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Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Zionists readying for 10,000 immigrants from Ukraine in coming weeks


Israel's government estimates that around 10,000 Ukrainians will immigrate to Israel in the coming weeks, government officials told The Jerusalem Post on Saturday. 

The Ministry of Immigration and Absorption would not comment on this estimate, but responded saying: "The Ministry of Immigration and Absorption is prepared for the emergency immigration of Ukrainian Jews, and in view of the escalation in Ukraine, the ministry, headed by Minister Tamano Shata, is preparing all sectors to assist and absorb any Jew seeking to immigrate to Israel."

"In light of the drastic increase in applications for immigration from Ukraine and in view of the security situation in the region", the ministry said that Tamano-Shata and Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman agreed on providing additional budgets to actualize the emergency immigration operation from Ukraine.

The Ministry of Immigration and Absorption convened an emergency discussion last Thursday during which Tamano-Shata assembled an inter-ministerial team to remove bureaucratic hurdles for potential olim and to issue immigration visas digitally, in light of a drastic increase in applications. This is in addition to reinforcements in the Absorption Division at Ben Gurion Airport and the cooperation with the IDF.

The Ministry concluded, "We call on the Jews of Ukraine to immigrate to Israel - your home."

Saturday Night Live makes "choizik" and parodies ‘Fiddler’ — and B&H camera store

 “Saturday Night Live” is famously “Live from New York,” and in the latest episode the show doubled down on the promise.

In a skit on Saturday’s episode, guest host John Mulaney led the cast in a parody of Broadway musical numbers that included an homage to “Fiddler on the Roof.” Mulaney plays a newsstand operator who sings about the horrors of the New York subway system, from erratic service to sketchy passengers to, yes, the “Mole Men” who are said to live in the tunnels.

“If I were a mole man,” he sings, adding in some “yubba-dubbas” from the “Fiddler” classic, “If I Were a Rich Man. “All day long I’d drink a shoe of rum, if I were a mole per-son!”

Soon Mulaney is joined by a chorus line of Hasidic dancers, who do a credible version of the tavern scene from the show. But wait, there’s more: When someone asks, “Was that the actual cast of ‘Fiddler’?”, Mulaney replies, “No, there’s just a lunch break at B&H Photo.”

Even many New Yorkers may need a footnote here: B&H Photo is an electronics megastore in Midtown Manhattan famously owned and staffed by Satmar Hasidic Jews. It was once even slapped with a lawsuit claiming it discriminates against non-Jewish employees (the suit was dismissed).

The skit, called “Subway Churro,” went on to include parodies of “South Pacific,” “Little Shop of Horrors,” “The Music Man,” “Les Misérables” and “Dear Evan Hansen.” The “Hasidic” dancers returned for the finale — based on, what else, “Jesus Christ Superstar.”

Ukranian Soldier Kills a Jew and wounds his wife at Checkpoint and Claims He thought they were "Russian Combatants" ..Who believes that?


So a guy sitting in a car with his wife and two children are mistaken at a checkpoint for "Russian Combatants" and they kill the jew and wound his wife! If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell.

The cursed Ukrainians ym"s even convinced his step mother that it was Putin's fault. A Ukrainian Goy shoots her step son who was part of a convoy at a checkpoint, and it was Putin's fault!

You know what it was? An opportunity for a Ukrainian to follow the minhag of his father to kill Jews!

As I pointed out in the past two weeks, the Ukrainians are the most vicious anti-semites! I also sincerely believe that it's the Jewish "askanim" who are interested in constantly going to "kevarim" are pushing this "Nice Ukrainian" agenda! This is a huge business for for the chassidim and now the Litvaks having learned from the Chassidim how to make money and are making the Chafetz Chayim's town, Radin, into a shrine. The Chafetz Chayim wanted with all his heart to leave that place and make Aliya to Petach Tikva, and these clueless naive Jews want to revive a dead town whose Jews were murdered!

I know people are wondering.. so what do you want? Do you want Putin to win?

The answer is I want Putin to destroy Ukraine. The Jews should leave now! And then I want Putin to go into Poland, Hungary and Romania in that order. I don't think that Putin is a "tzaddik" I think he is a blood thirsty murderer but since he is on a roll I want him to finish the Job, and then of course I want Putin to get his end!

Jews protesting in Tel Aviv and other places in support of Ukraine have not learned anything from the past. When did Ukrainians protest in support of Israel? Especially when Israel was defending itself in Gaza?

