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Monday, March 23, 2020

Young NY Hasidic woman reboots life in secular Berlin in Netflix’s ‘Unorthodox’

Airing March 26, the unprecedented German-produced, based-on-true-life, mini-series in Yiddish is powered by Israeli actress Shira Haas and an explosive female creative team

On the first day of shooting for the new limited Netflix series “Unorthodox,” actress Shira Haas had her head shaved on camera. Her thick, long, light brown locks fell to the ground as she cried and smiled simultaneously.
“I was ready for it, and it was important for the story. But still, I was personally filled with the same mixed emotions Esty had,” Haas said of the  character she plays in this groundbreaking production.
The four-episode series, inspired by the 2012 memoir, “Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots,” by Deborah Feldman about leaving her ultra-Orthodox upbringing, begins streaming worldwide on March 26. It is the first Yiddish-language production ever to come out of Germany
By shaving her hair off and donning a wig, 18-year-old Esty assumes in good faith her prescribed role as a newly married woman in the insular Satmar community in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. She strives unsuccessfully to make her husband and extended family happy by getting pregnant. One miserable year later, she boldly runs away to Berlin, removes her wig, and starts to find her own voice — both figuratively and literally.

Shira Haas in Netflix’s ‘Unorthodox.’ (Anika Molnar/Netflix)
Although set in the Satmar community with its myriad religious laws, customs, and particular way of life, “Unorthodox” is essentially a universal coming of age story. Produced and written by Anna Winger and Alexa Karolinski, expertly directed by Maria Schrader, and performed by an excellent cast, the show will likely appeal to viewers of all backgrounds.
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Dana Weiss Reporter of Channel 12 News Makes Fun of Netanyahu's "B'Ezras Hashem"

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was interviewed by Channel 12 News on Motzei Shabbos and was treated with the utmost disdain by interviewer Dana Weiss when he mentioned the name of Hashem.
“You’re saying that this will be an extremely lengthy period, extremely significant and life-changing,” Weiss said to Netanyahu. “What can you tell Israeli citizens? How deeply can you reach your hand in your pocket and assist Israeli citizens?”
“B’Ezras Hashem, I hope [lifting his eyes upward] – everyone needs to daven to the Borei Olam that the pandemic ends quickly,” Netanyahu responded.
“Meanwhile the answer is found at Weizmann Institute,” was Weiss’s outrageous reply.
“Both is true but they’re davening at Weizmann Institute as well,” Netanyahu responded. “Everyone is davening.”
Interior Minister Aryeh Deri slammed Weiss’s words, saying: 
“It’s horrifying that at Channel 12 – in the Jewish state – interviewer Dana Weiss cuts off the prime minister of Israel who uttered “B’Ezras Hashem” with a belittling comment.”
“This statement is in addition to Weiss’s report from an ‘anonymous government source’ that Chareidim are responsible for the spread of the coronavirus. Dana Weiss deserves to be condemned for her words.”
A Yediot Achranot reporter, Ron Boker, tweeted: “I wonder if she would have responded in the same way if someone else, a non-Jew, would have made that statement.”
Following the media storm that arose from her comments, Weiss apologized, writing on Twitter: “I think it is appropriate to clarify that I believe in a person’s right to believe with complete faith whatever he or she chooses to believe.
“My intention was to emphasize the place of the scientists in solving this huge crisis that has hit the entire world. My apologies to whoever was insulted and understood otherwise.”
(DIN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Nobody Comers to the Minyan No More

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So Who Snuck Into The Williamsburg Mikva???

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Rare Footage: Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l – Summer 1984

Credit: M.D. Yarmish

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Toilet paper site claims it calculates how long your supply will last

It’s one of the key questions as Americans wait out the coronavirus outbreak at home: How long will my stash of toilet paper last?
A new website called “How much toilet paper?” claims it can roll out an answer for you.
Simply set the top bar to how many rolls you currently have, then set the second bar to how many average bathroom visits you make per day – and the website’s calculator does the rest.
If you have a standard package of four rolls, for example, the website says that will last you 32 days if you make an average of two bathroom visits per day.
The website “has now been used by over 2,000,000 people and is helping to reduce toilet paper shortage round the world,” it claims.
The site, howmuchtoiletpaper.com, says it was created by Ben Sassoon, a London-based student and software developer, and Sam Harris, an artist, “after they had a discussion about how much toilet paper they used on a day to day basis and how that would change during the pandemic.”
The site also includes a plea that people refrain from buying up all the toilet paper they can find at their local grocery store, as many of those stores struggle to keep up with the demand from panicky customers.
“Not everyone is able to get to a store and stock up on toilet roll,” it says, adding, “Don’t be selfish.”
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Eliyohu Zaks & Shaul Kuperwasser Arrested in Lakewood For Making Weddings In Their Back Yards

Is this a mitzvah? Putting the lives of others in danger?
These two "roidfim" should be put in Cheirim ... now!
including all those who showed up ...
What a Huge Chillul Hashem!

