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Monday, November 1, 2021

Vizhnitz bans single young men from weddings


Single young men from the Vizhnitz hasidic sect may no longer participate in community weddings, their rebbe (hasidic leader) said, according to Kikar Hashabbat.

According to Kikar Hashabbat, the instruction follows a speech by the Vizhnitzer Rebbe on Shabbat (Saturday), in which he said that, "Everyone is familiar with the history of Vizhnitz over the past seventy years, when during the time that the Vizhnitz neighborhood was built in Bnei Brak, a situation was created in which everyone knew everyone else, and therefore everyone participated in the weddings as one family."

He also said that when his father, the "Yeshuot Moshe," Rabbi Moshe Yehoshua Hager, became rebbe, he instructed that single young men not participate in weddings, since there are enough people who come to make the couple happy.


Anonymous said...

It's all about CONTROL, baby!!

Zako said...

It's been like this since a long time.
The same thing applies to Gerrers buchrim also.

na said...

so a bucher that is 23 years old can not attend a SINGLE weeding of his friends..!!! not enough all his friends are getting married and he is left out.. now on top of all that he's being banned from attending his friends wedding

all this adds to the stigma and isolation.. and the reason for the ban... the dehumanization, the degradation.. as if he'll go... if he attends a wedding, the insinuation, the unuendo! how shemafull

Crazy crazy, these rebbes stuck in their ivory towers.. drunk on kovod and dogma don't comprehend the consiquenses of their rullings.

Unknown said...

I guess you should call the Rebbe and give him all your Pop culture MTV advice

Anonymous said...

At 23 he has 4 kids already

ThisisMoe said...

Going to a wedding only has real meaning when you are very close to the parties involved. You feel their Simcha and you won't feel right if you are not there. Otherwise,if you are Ben Torah go to the bais medrash and learn.