Why are Frum Jews defending the Ukrainian Goyim? Why? The answer is they are afraid of losing $$$$$$ from their trips to kevarim. This has to be the only reason. Even Agudah came out with a statement supporting the Ukrainian government. Because the Aguda askanim are all for the "kevarim" escapades!

Brodsky was reportedly part of a car convoy headed to the Moldovan border when he was shot at a checkpoint by a Ukrainian militia that mistook him for a Russian combatant.

Ministry officials spoke to his wife who was also wounded in the shooting and is still stranded in Ukraine with their two children. Brodsky's parents who live in Israel were informed of his death.
"The Foreign Ministry wishes to express its sincere condolences to the family in its difficult time and will continue to assist the family as much as possible," a statement read.
Brodsky's father Efim told Ynet that Roman and his family grew increasingly desperate due to the harsh conditions.

"It's gotten worse and worse all the time. At night they slept in an underground parking lot. He wanted to come to Israel but I did not know he was making the trip today," he said.
His stepmother said: "He was a good guy and said the situation was getting worse by the day. Both Russians and Ukrainian soldiers were dying. Putin started the war. He is a dictator. A tyrant. We want to bring him here for burial. We ask for help."
The shooting took place in the Ukrainian city of Bila Tserkva, 84 km (52 miles) south of Kyiv.
The Israeli embassy, which is currently based in Poland due to the fighting, received the initial report from a contact in the country's Jewish community.

Since the outset of hostilities, over 2,000 Israelis have fled Ukraine through its various land borders. There are hundreds of Israelis who are currently making their way out of the country, some as part of similar car convoys.
Long queues stretch for miles around border crossings and some 100 Foreign Ministry personnel stationed there are trying to fast track passage for Israelis in medical distress, but they note that their ability to assist all Israelis is very limited.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Meshiginar Chabad Chasid joins Ukrainian army: 'Willing to die for Ukraine'


David Cherkski, a Chabad-Lubavitch hasid from Dnipro, Ukraine, has joined the war against Russia, together with his father.

Wearing his army uniform, the young Cherkski told Channel 13 News that the Ukrainians will do everything to win.

"I am now in Dnipro, and we are doing everything we can," he said. "We don't have a war yet here, but it's a matter of time. We are waiting for the Russians, so that we can show them."

"Half of them have already died, and the other half have gone home," he said of the Chechnya forces, who took part in the invasion.

Cherkski added: "We will not give the Russians anything. They can say what they want... That they will take Kyiv in two days, but we understand that now our army is the best in Europe."

"I am willing to die for Ukraine. I am willing to die for the Jews who are here, for the Ukrainians who are here. I was born here, my family is here. I am with my father here."

When asked if he would be willing to carry out a suicide operation blowing up one of Ukraine's bridges, he responded, "I think so."

Tinder Swindler Gives his Side of the Story ..In Hebrew


This former Bnei-Brak  guy is the biggest chutzpehnyak in the entire world.

Israel Releases Rules for Entry to Unvaccinated Tourists


Israel announced just over a week ago that it would open its skies to unvaccinated tourists beginning March 1st. The full set of rules for entry has now been released.

The following rules will take effect on March 1.

  1. All tourists will be permitted to enter Israel, regardless of vaccination or recovery.
  2. Israeli citizens, toshavei  keva and toshavei arai (A5 and A1 visas) will no longer be required to present pre-flight Covid results.
  3. All other travelers, including visa holders, will be required to present negative PCR results, from within 72 of departure, prior to travel to Israel. Antigen tests will no longer be accepted.
  4. Recovered travelers, with a positive PCR or antigen test from no less than eight days and no more than ninety days, are exempt from the pre-flight PCR test.
  5. All passengers will still be required to fill out the Entry Form within 48 hours of departure.
  6. All passengers (Israeli and foreign) will be required to undergo a PCR test upon arrival at Ben Gurion airport.
  7. All passengers, regardless of vaccination or recovery, will need to quarantine only until receiving negative Covid results from their airport test, or 24 hours, whichever comes first.
  8. Full quarantine of five days will only be required for those who test positive in the airport or unvaccinated persons who are in close contact with a confirmed patient (such as on the plane).
It is unclear what the rules will be for travelers departing for Israel on February 28 but landing in Israel on March 1. Unvaccinated travelers should consider traveling on or after March 1 to avoid difficulties.

Watch Rabbi Bleich Making Believe that he is in Ukraine with a Ukraine flag in the background but he is reporting from Monsey New York Where he fled


Listen to a Ukranian say that the Ukrainain People are the most Evil on Earth!


