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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Jewish moments in honor of the the groundbreaking Seinfeld sitcom which ended this week in 1998

Kramer runs a Jewish singles event

Kramer hands Jerry and Elaine flyers for a Jewish singles event, saying he expects them to be there. “But I’m not Jewish,” says Elaine. “Well, neither am I,” Kramer responds. Later, as he’s making kreplach for the event in Jerry’s kitchen, Kramer tries to convince Jerry to try one. “Eat, eat,” he says, “you’re skin and bones!”

George is a white supremacist

Jerry and George spot an opportunity for a free limo ride home from the airport when they see a driver holding a placard for someone who missed the flight that Jerry was on. But, as it turns out, George must pretend to be a neo-Nazi leader to avoid detection. If you’ve ever tried to picture a couple of New York Jews trying to impersonate a white supremacist, it goes pretty much how you’d think.


Elaine discovers that Jewish men have a “thing” for non-Jewish women. “What does being a shiksa have to do with it?” she asks George. “You’ve got shiksappeal,” he says. “Jewish men love the idea of meeting a woman that’s not like their mother.”

Crying Chuck Schumer Literally Flip-Flopping on EVERYTHING

Dividing Jerusalem "OFF THE TABLE"

Mattesdorfer Rav Buried in Har Hamnuchot Near His Mother Rebbitzen Ruchel Ehrenfeld

All Photos are DIN Exclusive

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Nazis Dressed Up As Chassidic Jews Meet Erdoğan in London

President  Erdoğan of Turkey received members of the anti-Jewish Neturei "Nazi" Karta International organization in a closed-to-press meeting in London on Tuesday.
The Jewish Nazi group led by Elahanan Beck held a meeting with Erdoğan, Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Ömer Çelik and Deputy Secretary General and Spokesperson of the Presidency Ibrahim Kalın in Intercontinental Hotel that lasted for about half an hour, sources said.
Neturei Nazi Karta International brings together Nazi Jews who bizarrely believe that the Zionist cause of creating an Israeli state in the Middle East contradicts Jewish religious teachings, noting that such a state can only be created by the Messiah. This belief mirrors the belief of Hitler and Eichman.
The members of the group are known to openly protest Israel, and support Palestinian groups through protests and events.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The Mattersdorfer Rav, Hagaon HaRav Simcha Bunim Ehrenfeld ZATZAL

The Mattersdorfer Rav, Harav Simcha Bunim Ehrenfeld, zt”l, who was marbitz Torah to generations of talmidim as Rosh Yeshivas Chasan Sofer, which he led for decades, continuing the mesorah of the Chasam Sofer of whom he was a direct descendant, was niftar early Tuesday morning, Rosh Chodesh Sivan. He was 88 years old and had been hospitalized for several weeks.
Though arriving in the United States at a young age, growing up in the home of his father, Harav Shmuel Ehrenfeld, zt”l, the previous Mattersdorfer Rav, he absorbed the spirit of the Gedolei Rabbanim of Hungarian Jewry and the malchus of the dynasty of the Chasam Sofer and his descendants. Those who knew him testify that all aspects of the Rav’s royal bearing and deportment bespoke a sense of aristocracy from previous generations.
The Rav’s ahavas haTorah, tremendous hasmadah and mastery of Shas and Poskim provided a model of a true Gadol b’Torah for hundreds of talmidim who attended his shiurim and learned in the beis medrash of Chasan Sofer.

NY Daily News Smears Israel as Gazans Riot During Embassy Opening

On Monday, the Trump administration made history with the unveiling of the new US embassy in Jerusalem, implementing the long-delayed 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act.

The event cemented US recognition, first given by President Donald Trump in a December 6th declaration, of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

More than 250 Trump administration officials, US lawmakers, and other dignitaries joined the US delegation to Israel for the historic event.

The historic move was overshadowed in much of the foreign news coverage of the day, however, by the violent protests taking place along the Gaza border.

Since March 30th, tens of thousands of rioters have gathered along Israel’s security fence on the Gaza frontier, hurling firebombs and stones at soldiers, placing bombs along the security perimeter, attempting to breach the fence, and even using kites to drop improvised explosive devices and incendiary bombs inside of Israeli territory.

Dubbed the “March of Return”, Hamas leaders in Gaza urged rioters to breach Israel’s security fence and flood into Israel.
Israeli security officials warned Gazans not to approach the border, adding that IDF snipers would target those attempt to damage or breach the fence.
During the subsequent six weeks of riots and attempts to infiltrate Israel, 54 rioters – many known Hamas terrorists – were killed by Israeli security forces.

