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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Satmar Rebbe of Monroe Tests Positive for Corona...

The Israeli Blog, Kikar Ha'Shabbos, has confirmed that R' Aron Teitelbaum, Monroe Satmar Rebbe has unfortunately contracted the dreaded virus, Corona.

It was reported that he contracted the virus from his very own "hose-bucher" his attendant, that had tested positive.

The News came in on Friday before Shabbos
People  are asked to daven for

אהרן בן פעסיל לאה

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בערב שבת

הלם בחסידות: האדמו"ר מסאטמר נדבק בנגיף ה'קורונה'

כפי שנחשף לראשונה ב'כיכר השבת', האדמו"ר מהר"א מסטאמר נדבק ככל הנראה מ'ההויז בחור' שלו, ובערב שבת, קיבלו החסידים את תוצאות הבדיקה הציבור נקרא להעתיר בתפילות (חסידים)

פי שנחשף לראשונה ב'כיכר השבת', האדמו"ר מהר"א מסטאמר נדבק ככל הנראה מ'ההויז בחור' שלו, ובערב שבת, קיבלו החסידים את תוצאות הבדיקה החיובית והתברר כי האדמו"ר נדבק ב'קורונה'.
לפני כניסת השבת בארצות הברית, קיבלו בסאטמר את תוצאות הבדיקות של האדמו"ר, בחסידות קוראים  להתפלל עבור רבי אהרן בן פעסיל לאה בתוך שאר חולי ישראל.
לאחר שה'הויז בחור' - משמשו הצמוד של הרבי - סבל מחום בשבוע שעבר, היה קיים חשש גדול כי הוא חולה בנגיף. מה שאומת כאמור כנכון בערב שבת.

בגין כך אף הורה בשבוע שעבר האדמו"ר מהר"א מסאטמר על סגירת כלל מוסדות החסידות.
בתוך כך, בעקבות תוצאות הבדיקות שהה הרבי מסאטמר במשך כל השבת בביתו שבשכונת קרית יואל, שם התפלל את תפילות השבת בחדרו הפרטי.
במכתב שפרסם הרבי ביום שישי האחרון הוא מבקש מחסידיו להתחזק באמונה ובביטחון ולהשריש לכלל הילדים שהכול נעשה בהשגחה פרטית ובידי שמים.
עוד קורא הרבי לחסידיו להרבות בתפילה ובתחנונים, ולהגיד בכוונה רבה את פרשת הקטורת פעמיים ביום, ולהמשיך ולהישמר בכל מה שקשור לפגעי הטכנולוגיה.
עוד כותב הרבי כי על נשות החסידות להמשיך ולהתחזק בענייני צניעות ולעשות גדרים וסייגים בכל מה שקשור לאורכם ורוחבם של הבגדים.
לסיום מבקש הרבי להרבות בלימוד התורה ולקבוע עיתים לתורה כל אחד בביתו, ולהתייחס באופן אישי לילדים.

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Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi's FAKE CURE TO Cornovirus is Dangerous

Don’t believe these fake coronavirus stories on Rabbi Mizrachi's Podcast or the ones on social media

Rabbi Mizrachi's "cure" is a bubbie maaseh ... and  this bogus cure on the 1.38 mark on the video ...can actually kill you .... if you have symptoms ... call the Hotline !

His fake cure of blasting hot air from a blow dryer into your sinuses and holding a cold water spray was invented by a random guy on Facebook and has proven to be nothing but a fantasy ....

This is the same Mizrachi that said that modern women that were marching to their deaths in the Nazi concentration camps "posed nude to their captors knowing full well that they were going to their deaths"
This guy is a lunatic!

