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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Ben Gurion Told Leading Rabbis: I Wish I'd Studied More Torah

The Jerusalem-based Kedem Auction House has put up for sale an original typed protocol of two meetings between the Council of Torah Sages and Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and President Yitzchak Ben-Zvi, respectively. 

The meetings, which took place in the summer of 1953, dealt with the controversial topic of the drafting of women to National Service (Sherut Leumi).

The rabbis who called on Ben-Gurion were among the most prominent of that generation: 
Jerusalem's Chief Rabbi Tzvi Pesach Frank,
 Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer,
 Rabbi Meir Karelitz (brother of the Chazon Ish), 
and Rabbi Menachem Porush.

The protocol shows that Rabbi Frank opened the meeting by saying, "According to Jewish Law, it is not permitted to draft women to the army or to any form of national service. We request that you nullify this idea… We greatly fear that we will reach a situation, Heaven forfend, that [we will face the Divine consequence of] 'your sons and daughters will be given over to another nation.'"

The protocol later notes, "Silence reigned in the room, and tears flowed from his eyes, and deep heart-breaking sighs were heard from the two great rabbis Meltzer and Karelitz." Rabbi Frank, too, broke down in silent weeping at at least one point.

"In our great love for our Holy Land," Rabbi Karelitz told Ben-Gurion, "we live in trembling and piercing fear to the depths of our soul that possibly, as a result of this law to draft women, we might face, Heaven forbid, the Torah's warning, 'lest the Land vomit you out in your defilement of her.'"

Though the rabbis and Ben-Gurion did not reach any agreement, Ben-Gurion said, "I sit before you in great awe, and I know that I must be careful with what I say, so that I not be as one who 'teaches the law in front of his teachers.' I am always sorry that I did not learn enough Torah, but I know to honor you and your prominence. I know your position and your status and your great influence."

Despite these conciliatory words, the two sides did not reach any agreement on the issue. Ben-Gurion said that there are some rabbis who favor National Service for women, but Rabbi Frank insisted, "The Knesset cannot determine Jewish Law." 

At the end of the meeting, Ben-Gurion said, "I want you to know that I, too, know that we will not be saved by the sword…I well know that we have emerged victorious in the merit of [the] spirit."

The papers are said to be in "good condition," with "creases and filing holes," and the opening price has been set at $300. 

The auction will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, at Hechal Shlomo in the capital.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Rav Berland vanishes!

He's a cat that has  9 lives...
The Israelis want him for abusing and molesting women that came to him for help!

Sounds familiar?

On Erev Shabbos 16 Tammuz is was reported that Rabbi Eliezer Berland was hospitalized in Holland. 

However it has since been learned that when chassidim wished to inquire into the well-being of the rav, he was nowhere to be found, leading to the question where he is at present.

Last week the Supreme Court in Holland rejected the rabbi’s appeal and ruled that he should be handed over to Israel Police, honoring an Israeli extradition request. 

While no one is saying with absolute certainty what is going on, it is believed Berland managed to flee Holland to a country that does not have an extradition treaty with Israel.

Chassidim who met with Berland in recent days report that Berland instructed them to return to Israel, adding “these are my last days in Holland”, leading to the belief that Berland is on the run once again. 

Rabbi Dror Tzanani, a member of Berland's inner circle, told chassidim that to the best of his knowledge Rabbi Berland left Holland for a place that will not hand him over to Israel. 

Hundreds of the Berland's chassidim are in Holland and it is to be determined if they will now return to Israel. According to reports from the Shuvu Banim community, some are returning home while others are waiting in Holland.

It is pointed out that this is all speculation and the only thing that is known is that Rabbi Berland has vanished following the High Court ruling against him. 

Arabs don't like when rocks are thrown back at them!

