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Monday, May 20, 2019

Why Did Ami Magazine Interview Ehud Olmert an Ex-Con?

Last week, Ami Magazine, touted an "Exclusive" interview that it did with the Former Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, the irrelevant ex-con, that served 16 months in prison for fraud and bribery.

Why would a Jewish magazine that caters to the Chareidie market do an interview with a corrupt guy who was hated by the Israeli public?

In May 2007, while PM, Olmert only had an approval rating of 3% ... the lowest of any elected official in the history of the State.

So why take "valuable" space in a "Torah" magazine that constantly boasts the backing of "Daas Torah," and subject its readers to this meaningless interview of an ex-con who is bitter about his life?

I have my reasons ... but first let's read excerpts of some of the questions and answers that I gleaned from the interview!

Do you miss politics? 

"That's not my concern, as a private citizen I will continue to raise my voice about issues that concern me,...... Netanyahu's conduct and the direction in which he is leading the country definitely bother me ....
The PM is being investigated for lots of things... There are multiple indictments hanging over his head.... 
etc etc ..

Did you just burst out in laughter? 
Here is a guy that was convicted of accepting 560,000 Shekels while serving as mayor of Yerushalyim...and other crimes that I won't get into...
and he sits there like a Tzaddik and states with a straight face that Netanyahu is "being investigated for a lot of things"

But I have to say that Ami did see the "irony" and follows up on it ....

Don't you see the irony of a prime minister who was convicted of corruption attacking a sitting prime minister accused of the same charges?

bla bla bla and then says:
"Although the charges were leveled against me while I was prime minister, I was never accused of doing anything wrong while in office. The investigations were about my activities before I was elected. Netanyahu is accused of misconduct while serving as prime minister" 

Here AMI doesn't follow up on this gigantic outrageous lie...

Yes ... it's true that he wasn't charged about any activities while PM but he was charged while being in every other political office he held......
the office of mayor ...the office of finance, the office of Minister of Trade, Industry and Labor. 

Olmert justifies his theft and corruption because he didn't do it while PM ... 

But let's see who Olmert really is ....

In a number of interviews with the international media while PM, Olmert introduced his "Realignment Plan" which basically meant that Israel would withdraw from most if not all of the West Bank...
In it he advocated for a Palestinian State and wanted to "share" Jerusalem with the Palestinians.

He was all for evacuating Kush Katif and for totally leaving Gaza ,,,which as we all know was and is a total disaster.
and tells Ami ... that
"Yes, there are still rockets coming from Gaza but there are much fewer casualties even with the recent escalation...."
He doesn't mention that over 800 rockets in a 24 hour period landed in Israel just a week before the interview and that over a million Israelis ... women and children had to make it to a shelter within 45 seconds.

Olmert when asked about Trump's moving the embassy to Jerusalem sounds like a dumb Satmerer stating:

"How has this made a difference to the status of Jerusalem or our standing in the world"

Ami doesn't challenge him on this outrageous remark and doesn't tell him that this was a very important move in light of the fact that the UN passed a resolution, that the Jews have no historic claim to Jerusalem!

Olmert like the naive Satmarers, makes light of the fact that Trump cancelled the nuclear arms agreement with Iran, stating:

"And what of it? In my opinion, Iran isn't an existential problem with the State of Israel"

In addition, Olmert makes nothing of the fact that Trump brought about American recognition of Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights, stating:

"With all due respect, I don't see these as achievements. President Trump's recognition of the annexation of the Golan Heights doesn't change their status or our situation"

Olmert, the thief, blabbers on and on ...

So what possessed  Frankfurter to see fit to print 10 pages to this crazed and incoherent interview?

I have the answer..... here goes...
Olmert's view of Israel is the same view as the "clown"  Frankfurter!
To give back parts of the Holy Land to the Arab murderers....
Not to recognize Yerushalayim as the Capital of Israel!
Not to recognize Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights,
and to keep the Iran nuclear deal! The SHIT'ah of the Satmar gypsies! 
But Frankfurter cannot say it himself so he chose the stooge of Israel to say it for him ....

