“I don’t speak because I have the power to speak; I speak because I don’t have the power to remain silent.” Rav Kook z"l
Thursday, March 3, 2016
"Takana Rabbonim" attend Ostentatious Wedding in Brooklyn
Those who sign those takanas that state that weddings must follow guidelines set by the holy Rabbis and must have only one man bands and fake flowers, don't apply those standards to themselves!
The Rabbonim signed that they would not attend or officiate at any wedding that don't follow the "tekana" guidlines!
But those "guidelines" only apply to the Joe Shmos' ....
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Eida Hachareide sells Treif Chickens!
So we knew all that forever, that the heimishe hashgacha business with their "chumrois" is a bunch of fraudulent poppycock!
The only hashgachas that are reliable is the OU in the States and the Rabbanut in Israel ... that's it! There I said it!
But the chareidim managed to convince the sheep that only the "Heimishe hashgachos" are reliable!
The facts are that all scandals in the Kosher Hashgacha market happen only with the "heimishe" hashgachos!
Just a couple of years ago we had a huge scandal in Monsey where the Baal Ha"machsahar gave a hashgacha for treif chickens, the mashgiach never checked the produce! And the Heimishe grocery fed tarfus to the entire Monsey community for years!
Food can be treif, as long as the "chumrois" are instituted!
Food can be treif, as long as the "chumrois" are instituted!
Now see that one of their own ... R' Moshe Brandsdorfer writes in a letter just this Monday that Aida Chareida chickens are chazir treif, and he writes that he is not at all surprised! "cock il doodle die"
בכיר ב"העדה החרדית": העופות שבכשרות שלנו - לא כשרים
הסערה בעקבות שינוי אופן הזריקות לעופות בבד"צ העדה החרדית נמשכת. "כיכר השבת" חושף את מכתבו של הרב משה ברנסדופר, בנו של פוסק הכשרות של העדה שקובע: מדובר בטריפות (חדשות)
כיכר השבת מביא את מכתבו המלא של הרב ברנדסדופר:
"הנני בזה בהמשך לשיחתנו אתמול בלילה בבית מדרשינו 'היכל הוראה', בשעה שאחד האברכים הביא לנו עשרה עופות, מעופות האלו שאנו דנים בה כעת ע״ד מה שנמצא אצלם דלקת במקום צומת הגידין [הנקרא בשפת הווטרינרים, 'צלקת' או 'נימוס הרקמות' או 'בשר מת'] היות ששינו לאחרונה אופן הזריקה במקום השוק, ועל שישה עופות הודה מע"כ בפניי שהוראת אאמו"ר מרן בעל הקנה בשם זצוק"ל שעופות אלו בוודאי טריפה".
"ואם היה קורה לפעמים עוף עם שאלה כזו במשחטה שע"י עדתינו, היו משליכין עופות אלו לטריפות עקב הוראתו הנ״ל [ואמרת לי שכן ששמעת הן מהגאון רבי נחום יברוב שליט״א והן מהבודקים בעדתינו]. והוספת, שאמנם לדעתך אין להטריפם בוודאי אלא שיש עדיין לדון בזה".
"והגם שלא היה לי בזה שום חידוש, כי ידוע לי מכבד הוראתו הנ"ל בעת שלוויתי אותו הרבה שנים בשחיטה שהייתה תחת פיקוחו והשגחתו של אאמו״ר זצוק״ל, ותקופה ארוכה הייתי שם הרב הממונה, והוראתו הברורה היתה שכל ריעותא וחשש ריעותא יש להסירו תיכף מהליין ולהשליכו למקום המיועד לטריפות".
"ע"כ כל עניין המשא ומתן בזה, אין כאן שום נידון לוויכוח, כי היה שגור בפי אאמו"ר לומר על כל ענין הנ״ל, שאנו בני ישראל כפופים לפסקי רבינו רבן של ישראל מאור עינינו הרמ״א שדבריו מפורשים בשו״ע יו״ד סימן נ״ו סעיף ט, וז״ל: ואנו אין בקיאין בבדיקת צומת הגידין של עוף משום דקשה לבדוק, ובקל הוא נטרף ולכן בכל מקום דאיכא מכה במקום צומת הגידין אפילו אינו רק נפוח ונצרר הדם מאחר שהיה צריך בדיקה ואין אנו בקיאין בעוף הוא טריפה. עכ״ל".
