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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Frum Child ITerrorist n Beit Shemesh Throws A Rock At Woman For Being Immodest

Now we have children following in the footsteps of their parents. We are bringing up a generation of savages ...... who have no respect for anyone that doesn't look like them .....
Where are the "internet banning" rabbis? Where are the Gedoilim who prohibit people with Iphones from being witnesses at weddings?
Tell me the difference between them and arab children throwing rocks????
A chareidi child Terrorist on Tuesday, 13 Iyar, threw a rock at a 50-year-old woman R”L when he decided she was not dressed modestly.
The woman, Mrs. Rachael Sifra, was transported to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital with only light injuries Baruch Hashem. Police are searching for the child terrorist who attacked her.
The victim’s daughter relates to the incident as a “terror attack”, explaining her mother was injured in her head and she required medical care in a hospital. She points out her mother was walking in Beit Shemesh; which is primarily secular and dati leumi, as opposed to Ramat Beit Shemesh; which is primarily chareidi, but she was attacked nonetheless.
Beit Shemesh Mayor (Shas) Moshe Abutbul spoke with Beit Shemesh Police Chief Ronen Garush, asking him to take part in a special session in City Hall. The investigation continues as does the search for the boy.
Mrs. Sifra spoke to Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Wednesday morning 14 Iyar, telling of her ordeal and how she is disgusted, explaining she was walking on the street in her area and was attacked at 7:00PM because she was wearing a tee-shirt. She did not see the attacker, explaining “I was in shock and simply did not know how to react. They took me to Hadassah and I am still there”.
Mrs. Sifra lives in Beit Shemesh for 32 years, adding she was attacked with a rock for the first time a few years ago but the rock missed. Then too she admits it was because “They felt I was not dressed modestly”.
Mrs. Sifra lives in a mixed area of religious and secular areas but the attack occurred in the exclusively religious area. She is fed up with shouts of “Shabbes” all the time, adding in one occasion her husband fell and fractured his arm.
For Rachel, she has had enough and plans to leave the city for Ashdod. She adds many others feel as she does, questioning why religious neighbors cannot tolerate others.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Trump Hater Colbert Announces Comey’s Firing, But Audience Cheers????

Here’s a fascinating little encapsulation of life in 2017 America. When the rules change on the fly so instantly, it’s tough for an audience of trained seals to know how to react.

When the studio audience cheered James Comey’s firing, as they’ve been trained to do for half a year now, Colbert retorted: “Huge, huge Donald Trump fans here tonight.” Well, that’s what they get for missing that hairpin swerve in the narrative. The daily Two Minutes Hate gets confusing when you don’t know who and what to boo.

If you’ve picked a team, you gotta stick with that team no matter what. If that means howling for six months about firing James Comey, and then turning on a dime and condemning the firing of James Comey, so be it.

In this clip of Colbert announcing Comey's firing, his crowd appears to be confused by how Colbert wanted them to react, and then syncing back up with Colbert's opinion seconds later. This creates for a hilariously awkward moment that leaves Colbert off guard for a few seconds, and then instantly disses his audiences as "Trump fans". What a dunce.
So...does this prove Colbert fans really are sheep that happen to think whatever Colbert wants them to think?

Rabbi Dovber Pinson Defends Meeting With Irrelevant Pope

James Comey FBI Director Fired

FBI Director James Comey has been fired, according to the White House.
"Today, President Donald J. Trump informed FBI Director James Comey that he has been terminated and removed from office," the White House statement reads.
"President Trump acted based on the clear recommendations of both Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions," the statement said.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Demented "Rabbis" Defend Linda Sarsour and Rasmea Odeh

Leon Kaner and Edward Joffe, the Jewish students murdered by Rasmea Odeh.