To justify this useless interview, and to make this lying thief somewhat credible, The Clown Frankfurter,  makes a bold attempt to link Olmert, the guy who is "mechalleil Shabbos be'faresyeh" and who eats chazir, ..........with Chareidim .....

Since the Frank really is on the same page as the thief Olmert, he has to now make Olmert into a "Gedoilim Lover!"

Talking about Olmert's election as mayor of Yerushalyim ... Frankfurter writes:

"He won the election with the encouragement of the chareidim and with the encouragement of Rav Elyashiv, he was elected to a second term. Since the he has maintained a warm relationship with gedolei Yisrael and the chareidi community"

Now ....Frankfurter always the deceiver and sneak, doesn't write that when "the thief" was PM, Rav Eliyashiv joined Gedoilei Yisroel in a "battle" against Olmert who was for the "Ramon Plan" of dividing Yerusahalyim! 

Concluding this stupid interview, Ami asks "the thief" if he "knew Admorim of Gur" "Rav Ovadia Yosef" as if he is now a guy who hangs around Gedoilim .... and one that recognizes the gadlis of "gedoilim."

So this "clown" Frankfurter, Editor of Ami, to justify his heretical and irrelevant views on Israel  drags the name of Gedoilim thru the sewer and embarrass them by linking their holy names with this piece of manure!

Sick isn't it??????

The "Aronim" War In Bnei Brak Heats Up As R' Aron Teitelbaum Orders The Expulsion of Three Children From Yeshivah .....

There is a "Milchamas Mitzvah" ... a war going on in Bnei Brak .....amongst Satmar Chassidim... not between the Zalonim and the Aronim but amongst the Aronim themselves....
I wish them both hatzlacha!

This is not the place or time to go into details, I just want to focus on a different issue ...
the expulsion from Yeshivah of innocent children!

The Head of the Aroinie Satmar Yeshivah in Bnei Brak is Reb Aron Teitelbaum's nephew .. a rabbi by the name of R Chaim Tzvi Meizels, he actually founded the Yeshiva ...he is fighting with his  with a guy named R' Heshel Rotter ....whose father is also from the founders of the Yeshivah ....

It seems that one of the parents took sides and sided with the Rotter guy against R' Meizels ... (it's more complicated but for the sake of what I want to bring out... we will leave the story as is) ..... and when R' Aron Teitelbaum got wind of this he ordered the expulsion of the guys three innocent children from the yeshivah ...

R' Meizels, even though he was the one that was offended, is so far refusing the order from the King, R' Aron Teitelbaum, his uncle!

Now ...  the Gedoilim of previous generations of all different sects were of the opinion  that one doesn't mess with children....
Because if you throw out innocent children because of the sins of the parents that will inevitably cause tremendous pain for the expelled and will effect them the rest of their lives ...

I know many children that were expelled not even because of the politics of their parents but because the parents couldn't afford tuition ....
many of them went off the derech and all are somehow psychologically affected to this very day ... 
they suffered humiliation, couldn't cope, bullying etc 

Gedoilim believe that expelling an innocent child from a yeshivah is in the "geder" of לא תרצח  "thou shall not murder"

So this ... R' Aron Teitelbaum, Monroe Satmar Rebbe keeps barking like a maniac against Zionism .... but sees no problem "murdering" innocent children!

I believe that  the prohibition of לא תרצח was written 3,500 years before the "prohibition" of Zionism!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Watch Chareidiem "Leidegeiers" Fighting With Cab Driver While Protesting Eurovision

These crazed fanatics with nothing to do on these long Shabbossim were protesting Chillul Shabbas of Eurovision
But they are protesting in Jerusalem .... Eurovision was in Tel Aviv...who in Yerusahlayim cares about Chillul shabbos in Tel Aviv

What's confusing is ... that last year the Chareidim Caused Chillul shabbos with their Lag Be"omer celebrations that took place Motzei Shabbos.. all the police and transportation was 
done on Shabbos itself.. yet no one protested