Finally some Jews are taking the law in their own hands and throwing rocks at Arabs!
The Arabs don't like it one bit! The hate the taste of their own medicine. They want to have the exclusive rights to throw stones!
Now they  cry crocodile tears!
I really believe that if the Chareidim would bring flatbeds with rocks and have those flatbeds escort those who go to Har Hazeisim...and  the second the Arab bastards start throwing stones ... they get stones thrown right back at them... the whole "Har Hazeisim Arab rock throwing business" would cease immediately!
I also believe that the Jewish Stone throwers should be released immediately! Yup! 
Two frum men were  arrested in Jerusalem on Saturday afternoon after lightly wounding a Palestinian woman while throwing rocks at Arab vehicles exiting Highway 1 near the Old City’s Damascus Gate, police said on Sunday.

Several Arab cars were pelted by rocks before striking the passenger- side window of the car the woman was in, resulting in abrasions from the shattered glass, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said.

After the car the woman was traveling in pulled over, a near riot broke out when the haredi assailants and a group of Arab locals threw rocks at each other.

“Police responded quickly and arrested the two haredim for throwing rocks at the vehicles and wounding the woman,” said Rosenfeld. “An Arab man was also arrested for throwing rocks back at the suspects.”

The wounded woman was treated at the scene by Magen David Adom paramedics and did not require hospitalization, Rosenfeld said. It remains unclear how much damage was caused to the other vehicles targeted in the attack.

Satmar gangsters in Monroe spray Chabad guys with paint

Satmar, of course, thinks that Monroe is Romania, and that they have exclusive rights to Monroe. 

So when a bunch of Lubavitcher boys were selling Chabad seforim in Kiryas Yoel, Satmar barbarians sprayed them with paint.  

Monroe, is golus and in golus there are no exclusive enclaves contrary to what the Satmar gypsies tell you!

Monroe and Kiryas Yoel belong to the goyim even if the majority in Kiryas Yoel are Satmar...

What is really interesting is that these same Satmar bullies, when they find themselves in Timbaktoo, look for a Chabad house! So they can invade Lubavitch, but in the Satmar "world" logic, Lubavitch has no right to go to Monroe.... sick puppies!

I remember well when  Satmar savages tortured the Kloizenberger Rebbe four score 3 years ago,, and he had to, nebech,flee to Union City, New Jersey..
The Rebbe , Rav Yoel Teitelbaum didn't say boo!

Let's see if the Satmar Brothers that are fighting in secular court will condemn this disgusting act!

Here is the guy that allegedly threw the paint:

Sunday, July 5, 2015

"Moshiach almost here": Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky,

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, a leading authority in mainstream Ultra-Orthodox Judaism, has been giving clear and unequivocal messages recently that the coming of the Messiah is imminent. 

He is urging Jews to make Aliyah as soon as possible. Aliyah, the Hebrew verb for “going up”, refers to immigrating to Israel, which is seen as higher spiritual action that can help herald in the coming of the Messiah.

It was reported that the Rabbi Kanievsky was presented with a pamphlet, written by Rabbi Yitzchak Ben Tzvi from the city of Bnei Brak, dealing with the End of Days and many other related prophecies. Rabbi Kanievsky, who is a pillar of the Jewish community and known for his authoritative books on Torah law, read the pamphlet carefully.  After a short consideration, he told those around him that the pamphlet needed to be distributed and that Jews living outside Israel should return to their ancestral land.

In yet another instance of Rabbi Kanievsky’s call for aliyah, author Rabbi Yekutiel Fisch revealed advice that was given to his cousin, a teacher at a prominent Lakewood Yeshiva who visited Israel recently and went to Rabbi Kanievsky to receive a blessing at the end of his visit.

The Rabbi told him that he should not leave Israel because the Messiah would be arriving very soon. The teacher responded that he had 700 students waiting for him in Lakewood. Rabbi Kanievsky told him that he must bring all of the students to Israel. Upon his arrival in Lakewood, the story spread quickly, creating quite an impression on the students who all revere Rabbi Kanievsky.

After a lifetime of immersing himself in classical Jewish texts, Rabbi Kanievsky’s study partner informed various media sites that the Rabbi is talking about the messiah “all the time.” Since last summer’s war in Gaza, the Rabbi has been spreading this message of imminent return. In one instance, Rabbi Kanievsky instructed a Jew from Argentina who asked for a blessing that he should “gather your family and come to Israel.  Otherwise, there won’t be enough room for you on the airplanes.”

