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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Macron Comes to Israel and then shouts at an Israeli Police Office to "Get Out" of a Building in Israel

What Chutzpah???
In any other country he would not have the nerve to tell a cop that was protecting him, to "get out" but because the cop was a Jew and in Israel, he was his arrogant self ..... 
I wonder what would have happened if he tried that in Russia?
Not even the Satmar Rebbe on his recent trip was so arrogant!

French President Emmanuel Macron got angry at policemen who sought to enter with him into the Church of Saint Anne in the Old City of Jerusalem.

"Everyone knows the rules. I don't like what you did in front of me, go outside. Nobody has to provoke anybody," he told police.

Macron told the Shin Bet officer in front of him: 
"You did a great job in the city. I do appreciate it. Please respect the rules as they are for centuries. They will not change with me."
Macron later apologized to the Israel police for his outburst.
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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Polishishe "Klavta" European Parliament member compares Holocaust to animal abuse

Polish European Parliament member Sylwia Spurek stirred up controversy on Tuesday evening after tweeting a drawing by vegan artist and activist Jo Frederiks, that depicts cows walking through a slaughterhouse corridor in clothes reminiscent of those worn by Jews in Nazi concentration camps.

While comparisons to the Holocaust are always problematic, the timing for her tweet comes as world leaders, including the president of the European Parliament, gather in Jerusalem for the fifth World Holocaust Forum, set to start on Wednesday evening.
High-level delegations from 49 countries are expected to take part in the main event at Yad Vashem on Thursday afternoon, to remember the Holocaust and commit to fighting antisemitism.
In the tweet, Spurek said the drawing gives "food for thought," saying that "it's time for a serious discussion about the treatment of animals, the conditions in which they live, and how we kill them. Is this humane? Is this still agriculture?"
This is not the first time that animal rights activists have compared. In fact, there is a book by David Sztybel entitled, "Can the Treatment of Animals Be Compared to the Holocaust?"
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Chananya Weissman "The Bachelor" Doesn't Want Women to Learn Daf HaYoimie

This Chananya Weissman is the author of 7 books that no-one ever read and his entire thought process on this particular topic is asinine and very childish!
(His father in Bet Shemesh hands out his books for free to anyone he sees)

I am not going to take apart every stupid statement he made ... because anyone with a half a brain can see that this is a guy who really doesn't care whether women learn or not .... and hasn't given one coherent point to his argument ...
and yes he is a lot dumber then he looks...

Is he is married??
No guy married, would write this dumb article and live another day!
What is my view on this???? 
Did I just hear someone asking the question?
Well ... my view is that if someone wants to learn be it a man or a woman or even a man dressed as a woman... then I say "Kol Ha"kovod" 
Better than .... hating Israel .... blocking traffic Bein Hazamanim or marching in the Woman's METOO movement...
I don't really care who started the Ladies Da HaYoimie movement or when it did ....(which is one of his stupid arguments)  if someone wants to learn Torah.... who am I stop them?
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Transgender Gives up Legal Fight to See His Charedi Orthodox Children

The picture of Abby Stein is not related to this article 

A transgender, a guy who thinks it's Purim all year round, in England, has given up his legal fight to see his five Charedi children.
The guy who uses ladies bathrooms has not seen the children, whom he fathered when he was living as a man, since leaving a Charedi, community in Manchester in 2015.
At a hearing in London on Monday, he withdrew his application for an order allowing him to have contact with the children, The Guardian reported.
The family has remained unidentified in the British media.
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Shirr Teved 12-year-old girl"s final words to mom before fatal Brooklyn fire

An 11-year-old girl was killed when a fire tore through her Brooklyn home late Monday — minutes after she got off the phone with her mother, the distraught mom told The Post Tuesday.
Firefighters responded to a blaze at a house on Ocean Parkway and Foster Avenue in Kensington around 10 p.m., finding the home engulfed in flames and young Shir Tevet unconscious inside.

The girl was transported to Maimonides Medical Center, where she was pronounced dead.
Authorities said it appeared she died from smoke inhalation.
“I really don’t know what happened,” grieving mother Limor Tevet-Steinmetz told The Post in a tearful interview.
“We went to the store for 20 minutes. She called back and asked to get her ice cream. That’s the last thing I heard from her.
“My daughter was exceptional, she was remarkable, one of a kind,” she sobbed. “She was my everything. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now.”
Shir’s neighbor and teacher at Yeshiva Ohel Moshe in Bensonhurst, Madelyn Novitsky, said the mother called her in a state of panic amid the blaze.
“She called me at around 11 and said, ‘Have you seen my daughter,’ ” Novitsky said. “But she wasn’t coherent. She wanted to know if her daughter is OK. I said I have no idea.”
Tevet-Steinmetz told The Post the girl was home alone and in her bedroom when the fire broke out and said firefighters could not get to her.
“They got into the living room, but they didn’t check on my daughter in her room because the flames were too much,” she said. “She was asleep in her bed, and they couldn’t get to her.”
Fire officials could not confirm Tuesday where the girl was when firefighters discovered her body.
The fire was not believed to be suspicious.
Police said there was no history of domestic abuse or child-protection involvement with the family.
The city’s Administration for Children’s Services said Tuesday that it is investigating the incident.
The girl’s father said the family was scheduled to leave the country Tuesday to bury her in Israel.
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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Polish Jews’ pre-Holocaust plea to Chamberlain: "Please Let us into Palestine" May 1939

