Sunday, June 21, 2020

Bobov 48 Doesn't Care About Covid-19

Mazal Tov.... Mazal Tov..... this was at the Tenoyim of the Bobover Rebbes Youngest son...

This "kishhing the hand business" of the rebbe, is a Hungarian "minhag shtus" and was never practised by the the "galiyetzaner" chassidim .... in fact when I was growing up, the galiyatzaner would mock the Hungarians because they kissed the hands of their rebbes...

The Bobover Rebbe 48 was one of the first to get the Covid-19 virus and it was only then that he issued a fatwa for chassidim to take precautions..

But now that his youngest son got engaged, "beshaa tova umitzlachas" he no longer practices "social distancing" and stuck his hand out so he could get kissed!. ....
Pity the guy that will kiss that hand next!



galityaner said...

he only let him because he knows no one else will

Boorrro Parrrk said...

Bobov has a subculture of Hungarians who started hanging out with them in the days of Naftulchik's father. The knows that I know are a nauseating bunch.

Anonymous said...

Ben Zion is gay he would let the guy do a lot more than just kiss him

Anonymous said...

absolute AVODAH ZARAH,human worship, fehhhhhhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

Better to kiss the hand than to kiss the ****** .

cyrano said...

DIN, I am not a great fan of Chassidic Rebbes, but I absolutely despise, DESPISE, untruths or half truths. Your headline "Bobov 48 Doesn't Care About Covid-19", is misleading in the least and completely false in the main. Now, if you would have declared , "Bobover Rebbe cares about no one but himself", I could have accepted it as probably true, but Covid-19 is a non-issue.

COVID-19 is gone. Enough already with the Covid-19!!

New York City announced that there are 385 "PROBABLE" or confirmed new cases of Covid-19 yesterday, with symptoms ranged from non-to serious. During the same period, there were over 600 automobile collisions. Do I see pictures in DIN of people getting behind the wheel of a car which a caption " Look, people driving! Gevald!! They don't care about all the auto accidents in NY, Some of them are actually fatal!!. So please, stop with the Covid-19. Focus better on the stuff you do so well, exposing corruption in higher places.

P.S. Regarding B.A.L.'s hand being kissed, the man doing the kissing is his mechutan, the Vizshnizer Rebbe's grandson. Although you are correct; it is not a Galicianer minhag (Galicianers are actually repulsed by it), nonetheless it is the accepted minhag in Vizshnitz. What should B.A.L have done? Snatch his hand away and insult his mechutan?