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Thursday, December 15, 2022

Americans on alert as tech-savvy criminals use Apple AirTag to stalk, steal


Strange chirping sounds and alerts on iPhones have put some Americans on high alert over the last year and a half as they try to figure out why an unknown device is tracking their every move.

 It’s one of the latest crime trends that tech-savvy criminals are using to carry out car thefts and stalkings, which has pushed police departments across the nation to warn residents to watch out for the new tactic.

 "In a traditional stalking case, typically you have people who are making contact or unwanted contact with a victim, repeatedly,"

 Dearborn, Michigan, police Sgt. James Isaacs told Fox 2 earlier this year.
 "They're following them where they work, where they go to school, where they are going to eat. Using the AirTag is just another way for them to do that in a more surreptitious way." 

 Dearborn is among the slew of police departments that have warned the public since last year to be on high alert for criminals using Apple AirTags to steal or illegally follow people. 

 Apple released AirTags in April of 2021 as the latest way to find lost personal items such as keys or handbags, and billed with the instructions "Ping It. Find It." AirTag owners can clip the small disc-shaped device to something they often misplace, and simply ask Siri to track the AirTag, which has a built-in speaker that chirps when engaged, or use an iPhone to track its exact location.

Discovery of King Hezekiah’s Inscriptions


Archaeologist Prof. Gershon Galil on Wednesday night revealed on Channel 14 what they believe to be one of the most important archaeological discoveries of all time in Israel, which they say presents a breakthrough in the study of the history of Israel in the biblical period.

As Prof. Galil put it: “I managed to decipher five new monumental royal inscriptions of King Hezekiah of Judah, which together include dozens of lines and hundreds of letters. The inscriptions mention the name of Hezekiah, king of Judah, and summarize his main actions in the first seventeen years of his reign, among them, the quarrying of Nikbat Ha’Shiloah and its pool; the ritual reform; the conquest of Philistia; and his accumulation of great wealth.”

The most crucial aspect of his discovery, according to Galil, is the fact that “the inscriptions indicate the exact date on which the Ha’Shiloah project was completed: 2 Tammuz, year 17 of Hezekiah, or 709 BCE.”

According to him, “It is now clear that the chronology dating the start of Hezekiah’s reign in 726 BCE is to be preferred,” which was the point of his 1996 book, “The Chronology of the Kings of Israel and Judah.”

Chareidie Who spit on Women and drew Palestinian Flag Arrested Finally


משטרת בית שמש עצרה אדם חרדי בחשד שצייר את דגל פלסטין ורשם 'ציונים החוצה' ובהמשך ירק על אישה

אתמול (שלישי) עצרה משטרת בית שמש תושב העיר בחשד שצייר את דגל פלסטין עם הכיתוב "ציונים החוצה" על דגל מעלית.

עוד עולה כי באירוע נוסף פגש אישה וירק עליה תוך כדי שהוא מקלל אותה. בית משפט השלום החליט בדיון הבוקר לשחרר את החשוד למעצר בית.

בפתח הדיון בבית משפט השלום בירושלים שם ביקשה המשטרה להאריך את מעצרו, אמר נציג המשטרה שמדובר בעצור שנעצר על בסיס צו והוא נחשד ע"פ החשד בשני אירועים.

האירוע בגינו הוצא צו המעצר לחשוד הגיע בעקבות האירוע בו על פי החשד הוא שם דגל של פלסטין במעלית ורשם "ציונים החוצה".

כאמור, באירוע נוסף על פי החשד פגש באישה וירק עליה תוך שהוא מקלל אותה. לאחר שבעלה של האישה הגיע למקום, המשיב נמלט מהמקום.

המשיב נחקר-לגבי האירוע הראשון עם האישה, המשיב הודה כי היה לו עימות עם אישה, אך טען כי היא קיללה אותו והוא אמר לה "איכסה" וכי הוא אויים ע"י בעלה באמצעות סכין.

עורך הדין רועי פוליטי המייצג את החשוד אמר בדיון כי יש שני אירועים כאשר אחד מהם, הוא השחתת פני מקרקעין. לטענת עורך הדין, העבירה היא בטח לא עבירה שמקימה עילת מסוכנות אם הדברים נכונים.

על המקרה השני אמר עורך דינו של החשוד כי "אם הם שמעו ממנו שאיימו עליו בסכין ולא קרה שום דבר מעבר לזה זה חמור ביותר. האישה והבעל לא נחקרו תחת אזהרה אני מניח ולמעשה מי שאמור להיות עצור נמצא בחוץ. לאור הנסיבות, חומרת העניין, חלוף הזמן והחשד הסביר הנמוך, אבקש לשחרר אותו בתנאים".

