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Sunday, December 15, 2013

No Winner Friday, Mega Millions Jackpot Jumps To $550 Million

One of the largest jackpots in U.S. lottery history climbed even higher Saturday after no ticket matched all six numbers to win the $425 million top Mega Millions prize.
With the Friday the 13th drawing failing to produce any winner lucky enough to claim the fifth-biggest jackpot ever, officials raised the amount to $550 million for Tuesday’s drawing. That now ranks as the fourth-biggest.
Paula Otto, the Virginia Lottery’s executive director and Mega Millions’ lead director, told The Associated Press early Saturday that she expects the amount to rise even higher before the drawing. It could approach or surpass the largest Mega Millions jackpot ever claimed, $656 million in March 2012. Had someone won Friday, it would have been that game’s second-highest prize.
“We’ve never had a jackpot at this level in December leading into the holidays,” Otto said. “If we keep rolling, we could well be at a billion dollars going into Christmas.”
But each time the lottery fails to produce a jackpot, as it now has 21 straight times on this run, the pot gets even larger. That increases the number of tickets sold while decreasing the chances that nobody will win.
Otto said after $167 million in sales of mostly $1 tickets since the previous drawing on Tuesday, the odds of someone picking all the winning numbers Friday were about 50-50. They’ll almost certainly be even higher next Tuesday and even higher in subsequent drawings should the jackpot still go unclaimed.
A winner from Friday night’s drawing would have had a cash option of $228 million before taxes. The winning numbers were: 19-24-26-27-70, Mega Ball: 12.
Although nobody hit the biggest prize, nine people nabbed $1 million prizes for matching the first five numbers. Those tickets were sold in Colorado, Connecticut, New Jersey and two apiece in Florida, Michigan and New York, Otto said.
Earlier Friday, Otto said sales were 40 percent ahead of projections, prompting officials to boost the jackpot to the jackpot from $400 million to $425 million.
Sarah Andrews, 35, of Madrid, Iowa, purchase one Mega Millions ticket Friday morning. The infrequent player took the automated Easy Pick option.
“I feel that my odds are so low anyway, it doesn’t really matter,” said the IT specialist. “I only buy a ticket to get a dollar’s worth of entertainment.”
A major game revamp to Mega Millions in October — aimed at growing bigger jackpots in a shorter amount of time — decreased the odds of a person winning the top prize to about 1 in 259 million. It was previously about 1 in 176 million, nearly the same odds as winning the Powerball jackpot. Still, the cost for a chance at winning millions with Mega Millions is just $1.
“In some ways we’re in uncharted territory because we have this new matrix,” Otto said. “... How wonderful that the changes seem to be working immediately to get us bigger jackpots.”
It also gave ticket buyers a chance to daydream — at least until the drawing dashed their hopes of striking it rich.
“It would change my life, absolutely,” said Barbara Cooper, who bought two tickets Friday at a New Orleans convenience store. “We still have children in college, so that would help out immensely.”

Friday, December 13, 2013

Frum people won't be able to gamble in this Maryland Casino, No Kippot allowed!

The Maryland live Casino has a dress code, and it contains wording that would prohibit a guy with a kippot to gamble in their casino....
They don't allow not tznisdik attire either!
I highlighted in red the "offending" rule!

Management reserves the right to refuse entry to any person, at any time, for any reason at their sole discretion.
Managament Respons/Planned Action(s): The dress code posted on this website and at the entrances to the facility will be updated to reflect the recent changes (i.e. the lifting of the restriction on bags, backpacks, and electronic devices).
General Guideline
  • Hats
    • No brimless headwear is allowed (bandanas, skullcaps, etc.).
    • No scarves that cover the face.
  • Shirts
    • No extra-long shirts.
    • No sleeveless tops/shirts for men.  
    • No shirts that the management considers vulgar, offensive, or otherwise likely to cause a disturbance.
    • Clothing made with offensive material, (i.e. transparent).
  • Pants
    • No extra-long shorts (that fall below mid-calf).
    • No excessively low or baggy pants such that a person’s undergarments or buttocks are exposed.
  • Footwear
    • Footwear must be worn at all times.
    • No baseball, golf, or football cleats.
  • Bags / Backpacks
    • No duffle bags or back packs.
    • No suitcases or gym bags.
    • All other bags that are allowed, but deemed questionable, (including large purses) are subject to search prior to entering the establishment. However, individuals are free to refuse the bag search and enter the establishment without the questionable bag.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Dress code will be strictly enforced.
    • Clothing must not be excessively torn, dirty, tattered, or emit an unpleasant odor.
    • No gang or motorcycle colors.
    • No wallets with chains.
    • No laser pointers.
    • No video cameras.
    • No bicycle chains or locks.
    • No weapons of any kind.
    • No outside food.
    • No beverages of any kind, allowed in or out.
    • No pets (unless they are service animals).
    • No laptops, two-way radios or other prohibited electronic devices.
    • All foreign IDs, including passports must be readable.
    • Intoxicated persons, or the like, are banned from premises.