When asked about the timing of the Messiah’s arrival, Rabbi Kanievsky answered, 
“At the end of the Sabbatical year.” 
Several people have asked the Rabbi to verify this and he has given the same answer each time. This year is the Sabbatical year and it will be ending on the 29th day of Elul, which, by the Gregorian calendar falls on Saturday, September 12, 2015.

In answer to Rabbi Kanievsky’s call, the Jews of France have begun to arrive in Israel in blessed droves. The impetus is certainly a reaction to increasing anti-Semitic and Islamic fueled violence across Europe.

After the horrific terror attack at a Kosher market in Paris six months ago, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu urged French Jews to come home to Israel. His remarks drew criticism from some, however last week, in the wake of Ramadan violence in several countries including France, Zeev Elkin, the Israeli Minister of Immigration and Absorption, called on French Jews to make Aliyah, echoing his leader’s words.

“Come home! Anti-Semitism is growing, terrorism is on the rise and the sickly ISIS activists carry out murders in the light of day. We are prepared to accept the Jews of France with open arms,” he said.

Last year, 7,000 French Jews made aliyah to Israel, making it the number one country of origin for new immigrants. The Jewish Agency and the Ministry for Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption are expecting more than 3,000 French Jews to immigrate to Israel this summer alone, many of them families with children who want to arrive and integrate before the beginning of the school year.

It should be noted that it is considered a positive trait to always be anticipating the Messiah. The Chofetz Chaim, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan, a great Torah sage, is  told to have said that any time he heard a loud noise, he would say, “Perhaps the Messiah has arrived?” Similar stories have also been told of the leading Moroccan Kabbalist, the Baba Sali, Rabbi Israel Abuhaseira.

Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/44534/leading-israeli-rabbi-messiah-imminent-jewish-world/#MFAFbbrZpxxKFwLV.99

Beneath The Helmet ... the life of an IDF Sodier! Video

Bracha Illulian Tevel harrassing her husband's victims!

Mendel Tevel
From Meyer Seewald of Jewish Community Watch 

I just got off the phone with the mother of the victim who testified against Mendel Tevel. She said that while walking down Kingston Avenue, in crown heights she was approached by Mendel Tevel’s wife Bracha Illulian , who started shouting at her. (Unfortunately this is not the first time)

Bracha Illulian was with her daughter and said to her “Look, look! This is the reason you do not have a father. She is the one who gives you nightmares at night”. She then proceeded to yell at the top of her lungs “You stole my husband! You’re a Shoteh!” You are stupid, and everywhere I go I will let people know what you did to my family!”

I am sure that Bracha Illulian is going through her own personal hell right now, yet this does not grant her the right to put others through hell, ESPECIALLY those who’ve already been there at the hands of her husband.

Bracha Illulian knew whom she was marrying since day 1. I had called her up a few weeks after she first started dating Mendel, and informed her of his atrocities, and she and her family chose to continue despite this knowledge. This is not new information to them.

With this in mind, how can Bracha Illulian so brazenly attack this victim’s mother? How can she laugh the victim while he gave his impact statement describing his flashbacks of the abuse during intimacy with his spouse?

Enough is enough.

Bracha Illulian , any time you or your family attack, intimidate or harass the victim or his family, I will let the public know. I will encourage fellow survivors and those who stand with us to contact you and let you know that we will not stand for this.

As a follower of the Rebbe, I urge you to follow in his path in the pursuit honesty and justice. I and many others genuinely empathize with your plight and I know it can’t be easy. We know you’re hurting. But stop hurting others.

I am asking all my friends and all of Jewish Community Watch’s supporters to share this post and let the Bracha Illulian and the world know that we are standing together and won’t tolerate attacks on victims or their families. One ordeal is hell enough, so there’s no need for another.

I am also asking that you message Bracha Illulian directly and let her know that her actions are unacceptable and that we are sticking together. Ask her to stop harassing victims of child sexual abuse.