They don't care about Shabbos .. they are bored  to tears with these long Shabbosim

HaRav Yaakov Pollak , Longtime Morah D’asra of Shomrei Emunah In Boro Park Passes Away

HaRav Yaakov Pollak ZATZAL, the longtime Morah D’asra of Shomrei Emunah in Boro Park, passed away last night, he was 93.
The Levaya will be held at 12:00 noon at the Shul located at 5202 14th Ave.
Congregation Shomrei Emunah was established in 1907. It was led from 1928 to 1935 by HaRav Wolf Gold, a founder of the Williamsburg Talmud Torah and Mesivta Torah Vodaas. 
From 1935 through 1973, Dr. Harry I. Wohlberg was the Rov.
From 1973 through 2008, the Shul was led by the Niftar, HaRav Yaakov Pollack. Since 2008, the Rov has been Harav Aviezer Cohen.
In the early years of the Shul, the Chofetz Chaim had advised Gedolim traveling to America that they should turn to Shomrei Emunah upon their arrival. 
Gedolim that spoke in the Shul include HaRav Elchonon Wasserman HY”D, HaRav Avrohom Isaac Kook ZATZAL, and HaRav Boruch Ber Leibowitz ZATZAL.

HaRav Yehuda Eber Rosenberg The Face Of Tzedakkah No Longer Among the Living

HaRav Yehuda Eber Rosenberg Z”TL, a man who devoted his entire life to Tzedakah and Chesed,passed away this morning.
Many people will recognize the face of the Niftar, as he was a fixture at Levayos and Chasunos, where he collected millions of dollars over the past 50 years for various Aniyim, as well as the Vishnitzer Mosdos.
The Levaya will be held at 2:00PM in front of the Vishnitzer Bais Medrash in Williamsburg, located at 6 Lee Avenue. The Levaya will continue in Monsey at the Viznitz shul on Phyllis Terrace at 3:30PM, and will continue from there to the Vishnitz Bais Hakvaros on Route 306.
Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

Children of Settlers Ask Hashem To Protect Them and Never Forsake Them!

Israeli UN Ambassador Explains Why Israel Belongs Legally To The Jewish People !

This lesson is a lesson for Satmar too, since they just like the Arabs deny Jewish rights to the Land of Israel !

William Handler Defender of A Rapist"..Now the Guru For Anti-Vaxxers!

On Monday night in Monsey, the Atrium was packed with ultra-Orthodox Jews. 
The ballroom of the massive catering hall usually hosts lively Hasidic weddings. 