בסיום הדיון החליט השופט לשחרר את החשוד למעצר בית בן - 4 ימים ומספר תנאים נוספים

New Survey Says that 80 percent of Charedim use the internet


A new survey conducted by the Israeli Internet Union and the Haredi Institute for Policy Research has released its latest findings on internet use among Israel's haredi population, relating to the year 2021. The survey shows that around 80 percent of haredim use the internet, even though around half have no home internet access.

Haredim from the Lithuanian stream use the internet more than Chassidim or Sephardim, while Sephardim are more likely than the other two haredi streams to access the internet via a mobile phone, and haredi women are more likely to access the internet via a mobile phone than haredi men are.

The survey also revealed the main concerns limiting internet use among haredim. Topping the list is the fear of becoming addicted, followed by worries of time-wasting and concern of the detrimental impact on children. Haredim are not particularly concerned that use of the internet will impact their family's matchmaking prospects or getting their children accepted into schools.

The Death of the Baal Teshuva Movement?


When Jews left Judaism and Orthodoxy in droves during the 1800s and early 1900s, the great sages of the generation took strong action. Great sages, from the great Chafetz Chaim to several Lubavitcher Rebbes, From Sarah Schnirer to the Alter of Novardhok and R’ Meir Shapiro, addressed the problems, did their best to implement improvements and remedies and fought heroically to fill the historic role Jewish leaders have taken throughout the generations to preserve Yiddishkeit through the countless challenges we have faced as a people.

They were not labeled as anti-Charedi for not towing party line or saying that everything is perfect; they acknowledged the problems and addressed them.

This being said, it is important we acknowledge the new reality of our generation, and that is that the Baal Teshuva movement, as we knew it is dead. It is no longer here. This is not just something that has to do with the world of Jewish outreach, it also can tell us a lot about the state of orthodoxy, and the rapidly changing world we are living in.

Elaine Mehler 56 from Englewood Drowns in Biscayne Bay in Florida


A 56 year old Englewood Orthodox Jewish woman drowned yesterday afternoon while swimming in the waters of Biscayne Bay.

 56 year old Elaine Mehler, an employee at Three Pillars Recruiting, was taking part in a company retreat and was on a boat near Miami’s Jungle Island when she decided to go for a swim sometime after 4 PM.

Witnesses said that she disappeared in the water, prompting calls to both 911 and the Coast Guard called to help locate the missing woman.

Mehler was located near Jungle Island at approximately 5:15 PM and airlifted to the Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Medical Center where she was pronounced dead.

Chesed Shel Emes worked through the night to preserve kavod hames and to arrange for Mehler to be transported back to New Jersey on Wednesday evening.

The funeral will be held on Thursday with burial to follow in Israel.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Beit Shemesh Residents Fed up With the Protestors Beat the Living Daylights Out of Them


Why are Kosher Food Vendors Ripping off Frum Families Who Cannot afford these Crazy High Prices


Look around at any Jewish neighborhood and you’ll find families struggling. Not one or two, but dozens. I’m talking about families not being able to cough up the money to keep their homes heated. And some can’t even buy food.

The food part is what troubles me most. It’s not a secret that inflation has taken a chunk out of everyone’s bank accounts. Everything we need to buy is more expensive; from cheaper items to large expenses, costs have soared for everyone. But this problem appears to be much more acute in the frum community.

Take a look at food prices. The prices of eggs, chicken, meat, dairy – literally everything – has shot up way beyond the amount that prices have gone up in non-kosher supermarkets. Yes, everyone is paying higher prices, but why are we paying 20% more than the already inflation-affected prices in Walmart, ShopRite, and Costco?

What really needs to be asked, and I don’t intend to create a firestorm, is: are kosher food manufacturers using inflation as an excuse to jack up prices well beyond what they need to stay profitable? Have they found a way to enrich themselves off the backs of hardworking, struggling fellow Jews?

I could be wrong. Perhaps they have no option, for whatever reason, but to raise their prices beyond what non-kosher stores are hiking them to. I can’t say for sure. But if that is true, I’d like to know why and I want to know how it can be fixed. There are too many families unable to put food on the table for this crisis to be ignored. There are too many families relying on Tomchei Shabbos for us not to demand answers.

