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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Menachois Pages 107,108, 109,110, Chullin 2, 3 & 4

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See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

"דף ק''ז .."שלוש עשרה הקופות   
Page 107 Mesectas Menachois  
"13 Collection Boxes" 

There were 13 Collection boxes, called "shofaros" because the shape of the box resembled somewhat of a shofar, in the Temple.

 תקלין חדתין (New Shekalim) was written on one collection box, these were coins that people offered as "machtzis ha'shekel." 

תקלין עתיקין (Old Shekalim) was written on another collection box, these coins were the "machtzis ha'shekel" that people offered the year before but for some reason were late in their donations.

קנין was written on another box, these coins used to buy mature birds.

גוזלי עולה was written on an other one, these coins were used to buy young birds.

עצים ... this box was used for the coins that went toward buying wood for the alter.

לבונה  this box contained coins that were used to buy the "korban levoineh" 

זהב לכפרת this box contained gold used for utensils ..

The remaining six were for donative offerings. 

Why was it necessary to have six boxes for donative offerings?

The rabbis differ on the reason ...

R' Chizkeyeh suggests that these boxes were designated for the six paternal houses of the kohanim. 
The kohanim were divided into 24 groups called "mishmarois" or "watchers," each of which served in the Temple for a week at a time on a rotating basis. Each mishmar, in turn, was divided into 6 batei avos, paternal houses, one for each day of the week, besides Shabbos, when all would serve together.

R' Yochanan on the other hand, postulates that they needed 6 different boxes because if all coins were all placed in one box, the coins would get rusty.

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Media Loves Dead Republicans

Mainstream media members “don’t treat [Republicans] fairly in life” and only “embrace” them “in death,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham noted Monday night on “The Ingraham Angle” as she analyzed the past and present media coverage of the late George H.W. Bush.

Mainstream media members “don’t treat [Republicans] fairly in life” and only “embrace” them “in death,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham noted Monday night on “The Ingraham Angle” as she analyzed the past and present media coverage of the late George H.W. Bush.
Bush, who served as the nation’s 41st president from 1989 to 1993, died at age 94 in his home in Houston on Friday.
Media members and outlets delivered extensive tributes to Bush as they recounted the extraordinary sacrifices he made to serve his nation as a World War II veteran, a House member, a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, a CIA director, a vice president, a president — and more.
But it didn’t take too much effort for many in the media to use their glowing tributes of Bush as a stepping stone to criticisms of President Donald Trump.

90-year-old Israeli man chokes to death on Hanukkah doughnut

A 90-year-old man in central Israel choked to death on a doughnut during a Hanukkah candlelighting ceremony Monday evening.
Magen David Adom paramedics called to the community in the Shfela region southeast of Tel Aviv, said they dislodged a piece of dough stuck in the man’s throat, but were unable to revive him.
The man, who was attending a candlelighting ceremony at his local synagogue, was declared dead at the scene.

In a statement, the MDA warned that the jelly-filled doughnut, a Hannukah tradition, could be a choking hazard for children and the elderly.
On Sunday, MDA said paramedics were called to a Bnei Brak home to treat a 95-year-old man who choked on a doughnut. The unconscious man was taken to the Tel Hashomer Hospital in Tel Aviv, and was said to be in stable condition on Monday.

IDF Launches 'Northern Shield' to destroy terror tunnel threats along northern border.

Moshe Rubin Former Peleg Terrorist Leaves Ponovitz Joins the IDF!!

Remember when a Yeshivah Bochur who was a chavrusah with the Rosh Yeshivah of Ponovitz went missing.?

Turns out that he was also a member of the Peleg Terrorists that refused to even register for the draft,  and illegally blocked traffic.

He had enough of all this hypocrisy ... and joined the IDF ......
Says on the video that he knows of at least 7 other Peleg Terrorists that will enlist in the IDF soon .....
Agrees with his new mentor rabbi that says that enlisting in the IDF is a mitzvah .... and this mitzvah is no less important then putting on Tefillin!