This week it welcomed hundreds of people from around the New York City area who had come to this suburb — itself home to a large population of Haredim — to hear from people who believe that vaccines are harmful, and that anyone trying to get you to vaccinate your child is in the pocket of pharmaceutical corporations. 
But while the audience was almost entirely religious, only one of the speakers at the “vaccine symposium” was:
Rabbi Hillel Handler, who has become something of a poster child for the minority of Hasidic Jews who are rejecting calls from within their community and without to vaccinate their children for measles and other diseases.
It’s not Handler’s first time entering the spotlight as a lightning rod for controversy: He has defended numerous unpopular people, ideas and practices over the years.
“When something is unpopular or no one has the courage to say it, they come to me,” Handler told the Daily News. “If not me, who?”
Handler did not respond to multiple requests for comment left with his family.
The national measles outbreak is now close to the largest since the creation of the measles vaccine. 
It continues to spread in the Hasidic communities of upstate New York and New York City due to frequent travel of Hasidic Jews to Israel, where there is an even larger outbreak occurring, as well as the high density of Hasidic neighborhoods and the near-daily social gathering of children in schools and places of worship.
Handler lives in Brooklyn, and is a member of the Satmar Hasidic group. His views on vaccines fall into the same pattern as many of his other opinions: They are far from not only the political mainstream, but from the consensus beliefs of most Hasidic Jews.
Handler also believes that crimes of sexual assault should be dealt with by rabbis, not the police, and defended Rabbi Yisroel Weingarten, a New York rabbi who was sentenced to 30 years in prison for molesting his daughter.
Handler spoke in Monsey on Monday alongside secular saints of the anti-vaccine movement, including the disgraced British doctor Andrew Wakefield, who helped kickstart the modern anti-vaccine movement with a since-debunked study linking vaccinations to autism.
In his speech, Handler suggested that Hasidic Jews are being attacked in Brooklyn for simply sneezing on the sidewalk, and has falsely suggested that New York City mayor Bill de Blasio is targeting Jews because he is secretly German. (Handler, 77, is reportedly a Holocaust survivor.)
“We Hasidim have been chosen as the target,” Handler said on Monday, according to The New York Times. “The campaign against us has been successful.”
Handler also made several erroneous statements about vaccines and the diseases they are meant to protect against. 
Measles vaccines are safe for the vast, vast majority of recipients, and there is no link between vaccination and autism.
To be sure, Handler’s views are far outside the norm in the Hasidic world. While some schools in Rockland County, the suburban county north of New York that is home to several large Hasidic communities, have vaccination rates that barely reach two-thirds that of the state’s average rate, others have vaccination rates at or better than national averages. Hasidic rabbis have repeatedly encouraged their constituents to get themselves and their children vaccinated.
Handler has played into concerns among Hasidic Jews that government agencies are anti-religious and are determined to disrupt their highly traditional, often socially insular communities.
In a statement issued Wednesday titled “Nonsense and Insults at a Recent Monsey Gathering,” Agudath Israel of America, the largest Hasidic umbrella group, called Handler’s attack on de Blasio “deeply offensive.”
“It is unfortunate that he was allowed to share his imaginings with others,” the statement read.
Speaking to the New York Times on Tuesday, Handler appeared to walk back his opposition to vaccines somewhat.
“I don’t mind if someone takes a vaccine. It’s not my business,” he told a reporter. “What am I, a fascist? Am I going to bring down the law?”
Ari Feldman is a staff writer at the Forward. Contact him at feldman@forward.com or follow him on Twitter @aefeldman

Michaela Levit's "Lone IDF Soldier" Body Will Be Flown Back To South Florida

The funeral will take place on Friday at 3 pm, Star of David funeral home 7701 Bailey Rd, North Lauderdale, 33068

They bled, he fled.

A midtown plastic surgeon has apparently left the country, leaving a trail of patients upset about botched tummy tucks and liposuctions and unable to get their medical records.
The state Office of Professional Medical Conduct yanked Dr. Amnon Eric Sadeh’s license earlier this month after he failed to produce requested medical records and then did not show up for a disciplinary hearing.
Investigators had been trying since March 2016 to get copies of records for five of Sadeh’s patients, but the doctor stopped responding in July 2016, state records show.
He sold his Tribeca condo in August 2016 for $3.2 million.
The state followed up with certified letters but got no answer. In August 2018, Sadeh’s mother said the surgeon was in Israel, according to state Health Department documents.
Ana Kardashian said she never got records for her daughter’s 2015 nose job despite complaining to the state. She said her daughter landed in the hospital after Sadeh overprescribed pain medication after surgery.
“The New York Department of Health — that’s the most upsetting,” the mom said. “I would assume they would do something more efficiently, but they made us wait for a very long time and then … they said the guy cannot be located.”
Sadeh’s disappearance also put former patients seeking to sue him in a bind. Joshua Fogel, who represented two women who claimed he botched their tummy tucks, said the lawsuits couldn’t go forward because they couldn’t locate Sadeh.
The lawsuits were among four malpractice claims filed against Sadeh, 58, since 2016.
A message left for Sadeh with his mother was not returned.
“As soon as it became clear that this physician would be uncooperative, the department immediately took action to ensure this physician can no longer practice medicine in New York,” said DOH spokeswoman Jill Montag who said the agency was still working to try to help patients get their records.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Jewish-American author Herman Wouk dead at 103

Jewish American Pulitzer Prize-winning author Herman Wouk died on Friday at the age of 103.

