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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Ghislaine Maxwell May Walk... So far the Prosecuters have no case


They gather outside the Thurgood Marshall courthouse in lower Manhattan.

 QAnonners, conspiracy podcasters, sceptics; private citizens who use their private time to make public placards about alleged sex traffickers. To them Ghislaine Maxwell is not a woman. She is an avatar of an elite that crushes the poor and the desperate with casual, contemptuous cruelty. They are watching Maxwell being tried on six counts of (essentially) conditioning girls and young women to satiate Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophilia. She denies any wrongdoing. The placards are waiting for an entire system of wealth and power to be indicted with her.

They may be waiting for some time. Maxwell’s experienced, fearsome, theatrical defense team has spent the first weeks of the trial shredding the prosecution’s witnesses and arguments. One reporter described Maxwell’s “brutal” attorney Jeffrey Pagliuca as “flaying the skin of a woman who left school at fourteen” when he questioned one of the alleged victims last week. “Pagliuca had great sport, crushing Carolyn’s spirit so that at one point proceedings had to stop while Carolyn just uttered heart-rending sobs.”

Then there is Bobbi Sternheim, another Maxwell attorney. On the first day of the trial her zingers had the court practically gasping as she launched the defense. The accusers had made Maxwell a “bullseye of anger”. Their emotions and accusations were misdirected. Epstein was dead; Ghislaine remained. She was “filling that hole and filling an empty chair.” Others had suffered a similar fate, Sternheim said. “Ever since Eve was tempting Adam with the apple, women have been blamed for the bad behaviour of men.”

And it was Maxwell’s other lawyer, Laura Menninger, who tore through another accuser’s — Jane — testimony on the third day of the trial. Jane, Menninger pointed out, in documents produced pre-trial, only named Epstein as her abuser, while making no mention of Maxwell. It contradicted Jane’s testimony. It strengthened the defense’s argument that Maxwell had been retconned into the case. That she was never part of the prosecution’s narrative until Epstein’s death. Jane disappeared into herself. She was left saying “I don’t recall” or “I don’t remember” over and over again.

So far, that is the story of the trial. Own goals from the prosecuting lawyers. Stumbles. And the grimly catlike toying of the prosecution’s witnesses by Maxwell’s expensive lawyers. When the defense starts up this week and begins to call up its own witnesses, it will do so from a position of strength.

Somehow the prosecution will need to make the jury see this case, and the world of wealth, power, and perversion it illuminates, in the same way the placards outside do. To see that coincidences are actually connections. That the higher people rise the more virtue they are capable of shedding. That sometimes what appears to be a conspiracy theory is actually a concrete fact.

The trial continues.

Watch the"camel" Harris attempting to charge an electric car


'I never hid my family's Nazi history, and never will'


Anna-Suzette speaks to Israel Hayom about the painful moment she learned that her great grandfathers were Nazi perpetrators as well as about her time volunteering with disabled children in Israel "to rectify what was destroyed."

Anna-Suzette Pfeiffer managed to hold back her tears throughout our entire interview, except for one time. When she spoke of how the Nazi regime murdered Germans with disabilities before World War II in Tübingen, southwest Germany, just half an hour away from her hometown.

"The Nazis thought these people did not deserve to live," she said, in tears. "And this happened only half an hour away from my house. The Nazis were so pleased with how smoothly the process went, and how easy it was to kill people, that they decided to replicate the project in extermination camps."

Anna-Suzette, only 19 years old, is shocked by the atrocities her people committed against the Jews. But she is also shocked by the history of her own family: her great grandfathers were senior Nazi officials, two of whom participated in the extermination of Jews. One was an engineer who built the gas chambers and the electric fences around the Auschwitz camps, the other – an SS sniper, who killed Jews and partisans in the Netherlands. 

"They were part of this machine, part of this terrible killing," Anna-Suzette said. "These are my people. My nation. And that is what brings me here."