Jeremy Reichberg VS His Brother Moshe Reichberg

It’s brother vs. brother in an NYPD bribe case unfolding in Manhattan federal court.
Mayor Bill de Blasio donor Jeremy Reichberg, who stands accused of bribing NYPD cops, will be facing off against his brother, Moshe Reichberg, according to a new court filing.
Prosecutors plan to call Moshe to testify as early as this week about his Borough Park police-liaison sibling’s alleged efforts to keep evidence from the FBI, the court filing said.
In addition to being charged with bribing cops, Reichberg faces one count of obstruction of justice because feds say he asked Moshe to remove incriminating evidence about his bribery scheme from his house, including business cards of high-ranking officers, documents and electronic devices.
Moshe has been granted immunity to testify, the filing said.
On Monday, the defense also played wiretaps showing the government’s key witness, Jona Rechnitz, growing increasingly panicked as city and federal investigators began circling the wagons on his financial shenanigans, which led to their bribery probe.

Ireland Upset That US Ambassador to Israel Said That Jerusalem Has Been The Capital Of Israel For Over 2,000 Years

A Chanukkah message tweeted on Monday by the US envoy to Israel drew a critical response from Ireland’s top diplomat.
Ambassador David Friedman wrote, “More than 2000 years ago, Jewish patriots (Maccabees) captured Jerusalem, purified the Holy Temple and rededicated it as a house of Jewish worship. The U.N. cant vote away the facts: Jerusalem is the ancient and modern capital of Israel. Happy Chanukah from this blessed city!”
In response, Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney tweeted, 
“U are working on a New Peace Initiative that we all hope will be fair, balanced and successful. But comments like this will be seen as provocative and biased. Not helpful in creating the necessary environment of compromise. @UN @UNRWA”

More than 2000 years ago, Jewish patriots (Maccabees) captured Jerusalem, purified the Holy Temple and rededicated it as a house of Jewish worship. The U.N. cant vote away the facts: Jerusalem is the ancient and modern capital of Israel. Happy Chanukah from this blessed city!
1,288 people are talking about this

Monday, December 3, 2018

Dean of Yeshiva Attacked by Gang of Arab Stone-throwers Vows Stones Will Be Used to Build New Dormitory.

The dean of a yeshiva high school in the town of Hashmonaim in western Samaria near Modiin was attacked by a group of Arab stone-throwers Monday morning.

Rabbi Itamar Liberman, the dean of Ner Tamid yeshiva for high school-aged students in Hashmonaim was his way to the school from his home in Beit El Monday morning when his car was suddenly pelted by stones thrown by local Arabs near the Israeli town of Neve Tzuf in western Samaria.
The windshield of the car was smashed, and Rabbi Liberman temporarily lost control of the vehicle during the attack.
“I got a big ‘shakeup’ this morning,” Rabbi Liberman told Arutz Sheva

Sunday, December 2, 2018

"New Sheriff In Town" Tells Satmar Rebbe Where To go!!

Striking back at a verbal tongue lashing by the Satmar Rebbe earlier in the week, Senator elect James Skoufis had some scathing words of his own, warning Kiryas Joel residents to expect no favors during his time in Albany.
Rabbi Aron Teitelbaum slammed the New York State Department of Education’s new laws mandating significant changes to the secular curriculums of private schools, saying that New York State jails are filled with killers and violent felons who are products of the public school system.  In addition to calling on his followers to openly defy the new ruling, the Satmar Rebbe categorized newly elected State Senator James Skoufis as “wicked and evil.”
Just over two hours later, Skoufis fired back at Rabbi Teitelbaum on Facebook.
“I guess he’s still rankled that my campaign was able to easily overcome his bloc vote this past election,” wrote Skoufis, describing the remarks as “abhorrent,” “disgraceful” and “dangerous,” wondering aloud if Rabbi Teitelbaum was hoping to “elicit violence” among his followers.