That miracle coronavirus cure your rabbi posted to Facebook should be taken with a healthy dose of skepticism.
Fake news about COVID-19, bogus remedies and conspiracy theories were spreading rapidly on social media this week, infecting the internet with a dangerous strain of disinformation.
In one popular, but wholly false warning, a message circulated group chats and social media feeds claiming President Trump could invoke the Stafford Act and utilize martial law to enforce a mandatory two-week quarantine. The claim is often attributed to a friend or relative who “works for the government.”
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Coronavirus killing more than a person an hour in NYC

The coronavirus killed city residents at a rate of more than one per hour on Friday.
Between just 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., 14 people in New York City died from the virus, pushing the Big Apple’s total death toll to 43.
It was the first time that the city’s single-day toll had hit double digits.
And the city’s Health Commissioner, Dr. Oxiris Barbot, warned New Yorkers that double-digit daily deaths may well become the new normal, at least for a time.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if we get to a day when we have double-digits new people dying every day,” she said at a City Hall press conference Friday afternoon.
During that eight-hour period Friday the city’s positive cases also climbed from 5,151 to 5,683.
At 1,750 Brooklyn has the most COVID-19 cases followed by 1,514 in Queens, 1,402 in Manhattan, 736 in the Bronx, and 285 in Staten Island.
Authorities attribute at least part of the jump to increased testing capacity.
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The Minyanim in Front of Landau's Shul Go On in Tents Even Though The Shul is now Officially Closed ....Man Tries to Drive into the Mispallim

There has been at least two disturbing incidentals at the famous “Landau’s Shul” in Flatbush over the past two days.
Both incidents involved people furious over the fact that the Shul – located at Avenue L and East 9th Street – was opened, despite calls from Federal, State and Local officials to close all Shuls.
The first incident occurred on Wednesday night, when a man nearly drove over a crowd of people outside the Shul.
Aman driving a minivan nearly jumped the curb and began shouting that he was going to kill anyone that was defying the ban. A person standing there tried talking to the driver, who instead backed up his car, struck the man talking to him, and sped off.
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Did R’ Avrohom Shiya Freund of Williamsburg Die of Corona?

Reb Avrohom Shiya Freund Z”L from the Satmar community in Williamsburg. He was 63. R’ Shiya was Niftar in his sleep early Friday morning.
Although it has not been confirmed as, he showed and displayed all signs and symptoms of the coronavirus.
The Levaya was  held on Friday.
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Friday, March 20, 2020

No Moshiach Is Not Coming ...

 A letter from a reader:

Mashiach is NOT coming unless we do teshuva"

"If we dont do teshuva he will NOT come.

All this mashiach nonsense will STOP teshuva.

If we stop talking about mashiach and start talking about teshuva then mashiach might come if we actually do so.

Most rabbanim aren't even attempting to do an introspection.

Agudah and the ou declared a half a fast tomorrow,  forget the fast and just do the introspection that halacha demands on a fast day.

Here I'll start the halacha I just quoted says the word chamas.

The medrish rabba defines chamas as Ritchiza, giluy arayus and avodah zarah besides stealing.

We now officially have all the mosdos hatorah shut down, why because we supported them with blood money from politicians who we voted for that caused assisted suicide
(passed by one vote in nj)

 Abortion (passed by one vote in ny) to become law, 

We kicked kids out of yeshiva because they were not good for the mosad. 

We have used drug money to support our yeshivas 

We have done giluy arayus in our mosdos. We have covered over molestation to protect our "heligah" mosdos (beis havad libeis haznus,    

we caused same sex "marriage " to become law in NY (passed by 2 votes) and
 Maryland passed by the margin of votes in park heights

We have done avodah zarah (apikorsus) for our mosdos.  We agreed to kick God out of the yeshivas for government funded pre k, we have made so called daas torah more important than god. We have taught in our yeshivas all sorts of kifira.

We have stolen money from the government and thus the tax payers to pay for our mosdos. We have favored the rich in order to get donations in our yeshivas thus stealing from the poor.

Why should mashiach come, maybe if said ashamnu mikol am boshanu mikol dor, but instead of saying aval anachnu viavosanu chatanu,  we are saying tzadikim anachnu!
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How Many People Will Have To Get Sick Until Landau's Shul in Flatbush Shuts Down? How Many?

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Satmar Monroe Community Worried .... Rebbe Awaiting Results of Corona Test ... His Right-hand Bochur Has it!