Hypocrites!! Rabbinical Alliance of America reiterates support for Israeli Chief Rabbinate


Fakes, Frauds and Phonies. 
Question: would any of those who sat at this conference be caught dead eating  from the Rabbanut Hashgacha?

Absolutely not! To those photographed on the photo and to those who sat at the conference, eating anything with the Rabbanute is equivalent to eating Ham & Eggs! Yet here they are fighting for the Rabbanute.

 It wasn't too long ago when the Agudah disinvited Rabbi Lau from addressing the Siyum Ha"Shas in New Jersey. Rabbi Lau who survived the Buchenwald death camps as a child, was told not to come because anti-Zionists didn't want him there because he represented the Zionist Rabbanute! The Agudah hypocrites caved in like a cheap Amazon Cardboard box, at the end they allowed him to speak for 5 minutes via video.

This "Alliance" of fakers said they are fighting "for the sanctity of the Kotel..."

Give me a break.. a bunch of guys who have nothing to do on a Sunday came to fress at a breakfast at the Sfardishe Shul in Shnoro-Park passed a resolution in effect dictating to the Israeli government how they should be conducting business. 

You don't accept the Rabbanute not in Kashrus, not in Gitten and Kiddushin, and now you insist that the Chilonim eat from the Rabbanute, and adhere to the Rabbanute in regards to Gitten and Kedushin!

So chilonim are allowed to eat from the treifene Rabbanute? 

Liars the whole bunch of you!

You know what? Put your money where your mouth is, the next time the Zionists let you into our country, I want to see you eating at a restaurant that has a Rabbanute Hashgacha, then I'll know you guys are serious.  

Hey Bennett if you read this post, tell the whole "Alliance" to kiss you where the sun will never shine!

 I really got to get out of here!

On Sunday, December 5, 2021, Igud HaRabbonim — Rabbinical Alliance of America — convened its monthly Rosh Chodesh (Teves) conference and feast at Brooklyn’s Congregation Anshai Sfard, where the highly respected and venerable Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Serebyanski serves as Rabbi.

ADL "Tuchis-Lekkers" joins Attorney General in Capitol riot lawsuit


Chief Leftist Stooge Greenblatt

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) tuchis-lekkers has joined the District of Columbia Attorney General in a lawsuit against two extremist groups that allegedly helped organize the Jan. 6 riot at the US Capitol.

The leftist civil rights group and self appointed  anti-Semitism watchdog said it helped identify defendants in the case.

A congressional panel is scrutinizing the insurrection and hundreds of participants have been charged with crimes. But the lawsuit is the first civil action addressing the Jan. 6 riot.

Five people died during the riot, including a Capitol Police officer, and 140 police were injured. Four officers who were present subsequently died by suicide.

Like a lawsuit that ended last month with judgments against alt-right organizers of a deadly 2017 far-right protest in Charlottesville, Virginia, the suit leverages the so-called Ku Klux Klan act. Dating from the post-Civil War era, the law gives governments the power to sue into bankruptcy entities that have sought to inhibit civil rights through violence. In 1983, the right to sue was extended to non-government entities and individuals.

Enemies of Israel now in power in Berlin and Brussels


Difficult times are ahead for the relationship between Jerusalem and Berlin and Brussels. While a series of anti-Semitism scandals rocks German public broadcasters, and a new government with a history of opposing Israel comes to power, the European Union and Germany continue to fund NGOs related to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas.

With the new left-Green government, a coalition of parties has come to power in Berlin with a checkered history regarding Israel, to put it kindly. The founding generation of the Greens around former Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer and ‘60s radicals like Dieter Kunzelmann were present at the founding of the PLO and PFLP in 1968/69, and maintained ties to Palestinian terrorists through the Red Army Faction offensive of the 1970s all the way to the current-day NGOs.

Artifacts seized in Jerusalem were from Bar Kokhba rebels' hiding place


What were ornamental bronze incense burners and a wine server doing in a hiding complex dating from the Bar Kokhba Revolt in the Judean foothills?

Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) investigators suspect that the remarkable archaeological finds seized by Lev Habira police from antiquities dealers last week are actually battle spoils captured from Roman soldiers by Bar Kokhba rebels.

During a routine patrol in the Musrara neighborhood last week, detectives from the Lev Habira police station in Jerusalem noticed a vehicle driving in the wrong direction up a one-way street. The vehicle looked suspicious, so the detectives stopped and searched it. They were amazed to find a box in the trunk containing amazing and unusual archaeological finds.

Inspectors from the Israel Antiquities Authority’s Antiquities Robbery Prevention Unit were called to the police station and immediately realized that the remarkably well-preserved finds date from the Roman period. They include two ornate 2,000-year-old bronze censers that were used to burn ritual incense and probably belonged to affluent Roman houses and temples. A bronze jug for serving wine was also recovered. The vessel bears a depiction of a Roman banqueting scene showing a reclining figure holding a jug of wine. Other illicit finds include an ornate stone tripod bowl, Roman clay lamps, and hundreds of coins dating from the Late Roman period (second–third centuries CE).

Bronze artifacts are relatively rare finds in Israel since then, as now, metal was an expensive commodity and was usually melted down for reuse. Such finds are generally recovered from archaeological sites where they were deliberately concealed, or in hiding complexes where they were left after being taken in battle during the Bar Kokhba Revolt.

The discovery of the finds prompted the Israel Antiquities Authority to launch a criminal investigation against the three suspects from the vehicle. The inquiry reinforced suspicions that the items were brought to Jerusalem with the aim of selling them to an antiquities dealer. The Robbery Prevention Unit believes that the ancient items were taken from a hiding complex dating from the Bar Kokhba Revolt that has been under surveillance in recent months.

Six-year-old who died in sleep passed away from 'flu complications Not Corona


Yosef Na'im, the six-year-old boy who passed away Monday under somewhat mysterious circumstances, appears to have succumbed to a complication of seasonal influenza, according to a report by Yediot haronot.

Yosef passed away in his sleep, and given that he recovered from COVID-19 some time ago, there were those who alleged that he died of post-coronavirus syndrome. That has now apparently been ruled out.

Yosef's three sisters are hospitalized in Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon, and are considered to be in good condition.

Israel's healthcare officials are worried about the unusually low influenza vaccination rates: Thousands of doses of Flumist, the more popular option among parents of young children, will be destroyed next month if they are not used before then.

According to the Health Ministry, just 15% of the general population has received the flu vaccine this month, compared to 21% last year.

Among those ages 55 and above, 55% received the flu vaccine, compared to 64% of the same age group last year. Among those aged five and under, just 8% received the flu vaccine, compared to 18% last year.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Vicious Anti-Semite Peter Beinart Says that being " and anti-Zionist is not being anti-Semitic" Brings Satmar Rebbe as Support


Peter Beinart is a vile piece of scum, a self hating Jew who hates all Jews including the Satmar Rebbe.

Peter BeinCrap has previously advocated the destruction of the Jewish State publicly.

In his latest hate column in the New York Times, he posits that anti-Zionists are not anti-Semites. 

Now of course, between us yiddelich we know that is in fact true. But amongst the goyim there is no goy alive today that is an anti-Zionist and not anti-Semitic.

The more sophisticated anti-Semites masquerade their utter hate against Jews by stating that they don't hate Jews, they are only against the Zionist State.

This is of course a lie and BDS is an example of how these would be Nazis operate.

Beincrap, who seems to know the Jewish community very well, and is familiar with the different camps in Chareidie sects, some of whom are anti-Zionist but at the same time love their fellow Jews, wrote an article exploiting this group and brought the Satmar Rebbe as an example of an anti-Zionist and yet not anti-semitic.

This is not the first time something like this happened, Yassir Arafat waved the Satmar Rebbe's book "Al Hagilah Ve'al Hatmurah" in the United Nations claiming that he has never said something that hasn't already been printed amongst the Jews themselves.