The New York Daily News has an op-ed by rabbis Ellen Lippman and Barat Ellman, in which they fully endorse Linda Sarsour’s activities, and defend her from accusations of antisemitism and supporting terror.
How they treat and downplay the most damning piece of evidence about Sarsour’s support for terrorism shows how intellectually dishonest that Sarsour’s supporters are:
Still others point to her friendship with and support of Rasmea Odeh, who was convicted of involvement in a 1970 supermarket bombing in Israel that killed two people. They ignore Odeh’s claim that she was tortured and coerced into confessing guilt, a contention worth exploring.
This is simply disgusting.
There is overwhelming evidence of Odeh’s guilt, not the least of which is her friend bragging about Odeh’s role in killing Israelis in a film that is sympathetic to Palestinian terrorists..
There is also overwhelming evidence that Odeh was not tortured; in fact, she confessed to the murders only one day after her arrest, not after “25 days of torture” as she claims.
Legal Insurrection tells the entire Odeh story in great detail; no one can credibly claim that she is not a terrorist after reading it. Odeh herself admits to plotting to attack the British Consulate in Israel.
Clearly, Lippman and Ellman care more about supporting those who want to destroy Israel than telling the truth. More sickeningly, they give credibility to convicted terrorists, and cast aspersions on Israel’s justice system, even though Odeh’s trial was transparent and fair (even according to the ICRC).
Lippman and Ellman are also spitting on the memories of Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner, the two students that Odeh murdered. Instead, they choose to endorse someone who supports terrorism, Sharia law, the destruction of Israel, and who claims that feminists cannot be Zionists.
These “rabbis” don’t give a damn about the facts of the case. They will support their anti-Israel friends no matter what.
They are beneath contempt.

Rabbi Accused of Raping His Student Continues As the Principal of the School

The Alleged "Groiser Chazzir" "Rabbi" Greer Shlitah

A rabbi accused of repeatedly raping and molesting a teenage boy has been ordered to testify at a civil trial after invoking his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination during a deposition.
Jury selection for Rabbi Daniel Greer’s trial in federal court in Hartford is scheduled to start Wednesday. Jurors could begin hearing evidence later in the day or Thursday.
Greer, 76, remains the principal at the Yeshiva of New Haven school. A former student at the Jewish boarding school, Eliyahu “Eli” Mirlis, now 29, is suing Greer and the school on allegations of sexual assault, infliction of emotional distress and other claims.
Mirlis, who attended the school from 2001 to 2005, also alleges in the lawsuit that Greer sexually abused at least one other male student. The Associated Press generally does not name people who allege sexual assault, but Mirlis wanted to come forward, his lawyer said.
Greer has denied the allegations and has not been criminally charged. New Haven police say they’re looking into a sexual assault complaint filed by Mirlis’ lawyer, Antonio Ponvert III.
Greer and his lawyers, David Grudberg and William Ward, did not return phone and email messages seeking comment.
According to court documents, Greer invoked his right against self-incrimination at a deposition last year. His lawyers asked a judge to bar Mirlis from calling Greer to the witness stand, but the request was denied.
“Parading Mr. Greer before the jury to repeatedly invoke the Fifth Amendment privilege will only serve to paint him as ‘a criminal who has probably eluded justice’ in the eyes of the finders of fact, which will cause significant and irreparable prejudice in this case,” Grudberg and Ward wrote in a motion filed last month, adding that Greer also would invoke his Fifth Amendment right if called to testify.
Although Judge Michael P. Shea denied the request this month, he said Greer’s lawyers could object to specific questions to prevent Greer from having to repeatedly take the Fifth on the stand.
Ward has questioned why Mirlis came forward with the allegations years later and did not take the matter before a rabbinical arbitration court. He said the allegations have damaged Greer, his family and the good reputation he spent years building in the community.
Greer is a graduate of Princeton and Yale Law School who has testified before the state legislature several times on a variety of issues, including opposing same-sex unions in 2002 before the state approved same-sex marriage. He also is a former member of the New Haven police commissioners’ board and a past chairman of the New Haven Redevelopment Agency.
He also led efforts to improve New Haven’s Edgewood neighborhood.
Greer’s daughter was among a group of Orthodox Jewish students who sued Yale University in the late 1990s, claiming the school’s requirement that they live in coed dorms violated their constitutional rights. A federal judge disagreed and dismissed the lawsuit.

Rabbi Yair Hoffman States That R' Gluck's Visit to the Pope was a matter of "Pikuach Nefesh"?

Rabbi Yair Hoffman the posek of Yeshivaworld Blog, paskened that the visit of R' Gluck, (the Chief Rabbi of the "Palisades Parkway") to the Pope was permitted, since the matter of discussion between R' Gluck and the irrelevant Pope was "Pikuach Nefesh"! 