R' Aaron Teitelbaum's , Satmar Rebbe of Monroe,  "hose-bucher" ...has tested positive for the Coroa Virus and now Satmar chassidim are very worried about the Rebbe who was constantly served and was in close proximity of  this boy!

A "hose-bucher" is like a high-end gofer.... who is constantly by the side of his Rebbe....

We hope that the Rebbe tests negative and hasa Refuah Shlimah!
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חשש: האדמו"ר מסאטמר נדבק בנגיף הקורונה

ה'הויז בחור' חלה בנגיף והדביק את האדמו"ר? זה החשש הקיים בחסידות סאטמר, ובגינו ערך הרבי בעצמו בדיקה; כעת חסידיו הרבים ברחבי העולם ממתינים בדריכות לתוצאותיה (חסידים)

Brooklyn Hatzola issues dire coronavirus warning: ‘This is a crisis’

As the number of people infected with coronavirus continued to soar in the Orthodox Jewish community Thursday, Hatzola leaders warned that things must change before it’s too late. 
Borough Park’s Hatzola, an emergency ambulance service catering to the Jewish community, sent an urgent robocall across the neighborhood Thursday afternoon, a day after two urgent cares in the area reported an alarming spike in positive coronavirus cases. 
“It seems that in our community of Borough Park, life is continuing as normal, business as usual. People are going about their daily lives as if nothing is happening,” the recording says. 
“Many, many, many of our friends and family have contracted this virus and are not doing as well as we had hoped. This is a crisis… We need to do what’s right. And to the current moment, we have not done [that], we have not stepped up to the plate.” 
On Thursday morning, Asisa Urgent Care said they had around 400 positive cases come out of their two Borough Park facilities and Williamsburg location, accounting for nearly half of Brooklyn’s 1,030 infections reported by City Hall. That’s up from about 150 from the day before. 
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Rabbi Yosef (Yossel) Burstein ....RY of Lakewood Mesivta Doesn't Care How Many People DIe from the Vius!

What's a Rosh Yeshiva without talmidim?...
Some of them think that they are nothing... and so they don't care how many people would contract and die from this virus ... as long as they can still be called "Rosh Yeshiva"

Not all Yeshivos have followed the mandatory guidelines to close their Yeshivos. 

At least one Yeshiva in Lakewood has 150 students sitting and learning, defying all instructions from doctors and local, state, and federal officials.

The students of Mesivta of Lakewood, under direct guidance of their Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Yosef (Yossel) Burstein, are learning and sleeping in the building, in complete disregard of the ongoing global health crisis.
As the Coronavirus continues to spread around Lakewood, this poses a grave danger to the students, their families and all who come in contact with them.
 There are also suspected cases in the Yeshiva itself.
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Chasidic Chief Rabbi Of Montreal Slams Private In Home ‘Minyonim’

A prominent Dyan from Canada is slamming those who do private Minyonim at homes, amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

In his letter released today Rabbi Binyomon Weiss sharply criticizes those who try to congregated in private homes, saying that Tefilah Betzubir is absolutely no Mitzvah in time of crisis, and therefore no one should gather in private 

Dayan Yonasan Binyomin Weiss is Torah scholar and halachist who serves as the Chief Rabbi of Montreal and the leading Dayan on the Rabbinical Court of Montreal.

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Zera Shimshon .....Vayakheil-Pekudei

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Thursday, March 19, 2020

No Water or No Toilet Paper But plenty of Gefilta Fish

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Rav Eliezer Melamed Allows Saying Kaddish Virtually in Case of Emergency ... "Kaddish is not considered a Bracha"

הרב אליעזר מלמד: "מותר להגיד קדיש 

במפגש וירטואלי"

הרב בני לאו מפרסם כי התייעץ עם הרב אליעזר מלמד לגבי אמירת דברים שבקדושה במפגש וירטואלי: "אמירת קדיש יתום וקדיש דרבנן אינם כוללים ברכה לבטלה ולכן ההתקשרות האלקטרונית הזו יכולה להיחשב לה כמעין מניין"