Chaim F. – Lakewood, NJ

Moshe "langeh booooord" Isenberg Refuses to Give his wife a Get


Elka Rothman, Haredi Matriarch of 2,000 Offspring, Dies at 97


Amram Blau 
Elka Rothman, daughter of the late anti-Zionist founder of Neturei Karta, Rabbi Amram Blau, passed away in her home at Batei Broida in Jerusalem at age 97, leaving behind 13 children and some 2,000 grandchildren and greatgrandchildren, whose own grandchildren are in the process of getting married.

Rabbi Blau’s first wife, Hinda (née Weber), died in 1963, and due to a shrapnel injury, he was not allowed halachically to marry a woman who was Jewish from birth. He thus married a convert in 1965, Ruth Ben-David, who was 26 years younger than him.

Thousands of her offspring attended Elka Rothman’s funeral procession. She was born in 1925 and eventually married Rabbi Israel Rothman, who passed away in 1984.

Her neighbors and family members recalled her as a righteous woman who was especially concerned with making every Jew feel welcome in her home. Jerusalemites used to say that Elka was the grandmother of half of Jerusalem, and as a result, her name appeared every week on invitations to celebrations in Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh. It got to the point where printing shop owners would ask every customer, “With or without Elka?”

She was buried on Har Hazeisim

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Williamsburg Being Duped by Their Rebbes & Askanim to Attend a Dinner In Honor of Democrats on "Chuf Alef Kislev" December 15


The typical Chassidisher Yid living in Williamsburg, knows nothing on what is going on behind their backs and how they are being misled by the Askanim and even their Rebbes. 

They, just like their grandparents back in Hungary and Romania are being led to be slaughtered like sheep. 

When I say slaughtered, I mean spiritually. 

Every child in Williamsburg knows that both Satmar Brothers hate each other's guts, but what they don't know is that these brothers and their askanim, colluded in a scheme to destroy the Chinuch of the "tinokas shel bais rabban," in order to get Federal and State grants.

To facilitate this massive "Chillul Hashem" they called for a dinner on December 15 to honor the leaders of the Democrat Party, which will include Senator Schumer. 

All those Democrat leaders have voted for laws that are directly detrimental to Jewish Values. They have voted to mandate having LGBT agendas, and subjects that include introducing and allowing  transgender woke ideas to the holy vulnerable innocent heimishe children. 

The askanim and the rebbes have sold their souls to these degenerate politicians all for Federal and State funds.

The Headline above the "Kol Korah" in a message to the leaders, reads:

Hypocrites, Judenrat, Kapos

Ben-Gvir Tells the US what to do with their "demand for 'accountability'"


National Security Minister-designate MK Itamar Ben-Gvir (Otzma Yehudit) pushed back Tuesday morning, after the US State Department called for “accountability” following the accidental shooting of a Palestinian Arab teenager during a gun battle between IDF forces and Arab terrorists in the northern Samaria city of Jenin.

“The comments by the American government are distressing,” Ben-Gvir said.

“When hundreds of bullets were fired by terrorists at IDF soldiers and Border Police officers, we cannot judge our soldiers as if they are working in a laboratory situation.”

“Without a doubt, the teenage girl’s death is a tragedy, but there is also no doubt that any other army in the world would have completed the kind of operation we carried out in Jenin with dozens of hostiles killed, and not with measured, pinpoint operations.”

“I call on the residents of Jenin and the civilian population there not to leave their homes when terrorists are shooting at IDF soldiers. I give my backing to the IDF soldiers and Border Police officers. They have the right to defend themselves.”

On Monday, State Department spokesperson Ned Price called for “accountability” following the death of a 16-year-old Palestinian Arab girl during Sunday night’s clashes in Jenin.

“We do express our profound condolences to the family of Jana Zakarneh, the young teenage girl who was killed. This – it is a tragic incident. It’s a heartbreaking incident any time you hear of a civilian being killed in these types of operations.”

“We understand the IDF is undertaking an investigation into what happened. We hope to see accountability in this case. I did note that outgoing Prime Minister Lapid did offer his condolences to the family of Jana Zakarneh, and we note that that her tragic death comes in the context of the escalating violence in the West Bank that we’ve noted and lamented for some time now,” he added.

“It is this alarming increase in Palestinian and Israeli deaths and injuries, including injuries to numerous children and now the death of a young Palestinian teenager – we reiterate the need for all parties to take steps to de-escalate the situation. It’s vital that the parties themselves take urgent action to prevent even greater loss of life,” said Price.