"וכן בתשובות אאמו״ר (קנה בשם ח״א סימנים מ״ז - מ״ט) כתב שם שכיון שכן, אין לנו עוד מה לדון בזה, אחר שרבינו הרמ״א סגר בפנינו הדרך, כי כל חשש כל דהוא בצומת הגידין הוי טריפה [והטעם לכך, דהיות שיש שם ט״ז גידין, ואנו רואים רק י״א גידין, ואם כן כיון שנעשה ריעותא כל דהוא, אפשר שאחד מהה׳ גידין האחרים שאין העין רואה ניזוקו], ואם רבינו הרמ״א לא היה לקבוע שלא נעשה ריעותא באחד מהט״ז גידין, מי יבוא אחר המלך לומר שהוא כן בקי בזה".
"ע"כ הנני בזה בנידון דנן, אין לנו אלא תורת משה וזאת התורה לא תהא מוחלפת, ומי הוא זה אשר יכול להרים יד בתורת משה - הרמ״א ז״ל, ויה״ר שלא תצא מכשול מתחת ידי אכי״ר, וע״ז באעה״ח בידידות נאמנה משה בראנדסדארפער" נחתם המכתב.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Chareidie Fanatic that Organized Anti-Draft Protests .. Switches Sides Becomes IDF Advocate!
R' Yisrael Asher Heller saw the light, quit the crazy fanatical Chareidie groups that incite violence against religious IDF soldiers, and became an advocate for Frum IDF soldiers! ...
May the RBSH"O bless him and his entire family ....
And now the typical Chareidie modus operanda is to besmirch his name, saying that he was never good!
New York Times Grants Nobel Prize to Arab Murderer
For several years, the New York Times has written about the Israeli – Palestinian Arab conflict from a Palestinian point of view. The biases included portraying Israelis as aggressors and Palestinians as victims. It softened the image of Palestinian fighters by not calling on Hamas as a terrorist organization, even while it is so designated by many countries including the United States.
Press "read more" right below
Monday, February 29, 2016
Rare Footage of Kever of Esther and Mordechai in Persia
A video has cropped up just in time for the celebration of Purim. The video shows the rarely seen tombs of the great Esther and Mordechai.
The grave-site is located in modern-day Hamadan, Iran. As Iran is not a very safe place for any tourist, let alone Jews to travel in, not many are able to make the pilgrimage to the holy tomb.
In Iran, the gravesite of Esther Hamalka and Mordechai is considered the holiest Jewish site in the country.
Iran is the last country that is part of the once great Persian empire. At the time the story of Purim occurred, the king Achashverosh ruled the large kingdom. The story of Purim takes place in Shushan, which is in the modern-day city of Shush in Iran.
Not all historians believe that this grave-site is the grave-site of Esther and Mordechai.
Some place the graveside at the Galilean archaeological site of Kfar Bar’am, close to the kibbutz of the same name, Bar’am, along Israel’s northern border with Lebanon. This is according to another tradition first recorded during the Middle Ages that places the graves of Esther and Mordechai there.
There’s no doubt that no matter, that this is a ancient and holy site to visit.
Victory for BDS as SodaStream’s last Palestinian workers lose their jobs
The liberal-minded beverage firm used to employ hundreds of locals, until anti-Israel boycott pressure forced the closure of its West Bank factory.
Now the final 75 Palestinian staffers have been fired!
Viva Palestina!!
Two years ago, The Times of Israel reported on SodaStream’s plant at the West Bank industrial zone of Mishor Adumim, where the Israeli carbonated beverage company was employing 1,300 workers.
Of that workforce, 350 were Israeli Jews, 450 were Israeli Arabs and 500 were West Bank Palestinians.
Management and staff confirmed to our reporter that pay and benefits were identical for workers in comparable jobs, irrespective of their citizenship and ethnicity.
On Monday, SodaStream reluctantly announced that it was laying off its last 75 Palestinian workers, having failed to secure permits from the Israeli government for them to work at its new factory in the southern Israeli Bedouin town of Rahat. Under pressure from anti-Israel boycott groups, which launched a ferocious campaign against SodaStream and its spokeswoman Scarlett Johansson, the firm had closed its Mishor Adumim plant last October.
Hundreds of Palestinians who had been treated equitably by a fair-minded decent Israeli firm are now out of work.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Satmar "Shoitim" want to put Mir Yerushlayim in Cheirum because all Mir Shiurim will be in Ivrit
So we alluded to this last week, when Mir began instructing their Mageidei Shiur to give their shiurim in the language that Hashem created the world with.