Silence in the face of evil is evil itself - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Reporters Had the Rare Opportunity to Question Hillary Clinton — Here’s What They Asked

This lady is running to be President of the USA! 
Instead of asking her, her stand on important issues ...they ask her narishkeitin!
Here’s a transcript of the question and answer session from the pool report:
Q: Bernie got almost 10,000 people at his recent rally. What does that say about him as a candidate and why aren’t you drawing those crowds.
A: “well, we each run or own campaigns and I always knew this was gonna be competitive, and i want to have a great debate in the primary and caucuses around the country and that’s what I’m looking forward to.”
Q: (exact phrasing inaudible) question about the Clintons’ connection to the state.
A: “You know, that’s really true. We are so fond of and grateful to New Hampshire. We have friends hat we’ve made over the years that we’ve stayed in close touch with. I obviously care deeply about the state and admire so many of the public officials, Jeanne Shaheen, Maggie Hassan is a good friend, so I love coming to New Hampshire, and I love going to every part of the state, and I’m happy to be here in the upper valley.” 
[at this point, the attendant served Clinton her ice cream. "Is that for me?" she said. "Holy shamoley."]
Q: you’ve been making a point of thanking your organizers and having them speak at your speeches, how central is that component of your campaign and how is it different from what you did in 2008?
A: “it’s so central. Because one of the things that I certainly learned from the last campaign is how important it is not just to have events, but to organize every single day, including around the events — and that’s why I’m doing a lot of meetings and discussions about specific issues, because I want to hear from people and I also want to connect them to the campaign. And I feel like it’s really working. It is building a campaign here in NH, using the grassroots, and coming up from that, because at the end of the day, I think that wins elections and wins caucuses.”
Q: one of the things Obama did was form his own relationships w volunteers and recruit his own precinct captains. Are you going to be doing that?
A: “Sure, absolutely, absolutely. I mean, I’m already doing that. I’m doing calls and meetings and campaign videos. We’re all just working to pull people into the campaign, get them involved in doing that work of signing people up and the hard work of getting ready for an election or a caucus.”
The question and answer session took place while Clinton was at an ice cream parlor in New Hampshire.
Earlier, the Democratic contender had asked reporters if they wanted some ice cream. A CNN reporter shot back, “How about instead of some ice cream, a question?”
“Aww,” Clinton pretend groaned, according to the pool report.
A photographer then asked her if she would name her favorite flavor ice cream.
“I like nearly everything,” Clinton responded.

Friday, July 3, 2015

The Bluzhever Rebbe Passes On

The Bluzhever Rebbe, HaRav Tzvi Yehuda Spiro succumbed to illness. The Rebbe was battling a disease for the past two years until his Petira on Friday morning. He was 79-years-old.

The Levaya will be at 2:00PM on Erev Shabbos, at the Bluzhever Bais Medrash located at 1431 58th Street.
The Levaya will be going to Eretz Yisroel on Motzei Shabbos for the Kevura.

Satmar Yiddish Newspaper Ignore Supreme Court's decision in reference to gays!

The mouthpieces of the Romanian Satmar Gypsies, the Satmar Yiddish weekly newspapers, totally ignored the decision of the United States Supreme Court vis a vis the definition of marriage. 

This decision legislated by the Supreme Court Justices is against the Torah, ... yet Satmar remains  mute..
Because Satmar ... and I mean both Satmar Rebbes backed all the democrat candidates, that openly  endorsed gay lifestyles..

The "groiseh" Rebbis don't care about  what the Torah says, they care only about how much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ the candidates will bring to their Mosdos..... so they are staying far away from this topic ... and ignoring the whole issue.

 Let me disabuse you of the notion .... that they left out the story because they didn't want their young readers reading that gays can now get legally married .....because when they had the gay parade in Israel, these gypsies dedicated pages to the story.

But Der Blatt had room on their front page to gloat that Israel is losing money! ... 