Williamsburg: Hasidic Man Attacked Walking Home From Shul on Friday Night

A Hasidic man was attacked in Williamsburg on Friday night, and the NYPD are investigating the incident as a hate crime.
The incident occurred on Friday night at around 6:30PM, at the corner of Throop Street and Wallabout Avenue. The victim was on the corner talking to another man, as they walked home from Shul.
Suddenly, a man walked up to the victim, and attacked him. The victim was punched in the head from behind, sending him falling to the floor.
A passing police car was flagged down, and officers chased the suspect. Unfortunately, he managed to get away.
The NYPD hate Crimes Task Force are investigating the incident, and are asking the public if anyone has any information which can assist in locating the suspect – who is a Hispanic male in his 30’s.
If you have any information, please call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) and then call Shomrim 24 hour hotline at 718-237-0202.

Crown Heights: Jewish Man Punched in Face on Shabbos Morning; Unprovoked Attack

In an unprovoked, and possibly hate related incident, a Jewish man was assaulted by two black males in front of 728 East New York Ave, between Albany and Troy Avenues. The assault happened early Saturday morning at around 6:30am as the man was heading off to shul.
The Jewish man was approached by two black males, who without saying anything, suddenly punched him in the face. The victim fought back, during which he was able to grab his attackers glasses. Once it became obvious that the victim would not go down without a fight, the assailants fled towards Albany Ave.
The victim initially asked a black woman nearby to call 911, but the woman refused, instead turning away and going into a nearby building.
After 20 minutes of calling for help, a Jewish man came out of a nearby house, and after hearing the story, called 911 and Hatzolah.
When the police came the victim was able to give the glasses to the police as evidence.
The victim was transported by Hatzolah to Methodist Hospital in Park Slope, where he was treated for minor injuries to both ears.
As per a police source, the glasses have been sent to a lab to acquire DNA evidence about the assailant.

The 71st precinct has also promised extra police presence following the incident.

Dr Nochum Tzvi Friedman Struck & Killed By Vehicle in Cedarhurst

Tragedy has struck the Cedarhurst community on Motzei Shabbos as word spread of the tragic death of a prominent community member and one of the most important members of Hatzolah in New York.
Dr. Richie (Nochum Tzvi) Friedman Z”L, known in Hatzolah as ES-72 (East Side 72), was walking home from Shul after Shabbos, when he was struck by a vehicle at Washington and Broadway in Lawrence, NY. He was 56.
He was rushed to the hospital in traumatic arrest, but was unfortunately Niftar moments after arriving.
The Niftar was the medical director of Hatzalah of New York City (all 5 boroughs), Rockland (Monsey) as well as the Catskills. Additionally, before moving to Lawrence, he was an East Side Hatzolah Member, and was one of the founding members of Hatzalah of the West Side over 30 years ago.
The levayah will take place at the Bobover Beis Medrash in Boro Park, 15th Ave and 48th Street, at 11:45 Sunday morning. It will then continue to Yeshiva Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway, 257 Beach 17 Street

Saturday, December 1, 2018

13-year-old married off in Meah Sharim neighborhood of Jerusalem,

Israeli police shut down an illegal wedding in Jerusalem early Friday morning, after it was discovered that the bride was five years below the legal age for marriage.

The wedding was held on the roof of a building in the predominantly haredi neighborhood of Meah Sharim in the capital in the early hours of the morning Friday.

After police learned of the wedding, officers were dispatched to shut down the event and question those involved.
According to investigators, both the bride and groom are minors – the bride being just 13 years old.

The legal age for marriage in Israel is 18, though under extenuating circumstances, family courts are empowered to permit minors as young as 16 to get married, if a social worker clears the request.

The Knesset raised the legal age of marriage under normal circumstances earlier this month from 17 to 18, despite opposition from haredi lawmakers.

