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Showing posts with label hillary clinton media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hillary clinton media. Show all posts

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Reporters Had the Rare Opportunity to Question Hillary Clinton — Here’s What They Asked

This lady is running to be President of the USA! 
Instead of asking her, her stand on important issues ...they ask her narishkeitin!
Here’s a transcript of the question and answer session from the pool report:
Q: Bernie got almost 10,000 people at his recent rally. What does that say about him as a candidate and why aren’t you drawing those crowds.
A: “well, we each run or own campaigns and I always knew this was gonna be competitive, and i want to have a great debate in the primary and caucuses around the country and that’s what I’m looking forward to.”
Q: (exact phrasing inaudible) question about the Clintons’ connection to the state.
A: “You know, that’s really true. We are so fond of and grateful to New Hampshire. We have friends hat we’ve made over the years that we’ve stayed in close touch with. I obviously care deeply about the state and admire so many of the public officials, Jeanne Shaheen, Maggie Hassan is a good friend, so I love coming to New Hampshire, and I love going to every part of the state, and I’m happy to be here in the upper valley.” 
[at this point, the attendant served Clinton her ice cream. "Is that for me?" she said. "Holy shamoley."]
Q: you’ve been making a point of thanking your organizers and having them speak at your speeches, how central is that component of your campaign and how is it different from what you did in 2008?
A: “it’s so central. Because one of the things that I certainly learned from the last campaign is how important it is not just to have events, but to organize every single day, including around the events — and that’s why I’m doing a lot of meetings and discussions about specific issues, because I want to hear from people and I also want to connect them to the campaign. And I feel like it’s really working. It is building a campaign here in NH, using the grassroots, and coming up from that, because at the end of the day, I think that wins elections and wins caucuses.”
Q: one of the things Obama did was form his own relationships w volunteers and recruit his own precinct captains. Are you going to be doing that?
A: “Sure, absolutely, absolutely. I mean, I’m already doing that. I’m doing calls and meetings and campaign videos. We’re all just working to pull people into the campaign, get them involved in doing that work of signing people up and the hard work of getting ready for an election or a caucus.”
The question and answer session took place while Clinton was at an ice cream parlor in New Hampshire.
Earlier, the Democratic contender had asked reporters if they wanted some ice cream. A CNN reporter shot back, “How about instead of some ice cream, a question?”
“Aww,” Clinton pretend groaned, according to the pool report.
A photographer then asked her if she would name her favorite flavor ice cream.
“I like nearly everything,” Clinton responded.