"The State of Israel loosing billions of Dollars because of the Gaza War and BDS boycotts"

And now see the disgusting OP-ED in Der Goy against the family that sued the US to have "Jerusalem  Israel" stamped on their child's passport that was born in Yerushalyim! This case went all the way to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court ruled against the family ...
so for this verdict they had enough space to spew their vicious vitriol ... but had no space for the pro-gay verdict that came at the exact same time !

I will loosely translate part of the article so you can read the vicious nature of these Romanian barbarians !

"The religious parties (of the Knesset) are now on the same page with the leaders of the atheists ..
They  push the agenda of the head of the atheists, Netanyahu, more than the other parties who are not religious, .... and are now besides themselves that the US Supreme Court decided that American citizens born in Jerusalem, will continue to have "Jerusalem" stamped on their passports and not "Israel" 
Read and be astounded: 
Hamodia in its article "Habirah Ha'doilekes" screams that Yerushalyim cannot be separated from the Jewish people and from Eretz Yisroel, just like its impossible to separate the head to the rest of the body and survive."
etc etc... yada yada bla bla bla bla 

Then the writer, a piece of vermin, that writes under the pen name A. Li. Konig  writes that "Yerushalyim isn't ours ...."

Can you imagine? This deranged writer scribbles that Yerushalyim isn't ours, and mocks the religious parties in the Knesset that are upset that the US doesn't recognize Yerushalyim as the Capital of the Jewish people.

 I won't go into the filth that he came up with, to deride the frum parties in the Knesset that are rightfully disgusted with the Supreme Court ruling!

These guys writing for these weeklies are the Scum of the Earth ....

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Obama slaps Israel in Face ... Ted Cruz

Republican Presidential candidate and Texas Senator Ted Cruz blasted the Obama Administration Wednesday for its decision to open a US embassy in Cuba, saying that for the US to “have an embassy in Havana before one in Jerusalem” was a “slap in the face” to Israel, according to the Washington-based political website The Hill.
The administration earlier in the day announced its intention to restore diplomatic relations with its long-time Caribbean nemesis and exchange ambassadors for the first time in over 50 years.
Tel Aviv is currently home to the United States embassy, but the junior senator from the lone-star state has repeatedly called for the embassy to be moved to Jerusalem.
Another Presidential candidate, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, has also called for legislation that would do away with the national security waiver and allow the administration to implement a 1995 law to relocate the embassy to Jerusalem, The Hill added.
Known as the Jerusalem Embassy act, which also calls for the US to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel, the legislation has never been implemented due to the perception that it usurps the executive branch’s constitutional authority over foreign policy in favor of Congressional oversight. 
Both Cruz and Rubio are of Cuban dissent and have publicly denounced the communist-ruled Island for its ill treatment of its inhabitants and long-time contentious posture towards the United States.

Shaul Spitzer the Fabrenter Chusid's Sentence Reversed, New Verdict To Be Determined By County Court

The convicted New Square firebomber Shaul Spitzer will have a chance at being released from prison several years early after an appeals court ordered that he be resentenced in the case.
The Appellate Division ruled Wednesday that Spitzer, who was 18 when he set fire to the home of a dissident member of the Hasidic village in 2011, could have been eligible for youthful offender status when he was sentenced.
The court ordered Spitzer back to court to be resentenced and said the judge must also consider whether he should qualify for youthful offender status. The ruling did not compel the judge to grant the status, but did require the court to address the issue.
Spitzer agreed to a plea bargain that sent his to prison for seven years for the firebombing, which seriously injured a 44-year-old man and gave a rare public view of schisms within the rigidly controlled Skver Hasidic community.
The teenager, who worked as a "hose bucher"  for New Square grand rebbe David Twersky, could have received a sentence of 25 years on an attempted murder charge.
The top sentence for youthful offender for first-degree assault is four years. Spitzer is now in Eastern Eastern New York Correctional Facility in Ulster County, where he is in the fourth year of his seven-year sentence. His earliest release date is 2018.
If he is granted youthful offender status, he could be released immediately.e Appellate Division ...His lawyer, Ken Gribetz, said he was pleased by the court decision but declined to comment further. The appeal was filed by his law partner, Deborah Wolikow Loewenberg.
Rockland District Attorney Thomas Zugibe did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Spitzer set off an incendiary device at the New Square home of Aron Rottenberg, a plumber who was inside the house with this wife and children. Rottenberg suffered third-degree burns over 50 percent of his body and spent months in the hospital recuperating.
Rottenberg had been the target of attacks within the community for months because he chose to pray in a group outside the tiny village, despite an edict from Twersky that all residents pray only within New Square.
At Spitzer's sentencing, Rottenberg said he blamed the rabbinic leadership in the community for creating an atmosphere where violence is permitted to enforce strict social and religious rules.
Spitzer apologized at his sentencing for injuring Rottenberg.