Now listen to an Israeli explain that the Ukrainians murdered one and half million Jews and who liberated the Jews...? The Russians

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Watch how the Ukranian Tzaddikim Welcomed the Nazis in Lvov in 1941. Watch the smiling faces of the Women and Children


Ukrainian Chief Rabbi Bleich Leaves Ukraine in Middle of the War to go back to his Home in Monsey


I can't say I blame him, but isn't he the "Gadol" who advised his flock to remain? Deja Vu all over again!
Interesting that whenever someone interviews him, the Ukranian Chief Rabbi is not in Ukraine but hiding in Monsey.
I really get a kick out of him..Two weeks ago Ami did an interview, and he was hiding in his Monsey home, and this morning when Kol Chai Radio called him, he was again in Monsey probably hiding under his bed! I need a job like this. 

 He claims that the president of Ukraine called him. I doubt that, it seems from this interview that the Chief Rabbi has only 250 followers out of 300,000 Jews living there. If Zelenky or whatever his name is, is relying on Rabbi Bleich, he better join him in Monsey. 

Read what he tells the reporter. What a convoluted story! The bottom line is that he is reporting on something that he did not witness because as he tells the reporter, he wasn't there. 
Anyone that can make sense of his story below gets the DIN Pulitzer Prize for fiction.

Rabbi Yaakov Bleich, the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine, spoke to Kol Chai Radio Sunday morning about the situation of the Jewish community of Ukraine as Ukrainian and Russian military forces do battle on the outskirts of the city.

"I left Ukraine in the middle of the week and arrived in the United States," Rabbi Bleich said.

"Inside Kyiv there are something like 8-9 Jewish communities, from our community which was the largest I took out who I could until Thursday. On Thursday I took people out one last time - a bus and something like twenty cars, about 100 people, that's in addition to 150 people a week before and they went to a camp we had prepared outside of Kyiv. It is a hundred kilometers west of Kyiv," he said.

He said: "Those from my community who did not want to [leave] stayed in Kyiv, and there are other communities left as well. On Friday afternoon, just before Shabbat, another 40-50 people from the communities of Chabad next to us who were not ready to evacuate came to my community in Kyiv."

He added: "On Shabbat afternoon the rabbi came there by bus and took them out and they went to Zhytomyr. Those from my community stayed there because a curfew began on Saturday at five in the afternoon until Monday morning at eight. It is because of the massive attack by the Russians."

Rabbi Bleich said that the Ukrainian president called him and asked that the Jewish people pray for his success. "President Zelensky called me a few hours ago, while waging war, and asked the entire Jewish people to pray for the soldiers of Ukraine: 'The Russians have more soldiers than us, but our soldiers have more determination than the Russians. We need your prayers for us to succeed,' the Ukrainian president said."

"Kosher Phone" Extortionists Now Targeting Bet Shemesh Kosher Cell phone stores

So it looks like they managed to destroy all the Kosher Cell Phone stores that refused to cave in to their Mafia tactics in Yerushalyim, so now they are trying Bet Shemesh. But in Bet Shemesh police quickly arrived and they ran like roaches, but two got arrested.

These are stores that carry Kosher Phones exclusively but without their hechsher!

They wouldn't try messing with the stores that sell smartphones because those owners will perform a bris on them!

How Biden has empowered evil in both Russia and Iran


The contrast could scarcely be more glaring. America’s strategy to deter Russian President Vladimir Putin’s aggression against Ukraine is to impose sanctions. But its strategy to deter aggression by the Iranian regime is to lift sanctions.

Not only is this contradictory, but in terms of effectiveness, it’s precisely the wrong way round. Sanctions were pointless once Putin’s assault on Ukraine was already underway, as its president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, so bitterly observed.

But sanctions did weaken the Iranian regime as it raced towards achieving nuclear weapons breakout capacity. Sanctions were aimed at encouraging the Iranian people to rise up and topple the regime, the best chance of avoiding a nuclear-armed Iran short of war.

Now the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden has reportedly reached an agreement that’s even worse than the disastrous 2015 nuclear deal, lifting all constraints on Iran’s manufacture of nuclear weapons within two and a half years.

If this is so, Biden will have played midwife to the Iranian bomb which his administration has so vapidly pledged to prevent and towards which Tehran has already taken huge strides through America’s policy of appeasement.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Breaking: DIN Encourages Putin to March Into Poland Next

"We Stand With Ukraine?" 
No, we do not stand with Ukraine! Yes we stand with Ukrainian Jews, absolutely, but we don't "Stand with  Ukraine"
Ukrainians Shooting Jewish Women & Children to death

I am totally shocked to find frum "heimishe" Yidden on social media placing "We Stand with Ukraine memes" on their pages be it on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter!

