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Sunday, June 7, 2020

NYC’s curfew is lifted ‘effective immediately’: De Blasio

Mayor Bill de Blasio lifted the Big Apple’s controversial curfew a day early in an unexpected announcement Sunday morning.
“New York City: We are lifting the curfew, effective immediately,” Hizzoner tweeted, ending the planned final night of the city shutting down to help curb looting and violent protests that plagued the city earlier in the week.
“Yesterday and last night we saw the very best of our city. Tomorrow we take the first big step to restart,” he said of Phase 1 of the four-part plan to end the coronavirus lockdown.
“Keep staying safe. Keep looking out for each other,” he wrote.
The mayor had ordered the curfew last Monday alongside Gov. Andrew Cuomo, after vandals used mass demonstrations spurred by the videotaped in-custody death of George Floyd as cover to loot stores.
Until the announcement, the city was set to go into a final lockdown at 8 p.m. Sunday, finally ending at 5 a.m. Monday.
It had been controversial from the get-go, with the announcement shocking lawmakers and coming just hours after NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said it would not work in the city.
De Blasio had previously refused to lift it early, even amid legal challenges claiming it violated New Yorkers’ civil rights.


1 comment:

Frum but normal said...

this filthy communist traitorous DemonRat bastard,needs to be treated like you would a rabies infected dog,he is no better and a thousand times more dangerous,and the same goes for all the filthy DemonRats like Schumer,Nadler ,Pelosi,Schiff and their enablers and useful idiots of the leftist media.
us stupid Jews don't realize we are sitting on top of a volcano which is ready to erupt any moment in the form of a bloody CIVIL WAR,yes it is inevitable,the hundreds of millions decent and patriotic Americans will not sit silently and watch as their once great republic is being dismantled brick by brick day by day by the traitorous leftist gangsters who by the way are over respresented by Jews,they will rise up in a murderous fury against them which will result in a protracted and bloody civil war and a military takeover,shudder to think what will happen to us Jews as they will put most of the blame for the destruction of America on lefist Jews (and will be partially right)
My friends, time to follow DIN'S example and pack our bags and get the hell outa here while we still can,if we listen carefully we can hear the whistles of cattle cars again