I am 100% positive that The Satmar Rebbe never foresaw that his anti-Israel book would be used by a blood thirsty murderer of Jewish children and he never in his wildest nightmares foresaw that his name would be by a self hating Jew for support for his hate.

 I believe that a Satmar spokesman should issue a statement calling out this Beincrap as the anti-semite that he is and disassociating themselves from this vile animal.

But this will never happen as Satmar will never stand up for Zionists even if many of them are frum Shomar Torah Umitzvois. 

But by not standing up and clearing this mess up they are contributing to hate against Jews all over the world, because goyim to not differentiate between Zionists and Satmar, it's all the same to them, and now they can hang their Jew Hating hat with the Satmar Rebbe.

Never forget that Hitler threw in Zionists and Satmars in the same ovens.

A guy with a "Chulent Pot" Stops a terrorist

Watch this hysterical video of a toddler imitating the Lubavitcher Rebbe At a Farbrenging

MK Kahana Tells Gafni and Deri "the days of dictating to us who is worthy of being a Rabbi are Over"


Skverer Rebbe Flies To California in Private Jet and is escorted to Airport in 45 car motorcade



Anti-vaxxers threaten R' Chaim Kanievsky and his family


Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, a leader of the Lithuanian haredi community, is now being threatened by anti-vaxxers who oppose the COVID-19 vaccine.

In a Tuesday morning report, Yediot Aharonot said that following Rabbi Kanievsky's call to vaccinate children against coronavirus, the senior haredi leader has become a target of attacks, threats, and fake news spready by extremists.

Yanky Kanievsky, a grandson of Rabbi Kanievsky who is said to have his ear, has suffered calls of, "You're murderers," and, "You have the blood of children on your hands," as well as threats such as, "We'll get to you," "We're wishing," and "They're going to rape your children."

A text message sent to other family members, some of whom received it late at night, read, "May your name be erased," "villain," and "Amalek."

One of Rabbi Kanievsky's sons received a text message that, "We will kill you," and "There is justice, and there is a judge." A different son was told, "We will reach Bnei Brak, and then you'll understand."

Haredi journalist Yisrael Cohen told Yediot Aharonot, "The call by the 'Minister of Torah' to get vaccinated is supported by public consensus and received praise from the Prime Minister and ministers, but apparently on the margins there will always be people who oppose it."

Cohen also said there is concern among the Kanievsky family that Rabbi Kanievsky or another family member will be physically harmed.

"They are used to criticism and pressure, but here we're taking about people who aren't normal and who are unpredictable," he explained.

Biden turns down request to send Israel refueling planes ahead of schedule


The IDF requested that the US military send two of the four advanced tanker planes to Israel ahead of schedule, but the Biden refused, Yediot Aharonot reported.

Israel agreed to purchase the planes as part of Defense Minister Benny Gantz's (Blue and White) visit to Washington.

According to the agreement, the planes would only be sent to Israel in another four years. However, Israel would like to receive the planes ahead of schedule, so as to prepare for the option of a military attack on Iran.

The planes which are KC-46 aircraft, can last over 11 hours in the sky and travel over 11,000 kilometers (6835 miles).

Israel's defense system intends to continue pressuring the US army, in an attempt to receive at least one of the planes in the next few months.

Meron To Be Closed From Thursday Because There Isn't an Insurer that is Willing to Insure this Dangerous Site


 It seems that the "big" rebbes and the "machers" don't want to take responsibility to make the place safe, too many $$$$$$

 This coming Thursday the directors of the tomb of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai (Rashbi) in Meron will be closing the site to visitors, since no insurer is currently willingly to provide insurance for potential damages to visitors, according to a Ynet report.

Various different insurers were approached after the tragedy which occurred last Lag Ba’Omer when 45 people were killed in a crush after the lighting of the Toldos Aharon rebbe. Since then the site has been open without any insurance and thousands of visitors continue to arrive there without any form of insurance, meaning that if they are injured they cannot receive any financial restitution.