Two New Jersey residents were arrested this week after they hosted large crowds at events in their homes, including a pop-up wedding, in defiance of social distancing orders amidst the coronavirus outbreak.
Eliyohu Zaks, 49, was taken into custody on Friday after authorities said he hosted a pop-up wedding in his home on Spruce Street in Lakewood.
The event was attended by more than 50 people, a violation of the state’s newly enacted edict banning such gatherings as part of efforts to contain the coronavirus.
Another local resident, 43-year-old Shaul Kuperwasser, was arrested after a large crowd was seen gathering at his home on Thursday.
The authorities said they are acting with a sense of urgency after Lakewood reported a confirmed 26 cases of coronavirus through Friday.
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20,000 + Coroa Cases in Kiryat Yoel....... Dr Zev Zelenko KJ Doctor

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Belzer Rebbe Says That It's "Not Right To Close the Shuls But I'll Go Along!"

Loose Translation:

In the Holy Words of Rebbe 
"What they are doing is not right, but we can't argue with them
so we have no choice but to send everyone home
We do need to watch out 
but the panic that they are doing is not right"

His own brother-in-law, the Satmar Rebbe from Monroe, has the virus and he claims that it is "not right"
This is a leader of thousands ....instead of telling them that this is a serious virus ... he dismisses it ....makes light of this..
Why doesn't he make a phone call to his brother-in-law and ask him if we should panic?
The Satmar Rebbe himself kept his schools open until he started feeling bad and his assistant tested positive.....then he rushed to close the Moisdois!

How many have to get sick and die till our leaders understand and take this virus seriously?  Until they have their flock take precautions?
How many??

If this is in fact true .... his chassidim ought to retire him to Telse Stone and appoint a leader that can lead during these difficult times!

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Media still slamming Donald Trump during coronavirus crisis.....

The coronavirus epidemic is shaking humanity and turning the world upside down. Quick, somebody alert the media.
The Washington press corps is covering one of the largest, continuing stories in recent history the same way it has covered the Trump administration since Day One.
The formula is simple: Whatever the president does is not just wrong, it’s borderline evil. Details at 11.
In the real world, events are unfolding at a pace and scale impossible to comprehend. But at too many news outlets, the aim is not to inform. It’s to render the harshest possible judgment on the man journalists love to hate.
Already The New York Times has twice called the White House response “calamitous,” including once in a supposedly straight-news article.
This is beyond shameful. When antagonists like Sen. Chuck Schumer finally are working with Trump and when the Democratic governors of New York and California swap praise with the president over their partnerships, the media ought to take a hint that this time is different and there is no place for biased journalism-as-usual.
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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Satmar Rebbe of Monroe Tests Positive for Corona...

The Israeli Blog, Kikar Ha'Shabbos, has confirmed that R' Aron Teitelbaum, Monroe Satmar Rebbe has unfortunately contracted the dreaded virus, Corona.

It was reported that he contracted the virus from his very own "hose-bucher" his attendant, that had tested positive.

The News came in on Friday before Shabbos
People  are asked to daven for

אהרן בן פעסיל לאה

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בערב שבת

הלם בחסידות: האדמו"ר מסאטמר נדבק בנגיף ה'קורונה'

כפי שנחשף לראשונה ב'כיכר השבת', האדמו"ר מהר"א מסטאמר נדבק ככל הנראה מ'ההויז בחור' שלו, ובערב שבת, קיבלו החסידים את תוצאות הבדיקה הציבור נקרא להעתיר בתפילות (חסידים)

פי שנחשף לראשונה ב'כיכר השבת', האדמו"ר מהר"א מסטאמר נדבק ככל הנראה מ'ההויז בחור' שלו, ובערב שבת, קיבלו החסידים את תוצאות הבדיקה החיובית והתברר כי האדמו"ר נדבק ב'קורונה'.
לפני כניסת השבת בארצות הברית, קיבלו בסאטמר את תוצאות הבדיקות של האדמו"ר, בחסידות קוראים  להתפלל עבור רבי אהרן בן פעסיל לאה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל.
לאחר שה'הויז בחור' - משמשו הצמוד של הרבי - סבל מחום בשבוע שעבר, היה קיים חשש גדול כי הוא חולה בנגיף. מה שאומת כאמור כנכון בערב שבת.

