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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Crying Schumer Crawls out of his Bat Cave to Call Probe into Treatment of Protesters Outside White House

Not one word about the virus .... not one word about the violence in his State ....
but to criticize the president the crying hyena crawls out to yell like a banshee .....
Government officials should investigate the treatment of protesters who gathered near the White House on Monday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said Tuesday.
“Secretary [of Defense Mark] Esper, General [Mark] Milley should not allow the U.S. military to come within a country mile of these ugly stunts,” he stated in remarks given from the Senate floor, according to the Hill.
“The administration is using the military as a tool to intimidate American citizens and the Department of Defense IG must immediately launch an investigation into how the U.S military was used and whether it was consistent with the laws of our nation,” he continued.
Schumer also claimed President Trump had been a “failure at handling” the events following George Floyd’s death, who died while in police custody on May 25 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
“There’s no one home at the White House and the lights are off. I fear for the future of our country, that in this time of immense difficulty, our president is only capable of contributing more division, more fear, more chaos,” he commented.
Monday, law enforcement officers used tear gas and smoke bombs to disperse a crowd of protesters outside the White House to clear the way for the president to walk to St. John’s Church, which had been set ablaze by vandals on Sunday night.
Prior to the event, President Trump vowed to act swiftly to end the widespread violence and riots in America’s major cities following Floyd’s death, according to Breitbart News.
“A line of National Guard troops pressed protesters out of the park near the White House as Trump spoke, flash-bang grenades were deployed, and canisters of tear gas and pepper gas were launched,” the report noted.
Tuesday, the president praised law enforcement officers on Twitter for dispersing the crowds and restoring peace to the area.
“D.C. had no problems last night. Many arrests. Great job done by all. Overwhelming force. Domination. Likewise, Minneapolis was great (thank you President Trump!),” he concluded.

1 comment:

frum but normal said...

This filthy America hating TRAITOROUS sewer rat who tried to overthrow the duly elected president of the United States together with the rest of the filthy traitorous DemonRats like that witch Pelosi,Nadler,Schiff,should be put on trial in front of a military tribunal for the crime of treason and sedition,and when found guilty hang these bastards from the gallows.

these leftist bolshevik DemonRat gangsters and their usefull idiots in the media are going out of their way to start a bloody civil war in our country,and believe you me it is coming,and guess who will suffer the most,it's going to be us jews.
DIN,YOU DID THE RIGHT THING BY PACKING YOUR BAGS,we should all follow his example