Rabbi Hoffman writes: 
"As mentioned in a previous article, actually meeting with the pope and developing good will with the pontiff is certainly worthwhile to pursue. The song and dance was, in this author’s opinion, not something that should have been tacked on. Of course, it is likely that the askanim posed the questions to their Rabbinic authorities and Poskim, who may have felt that under the circumstances of the issues being discussed with the pope – it was warranted. The fact is that Reb Tzvi Gluck’s work is so important and is a matter of Pikuach Nefesh that it may indeed, trump many of these other issues – in order to get the message out. On the other hand, it could be that the message could have been made without the singing and dancing."

Excuseeeeeeeeeee me........ R' Gluck discussed a matter of "pikuach nefesh?" ..... that's interesting because you yourself wrote in the psak  and the The Yeshivaworld Blog reported  that the purpose to meet the "Old Christian Kocker" was because of Jewish graves?

Question #1 to R' Hoffman:
What was the "pikuach nefesh?"  
Crazy me, I thought that "pikuach nefesh" only applies to people still alive and breathing.....

Question #2 to R'Hoffman:
You write that: 
"Of course, it is likely that the askanim posed the questions to their Rabbinic authorities and Poskim, who may have felt that under the circumstances of the issues being discussed with the pope – it was warranted. "

Well if they "posed the question to their Rabbinic authorities," why do we need your psak?
Didn't they get a psak?

Monday, May 8, 2017

Rabbi Gluck Dons His Spodik to Meet the Pope that Represents People That Butchered Jews Throughout History!

I know, I know, Rabbonim including Rishonim would visit the Pope ....... but that was way different. In those days the Pope was like a king with an army that ruled over most of Europe, and the Gedoilim had no choice. Nowadays the Pope, rules over only the Vatican ... and is basically irrelevant even to his followers.

This mashiginar "tuchis lekker" Harav Hagoen (fin dee ma nishtana) Edger Gluck , the Chief Rabbi of the Palisades Parkway, wore his "Shabbasdike Begodim" to greet the Pope, who wears a gigantic cross!

 His encourage danced and  sang "orach yuomim" wishing the old Christian kocker "long life." See Video below

The Yeshivaworld blog, compared Rabbi Gluck, the Rabbi of the Palisades Parkway, to Harav Ovadia Yofef z"l that visited the Pope .....
Here see the Rabbi of the Palisades Parkway smiling like a "Chulent Bundel"
The Yeshivaworld blog, compared the Good Rabbi Gluck, the Rabbi of the Palisades Parkway, to Harav Ovadia Yofef z"l that visited the Pope .....
YWN wrote:
It is interesting to note, that in 2014 the Chief Rabbis of Israel met with the Pope, with haRav Yitzchak Yosef wearing a golden necklace around his neck that had the Luchos on it. At the time, YWN published the reason for this, and related that it was an inheritance from his father, Maran Hagaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZATZAL – who himself wore that golden Luchos when he met with previous Popes.

Macron wins French Election ... Radical Muslims Excited!

"The Forward" Fake News Denigrates a Friend of Jews & Israel .. Calls Him "An Anti-Semite"

What is it with stupid liberal leftist Jews who support an anti-Semite like Linda Sarsour, and at the very same time denigrate a person who loves Jews and supports the State of  Israel like Dr. Sebastian Gorka..?

The Fake News ...The Forward, will try everything to denounce President Trump even if it means making up stories ... tying dr. Gorka to Nazis????  .......

By Rabbi Heshie Billet
This past week has been both solemn and happy in Israel. Israel mourned and remembered more than 23,500 of her best men and women who died defending their country, as well as the many innocent victims murdered in evil acts of terror. 

On the very day Israel celebrated 69 years as the only true independent democracy in the Middle East, UNESCO slammed it as the aggressive “occupying power” of Jerusalem and referred to that city’s holy sites by Muslim names only.