Boro Park Mourns Beloved Tzedaka Collector

Several hundred people gathered outside the Satmar Shul on 53rd Street in Borough Park tonight for the levaya of a long time tzedaka collector who was a fixture in local shuls.
R’ Yehoshua Mordechai Kahana died this afternoon after succumbing to serious internal injuries sustained when he was hit by a bicycle on Shabbos as he was crossing the street at 13th Avenue and 53rd Street, just yards from his own home.
R’ Kahana had no children and was believed to be 83 years old at the time of his petira.  A diminutive man who suffered from Parkinson’s disease and had difficulty walking, R’ Kahana made the rounds of local shuls daily as he collected money for widows and orphans.
“His mission in life was to support almonos and yesomim and for the last forty or fifty years he collected for tzedaka every day even though walking was hard for him,” Shamshi Segedin, who sat several rows behind R’ Kahana in shul, told VIN News.
“He went around every morning collecting tzedaka in batei medrashim and at night he would go to chasanas to collect money,” added another mispallel at the Satmar Shul.  “Thursday nights he would go almonos and give them money he had collected for them.  His whole life he didn’t need anything for himself.”
According to some sources, its estimated that R’ Kahana, who would go from person to person collecting dollar bills, would raise approximately a quarter of a million dollars annually for tzedaka, with much of the funds raised distributed in Israel.
“He was frail, not tall,  I don’t even know that he reached a height of five foot one or five foot two and looking at him you would have no expectations.  But he was just non-stop and kept on going. It was mind boggling.”
Originally from Tzefas, R’ Kahana came to America approximately forty years ago for medical reasons and shortly after his arrival here, doctors successfully treated him for a brain tumor.
“Baruch Hashem they were matzliach and he got these extra years,” said the acquaintance from the Satmar Shul.  “The only thing he did in his life after that was collect tzedaka and learn, day and night.”

Kiryas Joel separates little boys and girls in park funded with Tax-payer funds, lawsuit claims

In a world gone crazy, satmar chassidim, according to this lawsuit,took tax-payer funds to build a park that separates little children by gender.....
Boys park ahead

Girls Park
I think that Chassidishe Males and females shouldn't get married .... after all how can a man be with a women????
Nothing good will come out of this sickness! It will breed more pedophiles and molesters!

A civil rights lawsuit has been filed against the Hasidic community of Kiryas Joel for allegedly refusing to disclose public information about how a gender-segregated park was built.
The New York Civil Liberties Union says a public park cannot be gender-segregated, and they believe it was possibly built illegally with taxpayer money.
If the claims are true the NYCLU says this would be the first case of a gender-segregated public park in the history of the United States.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Frum lady runs off with Muslim construction guy, leaves husband and children

A Haredi family was shocked after a married mother of many children ran off with a Muslim construction worker.

The Beitar Illit Haredi family disintegrated when their mother suddenly disappeared without warning.

“As a yeshiva student, even in my darkest dreams I never imagined this happening,” the woman’s husband said.

It all began when the couple decided to remodel their home. The couple made some ​​inquiries, sought out prices and recommendation from their friends, and they finally chose an Israeli Arab construction worker to remodel their home.

While the construction worker worked on remodeling the home, the yeshiva student continued to go to yeshiva during the day while leaving the worker alone with his wife.