After police shut down the illegal wedding, the bride’s mother, the bride, three other minors, and two women involved in the wedding were detained for questioning.

Authorities say the bride was reported missing by her father two months ago, and suspect that her mother hid her until the wedding.

Zalonim and Aronim Are Busy With The IDF In Israel While They Should Be Concentrating On Their Own Problems

Satmar's illness has always been to look for all kinds of problems elsewhere in the Jewish world but to ignore the issues effecting them directly in their own back yards.

The Satmar leaders and askanim have been telling their naive sheep to vote for the Democrats and kept endorsing candidates who promised them the world but are themselves anti-Torah, same- sex marriage advocates, allowing grown men to pee in ladies bathrooms, and are leaders of the gay communities ...
Satmar's antics have now come back with a vengeance to bite them in the ass. 

All those Democrats are all for changing the Yeshivah Curriculums and introducing secular studies to the detriment of Torah education..
They put their hopes not into G-d but into Simcha Felder who is totally powerless to prevent the liberal agenda ... 

But what is Satmar up to???? What are they preaching to their followers on Shabbos?
The IDF!!! 

Lakewood Goes To War With The Noviminsker

The Lakewood parasites are all worked up because their meek Satmar "Tuchis Lekker' Rosh Yeshivah  got slapped around by the Novimisker Rebbe at the Agudah Convention...

R' Malkiel Kotler thought that he would get away with his cowardly speech on Shabbos attacking those who disagree with his endorsement of Peleg, the Jerusalem Terrorists that close down streets in Yerushalayim and Bnei Brak and refuse to register for the draft.

The Novimisker took him on in his Key Note Address and called him out by name!

The Lakewooders are now calling the Novimensker a "recruiter" for the IDF!

R' Malkiel who has his own problems and issues in the US, keeps trying to distract his followers with  putting his large nose into Israeli politics..

Malkiel ..... we have our own Rabbanim in Israel who also happen to be Talmedei Chachumim, we don't need an American Rabbi to give us advise.... 

VIznitzer Rebbe Tells Yeshivishe Bochur Who Asked For A Bracha "First Cut Off Your Chupe" (Hair)

By the "maramorsher" peasants, it's not about how much you learn, how frum you are, if you have great middos....... naaaaaa!

Judaism is all about the "Chupe" 

A nice naive Yeshivah Boy asks for a bracha .... and what does he get in return?
A smack in the face! 

Where is the mitzvah of "ve'ahavta le'reiacha kamoicha?"

We wonder why our kids go off the derech!!

Ponovitz Boy a Chavrusah With the Roshei Yeshiva Enlists in the IDF

A Ponevezh Yeshiva student has gone missing from Yeshiva and his parents’ home for the last two weeks. There have been a number of eye-witness reports that hint to the student being on a Tiyul in the north of Israel, however, no one has been able to make contact with the bochur.
The truth, when it was finally revealed on Thursday, shocked the yeshiva. The student decided to leave the Yeshiva and his parents’ home in Yerushalayim and enlist in the IDF. His friends have said that he is currently living in a home established for lone soldiers.

Bobover Girls School On Route 306 in Monsey May Get Closed Because of Violation and no C of O

The New York state Supreme Court ordered a girls school in Monsey, Bais Chinuch Ateres Bnos, to close down.
The court sided with the town of Ramapo, who filed a lawsuit stating the school has been operating on Route 306 without a certificate of occupancy since September 2017.

News 12 reports the school was previously cited for overcrowding classrooms, using milk crates to hold up air conditioners, for holes in the walls, broken desks and blocked exits.
The school claims its application for a certificate of occupancy has been delayed and that there are no immediate threats to students’ safety.
There is no word as to when the town will close down the school.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Chassidic Rabbi Who Thinks He's A Girl

A "farikter breeah" 
.... Listen to this former Chassidishe Guy who says he always thought he was a girl!
So ... I'm trying to understand ..... when exactly did he notice the differences between a boy and a girl?