The IDF has said Zakarneh was likely killed by an IDF sniper who mistook her for a terrorist, due to her proximity to a group of terrorists during the Jenin gun battle Monday.

Just in time for Chanukah! Rare wood box containing silver coins from the reign of Antiochos IV found in an excavation


Evidence for a dramatic moment in the history of the Jewish people was uncovered in the Judean Desert:

A rare wooden box containing a small hoard of 15 silver coins, dated to the days leading up to the Maccabean Revolt.

The box was hidden in Muraba‘at Cave in the Darageh Stream Nature Reserve about 2,200 years ago, and it was discovered in excavations carried out there last May.

The coin hoard has since been researched, and it will be exhibited to the public over Hannukah in the Hasmonean Museum in Modi‘in, in the context of Israel Heritage Week that takes place on Hannukah.

The rescue excavation was carried out in Muraba‘at Cave in March–May 2022 in the framework of the Judean Desert Excavation and Survey Project run by the Israel Antiquities Authority and the Archaeological Office for the Military Administration of Judea and Samaria, in cooperation with the Ministry for Jerusalem and Heritage.

Among the many finds, the unique lathe-turned wooden box was discovered in a crack in the cave.

When the lid was removed, it turned out that the upper part of the box was full of packed earth and small stones. Below this earth layer, a large piece of purple woolen cloth was found, covering the 15 silver coins that were arranged with pieces of sheep’s wool in the lower part of the box.

Incredible voice of a Child singer

These are voices we don’t get to hear every day.

 Brothers Moshe and Yehuda Brezel perform Avraham Fried’s Shtaar Hatanaim and Yossele Rosenblatt’s famous Shir Hamaalos.

 Provided by  “Sparks of a Nation” WhatsApp Status, where followers are treated to wealth of videos and photos portraying the incredible beauty of Klal Yisroel 24 hours a day!

Mossad Director Reveals Last Telegram Of Israeli Spy Eli Cohen


Mossad Director David Barnea on Monday publicly revealed for the first time the last telegram the intelligence agency received from spy Eli Cohen prior to his capture in Syria.

The telegram, which was revealed during the dedication of the Eli Cohen Museum in Herzliya, is dated Feb. 19, 1965, the day on which Cohen is believed to have been captured. In it, Cohen reports on a Syrian General Staff meeting held the previous evening with the participation of then Syrian President Amin al-Hafez.

“I will honor this holy place and reveal, for the first time, following in-depth research that was carried out recently, that Eli Cohen was not captured due to the quantity of his transmissions or pressure from headquarters to transmit too frequently,” said Barnea. “Eli Cohen was captured because his transmissions were simply intercepted and triangulated by the enemy. This is now an intelligence fact.”

Cohen’s capture has been the subject of conjecture over the years, with some arguing that he was caught because the Mossad demanded that he transmit too much information, compromising his position.

“Eli Cohen was among our best agents,” said Barnea. “He continues to influence us and instill in us a fighting spirit, courage, values and devotion—even from the depths of history,” said Barnea. “He is a source of inspiration not only to today’s agents but to all Mossad employees in their various positions. We all learn from him, even today. From his Zionism, his sacrifice and his dedication.”

Monday, December 12, 2022

"Herzl is our George Washington and Thomas Jefferson all wrapped in one'

 If the above video makes you feel pride, you are an external Zionist. But if the video brings you to tears, then you are an internal Zionist, and that is eternally beautiful.

"Today, Theodor Herzl is best known for his beard, not his books," laments Gil Troy, editor of "The Zionist Writings of Theodor Herzl," in his introductory essay to a new edition of Herzl's diaries.

Troy, a professor of history at Canada's McGill University now living in Israel, wants to make Zionism's founders come alive for the next generation. His latest effort is a three-volume collection of Herzl's writings.

The brainchild behind the series is Matthew Miller, owner of Koren Publishers, a Jerusalem publishing house producing mainly religious texts. Drawing inspiration from the Library of America, a publisher of notable American classics and historical works, Miller decided to create a Library of the Jewish People to bring together the best writings from Jewish history in the fields of religion, the arts and politics.

"The Zionist Writings" are the first titles in that ambitious effort. They include a fairly comprehensive collection of Herzl's diaries and other works, including his play "The New Ghetto" (1894), of which Herzl biographer Alex Bein said, "Herzl completed his inner return to his people"; Herzl's 1896 manifesto "The Jewish State"; and important essays, like "The Menorah" (1897), showing how, through Zionism, Herzl reconnected with his Judaism.