בגין כך אף הורה בשבוע שעבר האדמו"ר מהר"א מסאטמר על סגירת כלל מוסדות החסידות.
בתוך כך, בעקבות תוצאות הבדיקות שהה הרבי מסאטמר במשך כל השבת בביתו שבשכונת קרית יואל, שם התפלל את תפילות השבת בחדרו הפרטי.
במכתב שפרסם הרבי ביום שישי האחרון הוא מבקש מחסידיו להתחזק באמונה ובביטחון ולהשריש לכלל הילדים שהכול נעשה בהשגחה פרטית ובידי שמים.
עוד קורא הרבי לחסידיו להרבות בתפילה ובתחנונים, ולהגיד בכוונה רבה את פרשת הקטורת פעמיים ביום, ולהמשיך ולהישמר בכל מה שקשור לפגעי הטכנולוגיה.
עוד כותב הרבי כי על נשות החסידות להמשיך ולהתחזק בענייני צניעות ולעשות גדרים וסייגים בכל מה שקשור לאורכם ורוחבם של הבגדים.
לסיום מבקש הרבי להרבות בלימוד התורה ולקבוע עיתים לתורה כל אחד בביתו, ולהתייחס באופן אישי לילדים.

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Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi's FAKE CURE TO Cornovirus is Dangerous

Don’t believe these fake coronavirus stories on Rabbi Mizrachi's Podcast or the ones on social media

Rabbi Mizrachi's "cure" is a bubbie maaseh ... and  this bogus cure on the 1.38 mark on the video ...can actually kill you .... if you have symptoms ... call the Hotline !

His fake cure of blasting hot air from a blow dryer into your sinuses and holding a cold water spray was invented by a random guy on Facebook and has proven to be nothing but a fantasy ....

This is the same Mizrachi that said that modern women that were marching to their deaths in the Nazi concentration camps "posed nude to their captors knowing full well that they were going to their deaths"
This guy is a lunatic!

That miracle coronavirus cure your rabbi posted to Facebook should be taken with a healthy dose of skepticism.
Fake news about COVID-19, bogus remedies and conspiracy theories were spreading rapidly on social media this week, infecting the internet with a dangerous strain of disinformation.
In one popular, but wholly false warning, a message circulated group chats and social media feeds claiming President Trump could invoke the Stafford Act and utilize martial law to enforce a mandatory two-week quarantine. The claim is often attributed to a friend or relative who “works for the government.”
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Coronavirus killing more than a person an hour in NYC

The coronavirus killed city residents at a rate of more than one per hour on Friday.
Between just 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., 14 people in New York City died from the virus, pushing the Big Apple’s total death toll to 43.
It was the first time that the city’s single-day toll had hit double digits.
And the city’s Health Commissioner, Dr. Oxiris Barbot, warned New Yorkers that double-digit daily deaths may well become the new normal, at least for a time.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if we get to a day when we have double-digits new people dying every day,” she said at a City Hall press conference Friday afternoon.
During that eight-hour period Friday the city’s positive cases also climbed from 5,151 to 5,683.
At 1,750 Brooklyn has the most COVID-19 cases followed by 1,514 in Queens, 1,402 in Manhattan, 736 in the Bronx, and 285 in Staten Island.
Authorities attribute at least part of the jump to increased testing capacity.
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The Minyanim in Front of Landau's Shul Go On in Tents Even Though The Shul is now Officially Closed ....Man Tries to Drive into the Mispallim

There has been at least two disturbing incidentals at the famous “Landau’s Shul” in Flatbush over the past two days.
Both incidents involved people furious over the fact that the Shul – located at Avenue L and East 9th Street – was opened, despite calls from Federal, State and Local officials to close all Shuls.
The first incident occurred on Wednesday night, when a man nearly drove over a crowd of people outside the Shul.
Aman driving a minivan nearly jumped the curb and began shouting that he was going to kill anyone that was defying the ban. A person standing there tried talking to the driver, who instead backed up his car, struck the man talking to him, and sped off.
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Did R’ Avrohom Shiya Freund of Williamsburg Die of Corona?

Reb Avrohom Shiya Freund Z”L from the Satmar community in Williamsburg. He was 63. R’ Shiya was Niftar in his sleep early Friday morning.
Although it has not been confirmed as, he showed and displayed all signs and symptoms of the coronavirus.
The Levaya was  held on Friday.
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Friday, March 20, 2020

No Moshiach Is Not Coming ...