 Let's analyze this ... he sees when he is just a year old that he has the anatomy of a boy but thinks he is a girl?

We don't have enough problems in our communities .... we now need a freak of nature ....
Years ago we would would put a guy like this in a straight jacket and ship him off to the looney farm ...
Today in our crazy world... "transgenders' who practice Purim all year ... and who urinate in Girls Bathrooms .... are respected ... and Universities have these bono-fide lunatics speak to their students 

The freak claims that "Chassidim are against transgenders!" 
Helloooooooow??????? What do you mean they are "against transgenders?" 
Hey girly- boy ......you need a head doctor .... 
You are one very sick puppy ....
The entire society is against a grown man, a pervert, who pees in their daughter's or girlfriends bathrooms.... is that being "against transgenders"
Hey Rabbi... if you want to cut off your milah ... that's fine with me but if I find you in my daughter's bathroom ...
then G-D help you ....
I'm not even against "transgenders" for all I care you can dress up as batman or even a tiger ...but I beg you please keep your weird sexual practices  far away from us!

Rabbi: You also need a speech therapist .... you have some crazy lisp that annoys me..

Peleg Terrorists Block Roads in Yerushalyim ..Finally Allow a Kallah to Pass After 40 Minutes!!!

CNN commentator Calls For The Elimination of Israel at UN pro-Palestine event.

CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill addressed the opening meeting of the United Nations commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People Wednesday. 

Rav Malkiel Kotler Gets Slapped By Rav Moshe Sterbuch Because Of Malkiel's Support For Ant-Vaxxers

This R' Malkiel Kotler, used to be a meek "chechele mechele" ... and as the Yiddish saying goes, "nisht kein groiser chuchem in nisht kein kleiner naar."

He became the chief Satmar tuchis lekkeer, supporting the bizarre Satmar SHIT'ah against The State of Israel, and publicly endorses the Auerbach "Peleg" crazed fanatics who illegally shut down roads in Yerushalayim and Bnei Brak ...

Last Shabbos at the Agudah Convention, he gave a drasha after Shachris and was mostly incoherent. 
But what was understood was that he chastised the guests for their 
non-support of Peleg violence!  
The Noveminsker called him out on that in his Keynote address on Motzei Shabbas!

R' Malkiel is also a supporter to those who advocate killing Jews by contaminating Jewish communities with Measles!  He is what they call an "anti-vaxxer.!

To support his crazed dangerous idea ... he tried to recruit the great poisek Rav Moshe Sternbuch. 
R' Malkiel thought wrongly that he would have Rav Sternbuch's support because of his mutual hate of the State of Israel!

Turns out that Rav Sternbuch is a strong supporter of vaccinations and in fact ruled halachically that everyone in Israel is obligated to get vaccinated and that Yeshivois have the right to refuse entry to any child that is not vaccinated! 

Below is a copy of his Psak and his lengthy detailed answer addressed specifically to R' Malkiel! 
And translated in English!

Peleg Gangsters Schnorring To Raise NIS 650,000 To Pay Damages From Lawsuit Filed By Former IDF Officer Against Them

The Ramle Magistrate’s Court was the venue for a lawsuit filed by Yehuda Glickman against the Peleg Yerushalmi as he headed the Bnei Yeshivos Unit in the IDF and was targeted in the ‘Chardak’ campaign run by the Peleg and Eida Chareidis. The court ordered the Peleg to make compensatory payment in the among of NIS 650,000, which they thought would be paid by askanim from Satmar and the Eida Chareidis. The sum has yet to be paid.
In fact, a second lawsuit has been filed against them, this time by a former Shachar program official, seeking NIS 500,000 in damages. Here too Fein is mentioned along with Yonah Martzbach and others.
In the meantime, Shlomo Fein, the head of the Nefesh HaChaim Talmid Torah of the Peleg, a school that does not accept state funds, has yet to pay the NIS 650,000 and the court has already issued an order preventing him from leaving the country. This is the first stage prior to beginning legal collection actions against him.
Interestingly, while there are askanim who can easily pay the sum, no one is stepping forward and the Peleg is now beginning to ‘pass around the hat’ in the hope of raising the money needed to pay the amount. People are being asked to donate to the talmid torah to assist him, informing donators there will be a raffle on Chanukah and there are prizes including a hotel stay for a lucky winner.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Did Anti-Vaxx Parent of Yeshiva Ktana Passaic Lie Allowing Her Children To Contaminate Both Passaic & Lakewood With Measles?