But Satmar and their partners, the Neturei Karta Nazis, are not happy and want the Mirir Roshei Yeshivos to continue to give shiurim in the German Slang "Yiddish"!
Though Hebrew is over 5,000 years old and was spoken by Moshe Rabbeinue and Gedoilei Yisroel, the Satmar Terrorists want to dominate even the litvishe Yeshivos...
It's not enough that the barbarians rule their own sheep, now they want to control the litvaks too!
The other issue that is a bone stuck in the throats of the anti-Jewish sect called Satmar is that Mir instructed their talmidim not to protest the IDF!
בגלל המעבר לעברית: הקיצונים מאיימים בחרם על ישיבת מיר
גורמים המזוהים עם נטורי קרתא ופלגים קיצונים בחסידות סאטמר, מאיימים להחרים את ישיבת מיר, זאת בשל ההחלטה לעבור למסור את השיעורים בעברית: "חלק מניסיון לשנות את המגזר" (חדשות)
ראש הישיבה הגרא"י פינקל. ארכיון (צילום: כיכר השבת)
גורמים המזוהים עם נטורי קרתא ופלגים קיצונים בחסידות סאטמר, מאיימים בחרם נגד ישיבת מיר, זאת בעקבות המעבר למסירת השיעורים בישיבה בשפה העברית. לטענת הגורמים, אין המדובר באירוע אקראי לפיו ראשי הישיבה החליטו לעבור לשפה מובנת יותר לרוב התלמידים, אלא ב"חלק ממזימה לשנות את אופי הציבור החרדי".
הגורמים מזכירים את האיסור שהוטל על תלמידי הישיבה להשתתף בהפגנה שאורגנה במהלך החורף האחרון על ידי הפלג הירושלמי והעדה החרדית נגד חוק הגיוס המתוקן.
כתב "כיכר השבת" מסביר על המהלך הנדיר (באדיבות "חדשות 10")
לדבריהם, "המעלה של הישיבה הגדולה בישראל ואולי אף בעולם היהודי כולו, הייתה שתמיד נתנו לכל תלמיד מכל מוצא עדה ומגזר את התחושה שיש לו בית שמקבל אותו. חבל מאוד שנצטרך כעת לצאת בחרם רק כדי למנוע מאותם בחורים להיטמע בתרבות הישראלית".
"בישיבת מיר לומדים מאות בחורים חסידיים שרבים מהם רבותיהם מקפידים שידברו רק בשפת האידיש. בנוסף דעתם ידועה כנגד חוק הגיוס וזכותם הבסיסית של אותם בחורים המגיעים ללמוד בישיבה הינה שיוכלו להישמע לדעת רבותיהם" אומר אחד הגורמים. הגורמים כאמור רואים במעבר לשפת העברית שבירת חומות ההתבדלות ולא מקבלים את ההסבר הפשוט לעניין.
כזכור לפני כשלושה חודשים קיימו גורמים קיצונים הפגנה בשכונת בורו פארקמול האולם בו נערך דינר עבור ישיבת מיר, זאת בשל החלטת רבני הישיבה לאסור על התלמידים להשתתף בהפגנה נגד חוק הגיוס המתוקן.
Sarit Hadad becoming frum?
Big problemo for the frummies, because the frummies run to her concerts when she sings in SoHo in New York!
Now what will they do?
They will have to listen to Mordechai ben David's "boooo hooo" "beee heee" "oy ya yoi" "booo hooo" or Shweky the Sfardi turned Litvak that sings thru his nose !
According to a report in Kikar Shabbat, Sarit davens every single day, and people are starting to suspect that she is on her way of becoming a "Chozeret Betshuvah"
שרית חדד חוזרת בתשובה?
סינגל חדש שמשחררת היום שרית חדד, מהזמרות הבולטות במוזיקה הים-תיכונית, סוקר את הליך החזרה בתשובה של צעירה חילונית ומעלה תמיהות: הזמרת עצמה עומדת לחזור לדת? (ברנז'ה)
הזמרת שרית חדד לקראת חזרה בתשובה?
סינגל חדש שמשחררת היום (ראשון) שרית חדד, אחת הזמרות הבולטות במוזיקה הים-תיכונית, סוקר את הליך החזרה בתשובה של צעירה חילונית.