Wouk was just 10 days shy of his 104th birthday and was working on a book until the end, said his literary agent Amy Rennert, according to The Associated Press.

Rennert said Wouk died in his sleep at his home in Palm Springs, California, where he settled after spending many years in Washington, D.C.

Wouk was born in the Bronx in 1915, the second of three children born to Esther and Abraham Isaac Wouk, Russian Jewish immigrants from what is today Belarus.

The household was religious — his mother was a rabbi’s daughter — and devoted to books. His father would read to him from Sholem Aleichem.
His Jewish faith inspired his stories of religious values and secular success.

Wouk won the Pulitzer in 1952 for The Caine Mutiny. A film adaptation, starring Humphrey Bogart, came out in 1954 and Wouk turned the courtroom scene into the play The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial.

Other highlights included Don’t Stop the Carnival, The Winds of War and War and Remembrance.

One of Wouk’s most influential books was This Is My God, published in 1959 and an even-handed but firm defense of Judaism. For much of his life, noted AP, he studied the Talmud daily and led a weekly Talmud class. He gave speeches and sermons around the country and received several prizes, including a lifetime achievement award from the Jewish Book Council.

Entire Neturei Karta Family Goes "Off the Derech"

Friday, May 17, 2019

Nadler's Russian Ties! ..... Paid Ezra Friedlander $1,000.00 Per Month For 16 Years

You would think that Nadler who keeps torturing President Trump on Russian Collusion, while he himself is up to his neck with Russian ties .... would hide in a closet! 


The 2018 municipal elections in Beit Shemesh shocked Israel and the Jewish world. A religious-Zionist woman, Dr. Aliza Bloch, defeated the incumbent ultra-Orthodox mayor in a city in which the ultra-Orthodox are the majority. 

by Dov Lipman 
Since then there has been a noticeable improvement in municipal services, and appointments have been made based on skill, ability and experience, and not on political deals and nepotism. 

But what happened at the Beit Shemesh Remembrance Day ceremony reflects the greatest change the city is experiencing since the election.
Thousands of residents gathered at the city memorial for those who have been killed while serving in the IDF or in terror attacks. The ceremony included prayers, musical presentations, a moving video about the 100 residents who lost their lives for the country, and speeches from the mayor, a member of Knesset and a relative of one of those who had been killed. 

The very first musical presentation shocked the audience. A choir made up of ultra-Orthodox men and boys walked onto the stage, along with a hassidic cantor. They sang the prayer for IDF soldiers. That’s right. In Beit Shemesh – a city where religious extremists ruled in past years and where soldiers have had to use caution and not enter certain ultra-Orthodox areas in uniform – an ultra-Orthodox choir and cantor openly sang the prayer for IDF soldiers. 

That never happened when the city had an ultra-Orthodox mayor. But with the victory of a religious-Zionist mayor whose stated goal was to unify the city and create an atmosphere where all populations could feel comfortable, the previously silenced moderate ultra-Orthodox population – which believes in tolerance, coexistence and the integration of the ultra-Orthodox into society – is now able to make its voice heard.

Greedy & Corrupt Developers In Monsey Causing Huge Chillul Hashem

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Flatbush Paper Celebrates and Places Win of Farah Louis Who says "Jews Annoy Her" On Front Cover !

Wondering......Why are the Flatbush "Askanim" so happy with this win?

 What possessed Mordy Mehlman, publisher of FJJ  that he had to put this Haitian win on his front cover?

Did he ask her to explain her tweet that "Jews Annoy Her?"

What is the relationship between Shimon Lefkowitz, Leon Goldenberg, Peter Rebenwerzel  and Flora Louis? 

Rivka & Dovid Weber of Chicago Turn Out To Be Christians!

