Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Ukranian Soldier Kills a Jew and wounds his wife at Checkpoint and Claims He thought they were "Russian Combatants" ..Who believes that?


So a guy sitting in a car with his wife and two children are mistaken at a checkpoint for "Russian Combatants" and they kill the jew and wound his wife! If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell.

The cursed Ukrainians ym"s even convinced his step mother that it was Putin's fault. A Ukrainian Goy shoots her step son who was part of a convoy at a checkpoint, and it was Putin's fault!

You know what it was? An opportunity for a Ukrainian to follow the minhag of his father to kill Jews!

As I pointed out in the past two weeks, the Ukrainians are the most vicious anti-semites! I also sincerely believe that it's the Jewish "askanim" who are interested in constantly going to "kevarim" are pushing this "Nice Ukrainian" agenda! This is a huge business for for the chassidim and now the Litvaks having learned from the Chassidim how to make money and are making the Chafetz Chayim's town, Radin, into a shrine. The Chafetz Chayim wanted with all his heart to leave that place and make Aliya to Petach Tikva, and these clueless naive Jews want to revive a dead town whose Jews were murdered!

I know people are wondering.. so what do you want? Do you want Putin to win?

The answer is I want Putin to destroy Ukraine. The Jews should leave now! And then I want Putin to go into Poland, Hungary and Romania in that order. I don't think that Putin is a "tzaddik" I think he is a blood thirsty murderer but since he is on a roll I want him to finish the Job, and then of course I want Putin to get his end!

Jews protesting in Tel Aviv and other places in support of Ukraine have not learned anything from the past. When did Ukrainians protest in support of Israel? Especially when Israel was defending itself in Gaza?

Why are Frum Jews defending the Ukrainian Goyim? Why? The answer is they are afraid of losing $$$$$$ from their trips to kevarim. This has to be the only reason. Even Agudah came out with a statement supporting the Ukrainian government. Because the Aguda askanim are all for the "kevarim" escapades!

Brodsky was reportedly part of a car convoy headed to the Moldovan border when he was shot at a checkpoint by a Ukrainian militia that mistook him for a Russian combatant.

Ministry officials spoke to his wife who was also wounded in the shooting and is still stranded in Ukraine with their two children. Brodsky's parents who live in Israel were informed of his death.
"The Foreign Ministry wishes to express its sincere condolences to the family in its difficult time and will continue to assist the family as much as possible," a statement read.
Brodsky's father Efim told Ynet that Roman and his family grew increasingly desperate due to the harsh conditions.

"It's gotten worse and worse all the time. At night they slept in an underground parking lot. He wanted to come to Israel but I did not know he was making the trip today," he said.
His stepmother said: "He was a good guy and said the situation was getting worse by the day. Both Russians and Ukrainian soldiers were dying. Putin started the war. He is a dictator. A tyrant. We want to bring him here for burial. We ask for help."
The shooting took place in the Ukrainian city of Bila Tserkva, 84 km (52 miles) south of Kyiv.
The Israeli embassy, which is currently based in Poland due to the fighting, received the initial report from a contact in the country's Jewish community.

Since the outset of hostilities, over 2,000 Israelis have fled Ukraine through its various land borders. There are hundreds of Israelis who are currently making their way out of the country, some as part of similar car convoys.
Long queues stretch for miles around border crossings and some 100 Foreign Ministry personnel stationed there are trying to fast track passage for Israelis in medical distress, but they note that their ability to assist all Israelis is very limited.


Joe Magdeburger said...

There are lots of guns circulating and some people are looking to kill Jews (oopsie wink wink) by accident.If they don't give this Jew hater the firing squad, it will be a green light to others like himto make more such "mistakes".

Anonymous said...


1. What about Ukrainian president Zelinsky, did the majority of Ukrainian "Jewish rotzchim (murderers)" vote for a Jew?

2. Are the majority of Ukrainian "Jewish rotzchim (murderers)" now rallying behind a Jew to save their country from tyranny?

3. Where do you think such vendettas and tyranny end? One man left standing? Putin? You?

4. Can you we trust you on the facts on Ukraine? Can you provide a link to the story?
On "Ukranian Soldier Kills a Jew and wounds his wife at Checkpoint and Claims He thought they were "Russian Combatants"."

Anonymous said...

This is the link for the story. I just googled the bottom italic part of story vs. headline. It's likely not propaganda. Assuming others cover this story too.


Anonymous said...

•Are you protecting Putin to distract Jewish "tipshim" (fools) from our vicious godoylim's (godly Rabbi's) tyranny?

•That's why you're always blaming askunim (power brokers) for the godyolim's (godly Rabbi's) vicious tyranny against Jewish "tipshim" (fools)?

