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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Six "Berland" Hoodlums Arrested for Fraud

Police have arrested six men during the night who follow the cult headed by Rabbi Eliezer Berland. The suspects in detention are suspected of crimes based on a a recent Channel13 News report that was released weeks ago.

Police in recent weeks have been working to gather evidence that which was released in the report pertaining to Berland and his Shuvu Banim cult.

Alan Lipman Dies Leaving no family ..... Please attend levayah

We regret to inform you of the sudden Petira of R’ Shmuel Aharon “Alan” Lipman Z”L. He was 72.
Alan was a Talmid of Yeshiva Chaim Berlin as a Bochur, and spent the past 30 years learning each day in Mirrer Yeshiva in Flatbush.
He was extremely close to the late Mirrer Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon Harav Shmuel Berenbaum ZATZAL, attending his various Shiurim each week for many years.
Alan was not feeling well the past few days, and suffered a cardiac arrest while seeing his doctor on Monday morning. Flatbush Hatzolah rushed him to the hospital where he was unfortunately Niftar.
He leaves behind no family whatsoever, other than his friends at the Mir and Chaim Berlin, many of whom he ate by each Shabbos and Yom Tov.
Please learn, Daven and give Tzedakah for his Neshama, Shmuel Aharon ben Meir Nata.
The Levaya will be held on Tuesday at 12:00PM at Sherman’s, located at 1283 Coney Island Avenue between Avenue I and Ave J.
Kvura 2:45 P.M. at Beth Moses Cemetery, Pinelawn, New York

Rabbi Daniel Greer convicted on felony charges gets 12 years in prison

Rabbi Daniel Greer, who was convicted on four counts of risk of injury to a minor, was sentenced Monday to 20 years in prison, suspended after he serves 12 years.
Superior Court Judge Jon M. Alander, who scolded the prominent defendant for his actions, also ordered Greer to be on the sex offender registry for 10 years. This would coincide with Greer’s 10 years of probation.
Alander denied a defense motion that Greer be allowed to remain free, as he had been, because he was able to quickly post a $750,000 bond after he was convicted in September. Greer’s attorneys wanted this extended while his conviction is appealed.
But calling Greer a flight risk, Alander said, “He has a strong incentive to flee. This sentence exceeds his life expectancy.”
Noting Greer is 79, Alander said the life expectancy for a man of that age is nine more years. “There is no greater incentive to flee than the cold realization that he might spend the rest of his life in prison.”

Monday, December 2, 2019

Rabbi At Agudah Convention says that "G-D Doesn't Want Women on Magazine Covers"

Question is at the 
1:00:08 ...... mark ...... 

Shtisel complicated my Judaism

I succumbed to Shtisel-mania this summer. 
 I am a non-Orthodox convert to Judaism and am not considered a “real Jew” by the Charedi community portrayed in this series. 
 I am fairly certain that Nuchem would refer to me as one of those “damn evil people.”  Until Shtisel, my opinion of the Charedim was also not very flattering.
I co-chair a  Jewish Federation committee that advocates for religious pluralism in Israel, that in many ways “fights” the ultra orthodox monopoly on religion in Israel.  The ultra orthodox are a fast growing and marginalized population.  We ignore them at our peril. Shtisel helped me see that.  It also complicated my Judaism.
I cried when Shulem painted over the woman’s hair in Akiva’s painting.   I wanted to be indignant at him for his reaction to the painting, but I found myself feeling his pain. I understood why he couldn’t have possibly had a different reaction to it.
As a modern woman, I wanted to agree with Giti that Ruchami should not be married at 15.  However, I found myself understanding that a divorce would permanently affect her prospects for a future “normal” life in her community.  I found myself agreeing with the table of men discussing whether or not her marriage was valid or if she should seek a divorce.

"Wives of Rebbeim" Send Message to the "fancy" Parents Meeting Rebbes at PTA

play video

Is WALMART Opening in Israel? Well they are recruiting ...

The company has been posting job listings on LinkedIn in recent weeks looking for cashiers, food handlers, pharmacists, and merchandise stockers in Jerusalem, the business website Calcalist reported.
Calcalist reported last year that representatives of Walmart visited Israel to look into the possibility of opening a branch in the country.
Some want to say that the Calcalist is mistaken and that the recruitment was for a city in the USA ..Jerusalem, Illinois.   
We will soon find out ..