At the same time, the invitation given to Muslim-American activist Linda Sarsour to speak at a CUNY commencement has continued to evoke condemnation. Sarsour — who was praised by New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand as a “suffragist” because of her role in the Women’s March on Washington earlier this year — recently shared a podium in Chicago with fellow activist and marcher Rasmea Odeh. They each attacked Zionists for their supposed “land grab.” Ironically, they spoke before a group called “Jewish Voice for Peace,” whose mission statement includes seeking “an end to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem” and “security and self-determination for Israelis and Palestinians.”
Odeh is being deported from the US because she never reported in her immigration application that, as a terrorist in Israel, she murdered two men and was convicted by a military court. She served ten years in jail before being released in a prisoner exchange.
Sarsour declared in The Nation in March that one cannot be both a feminist and a Zionist. This week, former Anti-Defamation League national director Abe Foxman called Sarsour “a bigot.” And yet, she continues to receive support from Jews and non-Jews who are blind to who she really is.
Some of the same people advocating for Sarsour have attacked Dr. Sebastian Gorka, a deputy assistant to President Donald Trump. The most glaring allegations against him are that he is an antisemite with connections to fascist groups in his late father’s native Hungary. Because these are very serious charges, I chose to investigate the matter. What I learned was that the allegations are baseless and entirely unfounded. Gorka’s interactions with Jews, Jewish communities and Israel have been uniformly positive and thoroughly supportive.  
But first of all, who is Gorka? He is a British-born scholar with expertise in radical Islam and counter-terrorism. His father was a political prisoner in Communist Hungary who continued fighting to free his country even after his escape to London. Before that, the Gorka family had assisted Jewish friends during the Holocaust.
Gorka himself returned to Hungary as a young man to help his ancestral homeland anchor itself with the West. Without question his politics skewed to the right. When key segments of the Hungarian Right began expressing antisemitism, Gorka fought them in ways that ended his political career in the country.
My investigation into Gorka taught me that he is (at least) the third generation of his family to take personal risks on behalf of freedom and on behalf of Jews.
Gorka’s chief critic has been Jane Eisner, the editor-in-chief of The Forward, which has published many articles making a case against him. The time and effort the paper put into this work is impressive. 
I have to believe that if there was anything — even a single anecdote — in Gorka’s past that was remotely antisemitic, The Forward would have found it. Yet in all the articles, there was not a single report of anything Gorka ever said, did or wrote that might paint Jews in a negative light. The closest thing to validation of his naysayers was a video of an interview he gave that was deceptively edited to make it look as if he supported something he clearly opposed — as anyone who read a complete transcript of the interview could discern.
As far as I can tell, The Forward’s entire case against Gorka seems to be that he is proud of his Hungarian heritage and has worked with the Hungarian Right. While we all know that Hungary — like many counties in the world — has produced antisemitic figures, including some active in its political right today, the efforts to tar him with that brush are not based on any evidence at all. To smear an innocent man is immoral and politically dishonest.
So during this week when we mourned and celebrated with Israel, we continued to face anti-Zionism and antisemitism in America. Sarsour has tried to obfuscate her anti-Zionism with a show of philosemitism (she raised money to repair a desecrated Jewish cemetery in St. Louis). Also, many Jewish women worked with her on the Washington march. But as we know from the UN — the parent body of UNESCO — anti-Zionism is antisemitism. Unfortunately, too many Jews are in the ranks of the anti-Zionist camp. And too many Jews have joined with the allies of Sarsour in libeling Gorka.
As a Jew who has children living in Gush Etzion and members of my family who have served in or are set to enlist in the IDF, I am very proud. I did not vote for Trump in November. But he is our elected president and all Americans are invested in his success.
I support freedom of the press and I think the president should spend less time attacking the media and more time doing the work of all of the people of America who he was elected to serve. I believe he will find a more balanced press when he does. But he must know that there will always be media criticism. All of America, including the president, are the beneficiaries of a free press.
In fairness to the president, Gorka was a great appointment and he should be commended for it. The Gorka calumny should be buried once and for all.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

UN Bastards Slap Israel on It's Birthday

Israeli leaders from across the political spectrum slammed the UNESCO vote to deny Israel's right to sovereignty over its capital city of Jerusalem Tuesday.

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said that fewer nations supported Tuesday's resolution than had supported similar anti-Israel UNESCO resolutions last year.