"Brave" Flag Burners run like dogs when confronted by Bikers!

Bikers making sure flag is standing 
Why are Jews always involved with anarchy?
Amanda Meltzer, a Jewish Yente with screwed up values, probably brought up in a house of luxury said this about the US Flag!
 " It represents genocide, imperialism, and oppression!"
Really? Do you even know how to spell "genocide, imperialism and oppression?"

Her group is named "Disarm NYPD"?
Disarm NYPD? Amanda? Who are you  going to run to, when you get raped? You crazy broad!

A protest at Brooklyn’s Fort Greene Park Wednesday night exploded into a heated confrontation between rival demonstrators over the burning of an American flag.

Anti-racism and police brutality protesters organized by a group called Disarm NYPD were chased from the park by a group of angry pro-flag supporters after burning a Confederate battle flag and an American flag in the middle of the park.

Witnesses say a pro-flag demonstrator snatched the burning American flag before others chased the anti-flaggers away.

"My nephew is graduating from the Marines in two weeks," said flag supporter Diane Atkins of Bay Ridge. "I'll be damned if somebody burns the flag!"

The flag flak began earlier in the week when Disarm NYPD members announced their plans to burn the flag on Facebook.
The objective was to call attention to police brutality and institutional racism in the wake of the Charleston, S.C. Emanuel AME Church massacre.

Word of the protest spread quickly on social media and on the day of the event, shortly before the protest was scheduled to begin, more than 100 pro flag supporters showed up from across the city, including a group of bikers from the Hallowed Sons of New York motorcycle club.

"I'm here to make sure there's a flag still standing at the end of the day,” said Mark Brummitt, 32, a retired Army vet of 13 years who came to the event with his 29-year-old fiancée Alicia Morante. "All throughout history it's been the last flag on the battlefield that was still standing. Tonight we're going to make sure there's a flag standing."

Once the flag burners saw the crowd waiting for them at their originally planned location, they moved their demonstration to the center of the park.

I feared for the safety of my friends,” one of the flag burners said, declining to give his name. "I work too, so I'm not trying to get fired or nothing. My boss watches the news."

The event went on as planned. First, the demonstrators set the Confederate battle flag ablaze. As they started to burn the American flag, the pro-flag supporters stormed up a hill, running to confront the flag burners, most of whom ran away.

The charred remains of the flags lay scattered on the concrete beneath the Prison Ship Martyrs Monument in the middle of the park.

After the flag burners fled, Long Island flag supporter Lawrence Winberry stood on a mound and declared victory.
"They ran away!” he screamed. “We won! U-S-A! U-S-A!"

The still-angry mob met back at the monument where they argued with the remaining flag burners about what they had done.

Anti-flagger Amanda Meltzer, 24, of Brooklyn, found herself in a shouting match surrounded by pro-flag protesters yelling expletives at her.

Don't f--- with my flag!" shouted one man wearing a military veterans baseball cap. "My brothers are buried under this flag! It doesn't matter what it means to you! If you got a problem with this flag, get the f--- out!"

Amanda appeared to lose her composure and walked away from the crowd.

"They're like an angry mob!" she said emotionally. "They're not critically thinking about what that flag represents! It represents genocide, imperialism, and oppression!"