In March 1939, weeks before the notorious White Paper, Polish Jewry sent London a desperate telegram, published here apparently for the first time. At terrible cost, it was ignored

The sordid history of the May 1939 British White Paper, the notorious document with which the British all but slammed shut the doors of Palestine to European Jewry, has been documented many times. Less-remembered is how the (Jewish-owned) New York Times took British prime minister Neville Chamberlain’s side the day after the White Paper was issued, incurring the wrath of Chaim Weizmann and the Zionist leadership. Virtually unknown, however, is that the Polish Jewish community had sent a desperate plea two months earlier to Chamberlain — a telegram begging him to keep the gates of Palestine open.
Future Israeli prime minister David Ben Gurion, center, and future president Chaim Weitzmann, seated to his left, with other Jewish delegates at the London Conference, St. James Palace, February 1939.

This is the story of that plea.
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GOY Makes Huge "Kiddush Hashem" finds more than $43G in couch he bought from store and Tracks down the Owner

Howard Kirby got the surprise of his life last month when he found over $43,000 in cash inside a couch he'd purchased at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Owosso, Michigan.
“It still boggles my mind every so often,” he told CBS 5 on Thursday.
Kirby purchased the couch to outfit his man cave but said the ottoman felt odd and uncomfortable. His daughter eventually unzipped the cushion to examine it further and discovered stacks of hundred-dollar bills.
“That’s when she started pulling out this,” Kirby told the station, holding up a fistful of cash. “I still have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming or something,”
A total of $43,170 was found inside the couch, but Kirby didn't feel morally right keeping it. He went back to the store to seek out the original owner and tell them about the cash.
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Monday, January 20, 2020

Who is Shtauber That Calls "Israel News" "Apikorsas" ?

The real irony about this entire video is, that this guy is ranting against the Smartphone, ..yet the entire clip was recorded on a smartphone.

For those who don't understand Yiddish ... I'll try to summarize his yelling and screaming in a few sentences.
But please keep in mind that I couldn't possibly capture the nonsense and hatred against other Jews that this guy, Moshe Aron Gershon Shtauber, spewed.

He first tells a story about an older Satmar Chasid that was davening in the Satmar Bais Medrish ....

"here was an older guy that merited to sit by the holy rebbe's tish (R' Yoilish) left the shul to ask his smartphone on the Siri app...""Israel News?"!!
A guy who had the zchus to see the holy rebbe asks his phone about "apikorsas" rachmuna lizlan" (May G-d save us)"

So let's break this down ....
an older guy that was for sure a Holocaust survivor (the way he described him) is interested in what's happening to his brothers and sisters in Israel ....

 That is now considered ....."apikorsas?"

In the same video, shtauber (now with a small "s") discusses the Jersey City killings ....
Why is that not "apikorsas?"  
Why is news about Israel "apikorsas" yet news about Jersey City ...not "apikorsas?"

This Shtauber guy, with his 3 story $5,000 Shtrimal is barking about a holocaust survivor that wants to know how his brothers in Israel are fairing......

 Shtauber veers off his main topic that was about the "tumedeke" smartphone .... to take apart an elicher yid who witnessed the worst tragedy of the Jewish people in its entire history ....
and who really cares about others in the holy land!

How low have we sunk? How low?
Is it any wonder that people are fed up with this nonsense and leave the fold ....?

I am sure that the guy that filmed this and sent it to the blogs wants it publicized so that all can see how much hatred guys like Shtauber spread in the community....how much division a Shtauber and his ilk can cause and how a single rant and bark can spread and ingrain  "sinas chinum" in the hearts and minds of his listeners!

Even while giving mussar he cannot help calling "Israel News" ..Apikorsas! 

Then Shtauber tells a story that he claims he himself witnessed!

He went to visit a sick man  from Monsey,  on his deathbed in Mount Sinai hospital...
and this is what occurred while as he was saying "viddu" with the man ...

"he has children  "azoi in azoi" (like this and like that) and suddenly I notice one of his children without a beard with his shirt out, sitting near by with one leg over his other, take out the "shvarzter tumedika davar acher" the black tumedika smartphone, while his father was gasping his last breath after having just said viddu, snapping a photo of his father and then sending it to all of his friends"

Who believes this story?....
Is there anybody out there that believes this story? Anyone?

