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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Chareidie Knesset Members' Irresponsible Ultimatum To Hold Up the State Budget Necessary for War!


Smotrich's message to the Arrogant Chareidie MKs!

Between Yom Kippur and Sukkot, between the building of spirit and the building of material of the people of Israel, days I mark with holy awe, time and again, from family to family, from condolence to condolence, of our heroic soldiers, supreme righteous ones who fell while defending the people and the land and no one can compare to them.

On the eve of the Sukkot holiday, after more difficult but necessary days for the people of Israel, I read with heart-piercing pain the words of some of my colleagues from the haredi parties, my partners in the coalition, about the sacred duty of service in the Israel Defense Force.

Service that in no way contradicts Torah study and fear of heaven, as the thousands of soldiers from the religious Zionist sect who combine study and sword heroically and sanctify God's name prove.

Service in the IDF is a duty, a right, and a mitzvah. Certainly not a problem. The neglect by some of our haredi brethren of this duty, whatever the reasons and concerns may be, during wartime and in general, is an injustice that requires fundamental correction. In this matter, we are in historic days that will allow us to make this correction, and so it shall be, with God's help and determination.

I also strongly reject attempts to set an irresponsible ultimatum for the approval of the state budget necessary for war and the resilience of the economy.

"All of Israel is worthy of sitting in one sukkah" says the Gemara in the Tractate Sukkah. I pray and expect that we all know how to enter together under the Israeli sukkah and with God’s help, together we will triumph.

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