Left-Winged “Peace Now Activists’ BOO & SHOUT Down Neturei Karta in Rammala .... ""You Are Not a JEW"

Who is the little Yeshivisha pipskqueek Rasha ...3rd from the left?
In a shocking video that was posted on social media on Sunday, Left-wing Israelis from the “Peace Now” organization began booing a speaker, Meir Hirsch from the radical Neturei Karta sect, who was addressing the gathered crowd at the Mukata in Ramallah during a peace conference.
In a bizarre twist, Leftist were shouting "You are not a Jew" at Meir Hirsch YM"S! 
Hirsch, who was invited and honored by Fatah, had said that the entire country of Israel, its very existence breaks international law and that the only way to combat it is through the BDS movement. Hirsch also stated that Zionists have no right to represent the Jewish people.
The Peace Now activists began booing Hirsch while he was talking and needed to be called to order by the organizers of the event. One Neturei Karta follower in the crowd shouted back at the Peace Now activists saying: “You smelly left-wing liars, you also participated in the butchery. You did it.”
Just two weeks ago, we published a video of Hirsch, where he prayed that Israel should be erased, and that the entire world should worship Allah.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

65 year Old Chareidie from Bnei Brak Arrested For Molesting Seminary Girls

A parent of a 16-year-old seminary student filed a complaint with police over the past month in reference to a Chareidie man committing serious acts on his daughter and friends.

 It is suspected that the suspect was waiting for 16-year-old girls at a school in Bnei Brak to carry out prohibited and serious acts, prohibited by Torah and state law.

Upon receiving the report, police investigators opened an investigation that led over the weekend to identifying and detaining a suspect in the act. 
The suspect, a 65-year-old resident of Bnei Brak, was interrogated and imprisoned at the end of his investigation. At the weekend, at the request of the police, his arrest was extended in a Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court until tomorrow (Monday).
The details that came to the blog "Chadrei Chadrim" indicate that about a month ago, a similar complaint was filed against the suspect, and about eight months ago, he committed a similar offense.
 "This is a dangerous suspect and suspected of being a serial offender," the police representative said at a hearing in Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court on Friday.
"These are a considerable number of complaints against the suspect and also a large number of victims, who we fear have not filed a complaint with the police," he added, asking to extend his detention for five days.
The suspect's attorney, Adv. Yechiel Weinroth, argued that he should be released under supervised detention, adding that the suspect was already undergoing a psychiatric examination, as part of the indictments filed against him in similar offenses.
Recently, the suspect was sent to the Crimson Institute for rehab, Attorney Weinroth's attorney said, adding, "He took these treatments. He is in the process. ”He said there was a mistake in his judgment when they thought he could go alone to all sorts of places without close supervision.
Judge Hannah Klugman said at the end of the hearing, "I found there was a reasonable suspicion that the suspect was involved in the offense attributed to him," and, as stated, extended his detention by four days to noon Monday.

‘Everyone knows somebody:’ The ultra-Orthodox community's opioid epidemic

Last month, Miriam Peretz, a 17-year-old from an ultra-Orthodox background in Jerusalem, died of a drug overdose.
According to experts, her death falls on the backdrop of increasing drug use in the community, particularly of opioids.

The exact number of overdose deaths among ultra-Orthodox Jews is unknown because of the stigma of drug use. Also, when it comes to opioids, not all of the community’s first responders know the signs of an overdose, especially when there is no needle.
Eric Levitz, director of AZ House, a center that caters to the English-speaking Orthodox community in Jerusalem, contends that drugs, especially opioids, are a problem everywhere, adding it was inevitable that they would find their way into the religious community.

“If the community is only this big [indicating a small area] and [the problem is] on the outskirts, it doesn’t take much for it to reach the center,” says Levitz.
“Everyone knows someone. There’s no option [but to talk about it]. It’s that big a deal.”

Was the Last Night's Deadly Crash That Killed Tzipi Rimmel and Her Infant a Terrorist Act?

The Otzma Yehudit party called on the police this morning to investigate the fatal accident in which Tzipi Rimmel and her newborn baby Noam Rachel were killed to determine whether it was an Islamist terrorist attack.