Recently, after the government failed to find a solution, the “Committee of Five” comprised of five different institutions which run the site announced that they are removing their responsibility from what occurs at the site and from Wednesday night the site will be closed to visitors.

In a letter to Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahane, the director of the tomb, Eli Freund, said that “if no solution including a viable insurance policy will be found, the committee will be forced to announce the closing of the site from Wednesday night.”

Goy Husband Dumps Star of “My Unorthodox Life” Julia Haart.. Her daughter Batsheva also Getting Divorced

 Julia Haart, star of Netflix’s irreverent and controversial “My Unorthodox Life”, is splitting up with her magnate husband, Silvio Scaglia.

According to Page Six in the NY Post, the couple is divorcing after two years of marriage. In addition, the break-up is going to be one of the themes that the show will focus on in upcoming Season Two.

The Haarts were married in 2019, after working together at the La Perla company–Silvio was CEO and Julia was creative director.

A source says that although they continue to work together, in business and on the show, they are currently living separate lives.

Several weeks ago, Haart’s daughter Batsheva and her husband, Ben Weinstein, decided to divorce after nine years of marriage.

They announced the decision on social media, saying: “After time and consideration we have made the decision to separate. We have so much love and respect for each other but have realized that it is time to take time, space to ensure that each of us live the most joyous, fulfilling lives possible.”

This is Julia’s second marriage. Before she abandoned the Torah derech, she was married to the father of her four children.

“Top Boy” In Yeshiva Starts Shidduchim, Discovers He’s Not Jewish.... Lubavitcher Rebbe Predicted this Many Years Ago

 Recently, one of the top bochurim in a well-known Israeli yeshivah began the shidduchim parsha but was stopped in his tracks when he suddenly found out he wasn’t Jewish, Kikar H’Shabbat reported on Monday.

The bochur, whose parents made aliyah from Ukraine a number of years ago, had already begun shidduchim when his mother revealed to him that although his father is Jewish she is not. (It is unknown why she chose to wait so long to reveal this fact to her son.)

The bochur, whose entire world is Torah and the daled amos of halacha, was devastated. Brokenhearted, he confided in one of his Rabbanim from his yeshivah, who turned to HaGaon HaRav Yizchak Yosef.

HaRav Yosef used his influence with senior Dayanim to expedite the giyur process for the bochur so he can return to his shtender and resume shidduchim.

In a video below watch and listen as the Lubavitcher Rebbe predicted this over 30 years ago. He was lamenting the fact that the Roshei Yeshivas never got involved in making sure all their students are Jewish as they are busy with Torah,  mocking them stating "they are teaching their chiddushim to goyim"

Monday, December 13, 2021

Ami's Byline "Protecting Judaism from the State" Hides the Perfidy of the Chareidie Parties


Chaim Friedlander, who writes the "Israeli Politics" column for Ami Magazine papered over a "bombshell" of a story in his column titled "Protecting Judaism From the State," in which he describes how the "chareidi parties" have "come together to resist the government's plans.

But hidden in his column we find out how chareide parties have no qualms selling the Jewish State and its inhabitants to the Arab murderers. And the proverbial "cherry on top" was even worse. Friedlander in his column exposes a secret that isn't known to the chareidie public. 
"Rabbanim turned to the Arab Bais Din "The Shura Council" for help!
Thank the Almighty G-d that the Arab "gedoilim" rebuffed them.
This is not like when the Agudah teams up with the Catholic Church to get funds for private schools, this is teaming up with animals that vow to murder all Jews including the "rabbanim" that turned to them for assistance!

Let me share the paragraph in question and highlight the pertinent details.
Friedlander is explaining how Aryeh Deri, MK and Shas Chairman tried to recruit the Arab Ra'am party in their scheme to bring down the government, and he is lamenting the fact that he didn't succeed.