Winberry and other pro-flaggers ended their display by singing “America the Beautiful” at the base of the monument. When asked whether he thinks the flag supporters had generally violated the anti-flaggers right to free speech, he replied, “You have a point.

“I wasn't coming out here to chase anybody,” he added. “I guess we got caught up in the moment. They have a right to burn the flag, but I have a right to say I don't like it.”

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

2,000-Year-Old Mikvah Found Under Family’s Jerusalem Living Room Floor

 Israeli authorities said Wednesday they have identified a rare, well-preserved 2,000-year-old ,Mikva hidden under the floorboards of a home in Jerusalem.
Archaeologists said the discovery in Jerusalem’s Ein Kerem neighborhood shines new light on ancient Jewish . But the discovery might be most noteworthy because the couple that owns the home literally kept the treasure hidden under a rug for three years before choosing to come clean.
In an interview, the wife said the family found evidence of the mikveh, or Jewish ritual bath, while renovating their home three years ago. Construction workers were using heavy machinery that sunk through a hole, leading the crew to discover the bath.
She said that she and her husband were unsure of the significance and continued with the planned construction. But they also preserved the discovery, adding a pair of wooden doors in the floor to allow access to the bath and concealing the entrance with a rug.
The couple’s curiosity, however, persisted. Earlier this week, they contacted the Israeli Antiquities Authority and reported their finding. The family asked that their names be withheld to protect their privacy.
Amit Reem, an archaeologist with the authority, estimated the Mikva dates back to the first century B.C., around the time of the Second Jewish Temple. The bath remains largely intact, and includes a staircase leading to what was once a pool. Archaeologists also found pottery and unique stone vessels dating to the same period.
 Reem said the discovery adds to the physical evidence of the Jewish community in the area, which he said has been “sporadic.”
Reem said it is not uncommon for households around Jerusalem to unearth Jewish antiquities under their floorboards, though he did not know how many cases there were. The family does not have to move and will keep the ritual bath preserved with the help of the Antiquities Authority.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Rabbi Warns of Civil War in the United States "go to Israel"

The Riminov Rebbe visited the Florida communities made up of South American immigrants from France, gave an unequivocal command to the Jews to leave and go to Israel, saying that there will be a civil war in the US.
BeHadrei Haredim reported that the Rebbe said: “Leave while you still can. The situation will get worse and it will be difficult to move from state to state. After World War II the survivors came to the great men of Israel and Hasidic leaders and asked why they had not ordered the Jews of Europe to leave and immigrate to Israel or the United States before the war broke out? The truth must be told: they said and how much they said, begging Jews to please flee the burning ground, but part of the evil decree was that they were not listened to.
“Today,” the Riminov Rebbe said, “Listen to me carefully dear Jews, whoever has in his hand to get up and go and go to the Holy Land Israel as soon as possible while it still is possible, this includes leaving large parts of South America and most of Europe.
“Also the US will be a place of danger in the war and it is still too early to say which states within the United States will survive, but many parts will be destroyed and poisoned, even civil war will break out in the United States and states will cut themselves off from the federal government. The US may not be used as a refuge but there will remain here survivors. Eretz Israel will be the safest place to survive the war, although there will also be terrible difficulties there. “
“If I can do it myself I’d get up and go to Israel and to bless the very dirt, but I do not have permission to do so – from heaven it is commanded that in the meantime I should stay here in the US,” he was quoted as saying.
In addition the Rebbe explained, saying, “I am one of the few men in our time who can say that this since it has been published all over the world that my eyes see very far away, like when I found the child Leibi [Kletzky], may his blood be avenged, and three boys in Halhul and dozens more who were missing, where others do not have permission to see and make order, and this was planted in me by God and Divine Providence and when I had to talk to many and give instructions, I do it and the Divine Presence speaks from my throat, and wherever my name goes out to, it is known that those who listen to me shall be safe”.
Associates of the Rebbe emphasized that the call was made to a small handful of worshipers after morning services at the local synagogue.