On Monday the rioting along the border expanded, drawing tens of thousands of Gazans. IDF forces once again opened fire on rioters who approached the fence or attacked Israeli soldiers, resulting in 58 fatalities. An additional 2,000 rioters were wounded.

Many news headlines, however, played down or ignored entirely the violent riots which prompted Israel’s act of self-defense, in some cases even portraying Israel’s defensive actions to protect the border as a ‘slaughter’.

A headline from The Irish Times, for instance, read “Israeli troops kill at least 58 Palestinians in Gaza protests”, with no mention of the violent nature of the protests, or the fact that many of the rioters attacked Israeli soldiers with firebombs and stones.

One headline by The New York Times failed even to mention the word “protests”: “Israel kills 58 and injures over 1,300 by Gunfire at Gaza Border”.

Another New York Times headline seemingly linked the deaths to the embassy opening in Jerusalem: “Israel Kills Dozens at Gaza Border as U.S. Embassy Opens in Jerusalem”.

Yahoo News published an article with a similar headline Tuesday: “Israeli forces kill dozens in Gaza as U.S. Embassy opens in Jerusalem”.

The UK-based Guardian tied Trump directly to the violence with a headline which read “Israel: Trump’s new embassy opens – and dozens are killed”. The headline was later altered to “Israel faces outcry over Gaza killings during Jerusalem embassy protests.”

One headline drew criticism from a senior Fox News reporter.
“Good grief,” tweeted Fox News’ Brit Hume in response to a Daily News front page headline targeting Ivanka Trump over her appearance at the embassy opening ceremony Monday.

Next to a picture of Ivanka smiling at the ceremony, the cover featured an image of Gazans carrying a wounded rioter. Splashed across the page was the headline 
“DADDY’S LITTLE GHOUL: 55 slaughtered in Gaza, but Ivanka all smiles at Jerusalem embassy unveil”.

Yanky Daskal in big Doodoo caught on recorded call with victim

The politically connected Shomrim leader accused of repeatedly raping a 15-year-old girl implicated himself in a recorded phone call with his victim, prosecutors revealed Friday. 

Jacob “Yanky” Daskal, 59, who helped found the neighborhood Boro Park Shomrim patrol group some 30 years ago, knew his victim prior to the alleged attacks, prosecutors said.

The major campaign donor pleaded not guilty at his Friday arraignment  in Brooklyn Supreme Court and quickly posted $75,000 bond.

At the brief hearing, prosecutors said they set up and recorded a phone call earlier this week between Daskal and the young girl he is accused of sexually abusing in the Borough Park home he shares with his wife and family.
“There was a controlled phone call,” said Assistant District Attorney Kevin O’Donnell.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

FBI At The Home of Yanky Daskal Alleged Rapist of 15 Year-Old Girl

Yom Yerushalyim ... Gratitude on Jerusalem Reunification Day

Taxpayer-funded Jewish schools are dooming young men to poverty

Yosi Neufield
Judaism refers to its followers as “people of the book.” But the children — some 57,000 of them in New York City alone, according to the 2013 census — of the state’s ultra-Orthodox communities are largely being denied an education that includes science, math and English books.

In April, state Senator Simcha Felder (D – Brooklyn) refused to sign off on the state budget unless yeshivas, which accept millions of dollars in government funding, were given more autonomy over curricula. Per a Post editorial, “Felder demanded [legislation] to exempt private yeshivas from state requirements to provide adequate education in basic areas such as English, math, science and history.”
It was announced on Wednesday that Felder secured some $200,000 in discretionary funds for “education access” programs for Agudath Israel, the lobbying force that helped fight state efforts to impose instructional standards on yeshivas.

