Thursday, March 10, 2022

No אב הרחמים liars this week


Every Shabbos before Mussaf, while someone is still holding the Sefer Torah, the "No-Talking in Shul" Liars recite a special prayer called אב הרחמים, "Merciful Father"." This tefillah was re-instituted  about 376 years ago when a Ukrainian by the name of Bogdan Chelmelnitsky ym"s murdered tens of thousands of innocent Jews in cold blood. Until then the Av Harachamim was recited only once a year the Shabbos before Shevuois.

The tefillah is a prayer addressed to Hashem begging Him to  take revenge on the Goyim.
וינקום לעינינו נקמת דם עבדיו השפוך 

Even though this massacre happened 376 years ago, the Rabbis made sure that this prayer be recited while the Sefer Torah was still out of the Ark, and to recite it forever, every single Shabbos except for a few exceptions. so that we never forget what those barbarians did to us and that we never trust Ukrainians ever again! 
Reform and Conservative Shuls have removed this prayer because they reason that the ones responsible are no longer alive, so why should they ask Hashem to take revenge on their "innocent" descendants? But Frum Jews should know better and should know that nothing has changed! Frum Jews should know that the descendants of these murderers are no different than their ancestors, and given the chance they would wipe out their Jewish neighbors in a flash! 
 The Ukrainian pogroms didn't end with Chelminitzky but continued with impunity for years after.
In 1768 Ukrainians committed mass murder on their neighbors living in Uman, thousands were murdered in the worst barbaric ways. In1821, in 1859, 1871, 1881 and 1905, Ukrainians murdered entire families but not before raping their wives and daughters in front of their loved ones!

Rav Nachman of Breslov lived close to 100 years after Chelmelitzky's  pogrom and he wrote that at least 30,000 Jews were murdered in Uman by their Ukrainians neighbors from when Chelmelnitsky's Pogrom ended and his own lifetime! 
Over 140,000 Jews were murdered by Ukrainians from the time of the passing of Rav Nachman to the present year 2022. 
Ukrainians were so barbaric in the slaughter of their Jewish neighbors during WW2, that even the Nazis couldn't bear to look at the greasily sadistic way they murdered Jewish mothers and their children. 

There are Jews still alive who witnessed these atrocities. There is a Jew living in Yerushalyim by the name of R' Duvid Guttman who was a survivor of a Ukrainian Pogrom and he gave a Kiddush when he found out that Putin invaded Ukraine, he couldn't believe that he would see revenge in his lifetime. There are Ukrainian murderers still alive today walking around safe and sound.

Frum Jews understand that nothing has changed, and when the printers of the Siddur print new editions of siddurim they include the  Av Harachamim prayer asking Hashem that He should take revenge of these goyim in our own lifetime!

Finally, our prayers are answered and  Hashem  sends us a shaliach, a guy like Putin to do the job of revenge and what do the Jews do? 
They feel sorry for the poor Ukrainians, and curse Hashem's shaliach!
They stand in shul mouthing the words of Av Harachamam, shushing the talkers, and lying with a straight face  that they want Hashem to take revenge! 


Jews ran to pour money into the cursed Ukraine, and created a tourist industry on the backs of their slaughtered families! Making a shrine of a city in Ukraine where tens of thousands of FRUM Jews get together and leave their wives and children to pray at a kever on the holiest day of the year! 
Chabad has opened Chabad houses all over this blood thirsty country. 
Not too far from Ukraine, an American Chassidishe Rebbe who built his "Kiryas Yoel Uganda" in America, built a huge shul in the town of Sziget a city that deported practically all of its Jews to the gas chambers, Few survived,; one survivor is a famous Jew, Eli Weisel a"h, read his book on the deportations of Sziget and cry. Just this week that rebbe sent plane loads of food to this shul in Sziget. Instead of finding ways to get Jews to go to Israel this "anti-Zionist Iran Deal Lover" is encouraging the Ukrainian Jewish refugees to remain in Sziget! 

Even the Litvishe who never made visiting kevarim a minhag, jumped on board to revitalize Radin the town where the Chafetz Chayim lived . The Chafetz Chayim himself wanted out of Radin and made actual plans to make Aliyah, but they quickly learned that these projects are huge money making machines!
Lakewood opened a kollel in Germany of all places a couple of years ago with huge fanfare, they took young Avreicim and shipped them to Germany and made speeches that this is the biggest revenge on Hitler ym"s! 
Who comes up with these twisted cockamamie talking points?  
A kollel in Germany is not revenge, its fodder to the next generation of Nazis. 
Revenge is Putin going into these countries and turning them into parking lots.
Revenge is the creation of the State of Israel in our lifetime!

