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Thursday, March 3, 2022

Gedolim Point to Signs of Mashiach’s Arrival Amid Ukraine Crisis

 BNEI BRAK: The Gadol Hador, Hagaon Reb Chaim Kanievsky Shlita was asked by many what should one be Mechazek in due to the ongoing war in Ukraine.

His Response was – to Daven and learn Torah B’Hasmada.

Reb Chaim also pointed out to a Medrash in Parshas Lech Lecha which says – “If you have seen kings provoking one another, expect the footsteps of Moshiach.” — “אם ראית מלכיות מתגרות אלו באלו צפה לרגלו של משיח”.

Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, Rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Moshe of South Fallsburg, as well echoed the message of R’ Chaim last week once the invasion had began.

R Elya Ber had put on Shabbos clothing last week when he heard news of the movement of Russian warships. The response of the rosh yeshiva is based on a Kabbolah that he has that when the Russians will cross the Dardanelles River, it will trigger the start of a series of events before Moshiach comes, and therefore, in his words, “Men ken shoin untun Shabbosdike kleider.”

5 TownsCentral Editors Note: There have been many points in history when Gedolim informed of the imminent arrival of Mashiach and it didn’t happen. However, that does not mean we should become skeptical, rather it truly could have been the right time, only that Klal Yisroel was not deserving. Hashem runs the world with cheshbonos that we can not understand.

We hope that this time our generation is worthy and that this current period of conflict ushers in the Geulah Shleima.


Anonymous said...

All well & good and true. But why wait for war simanim ?
Some rabbonim put on Shabbos clothes when Balfour Declaration was announced,others on Yom Haatzmaut and still others when going to the Kotel for the 1st time in 1967.

.. Bimchik the Tooooter

Yoely in KJ said...

Yom HaAtzma'ot? Day of Bones?

Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

Rav Kook, ztk"l, felt that WW1 was the imminent sign of the ge'ulah and, like in the times of Ezra, we shortly after had an opportunity and just like in the times of Ezra, most Jews ignored it and we fell short.

Anonymous said...

The following have been quoted as saying it's ossur to get the Covid vaccination. I'm proud that our Gedolim who learn Torah 24/7 know so much about viruses, epidemiology, biology. R Wachtfogel is included.

R Elya Ber Wachtfogel, Rav Elyashiv, Sassover Rebbe, Reb Moshe Mordechai Karp, Rav Yaakov Meir Shechter, the Amshinover Rebbe, Rabbi Eliezer Ginsburg, Harav Aharon Ros, Rav Yosef Binyomin Wosner, Reb Meir Dovid Shmueli, Rev Dov Kook, Harav Eliyahu Brog, Rav Yosef Zalman Bloch,  Rabbi Yosef (grandson of Ovadia Yosef).

Anonymous said...

rav Elyashiv??? on covid?!