•That's why you never name these vicious godoylim (godly Rabbi's) yemach shemom (*) by name?
*May their names be blotted out (like Hitler). Most victims rather be killed by Hitler than be tortured by our vicious godoylim (godly Rabbi's) yemach shemom (*).

•Or are you just too chicken and we need to do it?

Dusiznies said...

You scribble
"1. What about Ukrainian president Zelinsky, did the majority of Ukrainian "Jewish rotzchim (murderers)" vote for a Jew?"

Lenin, Trotsky were all Jews! Zelinsky is a comedian and has no business running a country. He was teasing a tiger and now put his entire country in jeopardy and I hope Jews won't have to pay for his stupidity!

You keep scribbling:
"2. Are the majority of Ukrainian "Jewish rotzchim (murderers)" now rallying behind a Jew to save their country from tyranny?"

The majority of Ukranian rotzchim don't give two craps about Zelinsky, they are fighting for their country as they should!

You scribble:
"3. Where do you think such vendettas and tyranny end? One man left standing? Putin? You?"

I am not for Putin as I said before he is a dangerous murderer, I just want him to destroy Ukraine, Poland, Hungary and Romania. I want the Jews out!

You keep scribbling:
"4. Can you we trust you on the facts on Ukraine? Can you provide a link to the story?On "Ukranian Soldier Kills a Jew and wounds his wife at Checkpoint and Claims He thought they were "Russian Combatants"."

As you wrote later you actually found the story..

And you saw my version....
now let's hear your version. tell me what exactly happened at the checkpoint. Did the Ukranian Rotziach ask him for his ID? Or was the Rotziach the jury, witness and Judge when he executed an innocent Jew, like his grandfather did not too long ago?

I'm not protecting Putin, I hope he goes to hell, but not before he destroys the bloody earth of Ukraine, Poland, Hungary and Romania and if he still has some ammunition left he should go to France as well.
I wish both Russia and Ukraine ..hatzlacha!

You other comments are totally incoherent so I cannot answer all that crazy gibberish! You must be possessed!
Now go lick the arses of the grandchildren of the Ukrainian murderers

Mrs Zelensky said...

I do not agree with DIN 85% of the time, but I believe DIN is spot on, that the askanim are pushing the "Ukraine Nice Guy" version of the Russia/Ukraine War!
He is absolutely correct that the "kevarim goers" is a huge business, and it's a crying shame that the "oilim goilim" are praising the grandchildren of murderers. Russia are no saints, but at this juncture they are at the border of Israel and Israel has to walk a fine line on this crises! They should do whats good for her interests and the interests of her citizens.
DIN continue your holy work exposing these frauds!

Anonymous said...

DIN, ok fair enough on your political logic, but vendettas never end well.

If you have the power would you really kill millions of Slavs? Do you know that Hitler already killed a million Slavs and was gonna kill them all too?

Why do you blame askunim (godoylim gofers) for the tyranny in Judaism vs. the godoylim (godly rabbis) in power? Are you chicken, drink their coolade or really not aware yet how the Jewish power structure works?

Hyd said...

I read about Roman Brodsky getting killed - but it was on the website of fraudster Bleich where they made it sound like the Russians killed him!

I wouldn't put it past Bleich to cover up Ukrainians being the culprits in case he loses 2 cents from telling the truth!

Bleich blathers elsewhere on his website that Russians have always been the real anti-Semites and Ukrainians are really geshmake chevra because so what if they murdered countless Yidden in cold blood at various intervals in history (which he conveniently leaves out all the events before WWI.

Seriously, is Bleich even playing with a full deck?

frum but normal; said...

By the way, Zelinsky actually is a MESHUMAD he converted to Christianity, married a Christian goes to church every Sunday.
That is why they voted for him, he is not considered by them a Jew but a devoted catholic

Yente (Gossip Corporation) said...

With all the Whispering-campaigns (yentes) aside, Zelinsky proudly identifies as Jewish and never discusses his religious mitzvos or avirus (benevolence or sins).

Zelinsky first and foremost puts other people first. Equally for Jews, and Ukrainian ("untermenschen'') who elected him in a landslide. Religious vendettas and religious secret police (yentes & askunim) are very dangerous games for the world and for Jews.

Very dangerous for Jews in the business world and for Jews & kids locally, under godoylim's (rabbi gods) tyrannical control. Where shygetz and shiksa (religious untermensch) is the tool to oppress. By how thick your gartel (religious belt) is. Oy vey if you don’t wear a gartel (religious belt).

Dusiznies said...

My dearest Yente
I agree with almost everything you scribbled, but Zelinsky did marry a shiksa in a Catholic Church!His children are goyim, doesn't make him a bad guy!

Anonymous said...

Gadolim married the catholic church & became catholic mamzayrim
Confessions, then the gadolims yentes screw you
Trinity, gadolim, money & znus
Lie, rape, pillage