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Monday, October 21, 2024

Nova Festival Survivor Takes Her Life On Her Birthday

 Nova festival survivor Shirel Golan was found dead in her home in Moshav Porat in the Sharon on her 22nd birthday in an apparent suicide.

Shirel was supposed to join her parents for a trip to the Kotel and Me’arat Hamachpelah but cancelled the trip and was later found dead in her bed. Shirel, the youngest of five brothers and sisters, is survived by her parents and older siblings.

“Since she was saved, I had seen that she was suffering from symptoms of post-trauma but the state did not treat her,” her brother Eyal said.

“She reached a state of depression and was committed twice to a psychiatric hospital in Pardesiya, because nobody from the state noticed her. They didn’t recognize her as post-traumatic. The state murdered Shirel,” Eyal claimed.

He said that he saw her for the last time on Thursday in the Sukkah. “I asked her how she felt, and she said she was fine. I gave her a hug and kiss, never imagining it would be the last one ever.’

Eyal said that when Shirel did not respond to messages or phones, a former boyfriend was sent to see what was wrong. He found her lifeless in her bed.

The ministry of welfare and social security claimed that “Shirel was treated by social services even before Oct. 7th and especially afterwards and was recognized by the health system. Unfortunately the family’s claims that she did not receive a response from authorities is unbased. For discretionary reasons we cannot add more details.”

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