חדד עצמה הסבירה בראיון ל-ynet כי "זה שיר שמתאר מצב שמאוד מוכר בחברה שלנו, של חזרה בתשובה, וחשוב ביותר שאדם יהיה נאמן לעצמו, מבחינתי איש באמונתו יחיה. המוזיקה אצלי מגיעה מהנשמה".
"אני מדברת עם אלוקים כל יום ומודה לו על כל המתנות שהוא מעניק לי" אמרה חדד, "מבחינתי אין מובן מאליו. התפילה נותנת לי כוח, אני כל יום מבקשת למען העם שלנו שנהיה מאוחדים וחזקים. וכמובן מבקשת על משפחתי הקרובה ואהוביי שיהיו בריאים ומאושרים".
היא נשאלה על נושא חילולי השבת ואמרה כי "לאורך השנים השתדלתי לא להיכנס לעניינים של פוליטיקה. הרצון והחלום הגדול שלי הוא שיהיה טוב לכולם ושנחיה בשלום האחד עם השני. המוטו שלי הוא 'ואהבת לרעך כמוך'"
R' Aron Teitelbaum will fly to Israel next week! Will he apologize to the parents of the murdered teens?
R' Aron Teitelbaum of Monroe will fly to the Zionist State of Israel on March 7 on United Airlines. He will forego the German Luftwaffe that he flew on his last visit!
The question that all of Jewish people are asking is, "will he apologize to the parents of the three murdered teens, Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frenkel HY"D?"
Who can forget when R' Aron shrieked like a lunatic that the parents are guilty of murder for sending the teens to a Yeshiva in the land that G-d gave us? All this while the parents were still sitting shivah!
R' Aron will spend Shabbos in the holy Zionist city of Meron and will make sure to benefit from the Zionist IDF that will protect him even though he is a hater of Zion!
Rabbi Moshe Meisels Dies Suddenly! Was a signer to the Kol Korah Against R' Shteinman
Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Meisels z"l dies suddenly on Shabbos in Miami . He was the Rav of Cong Avnei Shlomo in Monsey, and was a fierce fanatic against the State of Israel. He was 66 years old. He recently signed a Kol Korah that cursed Rav Shteinman!
The Reform Movement and Israel
The Reform Movement cannot be considered a religious stream in Judaism, but its Jewish members are our brothers.
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed |
Recently, questions about the Reform movement and its demand for full religious recognition (at the Western Wall, regarding access to state-funded ritual baths [mikva’ot] to perform conversions, and with regard to chaplaincy in the IDF) have resurfaced.
The movement claims that it is one of several Jewish religious streams and therefore deserves status equal to that of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. Just as the state funds the appointment of rabbis for cities and neighborhoods and grants legal validity to rabbinical courts in matters of marriage, divorce, and conversion, so too, they feel that they deserve the right to appoint city and neighborhood rabbis and maintain their own rabbinical courts for matters of marriage and conversion. And just as the IDF has a military rabbinate and invites rabbis to give talks and classes on Torah and Jewish values, so too, they demand, it must also invite representatives of the Reform movement as legitimate representatives of the Torah and Judaism (unfortunately, it seems the IDF high command shares this view).
To reinforce their demands, Reform Jews argue that they are the largest stream in the United States, and discrimination against them in Israel insults all Reform Jews abroad. To this argument they add the threat that if they do not win equality, the Reform community’s support for the State of Israel will end, a situation that is likely to adversely affect Israel's status in the United States—the strongest world power whose support for the State of Israel is important, if not critical.
Friday, February 26, 2016
Yoel Malik molests boys and gets 60 days
The Holy Tzaddik Yoeli Malik |
The victims were forced to shut up!
So Satmar curses the Medina and the Zionists but lets sex fiends like "Malik the Monster" walk!
This is one sick society .... These teenagers are ruined for life and this bastard will dip his eggs in saltwater at the Seder Table in the comforts of his home.
If he were a Puerto Rican, the Satmars would be screaming at the top of their lungs, but because he "chaps shrayim" from the Rebbe, and hates Israel, he gets away with murder .... and I mean murder!
Here read about a Goyishe School Teacher that had sex with a boy and faces 5 life sentences plus 100 years...
and this Israel Hater gets 60 days!
Here read about a Goyishe School Teacher that had sex with a boy and faces 5 life sentences plus 100 years...
and this Israel Hater gets 60 days!
A Brooklyn rabbi charged with sexually abusing four teenage boys in a hotel was sentenced to 60 days in jail and six years of probation.
