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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Today in 1648 the Chmeilnicki Revolt Started Eradicating Entire Jewish Cities!

Today in Jewish History
In 1648, the Chmielnicki Revolt began, leading to two years of massacres in which up to 100,000 Jews were brutally murdered. 

It was the worst massacre for the Jews since the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash!
The Holocaust some 300 years later eclipsed the Chmielicki massacres, and it became the worst tragedy of the Jewish people in its entire history!

In 1648, there were no Zionists.... there wasn't one person alive who advocated a Jewish state, nevertheless, over 10% of the world's Jewish population were brutally murdered, and entire communities were destroyed....
Not one of those martyred Jews had any "Jewish State" aspirations, but Chmielnicki didn't care ....he murdered them because they were Jews! 

Just last week "Der Yid" appropriately named  "Der Shturmer," a Yiddish Satmar propaganda weekly, referring to the "6 day war," wrote that it was the "Zionists that  caused the spilling of Jewish blood!"

Can you imagine? 

The Jewish people in Israel in 1967, were surrounded by 100,000 Egyptian troops, 75,000 Syrian Troops and Jordan's 55,000 troops...enemies vowing to sink Israel into the sea!

I remember survivors of the Holocaust openly weeping in fear in the streets of Brooklyn ....fearing another Holocaust...
and the "Der Shutrmer" writes that the "Zionists were the cause of Jewish blood being spilled."

After the Israelis destroyed all the Arab armies in six miraculous days .... Satmar said that it wasn't a miracle at all, this "was not the hand of G-d"  but the hand of the devil the "Samach Mem" that performed those miracles, and they added that the "Israelis had a great army, and won "bederech ha'teveh," by natural means...

When the Israelis say the exact same thing that it was because of their "great army and generals" and don't mention G-D 
Satmar yells..... Oh they believe in  "Kochi Ve'etzem Yadi" "we did it because of our own power."

Crazed reasoning ..... 
It's ok for the Marmorash/Romanians to say that Hashem wasn't involved in the miraculous win of the six day war ... but it's not ok for Chilonim to say the exact same thing ......

And it's not even true.... many chilonie soldiers that saw the miracles became Baalei Teshuvah ... in fact many kiruv organizations like Ohr Somaiach flourished and were full to capacity.. 
Satmar's answer to the "baalei tshuvah" movement of those days? ....
"Shabsai Tzvi also made "baalei tshuvah." 

Satmar's reasoning is so archaic and bizarre that it begs simple understanding...

They reason that Hashem, is the One that decreed that 6 million Jews be killed in the Holocaust .... and frum Jews should never question this...
Yet, when it comes to saving Jews in six miraculous days, they say that G-d sent the "samach mem" the devil, to save them ...

How do people still follow this twisted reasoning??


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