"At this point Deri went on to enumerate the main players in destroying the state's Jewish identity, from Lieberman to Yair Lapid, and including Ze'ev Elkin and Mansour Abbas: " If we thought that Sa'ar and Elkin would moderate the government's position, we were mistaken." he said. "All they care about is legalizing cannabis. And we can't rely on Ra'am. We thought that we could rely on them for issues of religion and state, but we were wrong. In fact, they are the most stable feature of this government; they have a big package of promises from the government that they want to see fulfilled, and they need to protect the coalition in order to get them."

"Deri was referencing recent efforts to influence the Ra'am MKs to object to a new draft law for chareidim and changes to the giyur law. The request was made to Ra'am with the understanding that they had never gotten involved in the issue of the army draft, and that as a religious party they wouldn't want to harm another religion. Additionally, a number of rabbanim turned to the Shura Council, which functions as the spiritual guidance of the party. However, this too was rebuffed."

I'm outraged. 

Did Deri actually think he could rely on the Arab murderers "for issues of religion?"
Did Deri and his pack of chareidie hypocrites want the murderers to cooperate to "object to a new draft law and changes to the giyur law"?

Deri  wanted the help of the Arabs in the giyur law? Is is this guy insane? 
Why would Yishmael help Yaakov in his quest to keep his yiddishkeit? Please pass me some of what Deri is smoking. 

Did Deri try to get  the Arabs to object to a new draft law?  
Deri initially thought that Arabs would be happy if there were less soldiers in the Jewish army to defend his pathetic rump, and so he was sure that the Arabs would go along with and object to the new draft law! 

These are the feckless losers that represent us in the Knesset!

And the rabbanim.... they go like a bunch of pathetic beggars to the Arab Mullahs to try to convince them to object to the giyur law because a "religious party wouldn't want to harm another religion."?????
These are the same Mullahs that bark in their mosques every Friday that Israel must be destroyed and all Jews must be cast into the sea" These are the Mullahs that the "rabbanim" groveled over like a dog for its treat!

These are our "rabbanim" our "gedoilim"

The gist of the Friedlander's article is how the Chareidie parties that hate each other got together to attempt to topple the government, but in summarizing he inadvertently left in details that depict our chareidie leaders as a bunch of dangerous amateurs who would likely sell their own bodies and souls to the devil accomplish their goals. 

Sick and getting sicker out there!

The Ger Civil War Heats Up As Gerer Rebbe Sends 15,000 bullies to Harass Shlomo Elbaum R' Shaul Alter's Lawyer


When Ger in Brooklyn threw out over 30 teenage girls from the Gerer High School, because their parents had the audacity to go to Rav Shaul Alter's tish, Rav Alter's followers took the hanhala to secular court in Brooklyn and the courts placed a stop order on the hanhala. 

They felt that going to Bais Din was a waste of time since Bais Dins in New York are long drawn out situations and cannot issue "Stop Orders."

When R' Shaul Alter came back to Eretz Yisrael after his huge successful trip, the Gerer Rebbe's followers livid with rage and jealousy started a relentless harassment campaign against the Shaul Alters. The Gerer harassment campaign against the Shaul Alters were not only perpetrated by grown adults, children were taught to scream "yemach shmo" on other children that were previously best friends, and even to cousins.

Well the Shaul Alters had enough of this crap, and hired a lawyer, Shlomo Elbaum, a Gerer Chasid to file a harassment and a stop-desist order, in the Zionist secular court.

Elbaum said that he and his client seek “to change the unbridled incitement, setting fathers against sons, sons against fathers and brothers against each other.” He added that “the judge said that this is a desecration of G-d’s name, and for such baseless hatred the Temple was destroyed, and this is what the petitioner and his client wish to cease.”

Moreover, “taking things out of context and the attempt to publicly accuse the petitioner of attempting to modify the pure chinuch are a classic and typical example of the wild incitement instigated by the Higher Committee of Ger chasidim who continue daily to defame in every possible way the community led by Rabbi Shaul Alter, via telephone, presentations, pamphlets, speeches and lectures.

So the Gerer Rebbe sent 15,000 Gerer brutes to protest in front of Elbaum's house in Bnei-Brak.

Yes, we will be fasting this Asara Be'teivos