Are you telling me that the dying man's very own son was sitting "with one leg over the other" while his father was taking his last breaths??
And then "sending the photo to all his friends?"
If he did ....I'll bet the kid learned in Satmar!
There is no way that any kid that learned in any modern school would behave like that..... 

Shtauber in one fell swoop destroyed with his lying ugly lips ... the dying man's son because he "had no beard" and "had his shirt out."

Even if we were to say that this incredible story was in fact 100% true, what was the point of mocking a child whose father was on his death bed... and then underhandedly destroying the dying man himself by implying that his children weren't great...
"azoi in azoi"?

Instead of arguing and presenting his case in a rational manner and debating the issue on its merits ....
he destroys the reputation of the dead man's family, makes "choizeik" of the appearances of one of the children of the dying guy and calls "Israel News" apikorsas! 

How does any of his fictional stories have anything to do with the smartphone? 
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The Two women found dead in Givat Shaul in Jerusalem Were From Chareidie Homes and Reportedly Jumped!


Two women from Chareidie homes in their 20s were found unconscious near a tall commercial building in Jerusalem on Sunday night.

חנה סוליש בת של שליח בנתניה
 ושטערנא שרה קלפמן בת דודתה מירושלים
Shterna Sarah Klapman a"h 
Magen David Adom paramedics who were called to the scene pronounced them dead.

It is believed that the two women jumped for a reason that is unclear at this time.

Shterna Sarah Klapman was originally from Crown Heights from a Chabad family ..

Magen David Adom paramedics Shlomi Levy and Shalom Galil said, 

"When we arrived on the scene, we saw two young women in their 20s, not breathing and without a pulse. They were both suffering from severe multisystem injuries. We performed medical examinations and, after a short time, had to pronounce them both dead.”
יהי רצון שלא נדע עוד שוד ושבר בגבולנו, ומיד ממש נראה בגאולה השלימה - והרבי בראשנו",
 נחתמת הודעת האבל של בית חב"ד ומוסדות חב"ד בנתניה.
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Balloons attached to explosive device located near Beit Shemesh

Israel Police sappers arrived Monday to safely detonate an explosive device found near the central city of Beit Shemesh.
The device, attached to a bunch of balloons, landed near the Beit Shemesh-area town of Mesilat Zion.

No one was injured.

On Sunday, explosives attached to balloons landed in the southern city of Sderot. Officials in the IDF and the defense establishment believe that Hamas, which controls Gaza, is behind the balloons' launch.

On Friday, balloons with an explosive device landed in the city of Ashdod, after flying along the coast.

 Police were called to the scene and closed the area to the public in order to allow sappers to safely detonate the device.

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The New York Times Endorses Two Radical Leftists For President! ......Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren

The New York Times endorsed not one, but two candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination on Sunday.
The paper’s editorial board gave their blessings to the crazed fake Indian candidate Elizabeth Warren, and the "no clue Amy Klobuchar in a surprise endorsement that split from tradition.
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While Ezra Friedlander & Satmar Rebbe of Monroe Advocated FOR Iran Deal ..Iran Was Building Nuclear Weapons

Netanyahu with Secret Iran Files 

Guys... I'm old enough to remember when the "Political Genius" the Satmar Rebbe of Monroe, Reb Aron Teitelbaum urged the US Congress to ignore Netanyahu's warning that Iran was building nuclear missiles!  

I remember when Satmar put up their naive stupid fool, Yolie Labin  from the Kidney Donor Organization to write an Op-Ed in the Yeshivah World to fight for the murderous Mullahs in Iran! They picked him because Labin ran the Kidney Donor Organization and they figured that he was considered an "honest neutral guy" by the heimishe community  .... which he was until he was recruited by the Satmar Mullahs to defend Obama's dangerous Iran Deal.

I remember when the dangerous money grubber Ezra "the Capo" Friedlander  tried to sell Holocaust Survivors the notion that it was ok for Iran to get a  license to build nuclear weapons that would G-d forbid annihilate the entire Israel and cause a much bigger Holocaust! ....

Well guess what? 

Iranians were building a nuclear weapon way back in 2002...

Will we hear an apology????

Do I hear crickets ....?

Do not listen to these useless idiots .... they are only working to fill their own pockets on the backs of the Jewish People!!

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R' Chaim Vital's Secret Kabbalistic Remedies and Segulos for Children on Auction

andwritten leaf from ‘Sefer HaRefuos’ handwritten by the holy Kabbalist Rabbi Chaim Vital himself, detailing various natural and Kabbalistic remedies, particularly regarding children’s welfare.