By COLlive reporter
A couple who have recently moved to a Jewish neighborhood in Chicago has been exposed to be non-Jews posing as Orthodox Jews, with the mission to influence others.
Rabbi Levi Notik of Chicago has informed the community that the couple who go by the names David and Rivkah Castello were recognized by a visitor from Brooklyn to be a couple who had been exposed there last year.
David and Rivkah Castello moved to West Rogers Park in Chicago a few months ago, and they dress, act and behave like Frum Jews, and Daven in local Shuls, Rabbi Notik warned. Rivkah works as a babysitter for young children in the neighborhood.
David looks like a Frum yid, wearing the traditional clothing and sporting long peyos.
When asked, the couple admits that she is not Jewish, and he claims his maternal great-grandmother was.
Notik says that he met with the couple, and they did not deny being in the neighborhood “on a mission to specifically live among the Frum community and actively influence others.”
“They have beliefs of Kefira and Christianity,” Notik says. “He doesn’t deny any of it, on the contrary, he insists that he is correct in his way, and has no regrets.”
Notik says by Hashgocha Protis, a Sofer in town from Williamsburg, Brooklyn, saw David Castello in Shul, and recognized him immediately, alerting others to the imposter.
The couple has done the same thing in Brooklyn last year (at Beis Midrash Razlo and other Shuls) until they were exposed and told to leave, the visitor said.
After doing research, Notik discovered that the couple has ties to the international Christian group Global Gates, whose vision according to their website is “to see gospel transformation of the world’s most unevangelized people groups who have come to global gateway cities, and through them reach their communities around the world.”
The newsletter for JCFI, a Church in Texas, ran an article on the couple in 2016, describing their mission to infiltrate a Chasidic community. 

Israeli arrested after being accused of spitting at Polish ambassador

Too bad that the guy who did the spitting wasn't a "brisker" .. if he was, he would have spit at him with the full shiur of the Chazon Ish!

A 65-year-old Israeli man has been arrested for allegedly spitting at the Polish ambassador, police said Wednesday, adding to tensions between the two countries.
The lawyer of the man named as Arik Lederman claims the incident was "blown out of proportion" and Lederman apologized for the act, reported the Times of Israel. 
Israel's envoy to Poland Anna Azari was summoned to the Polish foreign ministry in Warsaw over the incident, Polish foreign ministry spokeswoman Ewa Suwara said.
Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki called it a "xenophobic act of aggression" while President Andrzej Duda said it appeared to be an "anti-Polish act of hatred."
Polish ambassador Marek Magierowski was sitting in his car on Tuesday when a man approached and "spat at him", police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said.
Lederman's attorney told the court that an embassy guard had addressed him with an anti-Jewish slur and refused him entry to the Polish embassy in Tel Aviv where he was seeking to inquire about restitution for Jewish property lost in the Holocaust.
Police arrested Lederman later Tuesday, Rosenfeld said. The suspect appeared before the Tel Aviv magistrates' court on Wednesday, where he was ordered to remain under house arrest for another day, the police chief added.
Lederman was also banned from approaching the Polish embassy in Tel Aviv for 30 days.

Moshe Yaakov Schwartz 16-year- old Novaminsk Boy Killed Riding His Bike In Boro Park

A 16-year-old Novaminsker Yeshiva Bochur was R”L killed after he was struck by a truck while riding his bike in Boro Park on Wednesday afternoon. He was identified as Moshe Yaakov Schwartz of Parkville Avenue.
The horrific incident occurred on 17 Ave and 53 Street just before 6:00PM.
Moshe Yaakov was heading north bound on 17 Avenue on his bicycle when he swerved to avoid a parked car that was opening it’s door. The bicyclist struck the door, which caused him to fall to the ground where he was struck by a white 2013 Econoline E350 truck that was also heading north on 17 Avenue.
Boro Park Hatzolah rushed the boy to Maimonides Hospital in traumatic arrest with CPR being performed.
He was rushed into surgery but tragically succumbed to his wounds.
The operator of both vehicles remained on scene.
There are no arrests and the investigation is ongoing by the NYPD’s Collision Investigation Squad.
The Levaya will take place at Novaminsk Yeshiva at 1:30PM on Thursday. 17th Ave and 60th Street in Boro Park.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Did Flatbush "Askanim" Just Elect An Anti-Semite in the 45th District????