Have we forgotten that the Ukrainians were worse than the Nazis?
 The US State Department said on Wednesday that Putin has a "Hit List" of Ukrainians, well I hope that the list is very very long. I pray that Putin troops go from house to house and pulls out entire Ukrainian families and marches them to Babi Yar! 
וינקום לעינינו נקמת דם עבדיו השפוך

I know what the problem is.. it is the lack of Holocaust studies in Frum Yeshivois. We children of survivors really didn't need any Holocaust Studies, we lived it on a daily basis. We lived in neighborhoods that were inhabited totally 100% by survivors. But our children need to study this!

I remember when survivors were begging the Rabbanim to make Holocaust Studies a curriculum in the yeshivois, the Rabbanim would say "Holocaust Studies and Museums" are for the Reform & Conservative Jews, we frum people have the Torah, that is our revenge." The gemarrah is our "Museum!"
These Rabbanim never encouraged any of their students and followers to visit Yad Ve'Shem, saying "Yad Ve'shem doesn't give the frum point of view!." 
Frum point of view? What?????
Frum Jews have another point of view of Nazis killing all types of Jews? The Nazis shoved Zionists and Satmerers in the same oven! You think that a Nazi cared if the Jew wore a gartel or had a "chup?"
You want a "frum point of view?" Then put your version of Holocaust Studies in  Yeshiva curriculums!

It is that attitude that has Frum Jews feeling bad for the descendants of these murderers! I saw on a Yiddish chat on WhatsApp just this Friday a Frum Naive Chassidishe Jew who is now in Ukraine say that "we have to help our goyishe neighbors, they are so nice" 
The Ukrainians that grabbed this Jew in the Photo below, were also very nice.They murdered him after torturing him! 

It is Rabbanim who never learned what really happened to us just 75 years ago that encouraged the Jews of Ukraine to remain, never having learned about the "gedoilim" that advised Jews to remain in Europe even while Hitler ym"s was nipping at their heels. 
It won't be very long when books will come out denying that these Rabbanim ever said that, just like they deny that the pre-war Gedoilim ever said that their followers should remain in Europe! What sheer Chutzpah! Even while there are still Holocaust survivors around, books have come out saying that Rabbanim never advised them to stay! 

I was recently talking to a reader of DIN who reached out to me and  who doesn't agree with me 99% of the time, and he remarked to me that it "isn't true that Rabbanim told their followers to remain in Europe." This guy is a very learned man and "a seeker of the truth" and he is telling me, a child of survivors who heard this about the pre-war Rabbanim, straight from the mouths of the survivors, that it isn't true, even though he and his entire family are Yankees going up to George Washington, and were in the USA while my grandparents were being murdered!

Chassidishe Jews have made an entire industry fixing up Cemeteries and building Shuls in the Ukraine. Plane loads of frum Jews now fly on a weekly basis and spend millions of Jewish dollars in Ukraine, Poland, Hungary and Rumania.. Ukraine's filthy earth is soaked with Jewish blood, yet Jews will spend their hard earned money to go visit a country that murdered their grandparents. Just last month, a Rebbe, "Christened" a shul in Szegid! I say "Christened" because I couldn't find a better word in the English lexicon.
G-d forbid they should visit the graves of Avraham, Yitzchok, Yaakov, Sarah, Rivka and Leah! Rachel, our mother lies in Beis Lechem crying for her children to come home, but her tears are all in vain as her children are by R' Shayele Krastirer z"l, buried in a town that murdered all its Jews. Abaye and Rava, Rav Ama and Rav Asa, R' Chiya and his children are all lying there lonely while the Jewish people are busy financing the economies of people that hate them!
G-d forbid that they go up to Har Herzl where thousands of Jewish Soldiers are buried, most of them, teenagers that gave their lives for the Jewish people. I wonder how many of those who go to the graves of R' Shayele, the Baal Shem Tov etc ever even thought of visiting their brothers and sisters who sacrificed their young lives so that Jews can have a country for them to run to when they will be thrown out of their countries!

Frum Jews sincerely believe that everything that occurs in the world has something to do with Jews. 
I am not a prophet nor am I a son of a prophet but I can tell you that Hashem doesn't want any Jews visiting any cemeteries in Europe. Hashem want Jews to come home and if you can't then at least come to the Mekoimos Hakdoishim in Eretz Yisrael. R' Shayele doesn't want you to visit him, he wants you in Israel!

