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Thursday, June 4, 2020

Satmar "Tuchis Lekker" Hands Out Water Bottles to Protestors .... but few takers

A Satmar tuchis lekker, who calls himself  Moshe Yosef Friedman made a fool of himself  on Wednesday, by handing out water at a Black Lives matter protest on Bedford Avenue.
Very few took any of the bottles that he handed out without gloves,  To get rid of them, he reluctantly bein brirah,  gave them to the NYPD which he should have done in the first place 
Black Lives Matter has in its charter support for the Palestinian murderers and the BDS movement...similar to the the Satmar charter. 
Around 1,000 protesters marched down Bedford Avenue – through the heart of the Williamsburg Hasidic Community.


Anonymous said...

You Tuches shmeker y are editing clips?????
The same guy handing out 200 bottles for the police you are not showing you edited out even though its all over. you are a self hating jew with your own agenda very far from the straight forward guy you are trying to portrait.

Dusiznies said...

I guess you didn't read the post ....
I wrote that after most protesters ignored the tuchis lekker...
he gave the bottles to the cops ...
read again...
I saw the entire clip and I stand by my post ....
Tell Friedman to sit home .... and wash his mouth out after all that licking he must have bad breath

Barack Ben chaim said...

These protesters are for the vast majority anti Semites . They don't like jews anymore than police.

concerned said...

Thank you DIN for pointing out what the original nefarious intention for those water bottles was...

I feel duped. Everyone was sharing the feel good next part, with the cops.

Anonymous said...

He has a nice set of keys

na said...

he should be commended. being kind to other human beings is not wrong. what is wrong it to criticize him for it