“Over the last two days I’ve had numerous conversations with various heads of state and foreign ministers about the absurd vote at the UN. The result is that a number of countries that support this absurd proposal is shrinking,” he says. “A year ago it was 32, six months ago it dropped to 26, and now its down to 22 countries,” Netanyahu said.
“I still want to make a systematic and consistent effort to reduce this even further, because these kinds of votes have no place at the UN,” Netanyahu added.
“Today there are more countries that support Israel or abstain than countries that oppose Israel,” he adds. “Its a change, for the first time.”

Opposition leader Yizthak Herzog called the resolution anti-Semitic.

“This [UNESCO resolution] is an anti-Semitic and anti-Israel disgrace that distorts the history of the Jewish people and their unshakable connection to their capital, Jerusalem,” Herzog said.

“This is a miserable, baseless and aggressive decision that will find itself in the garbage can of history, just like the accusation that Zionism is racism," Herzog added.

Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely said: “UNESCO’s expected political decision only harms the organization — which is supposed to preserve heritage and culture — by repeatedly misusing its role when it comes to Israel.”

“Israel does not need approvals from political bodies to connect the unshakable historical connection to our eternal capital, a connection that is over 3,000 years old and cries out from each and every stone in this city," she added.

Israeli President Reuvin Rivlin told foreign ambassadors gathered at his residence to celebrate Israel's Independence Day that their governments should respond to the resolution by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving their embassies there.

“It is time to put an end to the absurd. It is time to recognize Jerusalem, as the official capital of the State of Israel. De facto, not just de jure. It is time to move all the official embassies here, to Jerusalem,” Rivlin said.

22 nations voted to pass the resolution declaring that Israel's sovereignty over Jerusalem is null and void. 10 nations opposed the resolution while 23 nations abstained.

Satmar putting 2,000 Students on Old Camp Regesh Grounds

The Central United Talmudical Academy (Satmar) of Monsey has submitted new information about its proposal to construct a separate boys and girls school at the former Camp Regesh property at 236 Cherry Lane. The project has been estimated to cost approximately $20 million.
Among the new details is a plan to construct a second driveway to access the property, according to village documents. The school is expected to have 2,000 students.
School buses currently access the 22-acre property, where Central UTA now runs its girls school, through a single driveway on the two-lane road. Its boys school is operating elsewhere.
Steven Barshov, an attorney for the school, said adding a driveway typically helps to improve circulation into and out of the property, eliminate congestion, and alleviate safety issues.
Barshov added that the proposal remains in an “informational stage.”
In communications with the village filed in March, the school’s engineering firm said that ongoing discussions were to “better develop the layout and identify the required permitting agencies involved before engaging in more detailed engineering.”
Nonetheless, the school anticipates starting construction on the first of two phases later this year, according to documents filed with the village.
The developer is expected to present its unofficial plan to the Airmont Planning Board on May 25. Public comment will not be allowed because it will be a preliminary presentation.
The proposal to expand the religious school has roiled residents in the residential neighborhood.
“It wouldn’t work,” said resident Adam Haimowitz said, who lives across the street from Central UTA.
On a recent weekday morning, Haimowitz, 35, was removing the roof of his Jeep Wrangler in his driveway, which nearly faces Central UTA’s driveway. His home also is adjacent to Cherry Lane Elementary School.
Haimowitz said narrow roads and the neighborhood’s residential character cannot sustain an influx of thousands of students and the accompanying buses.
“This road is not big enough for it. There’s too much traffic. There are so many accidents on this road to begin with,” he added.
Isaac Gruber, a representative of the school, said the expansion was necessary to sustain the school’s rapidly growing population.
The school currently has approximately 800 students, which is expected to swell to 2,000 by 2020.
“The school wants to be able to be ahead of the curve instead of behind the curve,” Gruber said.
Before Central UTA purchased the property in August 2016, a camp and school were run there for more than a decade.
The proposal may require variances and approvals to construct the buildings because the property is located in a residential district, according to village documents.
The school is requesting to build only 170 parking spaces out of the 487 required, according to village documents. The school is requesting to land bank the rest, which would give it the option of adding the parking spaces later.
There are currently two one-story buildings on the property. There are also multiple modular units set up, in addition to playgrounds and basketball courts.
The school’s two-phase preliminary plan includes:
  • Two three-story buildings, each containing 73,000 square feet.
  • Construction of the first building, which will contain the boys school, is expected to begin later this year.
  • Construction of the second building, which will house the girls school, will begin when the first building is complete.
  • The second building is expected to be completed by 2022.
  • The school is expected to house 2,000 students.
  • Students will be in pre-school through ninth grade and younger than 16 years old.​
  • The school will run year round.
  • Approximately 80 buses would transport students to and from the property during daily operational hours, according to previous estimates.
- See more at: http://monsey.com/airmont-religious-school-expansion-plan-revealed/#sthash.4i0fdMMl.dpuf

