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Showing posts with label Satmar Rabbis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satmar Rabbis. Show all posts

Friday, July 3, 2015

Satmar Yiddish Newspaper Ignore Supreme Court's decision in reference to gays!

The mouthpieces of the Romanian Satmar Gypsies, the Satmar Yiddish weekly newspapers, totally ignored the decision of the United States Supreme Court vis a vis the definition of marriage. 

This decision legislated by the Supreme Court Justices is against the Torah, ... yet Satmar remains  mute..
Because Satmar ... and I mean both Satmar Rebbes backed all the democrat candidates, that openly  endorsed gay lifestyles..

The "groiseh" Rebbis don't care about  what the Torah says, they care only about how much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ the candidates will bring to their Mosdos..... so they are staying far away from this topic ... and ignoring the whole issue.

 Let me disabuse you of the notion .... that they left out the story because they didn't want their young readers reading that gays can now get legally married .....because when they had the gay parade in Israel, these gypsies dedicated pages to the story.

But Der Blatt had room on their front page to gloat that Israel is losing money! ... 

"The State of Israel loosing billions of Dollars because of the Gaza War and BDS boycotts"

And now see the disgusting OP-ED in Der Goy against the family that sued the US to have "Jerusalem  Israel" stamped on their child's passport that was born in Yerushalyim! This case went all the way to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court ruled against the family ...
so for this verdict they had enough space to spew their vicious vitriol ... but had no space for the pro-gay verdict that came at the exact same time !

I will loosely translate part of the article so you can read the vicious nature of these Romanian barbarians !

"The religious parties (of the Knesset) are now on the same page with the leaders of the atheists ..
They  push the agenda of the head of the atheists, Netanyahu, more than the other parties who are not religious, .... and are now besides themselves that the US Supreme Court decided that American citizens born in Jerusalem, will continue to have "Jerusalem" stamped on their passports and not "Israel" 
Read and be astounded: 
Hamodia in its article "Habirah Ha'doilekes" screams that Yerushalyim cannot be separated from the Jewish people and from Eretz Yisroel, just like its impossible to separate the head to the rest of the body and survive."
etc etc... yada yada bla bla bla bla 

Then the writer, a piece of vermin, that writes under the pen name A. Li. Konig  writes that "Yerushalyim isn't ours ...."

Can you imagine? This deranged writer scribbles that Yerushalyim isn't ours, and mocks the religious parties in the Knesset that are upset that the US doesn't recognize Yerushalyim as the Capital of the Jewish people.

 I won't go into the filth that he came up with, to deride the frum parties in the Knesset that are rightfully disgusted with the Supreme Court ruling!

These guys writing for these weeklies are the Scum of the Earth ....