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Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Bobov 48 Distributed Infested B'Gan Strawberries on Shevuois

I am not exactly certain when on Shevuois the infested strawberries were distributed to the hungry Bobov 48 mispallalim...
because if it was served before "matan torah" there is a "tzad" to say that there was no prohibition to eat shratzim....

I'll go out on a limb to say it was served after krias ha'torah ...

According to the Yudel Shain Blog ...Bobov 48 chassidim had some extra protein this Yom Tov ......

Here is. some advice from a former Talmud ...
Stick to Shmaltz Herring...



The Village Fressers said...

Something was suspicious when Agudah Fresser affiliated camps who are pressuring parents to add to the pile on of pestering State Governors made a vague mention that they are also working with a non-Jewish camp association.

I smelled a rat & investigated to find out that unzerra greedy Fresser camp owners are referring to the YMCA's camp association, roshei taivos for the Young Men's Christian Association - made famous in the Disco music era by the open homosexual music band "The Village People"


picture Avi Shafran in cowboy hat & Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky in Indian Chief headdress


This is the particlar Notzri shita of the YMCA founders that carries on until today, that it is a religious duty to Yoshke to keep building your physical stamina & physique / body attributes - in other words, summer camp must go on to arrive at these neo-Hellenist goals.

My oh my, how the Agudah constantly evolves from Chaim Dovid Zweibel rubbing shoulders with galochim (adorned with oversize Crosses) to plot joint Vatican-Agudah sabotage of legislation against child molesters, to conspiring with these Yevonim how to kill off kids with a virus as if they are Cuomo dealing with the elderly population.


The study the YMCA commissioned to falsely claim it is "safe" to open overnight camps was authored by Environmental Health & Engineering, Inc.

The President of this company is a fellow named McCarthy who is a paid consultant to the pro-Communist China "World Health Organization" who jointly, initially tried to convince the world that the virus does not spread between humans and fought to stop US efforts to safeguard against the virus. President Trump has cut all US funding to this vile organization.

Save the children said...

There was a post further back about the insane Agudah Fressers trying to manipulate Cuomo & other Govs to open up the overnight camps to start another round of infections.


If you'd like to give a piece of your mind to Chaim Dovid Zweibel & Leon Goldenberg, their cell #s were unmasked here during an investigation. See the image of the de Blasio email

Anonymous said...

Who is thisfresser guy ????

The only difference between our Fresser model and Rabbi Chaim Dovid is pretty straight forward.
Fresser champion wakes up up to fress and goes to sleep dressing. Maybe with a Bracha maybe not - Achilah gahsoh issues -.
Reb Chaim Dovid does everything according to Daas Torah. Unfortunally he does not consult with our fresser daas balleh boss.
The are many more differences as an example our lead Fresser knows a lot about “oisoy ish”.
It’s like he went to catholic school or something pretty close to that.
He’ll say he studied Catholic studies to know how to respond to G-d knows who...But he has not justified all that bitul Torah involved ( assuming he is born a Jew vs a addition to the Jewish community )

Anonymous said...

June 3, 2020 at 11:36 AM, exactly which narcotic are you smoking?