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Showing posts with label yoel malik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yoel malik. Show all posts

Friday, February 26, 2016

Yoel Malik molests boys and gets 60 days

The Holy Tzaddik Yoeli Malik
All you have to do is wear  a big beard and langeh pie'is and belong to the Satmar community, have sex with a bunch of teenagers, and all you'll  get is 60 days in the slammer.

The victims were forced to shut up! 

So Satmar curses the Medina and the Zionists but lets sex fiends like "Malik the Monster" walk!

This is one sick society .... These teenagers are ruined for life and this bastard will dip his eggs in  saltwater at the Seder Table in the comforts of his home.
If he were a Puerto Rican, the Satmars would be screaming at the top of their lungs, but because he "chaps shrayim" from the Rebbe, and hates Israel, he gets away with murder .... and I mean murder!

Here read about a Goyishe School Teacher    that had sex with a boy and faces 5 life sentences plus 100 years...
and this Israel Hater gets 60 days!

A Brooklyn rabbi charged with sexually abusing four teenage boys in a hotel was sentenced to 60 days in jail and six years of probation.
Yoel Malik, 33, a highly regarded member the Satmar Hasidic sect, was given the generous plea deal after the victims were extremely reluctant to testify publicly, according to a law enforcement source familiar with the case.
In 2013, Malik was charged with 28 criminal counts and shamelessly blamed his underage victims for trying to seduce him, police sources said.
The boys were all students at Ohr Hameir, a now-shuttered Satmar yeshiva in Borough Park. The alleged victims were between ages 13 and 16 when the incident occurred.
The rabbi was accused of groping the genitals of all four boys inside motels, prosecutors said after his arrest.
The twisted teacher also allegedly forced two of the boys to perform oral sex on him. One of the victims was also forced to perform oral sex on Malik inside his car parked near a cemetery on a separate occasion, according to prosecutors.
In 2014, he quietly pleaded guilty to a felony of luring a child and a misdemeanor of sexual misconduct, records show.
Over the past two years, he completed a series of probation requirements, including a sex offender class and staying away from children, court records show.
As part of the deal, the felony was dismissed upon completion of the intense probation supervision.
On Tuesday, he was sent to Rikers Island for 60 days for the misdemeanor offense.
Advocates for child sex-abuse victims questioned the deal.
"What DA [Ken] Thompson has done is inexplicable," said Ben Hirsch, a spokesman for Survivors for Justice, an organization that advocates and educates on issues related to child sex abuse. "Through unexplained plea deals such as this he has effectively quashed any willingness on the part of victims to come forward."
Malik's lawyer contended his client wasn't getting off easy.
"I will concede he wasn't burnt at the stake," Roger Bennet Adler said sarcastically. "He wasn't stoned running through the village."
It’s a “significant” punishment when any first-time offender gets sentenced to jail, he added.
"Most people would be scared out of their minds," he said, referring to time on Rikers 

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Brooklyn Rabbi arrested for sexually abusing teens, Video

An ultra-Orthodox Jewish school principal was arrested and charged with sexual abuse after abusing several of his own students, according to police reports in Brooklyn, New York.

The Brooklyn yeshiva leader was arrested Wednesday night on a dozen counts of sexual abuse involving three teenage boys, police said.

Yoel Malik, 33, of Brooklyn had sex with one of the teenagers and ran his hand on two others, a police source said.

The teens were 14 or 15-years-old at the time of the alleged incident. Sexual assault on one child took place in a hotel, a police source said, adding that another victim fled to a different hotel after Malik started rubbing his back.
Another teenager was sexually abused in the suspect's car, on the way to school, when Malik allegedly rubbed the boy's groin through his pants.

"This is vicious gossip,"the wife of Malik, visibly shaken, Rachel, said in the family home while her husband was being questioned at the 79th Precinct police station before being charged. "He is a good man. I don’t know not what to say. I hope it's not true," she said.
In addition to the 12 counts of sexual abuse, Malik is accused of 11 counts of endangering the welfare
of a child, four counts of criminal sexual act and one count of touching by force.

He was arrested at 10:25 pm Wednesday. There was no deadline for the alleged attacks on the unidentified teens. The Yeshiva currently is not in operation due to financial problem.
Police learned of the victims of an anonymous call to the rape hotline.
The school was located in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn, New York, and was under the leadership of Satmar.