התפשטות נגיף הקורונה מחייבת את הרבנים ופוסקי ההלכה לאתגרים מורכבים ומשמעותיים. הרב בני לאו, לשעבר רב קהילת רמב"ן בירושלים, פרסם בחשבון הפייסבוק שלו כי השתתף בתפילה קהילתית של קהילת יחד בתל אביב. כהכנה לתפילה שאל הרב לאו את הרב אליעזר מלמד לגבי קבלת הנחיות כיצד להתנהל במהלך תפילה באמצעות אפליקציית 'זום'.
הרב מלמד ענה כי:
1. בגלל ספקות שונים בהגדרת "מקום" ובהגדרת "קול" אי אפשר להגדיר התקהלות במפגש וירטואלי (דרך זום) כמניין לכל דבר המחייב דברים שבקדושה.

2. אמירת קדיש יתום וקדיש דרבנן אינם כוללים ברכה לבטלה ולכן ההתקשרות האלקטרונית הזו יכולה להיחשב לה כמעין מניין.
3. בשעת הצורך, כאשר יש ערך לכך שכל הקהילה הוירטואלית תתפלל יחד, גם אמירת "ברכו" לאחר פסוקי דזמרה ולפני ברכות שמע אין בה ברכה לבטלה ולכן מותר לאמרה בתפילה שכזו.
4. נפילת אפים – בירושלים נוהגים ליפול גם ביחיד, ובשאר המקומות נוהגים כך אם במקום התפילה יש ספרי קודש. לדעת הרב מלמד אפשר להחשיב התקהלות זו דרך הזום כמקום שיש בו ספרים.
5. אמירת י"ג מידות – אם יש שם חזן שיאמר את י"ג המידות בקול ובטעמי המקרא, יכולים לומר עמו.
6. כל זה לרוצים להדר בתפילה במניין, אבל מצד הדין בשעה שקשה להתפלל במניין אפשר להתפלל לכתחילה ביחיד.
על פסק ההלכה של הרב מלמד הוסיף הרב בני לאו: "לגבי בידוד יש פנים רבות. אחת מהן היא הערעור המוחלט של חווית ההתקהלות היומית לתפילה. מי שרגיל ללכת פעם ביום או שלש פעמים ביום לתפילה במנין חש בימים האלה סוג של שבר עמוק במנגנון ההפעלה".
לדברי הרב לאו, "יש פער די גדול בין השפה הדתית לבין השפה ההלכתית. בשפה ההלכתית התשובה מאד פשוטה - "פיקוח נפש" מחייב להימנע מכל התקהלות ולכן התפילה בציבור מתבטלת והוראת ההלכה מאלצת את כולם להתפלל בביתם."
עוד הוסיף: "אבל יש שפה דתית. בשפה הזו יש צרכים פנימיים ורוחניים שמגיעים עד עומק ושורש הנפש. למשל - אדם נמצא בשנת האבל ומקפיד לומר קדיש בכל יום. בימי שגרה הוא מאלץ את כל הלו"ז שלו בצורה מטורפת ובלבד שלא יימנע מלומר קדיש. יכול מאד להיות שאותו אומר קדיש (או אומרת קדיש) בימי שגרה לא מקפיד כלל על תפילה במנין או אפילו על תפילה בכלל".
וסיים "אבל הקדיש פועל על עולמו האינטימי בהתקשרות שבינו לבין ה', בחווית עיבוד האבל. בשפה ההלכתית קדיש היתום כמעט ולא קיים. הוא "נולד" במציאות היסטורית מאוחרת ומקומו בהירארכיה ההלכתית נמוך. אבל בשפה הדתית הוא נמצא למעלה וגבוה בסדר הקדימויות של האדם. לכן ביטול קדיש מעולמו של אותו אדם פוגע במשהו מאד עמוק ואינטימי".

2,600 Year -Old Birchas Kohanim Found Close to the Kotel.....