Chareidie hypocrites made Hadlaka at Miron a Mitzvah "Min Ha'Torah"

הרב  דוד יוסף, יוצא במתקפה חריפה נגד ההמונים שעולים מיד עם צאת שבת להר מירון בכדי לחגוג את ל"ג בעומר בציון רבי שמעון בר יוחאי. הרב הזכיר את העובדה שהחילונים דוחים את יום העצמאות שחל בשבת, ותהה כיצד אנחנו החרדים לא מסוגלים לדחות את מנהג ל"ג בעומר ואמר כי זו "צביעות". את השיעור הקדיש חבר המועצת לעילוי נשמח חיילי צה"ל.

Rabbi David Yosef, has chastised those Chareidim who leave immediately after Shabbos to Miron to celebrate Lag Ba'omer at the grave of R' Shimon Bar Yoichai. 
Lag Be'Omer will fall on Sunday this year.

The Rabbi pointed out that the Chilonim pushed off Yom Hatzmoet to Tuesday, to avoid Chillul Shabbos. "Yet we Chareidim apparently don't care if Chillul Shabbos happens ...."

בפתח שיעורו השבועי אמר הגר"ד יוסף: "כשקמה המדינה קבעו את יום הזיכרון לד' באייר ואת יום העצמאות לה' באייר. והנה מה קרה השנה, ד' באייר יצא ביום ראשון, לכן כבר מלכתחילה הדתיים שהיו אז בהקמת המדינה טענו שלעשות את יום הזיכרון והעצמאות צריך להתארגן ויש חשש לחילול שבת, ולכן גם החילונים הסכימו והם דחו את יום הזיכרון ביום אחד ואת יום העצמאות והעיקר שלא יהיה חילול שבת".

"החילונים הסכימו, אבל החרדים לא מסכימים לדחות את ל"ג בעומר בכמה שעות", המשיך הגר"ד. "למה? יש 'מצוות עשה מהתורה' - כתוב בפירוש בתורה שכל עם ישראל חייב לעלות לרגל למירון ולעשות מדורה, 'מצוות עשה מהתורה'. אבל בגלל זה יצטרכו הרבה שוטרים לחלל שבת".

In the preface of his shiur, Rabbi Yose pointed out that when the State of Israel was established, they scheduled Yom Hazikoron on the 4th day of Iyur and Yom Haztmeot on the 5th day of Iyur.

This year the 4th day of Iyur fell out on Sunday ..... way back when the State was established, the Chareidim and the Chilonim agreed that in a case where the 4th falls out on Sunday they would push it off to Monday, to avoid Chillul Shabbos, since if Yom Hazikoron would be celebrated on Sunday ...preparations would start on Shabbos, causing Chillul Shabbos.

So the good Rabbi wondered why the Chilonim agreed to push it off .....yet the Charedie hypocrites wouldn't push off the Hadlaka to Monday ..... by doing the Hadlaka on Sunday the Police would need to prepare on Shabbos causing Chillul Shabbos.

הגר"ד יוסף גיבה את המשטרה ואמר: "מה אתם רוצים מהמשטרה? אתם טומנים את ראשכם בחול. מה אתם רוצים מהמשטרה? המשטרה חייבת לדאוג לביטחון ולסדר. תתארו לכם שלא תהיה משטרה, ראיתם מה קרה כשהיה קצת ריפיון בשמירה בהלוויה של הרב וואזנר - היו הרוגים. המשטרה חייבת להיערך".

"במקום למחות נגד המשטרה, צריך למחות נגד החרדים!", המשיך הרב בחריפות, "כן! נגד אלו שיצרו מצווה חדשה. מיד הם חייבים לצאת לדרך עם צאת השבת, ואז המשטרה חייבת להיערך".