Holocaust Denier Rabbi Yossi Mizrachi Being Sued by Bennett


"Rabbi Yossi Mizrachi, the infamous Holocaust denier will have to make a public apology, not for denying that 6 million Jews were murdered but because he claims that Bennett's mother wasn't Jewish.

YossieMizrachi had admitted that he is no Rabbi and never received "smicha' from anyone. This arrogant "am haaretz" was previously condemned by the Noveminsker z"l, hYossi also claimed that Jewish women posed nude for the Nazis before being gassed. 

I cannot believe that this lunatic and mental midget has a following!

Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has embroiled himself in legal wranglings with his detractors, determined to overcome the "poison machine," as he calls it.

According to a report in "Weekend News," Bennett has sent a warning in advance of a legal suit against prominent Rabbi Yossi Mizrachi, whose Torah classes are broadcast in Israel and across the world. Bennett is demanding that Rabbi Mizrachi apologize and also pay him compensation of 100 thousand shekels, after the rabbi said in one of his classes that Bennett isn't Jewish as his mother is not a Jew.

The class in question was uploaded to the rabbi's Youtube channel. In it, he says (in English) that, "No one can bear him [Bennett] - not a single person. There's no one as hated as him because of what he did. He broke all the promises he made, deceived everyone, deceived all his voters, joined up with the Muslim Brotherhood, and betrayed Israel."

Rabbi Mizrachi then added, "And furthermore, we found out just this week that his mother isn't even Jewish. In other words, he's not Jewish himself."

Bennett's lawyers emphasize that if Rabbi Mizrachi refuses to publish an apology, delete the videos in which he makes the statements, and pay compensation, they will open a court case against him and demand far greater compensation.

Al Jazeera's star witness against Israel is a Islamic Jihad terrorist


A key eyewitness in the formal complaint against Israel filed by Al Jazeera at the International Criminal Court (ICC) over the death of Shireen Abu Akleh Tuesday is a terrorist affiliated with the US-designated terrorist group Islamic Jihad, media watchdog HonestReporting reported on Sunday.

Jenin resident Sleem Awwad’s social media profiles reveal that he is a staunch supporter of Islamic Jihad, having posed with the flag of the jihadist terror group. HonestReporting found at least five photos of Awwad brandishing firearms, including military-style rifles with scopes.

“The credibility of the investigations of Al Jazeera in probing Abu Akleh’s death are questionable now that HonestReporting exposed their chief witness as an active member of a murderous terrorist organization,” HonestReporting executive director Gil Hoffman said.

On December 6, Al Jazeera filed a formal complaint against Israel with the International Criminal Court over the death of Abu Akleh, the Palestinian-American reporter shot on May 11 during a counter-terrorism operation in Jenin

An IDF probe previously concluded that Abu Akleh may have been mistakenly shot by an Israeli soldier who failed to identify her as a member of the press. After pinpointing every spot where troops had come under fire, the investigation found that they had strictly complied with the IDF’s rules of engagement.

In July, a report issued by the US State Department similarly said that Israeli forces probably fired the deadly shot, but that there was no indication Israelis intentionally killed Abu Akleh.

Nevertheless, Al Jazeera this week announced it contacted ICC prosecutor Karim Khan in the wake of “new evidence” it uncovered “based on several eyewitness accounts.” Without presenting proof, the Qatar-run broadcaster argued that their correspondent was somehow “targeted” as part of a campaign by “Israeli Occupation Forces [sic]… to silence Al Jazeera.”

The network’s submission under article 15 of the Rome Statute, the founding treaty of the ICC, followed just days after the airing of “The Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh,” a 40-minute documentary produced by Al Jazeera’s Fault Lines series, which set the stage for Israeli soldiers to be prosecuted in The Hague.

Al Jazeera’s insistence that Israeli security forces deliberately murdered a journalist relies on sources cited in the Fault Lines segment, which relies on claims made by the anti-Israel collective Forensic Architecture, as well as the terror-linked Al-Haq.

Furthermore, research by HonestReporting indicates that at least one of Al Jazeera’s “civilian” eyewitnesses is in fact an armed terrorist, affiliated with Islamic Jihad, who was in the area when Abu Akleh was shot.

About five minutes into “The Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh,” Al Jazeera correspondent Sharif Abdel Kouddous introduces Awwad as a key witness to the May 11 incident:

"The group of journalists drew a crowd of civilians as well, including Sleem Awwad. He started a live video around 6:24 AM on the social media app TikTok. A few minutes after he started filming, he ran past the journalists to get a glimpse of the Israeli convoy up the street.”