Aside from Rabbi Chaim’s extraordinary Kabbalistic knowledge, Rabbi Chaim was well-versed in the field of medicine, practical Kabbalah and alchemy, and wrote a large and thorough treatise on the subject.

Rabbi Chaim Vital describes many incidents where he himself practiced these remedies and saw first-hand results.

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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Kosher Winery Spills 1,000 Gallons of Boutique Wines in "Maasar" Ceremony

The Or Haganuz boutique winery on Sunday held a festive ceremony for "maasering" their annual product – winner of countless international tasting competitions – which involved spilling about 4,000 liters (1,056 gallons) of the winery’s fine wine.
 In the time of the Bais Ha'Mikdash, this wine would have been sent to Jerusalem for the use of the Cohanim (priests), but since this cannot be done nowadays, the amount "maasered" is forbidden to use by its owner or any layman, Kikar Hashabbat reported.
The ceremony was attended by the rabbis of the Badatz—the rabbinical court of the Haredi community in Jerusalem which also supervises the kashrut of the winery. Also on hand were the regional rabbi, Rabbi Yosef Elmasheli, and the Rabbi of the Or Haganuz community, the kabalistic Rabbi Mordechai Sheinberger.
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Kiryas Joel Charity Sued for $950K in Credit Card Chargeback Scheme

Rumors have it that they will blame the nasty Zionists for this scheme! These "ober-chuchems" started a "gmach" on the "chesbon" of the "goyishe" bank, KeyBank......
But the crazy anti-Semitic goyim got wind of the scheme and weren't too happy about getting fleeced by some anti-Zionists chassidim, so the goyishe "tipshim" ...instead of going to a Bais Din in Monroe...  went to the FBI ......... and now the anti-Zionists are in big doo-doo......
I suggest they rent the gigantic MetLife building and make a protest against the anti-Semites that won't allow themselves to be robbed, after all this was for a holy purpose ... a "gmach" ....
at the protest they can scream against the "apikoras" Netanyahu, for good measure .... and maybe they could convince the naive R' Malkiel Kotler to join! 
Interesting that they couldn't find a local bank to fleece but chose a bank in Cleveland ....
KeyBank has sued a Hudson Valley religious charity and a co-founder for allegedly running a $950,000 credit card chargeback scheme.
KeyBank of Cleveland sued Mordechai Gold and BHMD BY on Chevron Inc., of Kiryas Joel, Orange County, Dec. 16 in White Plains federal court.
“KeyBank seeks to prevent the fraudulent transfer or dissipation of assets, including those assets that they have already tried to put beyond the reach of KeyBank,” the lawsuit states.
Gold responded in a court filing that the allegations are a “complete fabrication.”
The bank “has attempted to dress up its contract claim as being an elaborate fraud involving over 40 conspirators,” he stated, “yet KeyBank has proffered no evidence of fraud.”
Gold, 26, Yoel Shtosel and Joel Fekete set up BHMD BY on Chevron in 2015 to establish a place of worship, Bnai Yisroel, on Chevron Road, according to the incorporation papers, and to “support the spiritual needs of the community with providing free loans and to support the religious, intellectual, moral and social welfare among them.”
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Saturday, January 18, 2020

Dershowitz to defend Trump at impeachment to protect ‘integrity of constitution’

 US President Donald Trump’s legal team will include former Harvard University law professor Alan Dershowitz and Ken Starr, the former independent counsel who led the Whitewater investigation into president Bill Clinton, according to a person familiar with the matter.
The team will also include Pam Bondi, the former Florida attorney general and a Trump ally.
Dershowitz confirmed his role in a series of tweets on Friday, saying he would “present oral arguments at the Senate trial to address the constitutional arguments against impeachment and removal.”
“While Professor Dershowitz is non-partisan when it comes to the constitution — he opposed the impeachment of President Bill Clinton and voted for Hillary Clinton — he believes the issues at stake go to the heart of our enduring Constitution,” he said in another tweet.
“He is participating in this impeachment trial to defend the integrity of the Constitution and to prevent the creation of a dangerous constitutional precedent,” he said.
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PUTTING THE FAT IN FATWA Monstrous 560 Pound ISIS fanatic dubbed ‘Jabba the Jihadi’ is arrested

Hate preacher Abu Abdul Bari had to be loaded onto a flatbed truck after he was nabbed in his Mosul bolthole by Iraqi security forces.
Cops said he was an ISIS member who issued fatwas leading to the execution of a number of scholars and clerics, as well as the bombing of a mosque.
Macer Gifford, a Brit who fought against the death cult in Syria, tweeted: “I’m delighted to say that the Islamic State’s very own Jabba the Hutt has been captured in Mosul.
“Responsible for the execution of men, women and children. This animal raped and murdered.”
Referring to the obvious problems the authorities might face carrying out the country’s death penalty, he added: “Good luck hanging him Iraq.”
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