Email to DIN
Measles Alert said...
The letter below from Yeshiva Ktana Passaic was prompted by the Lakewood bochur who went home to his anti-vaxx, anti-doctor mishpocho in Passaic

His younger sister in YKP girls building Bnos Bracha also got measles & went to school with it

The family is obviously lying on several fronts about their vaccination status because they are now afraid of a backlash. 
There are suspicions that they may have also submitted forged documentation to yeshivos regarding vaccinations (several anti-vaxx families in different cities are in fact also suspected of forging vaccination records which anyone with a computer can do)

Dear Parents,

All students of Yeshiva Ktana of Passaic, Bais Yaakov and Preschool have met the requirements of immunization. However, there is one case of measles in the Girls Building.

The Passaic Board of Health has mandated that all staff members must show proof of immunity to measles. Therefore, we are forced to close school tomorrow, November 28, 2018, for the Preschool, Bnos Bracha Elementary and Bais Yaakov High School (Boys Division will be open).

Tomorrow, all staff will be screened. Further information regarding school on Thursday, will be forthcoming.

Please note that the 8th grade girl’s trip will take place as scheduled. All chaperones have been cleared for measles. Please make sure your girls are at the Pennington entrance by 10:15. They should have lunch (no bread) and a siddur for Mincha. No knapsacks.

BYP Informational Evening is canceled for this evening. The new date will be announced.

Sorry for any inconvenience but it is beyond our control. If you have any questions please email rhirth@ykop.org

Thank you.
Rabbi Hirth

Is Their Difference Between A Roshei Yeshivah Advocating A Boycott Of A Jewish Owned Company and BDS?

Ahhhh! I knew it ..... 
I know exactly what you are thinking reading my headline....
Is DIN crazy???? You gotta be kidding.....?

A big known Roshei Yeshivah was dissed by El AL ... lied to..... was treated badly ....
and you are questioning his "Dass Torah?" 

Monroe Guy who allegedly killed man in Chinatown can still drive: DMV

The 70-year-old upstate motorist who allegedly killed a man and injured a half-dozen other pedestrians in Chinatown Monday is free — with a valid license in hand — to still drive.
Henry Herman, of Monroe, was charged with seven counts of criminal misdemeanor for failure to yield, one for each person struck, and three traffic violations, including for failure to exercise due care, unsafe backing of a vehicle and driving on/across a sidewalk.
He must appear in Criminal Court but was freed with a desk-appearance ticket after cops say he lost control of his SUV.
A DMV rep said Herman is still allowed to drive.
He “has a full and valid NYS driver license, and there are no other crashes or driving convictions on his record,” the spokeswoman said. The DMV couldn’t say if his license could be yanked if he is convicted.

Gilad Porat, 40, MISSING IN ISRAEL!!

The Israel Police is calling on the general public to assist in locating Gilad Porat, 40, who was last seen on 5 Kislev (November 13th) on Kanai Galili Street in Yerushalayim. 
He is 1.70 meters, full bodied, brown hair, brown eyes, wears eyeglasses, has a thick black long beard, and is described as a person ‘at risk’.
He is likely to be found in Yerushalayim or Kiryat Shmona.
Anyone with information is requested to call 02-568-3261 or 568-3266 or the ‘100’ emergency number.