 A letter from a reader:

Mashiach is NOT coming unless we do teshuva"

"If we dont do teshuva he will NOT come.

All this mashiach nonsense will STOP teshuva.

If we stop talking about mashiach and start talking about teshuva then mashiach might come if we actually do so.

Most rabbanim aren't even attempting to do an introspection.

Agudah and the ou declared a half a fast tomorrow,  forget the fast and just do the introspection that halacha demands on a fast day.

Here I'll start the halacha I just quoted says the word chamas.

The medrish rabba defines chamas as Ritchiza, giluy arayus and avodah zarah besides stealing.

We now officially have all the mosdos hatorah shut down, why because we supported them with blood money from politicians who we voted for that caused assisted suicide
(passed by one vote in nj)

 Abortion (passed by one vote in ny) to become law, 

We kicked kids out of yeshiva because they were not good for the mosad. 

We have used drug money to support our yeshivas 

We have done giluy arayus in our mosdos. We have covered over molestation to protect our "heligah" mosdos (beis havad libeis haznus,    

we caused same sex "marriage " to become law in NY (passed by 2 votes) and
 Maryland passed by the margin of votes in park heights

We have done avodah zarah (apikorsus) for our mosdos.  We agreed to kick God out of the yeshivas for government funded pre k, we have made so called daas torah more important than god. We have taught in our yeshivas all sorts of kifira.

We have stolen money from the government and thus the tax payers to pay for our mosdos. We have favored the rich in order to get donations in our yeshivas thus stealing from the poor.

Why should mashiach come, maybe if said ashamnu mikol am boshanu mikol dor, but instead of saying aval anachnu viavosanu chatanu,  we are saying tzadikim anachnu!
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How Many People Will Have To Get Sick Until Landau's Shul in Flatbush Shuts Down? How Many?

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Satmar Monroe Community Worried .... Rebbe Awaiting Results of Corona Test ... His Right-hand Bochur Has it!

R' Aaron Teitelbaum's , Satmar Rebbe of Monroe,  "hose-bucher" ...has tested positive for the Coroa Virus and now Satmar chassidim are very worried about the Rebbe who was constantly served and was in close proximity of  this boy!

A "hose-bucher" is like a high-end gofer.... who is constantly by the side of his Rebbe....

We hope that the Rebbe tests negative and hasa Refuah Shlimah!
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חשש: האדמו"ר מסאטמר נדבק בנגיף הקורונה

ה'הויז בחור' חלה בנגיף והדביק את האדמו"ר? זה החשש הקיים בחסידות סאטמר, ובגינו ערך הרבי בעצמו בדיקה; כעת חסידיו הרבים ברחבי העולם ממתינים בדריכות לתוצאותיה (חסידים)

Brooklyn Hatzola issues dire coronavirus warning: ‘This is a crisis’

As the number of people infected with coronavirus continued to soar in the Orthodox Jewish community Thursday, Hatzola leaders warned that things must change before it’s too late. 
Borough Park’s Hatzola, an emergency ambulance service catering to the Jewish community, sent an urgent robocall across the neighborhood Thursday afternoon, a day after two urgent cares in the area reported an alarming spike in positive coronavirus cases. 
“It seems that in our community of Borough Park, life is continuing as normal, business as usual. People are going about their daily lives as if nothing is happening,” the recording says. 
“Many, many, many of our friends and family have contracted this virus and are not doing as well as we had hoped. This is a crisis… We need to do what’s right. And to the current moment, we have not done [that], we have not stepped up to the plate.” 
On Thursday morning, Asisa Urgent Care said they had around 400 positive cases come out of their two Borough Park facilities and Williamsburg location, accounting for nearly half of Brooklyn’s 1,030 infections reported by City Hall. That’s up from about 150 from the day before. 
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Rabbi Yosef (Yossel) Burstein ....RY of Lakewood Mesivta Doesn't Care How Many People DIe from the Vius!

What's a Rosh Yeshiva without talmidim?...
Some of them think that they are nothing... and so they don't care how many people would contract and die from this virus ... as long as they can still be called "Rosh Yeshiva"

Not all Yeshivos have followed the mandatory guidelines to close their Yeshivos. 

At least one Yeshiva in Lakewood has 150 students sitting and learning, defying all instructions from doctors and local, state, and federal officials.

The students of Mesivta of Lakewood, under direct guidance of their Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Yosef (Yossel) Burstein, are learning and sleeping in the building, in complete disregard of the ongoing global health crisis.
As the Coronavirus continues to spread around Lakewood, this poses a grave danger to the students, their families and all who come in contact with them.
 There are also suspected cases in the Yeshiva itself.
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