According to the party, since the early morning hours, testimonies from various people present at the site indicate that the driver who struck Rimmel, who is an Arab, was traveling at high speed and deliberately did not stop despite the red traffic light and cars waiting at the intersection.

"We urge the police to investigate in depth the motives of the offending driver and examine whether there were no nationalist motives in his unruly leadership and whether he had any intentions of seizing the opportunity of vehicles waiting at the junction for a green light to kill Jews," Otzma Yehudit said.

Attorney Itamar Ben Gvir, one of the leaders of the party, wrote on Twitter: 

"This is not an 'accident.' It looks like murder! "

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Chareidim Insisting On Separate Concerts Is A Phony Issue ..... They Sit In Mixed Theaters All the Time!

You must have heard about the Chareidie Concerts with Chareidie performers like MBD  that refuse to perform in mixed crowds..... ....
Cites like Haifa refused them separate seating in public venues ..... ...
You also must have noticed that I didn't blog about the issue ....

Why? You ask?

The simple answer is that Chareidim don't care either way ... they go to the movies, ball games, theaters and sit in mixed company constantly .......

It's only the performers that act like tzaddikim to impress those who never even go to concerts ....

All people going to concerts want to sit with their families ... that's the whole point of going out and spending some quality time in a nice setting .......

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Two Dead Guys Found in an AirBnb Yerusalyim Apt Were Chareidie.

According to insiders, the two young men found dead in an airbnb apartment in Jerusalem were "Heimishe 20 year-old Buchrim .... They had rented the apartment for 2 days ..
Apparently they overdosed!

Two young men were found unconscious on Saturday night in an apartment on Jerusalem's Jabotinsky Street.

Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics declared their death.
Dr. Michael Herman, an on-call MDA doctor, said:
"When we arrived at the scene they led us to the apartment. We saw two young men in their 20s who were unconscious."
"They had no pulse and were not breathing. We performed medical examinations and we were left with no choice but to declare their deaths."

Twitter Permanently Suspends Ilhan Omar's Congressional Opponent .......Danielle Stella

A GOP congressional candidate hoping to unseat Rep. Ilhan Omar has been permanently suspended from Twitter for posting threats against the congresswoman, a report said.
The campaign account for Danielle Stella, 31, was booted from the social media site after she posted twice about lynching Omar, one of the first Muslim women elected to the House, the Washington Times reported.
The tweets, which are no longer available, involved unproven allegations that Omar has shared information with the Iranian government. Omar has strongly denied the allegations.
“If it is proven @IlhanMN passed sensitive info to Iran, she should be tried for #treason and hanged,” the first tweet read.
She then retweeted a news story that included her tweet and added an image of a stick figure hanging from a scaffold, according to the Washington Times.
The account was permanently suspended after the tweets, the report said.
In a statement to the newspaper, Stella said the social media platform sides with “terrorists, traitors, pedophiles, and rapists.”

Are Zionists Amaleikim ?


At a recent trip of a Rebbe & Chasidim traveling to Eretz Yisroel
it was announced that they are on their way to fight the עמלקים (Zionist)

What is the Torah השקפה on calling non Frum Yidden, 


Is it, a) or b) or there is a c)?

Yes, it's true our Gedolim and רוב מנין ורוב בנין of (Frum)  כלל ישראל don't follow or hold of their שיטה but these Chasidim have their Gedolim & their שיטה. 

Not only is it the right thing but it's also obligatory for them to follow
their Rebbe & שיטה.
We say in this instance אלו ואלו דברי אלוקים חיים.

b) Bnai Torah should and must know that this שיטה might have been right 50-70 years ago. Then our struggle to remain Frum Yidden were with the secular Zionist.

Today, there is no need to be so obsessed anymore with the Zionist רשעים.
 There is no need to fight those whodon't consider the שלש שבועות relevant. 

We have given up fighting Shabtai Zvi etc. so too we should give up fighting  Zionism. They are not our enemy anymore.

On the contrary, they are the largest supporters of Yiddishkeit. They support Chadorim, Yeshivos, Bais Yakovs, Mikvaos, Botei Dinim, Rabonim, etc. (Perhaps some הכרת הטוב by not calling them Nazis & Amolaikim)

The biggest and main struggle of today is עמי הארצות, be it Frum or non-Frum, be it Zionist or non-Zionist.