I hope Putin when he is done with Ukraine, marches into Poland, Hungary, Romania! 
Are you crazy? Oh! You want Russia to dominate Europe and the world? 
I don't care about the world, the world never cared about us!
Good luck Putin. here is at least one Jew that wishes you Hatzlacha!

Am I the only one thinking like this?

When Trump Told Off Germany & NATO


Majority of Americans say Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if Trump were president


Russian President Vladimir Putin would not have invaded Ukraine had President Trump still been in office, a majority of Americans said according to the results of a new poll.

The survey released Friday from the Harvard Center for American Political Studies (CAPS)-Harris Poll found that 62% of Americans believed Putin would not have pulled the trigger if Trump were still president, The Hill reported.

The view was held by an overwhelming 85% of Republicans, but also 38% of Democrats. A further 59% of voters said Putin had decided to invade because Putin sensed weakness on the part of President Biden, while just 41% said that view had not played a role in Putin’s decision.

The online poll was conducted between Feb. 23 and Feb. 24 and surveyed 2,026 registered voters.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Va'yakheil

Blacks Continue To Beat Jews in Boro-Park & Williamsburg ..Watch how they beat an Elderly Jew


An elderly Jewish bus driver was brutally beaten Thursday morning by a group of teens in the Boro Park area of New York, the Yeshiva World News reported.

The incident occurred at approximately 6:00a.m., in a parking lot on 49ths Street, New York's Police Department (NYPD) and the Shomrim security group said.

In the incident, the teens confronted the 70-year-old bus driver as he entered his vehicle, assaulting, punching, and kicking him before escaping the scene. According to The Jewish Press, the teens hit the elderly man in the face, stomach, and on his arms.


First the Rabbis of Ukraine Advised them to stay put and now Odessa orphanage trying to evacuate


The Jewish community in Odessa, Ukraine, was one of the first to suffer from the Russian attack, including the 250 children living in the city's orphanage.

Rabbi Shlomo Baksht, director of the orphanage, told 103FM about the situation. "We have a lot of worries right now. I'm in touch with all the members of the community. We do not know what will happen next, but these children are the rock that sits on our hearts. We have children here with a very difficult story. A child whose mother threw him in the trash or a child with parents who were addicts. The stories are shocking and they are all close to our hearts."

Regarding the efforts to take the orphans to a safe place, he explained, "Right now we have them all on buses but do not know where we are going. The operation is complex and not completely safe. We have prepared food and medicine for a long enough period, and different types of places of refuge. We change things while on the move, everything happens from moment to moment. Things are very complex. We are in contact with the relevant parties in the State of Israel at the highest level."

His daughter, Shira Baksht, who works with him, joined the conversation and shared her experiences with the children: "The situation is not simple. We try to calm the children - they heard explosions and were frightened. We told them we are going on a trip. I will never leave them. These are children from the age of 0 until university. Orphanhood can happen at any age."

She added, "For a month now we have been preparing logistically for what is happening now. It is very cold here, so we took the warmest clothes we could and all the food we could prepare."

Israel was created so that never again would Jews be dependent on anyone else for their security. Not on the UN, the US, or NATO


Just like that, the world is a different place. It's scary times ahead. As a 47-year old, in my lifetime I cannot remember a more serious time of conflict. Like many worldwide praying for Ukraine, I worry about what Russia’s action means for the State of Israel.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett avoided condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine — or even mentioning Russia by name - saying “The world order as we know it is changing. The world is much less stable, and our region too is changing every day.”

And while the world has changed, Ukraine is fighting alone. Not America and not NATO will be coming to their rescue. Against this backdrop, surely many realize that Israel was created so that never again would Jews be dependent on anyone else for their security.

US Pressuring Israel: Support vote to condemn Russia in UN


What a Chutzpah! Russia is a couple of miles away from our border in Syria, and the awful Biden Administration is pressuring us to vote against the Russians. Crazy! I hope Bennett doesn't cave and bring us into another mess. Meanwhile Russia allows Israel to bomb the crap out of Hizballah in Syria!

The United Nations (UN) Security Council will vote on Friday on a draft resolution to condemn Russia for its attacks on Ukraine.

The resolution was drafted by the US, Britain, and France. It is expected that Russia will use its veto power to ensure that the resolution does not pass.

Meanwhile, the US has turned to Israel requesting that Israel support condemning Russia in the UN, even though the resolution will clearly not pass.

The American request was made Thursday night by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken during a conversation with Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid).

Israel, meanwhile is trying to stay out of the matter and avoid direct conflict with the Russians, since the Russians are involved in the Syrian conflict and have played a key role in preventing Syria from retaliating to Israeli attacks on Iranian interests within Syrian territory.