In 2010, Fararah Louis approvingly retweeted a comment  "these Jews are annoying me"
I'm not so sure that this constitutes being an "antisemite" but it is certainly very troubling!

The Flatbush "Tzadikim" couldn't get enough of the newly elected Haitian Councilman, fawning and hovering over her like she was the Belzer Rebbetzin (Lehavdil). 

And they didn't vet her...  all they cared was to knock out a Frum "vaibel" because she didn't conform and made "choizik" of their hypocrisy

These "askanim" and may I add rabbonim who made a big deal of the Flatbush Girl's fight for a lady, who is a lesbian comedian, to perform in a Kosher restaurant for Ladies only, didn't say one word and were totally silent when one of their own, ....Assemblyman Eichenstein ...yes that one ... with the langeh rekkel ..der Bobover, voted for the "Gay" law! 

Meanwhile calls to Farah Louis's office for an explanation of her disgusting tweet went unanswered! 

HT: Michael

Frum Askanim & Rabbonim That Were Silent When Nadler Put Jews in Jeopardy Congratulate Haitian Concilman on Her Win in 45th District

Thank You @ChaskelBennett for the powerful words at the victory party of @FarahNLouis who just won the special election for Council our community UNITED not DIVIDED can’t be DEFEATED!

Interesting! Very interesting .......
I am not going into the politics of who was a better person for the job .....

But I find this "chanifa" for a Haitian nauseating! 
This Haitian will represent a district that encompasses the Flatbush Jewish neighborhoods and has yet to condemn the hateful words of the antisemite triumvirate in Congress!

I'm not saying that it's her job...because she won in a local election..... but traditionally local politicians especially when they are running for local office voice their indignation on politics that effects their constituents ...
Not a word!

Yet these "askanim" "tuches lekke" and hover over her as if she is mashiach ben dovid!

Where were they when one of their very own, Ezra Friedlander went around in frum neighborhoods advocating for the self-hating Jew, Nadler?

And what was he advocating?
He was advocating that the USA hand nuclear weapons to the murderers in Iran!!!! 
And who was supporting this?
Nadler!! the one who gave blood money to the backstabbing Jew Friedlander, so that he promote a cause that could G-d forbid do more damage than Hitler ym"s!

Where were these "Askanim Cowards" when the Satmar Rebbe started a letter writing campaign to congress urging Congressman not to attend the  address of the Prime Minister of Israel who was begging congress to stop the failed Iran Deal? 
The treasonous letter went further, begging them to back the Iran Deal .... 

But they paused from slurping shmaltz herring and guzzling 100 year old Glenfidduch and came out of their Flatbush million dollar mansions like roaches to tuches lekk an unknown ,,and got Rabbonim to get involved in this small district just to make certain  that a Jewish Frum lady doesn't get elected ......

It could very well be that she doesn't stand for their values...
Yes it could be ???
Why are the parents whose children follow Flatbush girl on Instagram, coming out against her?
Question: You allow your child to be on Instagram??? You hypocrite! So when it comes to Instagram you ignore the Rabbis but now you suddenly become frum and say "I'm following Daas Torah!"

Let me ask you a question...
Does Flora Louis condemn the LGBT Community, or does she support it?
Does Flora Louis condemn late term abortion or condemn it?

Flora Louis is on the same page in her agenda as the Flatbush Girl is, but she is black and wears pants!

Seforim Store Sale Will "rape" you if you "Demand' It!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Grape Juice Plant Looking For "Frum Mainstream Bochur " "No Shaving or Trimming Beard"

This ad appeared in the COLIVE  Crown Heights News Blog!

How crazy and Meshigah is this?

Only a crazed lonely meshiginer idiot would take a job like this to begin with!

If he is "mainstream" why isn't he learning? 

Why is a "mainstream" boy taking a job away from his family in HotzenPlutz?

So now  "Frum Mainstream" means a boy who grows his beard like a wild hillbilly?

A bochur that shaves or G-d forbid trims his beard is no longer qualified to push a button??

Go take your "Grape Juice" and pour it all over your white shirt....