The lack of proper Torah education is the cause of all those who fight against Torah Judaism. It is the cause of the hatred towards Talmidei Chachamim etc.
עמי הארצות is also the cause of those who opt-out and go off the Derech etc. This is where we need to place all our concentration.

Calling other Yidden, even non-Frum, "עמלק" won't accomplish or help in eradicating עמי הארצות and ignorance.
On the contrary, it might even be the cause of the שנאת עם הארץ towards תלמידי חכמים & Frum Yidden.

Therefore, it is very wrong and we should condemn  those who call other Yidden, "נאצים or עמלקים".

Perhaps, Yidden who don't believe in the שלש שבועות and believe in כחי ועצם ידי, don't deserve to be called עמלק

Rabbanim Freed over 3,000 Agunois After the Holocaust

A ledger documenting the actions of a Beis Din in Bergen-Belsen following its liberation was recently discovered for the first time, Ynet reported on Monday. 
The ledger, containing over 100 pages of cramped handwriting, was the first documentation of the testimony of Holocaust survivors on their spouses who were murdered by the Nazis, for the purpose of being released from their aginus.
“In 1944, in the month of Iyar, they brought me and my wife Gittel bas Avraham Halevi and all our children to Auschwitz. There they separated me and my two older sons for labor and my wife and small children were sent to the gas chambers. Since there, there has been no sign of them – his sons testified to this as well.” (page 85).
The ledger, entitled: “Beis Din Protocol of Bergen-Belsen” was written on a booklet that originally belonged to the Nazis. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Did the "Tushnat" Stabber Flee to Israel?

It seems that the Ramapo Police have positively identified the Monsey Tushnat stabber and they speculate that he flew the coup to Israel.... 

The talk now is that this stabbing was because of the withholding of a get ... and that the victim is innocent and was not the intended target, but was very closely related to the "Get Refuser." 

The "Get Refuser" is willing to give the get but the wife's family refuses to allow him to see the kids .......

According to this version, the Father in Law a wealthy guy that lives in Williamsburg .. ordered the hit ....on his son-in-law.

So the Chassidim who know who the stabber is, refuse to hand over this "rotziach" to the cops because that would be "mesirah" ...
So they will let a "mashchis" who stabbed an innocent guy in the eye ... walk .....

What kind of Torah did we teach our children? 
"Mesirah" now became the Torah .... Letting a "rotziach," a walking time bomb ..walk in our midst..is now Torah!

How low can someone go to take a knife and stab another Jew in the head?.....
and the stabber himself had no dog in this race ... he was hired as I understand it ....

Guys.... if you know where this "rotziach" lives ... give him up now before he destroys another life!
The next guy he stabs could be your own family member..

Watch Bernie' Sanders Say "Lining Up For Food Is Good thing"

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Yosef Zeigler Arrested in Monsey by FBI for Robbing Banks

The FBI on Tuesday captured a 29-year-old Rockland man who they said robbed banks in Park Ridge, Pomona and elsewhere by claiming to have a bomb, Daily Voice has learned.
Yosef Ziegler was taken into custody in Airmont early Tuesday by a team of law enforcement officers and agents led by the bureau from the jurisdictions where the banks were robbed, official sources said.
Ziegler, of Spring Valley, is accused of making off with what investigators told Daily Voice was $32,000 from an Oritani Bank branch on Kinderkamack Road in Park Ridge this past April after claiming to have a bomb in what looked like a pizza delivery bag.
“He ordered the bank’s tellers to go into the vault area and instructed one teller to put money in the bag,” the FBI said at the time.
He then fled in a vehicle that witnesses said might have been a white minivan.
Four months earlier, authorities said, he held up a Chase Bank branch in the Pacesetter Shopping Center on Route 202 in Pomona while carrying a box that he claimed contained explosives.
The FBI said he “specifically demanded cash secured in the back of the bank,” then “exited through the back with an undisclosed amount of money.”
In the Park Ridge holdup, Ziegler allegedly wore a bicycle helmet with a baseball cap underneath, a gray sweatshirt, black gloves and glasses.
The former Brooklyn resident was also carrying a blue bag that he claimed contained a bomb, authorities said.