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Showing posts with label YKP Girls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YKP Girls. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Did Anti-Vaxx Parent of Yeshiva Ktana Passaic Lie Allowing Her Children To Contaminate Both Passaic & Lakewood With Measles?

Email to DIN
Measles Alert said...
The letter below from Yeshiva Ktana Passaic was prompted by the Lakewood bochur who went home to his anti-vaxx, anti-doctor mishpocho in Passaic

His younger sister in YKP girls building Bnos Bracha also got measles & went to school with it

The family is obviously lying on several fronts about their vaccination status because they are now afraid of a backlash. 
There are suspicions that they may have also submitted forged documentation to yeshivos regarding vaccinations (several anti-vaxx families in different cities are in fact also suspected of forging vaccination records which anyone with a computer can do)

Dear Parents,

All students of Yeshiva Ktana of Passaic, Bais Yaakov and Preschool have met the requirements of immunization. However, there is one case of measles in the Girls Building.

The Passaic Board of Health has mandated that all staff members must show proof of immunity to measles. Therefore, we are forced to close school tomorrow, November 28, 2018, for the Preschool, Bnos Bracha Elementary and Bais Yaakov High School (Boys Division will be open).

Tomorrow, all staff will be screened. Further information regarding school on Thursday, will be forthcoming.

Please note that the 8th grade girl’s trip will take place as scheduled. All chaperones have been cleared for measles. Please make sure your girls are at the Pennington entrance by 10:15. They should have lunch (no bread) and a siddur for Mincha. No knapsacks.

BYP Informational Evening is canceled for this evening. The new date will be announced.

Sorry for any inconvenience but it is beyond our control. If you have any questions please email rhirth@ykop.org

Thank you.
Rabbi Hirth