חבר מועצת חכמי התורה הזהיר את אלו שיוצאים למירון מיד עם צאת השבת: "האנשים הללו, בידיהם הם גורמים לזה שהמשטרה מחללת שבת". כמו כן הזהיר הגר"ד יוסף כי אלו שנוסעים מיד עם צאת השבת נכשלים בחילול שבת שכן האוטובוסים צריכים להיערך לפני צאת השבת, "אנחנו ממש מכשילים אותם".

"זה פשוט צביעות", הוסיף הרב בכאב, "זו צביעות. איך יתכן שאנשים מזלזלים, גורמים לאלפים לחלל שבת, גורמים לאוטובוסים לחלל שבת, נכשלים בעצמם, למה לא נלמד מהחילונים? החילונים הסכימו לדחות את יום הזיכרון ואת יום העצמאות רק בגלל שהם התחשבו שלא יהיה חילול שבת. ואנחנו לא מתחשבים? מה זה פה? זו צביעות!".

"בושה וחרפה. תדחו את זה. תדחו את ההדלקה לארבע בבוקר. תסגרו את כל המתחם. לסגור את המתחם עד חצות הלילה. שאם מישהו חושב שהוא יתפוס 'תנור ראשון' בגהינום הוא ידע שהמקום סגור. לשמר איזה מנהג כשאלפים ורבבות מחללים שבת?", אמר הרב לסיום.

The Rabbi went on to point out the hypocrisy of the Chareidim ....they keep yelling at the police that they are being mechallel shabbos ..... preparing for the Sunday Hadlaka ....

"What do you want from the Police.... they have an obligation to protect the public ..... why are you hiding your head in sand? .....  you don't want police? ....let's watch and see what happens when they're aren't any police..... remember what happened at the funeral of Rabbi Wosner? .... Because they're wasn't enough police presence...people got killed by the stampede.....

Instead of protesting the Chillul Shabbos of the police .... protest the hypocrisy of the Chareidim..."

Ger In Arad will fly brand new Israeli Flag on Independence Day Dissing The Satmar Crazies

The Rov of the Gur community in Arad, Rabbi Tzvi Bialistotzky, has sent a letter to Mayor Nissan Ben-Chamu, in which he requests the city replace the Israeli flag flown on the roof of the main shul in the city.

Readers are reminded that the relationship between the Gerrer Chassidus in Arab and City Hall is one of machlokes, particularly pertaining to Gur’s claims to the main shul.
The rav points out in the letter that the flag will be flown atop of the city’s main shul on Independence Day as is the custom annually, however, the flag is worn from use and it is no longer respectful for what is represents. The rav askes the Arad Municipality to immediately replace the flag with a new one, before Independence Day.
It is reported the flag was replaced last year but is once again in poor condition and in need of replacement and the rav calls on the city to replace it out of an act of respect for the flag, what it represents, and the mispallalim of the shul.

Neturei Karta Mamzeirim Rip The National Flag From The Wrong Vehicle!

A number of Neturei Karta mamzeirim on Monday night, tore an Israeli flag off of the wrong vehicle. The incident occurred in the Shmuel HaNavi neighborhood of the capital when they tore the flag of a couple’s vehicle.
However, the couple are members of “Otzma Yehudit” and a number of other members were in another vehicle following the vehicle targeted by the savages. The activists got out of their vehicles and gave the savages a beating to teach them a lesson. The  animalswere quick to extricate themselves and flee, shocked at the reaction to their actions.
Responding to the incident, Otzma Yehudit party leader former MK Dr. Michael Ben-Ari stated “Attacking the Israeli flag is the continuation of the treason by a small number in the chareidi camp who prefer a PLO flag and identify without Israel’s enemies. 
The time has come to teach them that one who attacks the Israeli flag will find those opposite them who will teach them the days of this behavior are over”.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Hatikvah ...... Hope!

What Led up to the Declaration of Israel? Moments in History

As Israel's Independence Day arrives – its 69th edition is celebrated on Tuesday, May 2 – let's face it: Not everyone knows exactly what happened when. Ask a given millennial how Israel arose, and as likely as not, the answer will be, "Uh, we were in exile for 2,000 years and then the British left and we had a State."