ISIS is chopping off their heads yet Three US churches consider BDS measures against Israel in upcoming vote

At least three US Churches with millions of congregants amongst them are considering adopting a resolution calling for the boycott, divestment, and sanctions of "companies deemed supportive of Israeli occupation in the Palestinian territories," The New York Times reported Tuesday.

By Tuesday evening, delegates from the United Church of Christ gathering at their Cleveland synod had already voted in the affirmative to adopt the resolution, and released a statement congratulating their delegation on the decision. 
The United Church of Christ Palestine-Israel Network (UCC PIN) is pleased to announce that today the plenary of the 30th General Synod taking place in Cleveland passed Resolution #4, calling for boycotts and divestment from companies that profit from Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands. - See more at: http://mondoweiss.net/2015/06/companies-profiting-occupation#sthash.dsngFWbD.dpuf
The United Church of Christ Palestine-Israel Network (UCC PIN) is pleased to announce that today the plenary of the 30th General Synod taking place in Cleveland passed Resolution #4, calling for boycotts and divestment from companies that profit from Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands. - See more at: http://mondoweiss.net/2015/06/companies-profiting-occupation#sthash.dsngFWbD.dpuf

is pleased to announce that today the plenary of the 30th General Synod taking place in Cleveland passed Resolution #4, calling for boycotts and divestment from companies that profit from Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands. - See more at: http://mondoweiss.net/2015/06/companies-profiting-occupation#sthash.dsngFWbD.dpuf
"The United Church of Christ Palestine-Israel Network (UCC PIN) is pleased to announce that today the plenary of the 30th General Synod taking place in Cleveland passed Resolution #4, calling for boycotts and divestment from companies that profit from Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands," according to the press communique. 

In addition, members of the Episcopal Church of Salt Lake City were expected to vote Tuesday evening as well. 

"A resolution at the Mennonites’ meeting in Kansas City, Mo. was scheduled for Wednesday" as well, The Times added.

The Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement, also known as BDS, aims to penalize Israel through economic pressure over the Palestinian issue - lobbying companies, governments and organizations to rescind financial agreements or enforce sanctions against the Jewish State.

Israel and its advocates consider BDS a pretext for anti-Semitism and an excuse to delegitimize the Jewish State.

Malachi Moshe Rosenfeld Terror Shooting Victim Succumbs to His Wounds

Malachi Rosenfeld hy"d
One of the victims of last night's terrorist shooting attack in the Binyamin region, north of Jerusalem, has succumbed to his wounds.

Malachi Moshe Rosenfeld, a 25-year-old resident of Kochav Hashachar, was among four Israeli civilians wounded by a terrorist gunman outside the village of Shvut Rachel, next to Shiloh.

With great sorrow the Rosenfeld family announce the death of Moshe Malachi Rosenfeld," a statement by his family read, continuing to thank staff at Jerusalem's Shaarei Tzedek hospital for trying to save him.

Malachi Rosenfeld was the most seriously injured of the four victims, and was evacuated to hospital in critical condition by military helicopter

n the hours following the attack his father made a plea for the public to pray for his recovery.

Rosenfeld and his three friends - who were also injured in the attack - were the latest victims of what the IDF now believes to be an organized terrorist cell operating in the Binyamin region.

The cell is believed to be behind a number of previous attacks over the past several days, including the shooting of an ambulance and the murder of hiker Danny Gonen. 

All three attacks took place in the Binyamin region, north of the capital, and appeared to share the same modus operandi: one or more terrorist gunmen approaching Israeli Jews at close quarters and firing shots at point-blank range.

Earlier on Monday, just hours before the attack, a terrorist stabbed an IDF soldier in Bethlehem in Judea, south of Jerusalem. That incident is not believed to be connected, however.

Chaim Yaakov Zupnick W34 Longtime Williamsburg Hatzolah Member succumbs to illness

R’ Chaim Yaakov was a longtime member of Williamsburg Hatzolah – also known by his Hatzolah Unit number “W34″ – and a well-known Baal Chesed in the Williamsburg community.

He died this morning after an illness.
The Levaya will take place at 4:00PM in front of the Nitra Shul located at 161 Rodney Street