foul liar and hater of Medinat Yisrael along with his miserable ilk.

Oh , did I write MEDINAT Yisrael ??
Lemme reread.... Yes , I did.

Derby , singing baritone in the Hatikvah Choir.