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Dog adopts orphaned monkey after its mother was poisoned

Heart-warming images show a heavily pregnant dog who seems to have adopted an orphaned baby monkey after its mother was poisoned.
The infant monkey can be seen hugging and playing around the dog, as the mother-to-be seems to be enjoying having him around.
Photographer Prakash Badal 48, snapped the images while visiting Chakki Mor, Solan in Himachal Pradesh, northern India, initially planning to photograph birds.
He said: 'The monkey infant seemed to be about 10 days old when locals poisoned the adult monkeys because it is said they are destroying their crops.

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Attorney Lawrence Garbuz First Recorded Corona Victim in New York On the Road to "Full Recovery"

The New York lawyer who is patient zero in the New Rochelle coronavirus outbreak which led the state to set up a one-mile containment zone in the area is 'awake and on the road to full recovery', according to his wife. 
Adina Lewis Garbuz said her husband Lawrence Garbuz, 50, is 'awake and alert and seems to be on the road to full recovery,' in a Facebook post Wednesday.
Concerns had been mounting for his welfare when his condition deteriorated and he was placed into a medically-induced coma last week. 
The Manhattan attorney was among the first to be diagnosed with coronavirus in New York and passed it on to dozens, after he commuted between the city and his home in Westchester County. 
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Williamsburg Satmar Rebbe Speaks to White House Official That's Warning Them To Separate at least 6 Feet

Look .... they are speaking to a White House official about regulations to separate at least 6 Feet ... Yet they are squeezed together in that room ...

Conservative "Rabbis" Pasken That Saying Kaddish Online is Permissible During ‘Crisis'

The leaders of the Conservative movement’s Jewish law committee issued a crisis declaration allowing the recitation of the Mourner’s Kaddish with a virtual online prayer quorum.
In a statement issued this week, Rabbis Elliot Dorff and Pamela Barmash, the co-chairs of the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, said that given the current public health crisis it’s permitted to constitute a prayer quorum, or minyan, with individuals connected by videoconference.

“This permission of constituting a minyan solely online, whether for all prayers requiring a minyan or only for Mourner’s Kaddish, is limited to this ‘sha’at hadehak’ (crisis situation), where for weeks at a time, gathering a minyan is not possible without risk to human life,” the rabbis wrote.  “This permission is also limited to an area where most of the synagogues have been ordered, or recommended, to close for the crisis.”

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Tested for coronavirus? Leave your phone on during Shabbat

Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, the Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Israel, on Wednesday published a halakhic ruling stating that people who are in isolation due to coronavirus should leave their cellular devices during the Sabbath in order to be informed by medical staff on how to act based on test results.

"There is no doubt that anyone who was tested for coronavirus should leave a cell phone available on Shabbat, so he can be updated on his condition and where he needs to be evacuated. Even those who have not been tested should make their cellphone available, so that if they are found to have been around a verified patient and need to stay in isolation, they can be notified as soon as possible,” he said.

Rabbi Yosef further said, 
"An array of vehicles with a public address system must be established in order to announce during Shabbat, in religious and haredi areas, regarding the obligation of isolation, according to the areas that will become apparent during the Sabbath must be in isolation."
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Monsey .... The Scheiner Shul & Stolin Shul May have been Exposed To Virus

New cases of the novel strain of the coronavirus (COVID-19) as well as new sites of exposure have been identified in Rockland County.
There are now a total of 45 positive cases of COVID-19 are now being reported in the county, Rockland County Executive Ed Day and County Health Commissioner Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert announced late Wednesday, March 18.
That's an increase of 15 cases over the total of 30 reported just before midday on Wednesday by Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
Sites For Potential Exposure
Anyone who visited the following locations in Rockland County may have been exposed to coronavirus (COVID-19) and must stay in quarantine until the end date listed for each location:
Ohr Chaim Synagogue
Located at 18-20 Forshay Road, Monsey
Potential Exposure date: Sunday, March 8
Quarantine must continue until Monday, March 23
L’Dor (adult care facility)
Located at 156 West Clarkstown Road, New City
Potential Exposure dates: Wednesday, March 11, Thursday, March 12, and Friday, March 13
Quarantine for 14 days from last exposure with the latest end date of Saturday, March 28
Karlin Stolin Synagogue
Located at 52 Main Street, Monsey
Potential Exposure date: Monday, March 16
Quarantine must continue until Tuesday, March 31
"COVID-19 is spreading quickly throughout the county and all residents are advised to stay home, including children and teens not in school," Day and Ruppert said in a statement. "Practice social distancing by keeping 6 feet away from other people.
" Stay home unless you must go to work, need medical care, or groceries. Consider using delivery services for supplies.
"Remember to wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, don’t touch eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands, and cover your cough with your sleeve or a tissue."
For quarantine information from the Rockland County Department of Health visit bit.ly/RCDOHQuarantineInfo .
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Frum MK Omer Yankelevitch a Blue & White ... Against Government With Arabs