Somehow something seems to be missing from that explanation…
Let us therefore now review three critical, distinct stages leading up to the declaration of the State of Israel on the 5th of Iyar, 5708 (May 14, 1948): The Balfour Declaration, the UN partition vote, and Independence Day itself.

On the macro level, let us say this:
* The Balfour Declaration in 1917 was the first indication that the international community might recognize a Jewish State in the Land of Israel;

* the UN vote in 1947 confirmed that such a state would actually be established at a specific point in time;

* and May 14, 1948 marked the actual transition from the Yishuv [the Jewish community in Eretz Yisrael [known then as Palestine] to a full-fledged independent State.

The Balfour Declaration
important? Why would Great Britain's sympathy or lack thereof be of such great interest?
The answer is two-fold: After 400 years of nearly-uninterrupted Turkish rule over the Holy Land, the British were on the verge of capturing it. This was towards the end of the first World War, and the British were about to become the new rulers of the Land of Israel! And here they were, in practically their first public statement on the topic, saying that they "viewed with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people."

The letter even stated that the Britain would use its "best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object."
In addition, the Balfour Declaration received much of its validity two years later when it was approved by the allied conference in San Remo – and the San Remo resolutions were themselves confirmed by the entire international community in a League of Nations vote in 1924.
But what about the Arabs living in Palestine? Surely the British and the League of Nations would not ignore their rights?! Surely indeed: The Balfour letter stated clearly that the "civil and religious rights" of all non-Jewish communities in Palestine must be preserved. In other words, individual rights such as freedom of religion must not be withheld from anyone, but national rights belonged exclusively to the Jews..
The full text of the Balfour Declaration can be read below.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Muslim Comedian Mocks Trump at White House Correspondents' Dinner

The 'Daily Show' Muslim comedian and host of the 2017 White House Correspondents' dinner Hasan Minhaj, mocked everyone from Bill O'Reilly to the 45th President himself during the annual event. 

President Trump, who was conspicuously absent for the proceedings, took the brunt of the majority of the jokes, with Minaj, the Muslim,  referring to him as the 'Liar in Chief'. 

'We've got to address the elephant that's not in the room,' cracked the Muslim entertainment headliner.'

The leader of our country is not here. And that's because he lives in Moscow. It's a very long flight. As for the other guy, I think he's in Pennsylvania because he can't take a joke.'

Harav Binyamin Kamenetzky, Z”l

The community of Five Towns was greatly saddened by the news of the passing of Harav Binyamin Kamenetzky, z”l, at the age of 93.

Rav Binyamin was born in 1923, the oldest son of Hagaon Harav Yaakov Kamenetsky, zt”l. He learned in Telz in Europe as a bachur before moving with his family to the United States in 1937, where he learned in Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim under the Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon Harav Dovid Leibowitz, zt”l, and later at Ner Yisroel, where the Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon Harav Yaakov Yitzchak Ruderman, zt”l, was his father’s cousin.
He returned to New York and married the daughter of Harav Pinchus Eliyahu Spiegel zt”l, the Ostrove-Kalushiner Rebbe in the Bronx, and he became a rebbe in Yeshiva Toras Chaim in East New York which was founded by Rav Isaac Shmidman, z”l. One day, he met a child who’d traveled from Cedarhurst, and he realized that there was no yiddishkeit there. With his father’s blessing he moved to the Five Towns where he set out to build a Jewish community.
Rav Binyamin opened the Young Israel of Woodmere, and later the Yeshiva of South Shore—Yeshiva Toras Chaim and the Torah Academy for Girls, and he made the Five Towns into the flowering Jewish community that it is today.
He is survived by his choshuve siblings, Hagaon Harav Shmuel, Harav Noson and Mrs. Rivka Diskind, his children, Mrs. Sarah Knobel, Mrs. Esther Wilhelm, Mrs. Shani Lefkowitz, wife of Rav Simcha Lefkowitz, Rav Mordechai Kamenetzky, and Rav Tzvi Kamenetzky, as well as grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
The levayah will take place on Sunday, at Yeshiva of South Shore, 1170 William Street, Hewlett, NY, at 10 A.M.
Yehi zichro baruch.