Sheldon Silver was ‘broken man’ at Shabbas Davening after conviction

Sabbath services at the Lower East Side’s Bialystoker Synagogue felt funereal Saturday as its star congregant — disgraced ex-Assembly Speaker Shelly Silver — fell from grace, again.
The 74-year-old, convicted Friday for the second time for selling his office for $4 million in kickbacks, showed up as usual for the 7 a.m. service at the historic shul.
But where he was once treated as a celebrity and bestowed with honors, his fellow worshippers gave him a wide berth and the mood was somber “as if someone had died,” one observer said.
There was no special prayer of healing as both the rabbi and the rabbi’s assistant offered after the Democratic leader’s 2015 arrest — an accommodation the politician declined at the time.
And Silver was not called upon to read a blessing over the Torah, which is considered an honor.
Now facing up to 130 years in prison after Friday’s guilty verdict in federal court, he sat largely alone in a corner of the synagogue’s basement prayer space.
“The whole entire time he was just sunken into his prayer book. He seemed like a broken man,” the observer said.
Congregants seemed to walk on egg shells around him, offering a traditional “Good shabbos” greeting, but then quickly moving on.
He joined the 20 or so worshippers in attendance for the kiddish meal after the service, sitting together at one long table.
A congregant discussed the day’s Torah portion saying that God would not cast out a member of the community “so we too shouldn’t cast anyone out,” according to the observer.
But the words were cold comfort to Silver who merely nibbled on the warmed over meal of potato and noodle kugels, herring and cholent, a traditional stew. Small glasses were set out for a drink of schnapps.
After the meal, Silver picked up a prayer book again and headed to sit back down in the shul alone.
Sentencing for Silver, who was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2016, is scheduled for July 13 and he was allowed to remain out on bail.
He said outside the courthouse Friday that he was “disappointed” and would pursue an appeal. “I am very confident the judicial process will play out in my favor,” he said.
But the enormity of the situation seemed to weigh heavily on Silver Saturday.
“He seemed worried and sick,” the observer said.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Thank G-d for Israel

Some events in history are so clear and powerful, they can be identified immediately. World War II, Soviet Aliyah to Israel, the Election of 2016.

Other events are so sparse and spread out that only historians can look back and label them. The First Aliyah Wave, the Decline of Rome, the Information Age.

We are in the middle of one such event, and at the initial stages of another. And I am not referring to the IDF destroying Iranian military sites in Syria, but to a more longterm development.

There is not a major city in Israel where French has become the official "fourth" language behind Hebrew, Arabic, and English. Throughout Netanya, Jerusalem, and even Anglo dominated Raanana, newly opened French Bistro's dot the landscapes.

The intensity of anti-Semitism in France has only grown as families, the elderly, and more innocents are butchered by soulless barbarians who drink our blood. They turning a slow drip of French immigrants into a steady stream of new Israeli citizens.

There are still hundreds of thousands of Jews in France. One official projects that over 250,000 French Jews will move to Israel by the end of the next decade.  It's ironic that a horde of Syrian Arabs who hate Israel have been displaced from their homeland only to bolster the population of the Jewish State.

Historians may look back and call 2005-2030 the Era of French Aliyah.

The Next W200ave

Is America 2018 like France 2005?

In the past week, two of our brothers have been beaten in broad daylight in New York for simply dressing Jewish. Not a month goes by that a Jewish Synagogue, Cemetery, or individual is desecrated. Like in France, the trend is intensifying, not reversing.

People are angry. They hijack real problems like racism, sexual assault, and corruption of the wealthy to express their rage. Some of their anger on these issues is certainly justified, but a lot of it is projecting their rage at life itself. The media help them along. This collective feeling of helpless desperation only adds more heat to Pressure Cooker America that can blow at any minute.

Americans may start moving to Israel in a slow drip. Today, there is prosperity in America and the frustration is somewhat muted. If the nation were to enter into a recession with widespread unemployment like in 1990, 2003, or 2009, Katy bar the door. The slow drip can gush forward like a dam whose walls were breached.

Historians may call the period 2015-2040 the Era of American Aliya.

What Do I Do Now?

If you are living in New York, Chicago, or Florida and are no longer at ease inside a Synagogue or JCC, start to learn Hebrew. Go to Israel every vacation and look for the part of the country in which you see yourself happiest.

Go to meetups whenever you come here. Learn the skills that make you most employable in Hi-Tech Startup Nation. Take my course at succeedinisrael.com. If you invest 10 hours a week in a skill that Israel requires, in 3 years you will have amassed 1,500 hours, virtually making you an expert. You can gain experience by freelancing on Fivver, taking a part time job, or working pro-bono to pad your resume.  
You will be pleased to know that you can enjoy the same standard of living here that you can anywhere else. If there were ever a such thing as a golden exit, this is it.

Natalie Portman’s True Intentions (a look back)
In refusing the Genesis Prize, Mrs. Portman, at age 36, announced her bid for congress. She grew up in New York and made her name in California. Both of these states are not merely Democrat, they are ultra-liberal progressive. Now that Hollywood actors are becoming candidates, the Harvard educated Portman may decide to throw her tiara into the ring.
She owes it all to President Donald J. Trump who set the precedent of going straight from Tinseltown to Talking Points.
By internationally humiliating Israel, she is crowning herself heir apparent to Bernie Sanders.
It's shameful that she feels she has to throw us under the bus to advance her personal ambitions. It's scary that for any Democrat to advance, they have to throw us under the bus.
Wasn’t there another party in recent history that measured success by the number of Jewish hides a candidate amassed?
Portman, it’s not worth it. Go back to acting.