Shaitel wearing MK Omer Yankelevitch, a member of the Blue and White faction on behalf of Benny Gantz’s Israel Resilience party, opposes the establishment of a left-wing minority government that will rely on the votes of the members of the Arab Joint List party.

According to a report on Tuesday on Channel 12 News, Yankelevitch announced her position to Gantz, joining MKs Zvi Hauser and Yoaz Hendel, who are members of the Blue and White faction on behalf of Moshe Ya’alon’s Telem party.
However, according to the report, officials in Blue and White believe that, unlike Hauser and Hendel, Yankelevitch will vote according to faction discipline on this matter.

Meanwhile, close associates of Hauser and Hendel have made it clear over the past few days that should Gantz bring before the Knesset a government led by him which is supported by the votes of the Joint List, they will vote against it and will not abstain or be absent during the vote.

The message means that as of today, Benny Gantz will not be able to form a minority government supported by members of the Joint List

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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

STOP THE MINYANIM: Respected Frum Doctor In Queens Writes Open Letter

(Dr Bennett is a Board Certified Emergency Room Physician, NY Hospital of Queens, and also private practice in Queens)
This is Ellie Bennett.
You all know who I am and where I work. I just feel that I have to go on record.
It is my medical opinion, and the same of all the infectious disease experts, that these minyamin are going to kill people. I know it is very difficult for you all to understand it because it seems like an innocuous gathering of 15 to 20 people. I will happily take any of you on a 5-minute tour of what is going on in my hospital right now.
As of this past Thursday we had seven patients sick enough to be admitted. As of yesterday it was 30 and as of today it’s 50. Elderly people from our neighborhood are on ventilators in the ICU because of these minyanim.
There’s a 6:00AM minyan, followed by 7:00AM followed by 8:00AM followed by 9:00AM Minyan. Even if only 25 people come to each, that’s a hundred people in the same room in the same morning.
Statistically, you guys are going to kill at least one old person every time you guys meet.
You all trust me to treat you like family when you come to my office, so I’m speaking to you like family. Stop the minyan. Stop the gatherings. Stay home and pray by yourself. Have in mind the EMTs and paramedics and doctors and nurses working in the hospitals who are working under ridiculous conditions trying to save as many people as we can. I admit, there will not be thousands of deaths in Kew Gardens Hills (Queens). But are we really willing to accept that 1 out of 100 people in our neighborhood will die? I am not.
We trust doctors whether or not to eat on Yom Kippur or when to make a bris.
Why all of a sudden do you think it’s appropriate to ignore us?
Have a good day and good luck to us all.
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Actress Rosanna Arquette a Vicious anti-Semite says "Jewish Conspiracy Behind Coronavirus"

On Tuesday, Hollywood actress, Trump-hater and now apparent vicious anti-Semite Rosanna Arquette issued a tweet (later deleted) insinuating a Jewish conspiracy behind the ravaging of the world by the coronavirus, ranting, 

“I’m still confused, so Israel has been working on a corona virus vaccine for a year already ? (so they knew )Vaccines take a long time to know if they are safe and KUSHNER OSCAR is the major investor in the new vaccine that is supposedly coming here. lives at risk for profit.

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