For the frum Tourist Agencies, Ukraine is a vital part of the business, since most of the Jewish dead are buried in this cursed land with the majority of the dead, murdered!
Chabad rabbis encouraged Jews to remain, because they want to remain in power, what good is it a rabbi without his shul!?

They are also liars as they shukel and shukel while mouthing the Av Harachamin prayer which in their hearts they do not believe in. I give credit to the Reform Rabbis, at least they ripped out this prayer from their prayer books because they believe that it doesn't apply in the here and now!
But the hypocrits shushing the "talkers" keep parroting words that they don't believe in. 

Zelenskyy... Step aside, surrender! Let Hashem's Shaliach, Putin, do his Job! Putin must then march into  Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Germany! 
And Yes we have a Cheshben with Russia too, but first wipe these countries off the map!

Ironically, this Shabbos is Parshas Zachor! The Parsha which is all about "remembering," the Parsha that discusses the Positive Mitzvah of destroying Amaleik! 
When was the war with Amaleik?
 It was over 3,500 years before Chelminetzky's pogroms, and yet it is incumbent on every single Jewish male to remember to wipe out Amaleik. Even the women who are exempt from this Mitzvah, run with their snoods askew and  torn"pundulas" to hear the words of revenge!
The "nice" Ukrainians are descendants of these amaleikim!

Jews all over the world including the Reform will be celebrating Purim! Do you realize that not one Jew was killed in Shushan? Not One! Yet, Chazal saw fit to celebrate and commemorate a time when the goyim  just wanted to annihilate all Jews, but did not succeed! 
מי הוא זה ואיזה הוא? Who was the one who made this plan to murder all Jews? The descendant of amalike! And who are the descendants of Haman? The "nice" Ukrainians!

According to the Shulchan Aruch, we will not be reciting the Av Harachamim this Shabbos.
At least this Shabbos there won't be any "Av Harachamam" Liars!

Please note: That I sincerely hope and pray that all Jews get out of Ukraine and all of Europe safely!


Shalom said...

3 Corrections:

1- אב הרחמים was established around 1000 years ago in Germany due to the Crusade massacres

2- The massacre that killed 30000 Jews in Uman was led by Ivan Gonta ימ"ש

3- "Grizzly" not "Greasily"

Ma Rabbi said...

The invasion is bad and we pray for it to stop because Jewish Ukranians are suffering from it.

Dusiznies said...

Please do not confuse me with the facts

Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

The video that infuriated me was the Lubavitcher one showing them getting read to put on a party for Purim. Seriously. Bombs landing all around you. If the Russians don't attack you, there's a good chance local Uke's will and you're preparing for a party and saying "Sure, God will protect us because we're doing His will"

LES AYM said...

After Yekum Purkan, it is customary to recite the tefillah of Av Harachamim (Father of Compassion). Av Harachamim was written around the year 1096, in response to the First Crusade. Originally it was only recited the Shabbat before Shavuot. Later it became popular to recite it every Shabbat unless an additional ritual celebration takes place, such as Blessing the New Moon, an Auf Ruf celebration, or a Bris (Circumcision). However, if the events occur during the Sefira period, which is the actual period that the crusade occurred, Av Harachamim is still recited.

Yankel said...

I still owe a discussion about ישוב ארץ ישראל and Zionism. The delay is because I don't know whether anyone is open to hear anything other than that which they already believe, ideas in which they are so heavily invested that it would be extremely difficult to be able to have an open mind to anything else.

But I still consider the idea of presenting my thoughts here. Why? Because the writer of this blog is a real person, it seems. Before anyone comments to pick apart anything said here, they should first respect what's being said, even if you may not have decided to agree. When someone cries out and cares about seeing the fulfillment of וינקום לעינינו נקמת דם עבדיו השפוך , please listen before you respond. This person is saying things that should be on the hearts of every Jew. The details can maybe be discussed, but not by someone who hasn't yet well internalized those feelings which need to be deep in our souls. Many people even after reading this will still not have the tools to really feel it and understand it, but they'll comment about it like some abstract subject.

Anonymous said...

Harav Kook said that after the Holocaust you can say it every Shabbat