Every week you can expect me, David Ben Horin, to be writing this column, Thank God for Israel. Writing and fighting to give my every morsel of wisdom to the good people who love my beloved country. Even to the not so good people who should love my country, it's never too late to see the light. Check out http://www.succeedinisrael.com

Thursday, May 10, 2018

In 1335, 1,200 Jews of Toledo, Spain, were massacred during a Christian and Moslem mob attack on the Jewish section

On This Day In History 25 Iyar, in 1335, 

613 Years Before the Zionist State Was Established, Moslems massacred 1,200 Jews in Spain.

The Fraudulent fake history, that Satmar promulgates, is that Jews lived in peace with Arabs before the State was established.

These lies were written by the founder of Satmar, R' Yoel Teitelbaum in his book "Al Hagilah."

This is just one example of the outright lies and the re-writing of History that the Romanian Gypsies keep reporting who believe the rants of the Nazi Propaganda Minister Goebbels, who famously said that "if you repeat a lie over and over it will eventually become the truth."


The Holy Belzer Rebbetzin who is visiting Montreal performing the mitzvah of challah

New Square & Monroe Have the Highest Poverty Rate In The Entire USA Yet Have the Highest Real Estate Prices

A report published by financial news and opinion website 24/7 Wall Street gives New Square the dubious honor of being both the poorest town in New York State and the town with the highest poverty rate in the nation.
According to the report (http://bit.ly/2G1WaPU), the median household income in New Square is $21,773, $38,968 less than the median household income in the state.
Kiryas Joel came in a close second to New Square, with median household incomes of almost $5,000 higher. 
Only four towns on the state by state listing of poorest towns in the United States had median household incomes lower than New Square:  South Tucson, Arizona, East Cleveland, Ohio, Brownsville, Florida and Ville Platte, Louisiana.
Poverty rates in the study were defined as an annual income of less than $25,100 per year for a family of four, with New Square’s 70 percent rate far surpassing Centerville, Illinois’s 50.1 percent poverty rate, the second highest in the nation. 
New Square also had the highest rate of SNAP recipients in the country with 77.1 percent of the village’s residents relying on supplemental aid programs to feed their families.
According to the report, towns with a significant population of low income residents typically have relatively low housing prices. New Square was the exception to that rule, with median housing prices higher than that of the state average.
The report was based on data from the United States Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, with social and economic factors based on five year estimates for the period of 2012 through 2016. 
Among the areas studied by the report were percentage of adults with high school and college diplomas, local poverty and SNAP recipient rates and median home values. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Not Only Belz Rebbitzen Surrounded Herself With Men, Satmar Rebbitzen Did The Same!

In the Satmar Newspapers they photoshopped out the rebbbetzin in this photo!

The rule amongst the Satmar hypocrites is that there must be a mechitzah between men and women even in restaurants .... but that only applies to the regular Szlub Chassidim, but it doesn't apply to the Holy Rebbitzen, the wife of R' Yoel Teitelbaum, founder of the Gypsy Romanian Cult.

Trump Kills "Ezra Friedlander's" Iran Deal

Guys, remember when the Kapo Ezra Friedlander tried to convince his own brothers and sisters that Nadler's vote for the murderous Iran Deal was a good thing?
Remember when the Satmar Rebbe, R' Aron Teitelbaum of Monroe sent letters to US congressmen that they "stab Israel" and vote for the Iran Deal which basically gave Iran nuclear capabilities to destroy C"V, Israel?
Well, Trump, a goy, destroyed the deal, shutting up these Jewish Reshaim!
A US president is pushing back on Iran’s dangerous and growing power.
President Trump’s decision Tuesday to withdraw from Team Obama’s badly flawed Iran deal and reimpose sanctions sends a clear message to the mullahs: The jig’s up.
As Trump noted, the accord left Iran free to develop nukes within a decade, even as Washington unfroze billions in Iranian assets and lifted sanctions that had left the regime gasping. And it let Tehran keep developing ever-more-deadly and longer-range missiles.
More, it encouraged Iran’s inflaming of conflicts across the region and expanding its influence at the expense of US allies.
Now US sanctions will return in coming months, leaving companies in Europe and elsewhere with the choice of doing business with Iran or the United States. Other measures against the country’s Central Bank will make it tough to do business even with companies that are still willing.
And sanctions related to insurance will make it far harder to ship Iranian oil — Tehran’s chief source of foreign money.
This, when the regime already faces mass protests over the fact that it devoted the cash freed up by the deal not to domestic needs but to its military and its foreign adventurism. With its currency already collapsing, can it risk fresh confrontation?
Indeed, while Tehran talked tough in the runup to Trump’s announcement, its immediate reaction was not to restart its programs or turn inspectors away, but to seek talks with Europe, Russia and China about preserving the deal.
French President Emmanuel Macron, meanwhile, called for negotiations to strengthen the deal enough to bring the United States back in — by addressing all the flaws Trump has flagged.
This, when the Obama crew had insisted this was the best accord anyone could get — though it denied inspectors full access to Iran’s military sites and, again, left it free to openly resume its nuke work in a few years.
Far better to wipe the slate clean now, and begin working to stop Iran before it grows stronger.
“America will not be held hostage to nuclear blackmail,” said Trump. Hear, hear.
But now he’ll need to follow up — not just with restored sanctions, but with a full-court press to roll back Iran’s march of evil.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Palestinian President Claims Jews’ Behavior Caused the Holocaust Just Like the Va'Yoel Moshe

