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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Simple Money-saving Trick for Making her Vegetables Last for up to a MONTH - and all you need is a jar and some water

An Australian mother has shared her simple trick for making her vegetables last for up to a month - and all you need is a jar and some water. 
Western Australian woman Kate Freebairn posted on Facebook after she learned the 'great idea', writing that instead of storing your celery and carrots in a container, you should instead place them in a jar of water in the fridge.
'Store carrots and celery submerged in water,' Kate - who goes by the The Pantry Mama online - wrote.
'The celery will last up to two weeks, and carrots up to one month!'
The mom said that after trying the idea with celery and carrots, she 'wonders what other veggies it will work with'. 
'Just remember you need to change the water near daily,' she added. 
The Pantry Mama's trick was a hit on Facebook, where hundreds of others said they couldn't wait to try it for themselves.
'My husband has done this for years and at first I thought WHAT? But it works amazingly well!' one woman wrote.
'But yes, just remember to change the water once or twice daily.' 
Another added: 'Fantastic tip, thank you'.
Others said they also do it with lettuce to stop it from going brown, and you can also wrap any vegetables in beeswax wraps to make them last longer too.
'Why not go a step further and throw some salt in!' one woman wrote. 
'Leave them on the kitchen bench for a few days and then you have fermented veggies in the jar! Even more nutritious!'
To make the 'salty brine', she said you should just add 1-2 teaspoons of salt per cup of water, and leave it to infuse for between two days and two weeks.
This isn't the first time a food trick has proven popular online. 
Last month, a woman wowed the internet with a money-saving trick that is so simple thousands are saying they wish they had been doing it their entire lives. 
Ellen, from Wagga Wagga in south-west New South Wales, used a Facebook post to reveal that she and her family freeze mince and ground beef in Ziploc bags after buying it in bulk when it is on special offer. 
By doing this, Ellen said she always has some mince meat when she wants it - and by flattening it with a rolling pin before she puts it in the freezer, she ensures that it doesn't take up much space. 
'We buy ground beef in bulk and Ziploc it into smaller portions,' Ellen wrote.
'Then we flatten it with a rolling pin to save space in the freezer and it thaws faster.' 
 Food author and health expert Sarah Wilson also swears by storing any wilting spinach in pillowcases rather than the plastic bags they come in, as this lets the air get to the leaves and means they will last a few days longer.

1 comment:

Zako said...

Salt is a lethal poison.