Before you read the article, which is after the break ....I have a question....How many Frum Seminary girls know about the Holocaust ....? HMMM????
How about a lot less than the Americans surveyed... percentage wise .....
I'm not talking about grandchildren of survivors ....who have a kesher with their grandparents..
Did you know that the Yeshivisha Girl Seminaries in Israel do not take their students to Yad Ve'Shem?
It's Chazer Treif..... according to the self appointed money grubbing "menhalim & menehalot" .....
Why? You ask..... ?
Because it portrays more of the "less frum" survivors than the "frum" survivors ....
First of all .... who cares....???
The Nazis threw the Not Frum Jews in with the Frum Jews in the same ovens ...
They didn't discriminate ....
But the frummies do discriminate .... if a not frum guy survived and tells his story in Yad Ve'shem then that is not good enough for them.....that's not a "daas Torah" story .....
It's gets crazier!
Who stopped the frummies from telling their stories to Yad Ve'shem????
Aha! Now we are getting very close ....
The Rabbanim didn't want to give any credence or legitimacy to any Zionist Institutions even if it dealt with dead Jews! ....
Years later when the frummies saw that Yad Ve'shem was a respected institution and the entire world was respecting the Museum ...and they saw that the survivors .... the frum survivors .... flocking to the museum, donating artifacts from pre WW2 which they managed to hide, the "askanim" went immediately into high gear to get the frum stories included...
But it was too little and too late ....
and so they started a campaign to get at least Rav Weissmandel's story in ....
which should have been there all along...and they managed to have it included and that is now a prominent display
but whose fault was that ...?
The lying frummies blame this on the Zionists ...
I have a grandaughter in one of the Israeli semenaries and she told me that more than half of the frum girls from frum families had very little to zero knowledge of the Holocaust ..and they could care less......