Reading the report (below), I have to believe that the bastard Abbas must be learning the Va"Yoel Moshe, authored by R' Yoel Teitelbaum, founder of the Satmar Dynasty.

R' Yoel Teitelbaum, wrote that Jews that were Zionists were the cause of the Holocaust! 
I'm not making this up ..... according to R' Yoel's bizarre theory, the Zionists colluded with Hitler ym"s to murder six million Jews!!!
The Zionists at the time had no army and no country.... but that didn't stop the Satmarer Rebbe from spreading this idiotic theory..... and his chassidim are still buying this as I type this. 
And get this ..... Zionists living in Europe were also murdered by the Nazis, because the Nazis didn't differentiate between a Chassidishe Jew wearing "vaaseh zoken" and a Jew wearing a Kipah Serugah, the ovens consumed everything thrown in.

So why is Abbas who is parroting the Va'Yoel Moshe, an anti-Semite???
Isn't he only repeating the words from the Satmar book, verbatim?

In yet another long and disoriented rant on Monday, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas took his antisemitic sentiment to a new level.
Abbas told a Palestinian National Council session that the Jewish people — not antisemitism or the Nazis — caused the Holocaust, through their “social behavior,” The Times of Israel reported.
According to Abbas, the mass genocide of more than six million Jews was a result of the Jews’ “social behavior, [charging] interest, and financial matters.”
Abbas also claimed that Israel is a European colonial project, that European Jews have “no historical ties” to Israel, and that “those who sought a Jewish state weren’t Jews.”
Denying Jewish identity and Jewish rights to any part of Israel are other forms of antisemitism that Abbas frequently embraces.
In a January 14 address to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Central Council, Abbas spent more than two hours ranting about the history of Zionism in a conspiratorial fashion. He claimed that Jews moved to Israel solely for ideological and colonial reasons, not because of persecution — “even during the Holocaust.”
In the same speech, he went off on a blatantly antisemitic tirade that attempted to de-legitimize any Jewish presence in the state of Israel: “The significance of Israel’s functional character is that colonialism created it in order to fill a specific role; it is a colonialist project that is not connected to Judaism, but made use of the Jews so they would serve as pawns…”
These antisemitic comments are reminiscent of his Holocaust-denying doctoral thesis, which grossly underestimates the number of Jews killed in the genocide and focuses on an unsubstantiated relationship between Zionists and Nazis.
While trying to present a moderate face for years, recent developments show that the Palestinian president has become a hostile and outwardly racist leader, who continues to alienate the Palestinian people.

Satmarer Chassidim Arrested for Fraud in Bet Shemesh

The Minhag in the Zionist State of Israel, "miyamim kadmonim shel Dovid ben Gurion, is that if you want to open a Shul, the Zionists provide the land for gratis...

So the Satmarer Aronim followers went and negotiated from the "cursed" Zionists a huge piece of land in Bet Shemesh to build a Bais Medrish and got the land for absolutely nothing as per the "cursed" law of the Zionists.

But they noticed that they could build over 100 homes on this land, why should they build a Mokon Torah if they can make millions building homes, so they bribed the Zionists Bet Shemesh Construction inspectors and started building regular homes.

They all got arrested!

Police arrested ten senior officials from the Beit Shemesh municipality in an early morning raid on Sunday. Authorities ransacked Beit Shemesh city hall and conducted searches in suspects' private homes.

Police said they are investigating senior Beit Shemesh officials over suspicions of bribery and breach of trust. The probe centers around allegations that officials converted a building destined for use by a Yeshiva to a private residential complex.

The investigation is a being conducted in cooperation with the Tax Authority and the Jerusalem District Attorney's office.
The Israel Police said that it would "continue to investigate and expose improper processes, in a conflict of interest, and to seek and reach any place where there is suspicion of public corruption that harms government and normative citizens."