Yoel Malik, 33, a highly regarded member the Satmar Hasidic sect, was given the generous plea deal after the victims were extremely reluctant to testify publicly, according to a law enforcement source familiar with the case.
In 2013, Malik was charged with 28 criminal counts and shamelessly blamed his underage victims for trying to seduce him, police sources said.
The boys were all students at Ohr Hameir, a now-shuttered Satmar yeshiva in Borough Park. The alleged victims were between ages 13 and 16 when the incident occurred.
The rabbi was accused of groping the genitals of all four boys inside motels, prosecutors said after his arrest.
The twisted teacher also allegedly forced two of the boys to perform oral sex on him. One of the victims was also forced to perform oral sex on Malik inside his car parked near a cemetery on a separate occasion, according to prosecutors.
In 2014, he quietly pleaded guilty to a felony of luring a child and a misdemeanor of sexual misconduct, records show.
Over the past two years, he completed a series of probation requirements, including a sex offender class and staying away from children, court records show.
As part of the deal, the felony was dismissed upon completion of the intense probation supervision.
On Tuesday, he was sent to Rikers Island for 60 days for the misdemeanor offense.
Advocates for child sex-abuse victims questioned the deal.
"What DA [Ken] Thompson has done is inexplicable," said Ben Hirsch, a spokesman for Survivors for Justice, an organization that advocates and educates on issues related to child sex abuse. "Through unexplained plea deals such as this he has effectively quashed any willingness on the part of victims to come forward."
Malik's lawyer contended his client wasn't getting off easy.
"I will concede he wasn't burnt at the stake," Roger Bennet Adler said sarcastically. "He wasn't stoned running through the village."
It’s a “significant” punishment when any first-time offender gets sentenced to jail, he added.
"Most people would be scared out of their minds," he said, referring to time on Rikers
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Pack your bags ... Center for Muslim Life Opens at RCC ..Time to go home... to Israel
So guys, that's the beginning of the end of Monsey and its environs as we know it!
Time to pack our bags.
All the Heimishe naive sheep, baaaaa, baaaaa, think they are safe in Monsey & in Monroe, building and building, more and more houses in Chutz Le'aaretz .
Grabbing land in Lakewood from the Goyim.....
It's over folks!
It's all over folks .... but it was nice while it lasted!
A friend of mine said it best .... that the heimeshe are not going to care one bit until they get rounded up ..... saying "abi nisht tzyoinim" as long as they are "not Zionists" we can live with it!
Read the invitation:
All are welcome to attend the grand opening of the
Center for Muslim Life at Rockland Community
College on Thursday, February 25, from noon to 2
p.m. in the Student Union, Room 3201.
Halal food will be served.
Time to pack our bags.
All the Heimishe naive sheep, baaaaa, baaaaa, think they are safe in Monsey & in Monroe, building and building, more and more houses in Chutz Le'aaretz .
Grabbing land in Lakewood from the Goyim.....
It's over folks!
It's all over folks .... but it was nice while it lasted!
A friend of mine said it best .... that the heimeshe are not going to care one bit until they get rounded up ..... saying "abi nisht tzyoinim" as long as they are "not Zionists" we can live with it!
Read the invitation:
All are welcome to attend the grand opening of the
Center for Muslim Life at Rockland Community
College on Thursday, February 25, from noon to 2
p.m. in the Student Union, Room 3201.
Halal food will be served.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Convicted Murderer Becomes a Frum Jew
Chassidim want to know if he will have a "tish" and hand out "shrayim" I will keep you posted on developments!
Maybe he can look over the peppers?
Steven Hayes, a convicted killer in Connecticut, is serving a life sentence for the brutal murder of the Petit family. He seems to have drastically changed since committing the 2007 murder.
Reportedly, Hayes, now 52, has become an Orthodox Jew, while on death row. In a recent mugshot, he is seen with a long flowing beard, sporting a white kippa.
Hayes and an accomplice, Komisarjevsky, were convicted after the brutal murders of Jennifer Hawke-Petit and her daughters, 11-year-old Michaela and 17-year-old Hayley. The father was also badly hurt but survived.
The women were brutally murdered in their Connecticut home, the mom being raped and strangled to death, while the girls were tied to the bed and set on fire, the youngest girl being raped by Komisarjevsky.
On Tuesday, Komisarjevsky, requested a new trial, saying his lawyers weren’t give all the police recordings. However, Prosecutors say the recordings have no information that warrants a new trial.
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