Conspicuously, Awwad deleted the TikTok page @saleemawad1995 — and the live video taken some five minutes before Abu Akleh’s death — this summer. However, HonestReporting managed to track down his Facebook and Instagram accounts, and our findings cast serious doubt on Al Jazeera’s claim that Awwad is merely a civilian.

Indeed, a deep dive into Awwad’s social media profiles revealed his support for Islamic Jihad. The largest and most influential terror organization in Jenin, it reportedly pays its members $300 for every Israeli soldier they shoot and $100 if their attacks do not result in injuries to the troops.

Awwad also mourned multiple terrorists as “martyrs”. In April, he even called on his Facebook followers to donate blood to save the life of Islamic Jihad Jenin Brigade commander Muhammad Ayman al-Saadi.

Rav Chaim Druckman in Serious Condition


Rabbi Chaim Druckman, one of the most prominent rabbis in the Religious Zionist sector in Israel, is seriously ill Sunday evening, according to reports from his relatives.

The 90-year-old rabbi was diagnosed with a symptomatic case of SARS-CoV-2 Friday, ten months after he was infected with the virus and recovered.

The rabbi’s family said Sunday evening that Rabbi Druckman is currently listed in serious condition, and that he has been receiving oxygen since he was diagnosed Friday.

“The rabbi did not feel well last Friday,” the family said in a statement, “and after he underwent various examinations, including a coronavirus test, it was found that the rabbi was positive for COVID.”

“The rabbi is at home and is being treated by a medical team that has been accompanying him both during emergencies and routine situations. This treatment includes providing him with oxygen, fluids, and various medications, based on the doctors’ recommendations for treating COVID.”

“According to the doctors who are treating the rabbi, the rabbi is in serious but stable condition, the same condition the rabbi has been in since Saturday morning. The public is requested to pray for the recovery of Rabbi Chaim Meir ben Milkah.”

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Did Gafni Just Propose Integrating Haredi Yeshivas into the IDF?


To start, this entire report is based on a literal interpretation of a statement that was made on Thursday by United Torah Judaism Chairman MK Moshe Gafni at the Muni Expo in Tel Aviv. He meant it metaphorically, but the way so many great human inventions come to life unintentionally, Gafni may have come up with the ultimate way to change forever the rift between Haredi and secular Israelis over the military draft, a.k.a. the “equal share of the burden.”

Here’s what he said: “In a Jewish state, it’s not possible that there won’t be a regiment of Torah scholars, there’s no such reality.”

What he meant was that the armies of Yeshiva students are just as critical to the welfare of the state as are the armies of soldiers. But by borrowing the term “regiment” (Chail in Hebrew, which also means corps), he opened up a magnificent possibility:

Let the IDF add to its Infantry, Armored corps, Navy, and Air Force a Torah Corps. Top Haredi Rabbis will be recruited as Torah officers, to command Haredi recruits who will undergo “gibbush” (pre-service tests for elite units) and, later, basic training and specialized courses, just like combat recruits, but their battlefield will be Torah learning.

Dressed in their spit-shining uniforms, these Torah soldiers will show up at six in the morning for inspection, then daven Shacharit (Special Forces will get up earlier and daven Vesikin), eat a very kosher breakfast, and by eight be seated in their study barracks for chavrusa learning and shiurim. The material will be organized and regulated militarily, and study time strictly supervised. No sneaking out for coffee or missing a shift to go work off the books for a nearby business. There will be no nearby businesses, only a military camp where the only business is learning, from 8 AM to 8 PM, with a break for lunch and Mincha.

Like all recruits, Torah soldiers will only go home every other Shabbat, and since they’ll be enlisted at age 18, most of them won’t have wives and children to take care of. They’ll also serve guard shifts, and to that end will undergo elementary training in handling a weapon.

They will also be required to produce works attesting to their scholarly achievements. And if they don’t perform as expected, they could lose their Torah soldier status and become just soldiers.

Torah soldiers will earn the same as any other IDF recruit, NIS 2,463 ($720.26) per month. The money is already there: the finance ministry will divert it to the army from the budget for yeshivas. This should present a great relief to the Israeli economy.

When they are discharged, Torah soldiers will enjoy all the benefits that are bestowed on regular veterans, including the right to public housing at a reduced rate. But they will also have to serve between two weeks and a month every year in “miluim,” the reserves, like every other veteran.