After a week, the worker finished the construction job.

Three weeks after the completion of the renovation, the husband saw an incoming text message on his wife’s cellphone. It read: "When are you coming?" The husband was shocked to see that the sender of the message was the Arab construction worker.

The man confronted his wife. That is when she told him that she decided to leave with the work.

"It was like the sky fell on me," the husband said. "She left home for a month and a half, leaving all the kids with me, and went with the worker somewhere outside Israel. Suddenly, after a month and a half, she returned home. She told me: ‘I came back because of the children,’” the husband said.

“We now live together just for the sake of the children,” the man added.

Today's World leaders at a funeral,and this picture was taken before Obama shook the hand of Castro, a blood thirsty murderer

Prime Ministers of England and Denmark with Obama, look at Michelle

look at Michelle's expression!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Message to the Israelis: Draft them all!

Look at this disturbing photo and tell me that the guy holding the rope shouldn't be drafted!

This picture was taken outside IDF prison 6 on Monday! What message is this idiot giving to the world?

That hanging is preferable to the Army?

I dont think Moshe Rabbeinu looked at it this way? He drafted all males with few exceptions; 
learning in yeshivah wasn't one of them!

So I can hear you now  parrot your Rabbis and blabber that the soldiers by Moshe Rabbeinu were big Tzaddikim.... 
to that I respond with two answers:

1) If you believe that, then you are an apikoras, a heretic! Because  your  belief is that the  Torah is telling an historic tale and is totally irrelevant in our times!
But G-d fearing people who believe that Hashem gave the Torah to  teach lessons for all generations, believe that this lesson of being drafted in the army applies today as well.. 
but if you pick and choose which story is a tale and which one is a lesson for generations, then why do you believe in anything the Torah tells us? Who chooses to what is relevant and what is not?

2) The soldier in Moshe's army neeeded the Parsha of Yefas Toar, this was a very clear indication that they weren't such big tzaddikim, they were humans unlike the characters in the Artscroll biographies!

During the Holocaust, The New York Times put the murder of Jews in 1942 on page 6 while putting Tennis Shoes and Canned Fruits on the front page of the same issue!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Price is not final

Consumers are not aware of all their credit card benefits, experts say.
Many credit-card issuers, including Discover, Citi and MasterCard, offer consumers price-matching, in which they refund the difference in price should a customer buy an item and then find it for a lower price later on.
Discover says it will refund the difference up to $500 if a customer finds his or her item at a lower price within 90 days of making a Discover-card purchase.
Citi says it will refund the difference in price up to $250 per item, within 30 days of the purchase.
And MasterCard says it will refund up to $250, but within 60 days.
Experts say that a lot of consumers have cards that offer this service and don’t even realize it.
Ben Woolsey, marketing director for CreditCards.com, estimates that less than 1 percent of consumers who have the perk know about it.
“Cardmembers just aren’t aware of it and rarely, if ever, make claims,” Woolsey says.

Is R' Yisroel Dovid Schlesinger protecting the serial rapist Moshe Turner?

Convicted rapist Moshe Turner

What is going on????
This blogger has received reliable information that the respected Rav and Baal Darshan, R’ Yisroel Dovid Schlesinger wants Moshe Turner to walk!

Rav Schlesinger is a Talmid Chochom and has a tremendous following in the Monsey community. If this Rav is fighting to keep an admitted convicted sexual rapist out of jail, then why are we surprised when we learn that our youth is turning away from our holy institutions and sacred religion?

If Moshe Turner would have damaged or defaced Sifrei Torah in Rav Schlesinger's shul, I have no doubt that Rav Schlesinger would have instructed his blind sheep  to immediately hand him over to the Police, 
but since Turner only raped countless innocent living “sifrei torah”, Rav Schlesinger is advocating actively that this menuvel and rodef Turner, walk the streets of Monsey to continue his animalistic instincts to rape and abuse more victims.

Why does Rav Schlesinger have compassion for Turner but no compassion for his victims? The Talmud states “whoever pities the cruel, will eventually be cruel to those who need pity”.

Rav Schlesinger's shiurim are full of mussar, why doesn't he ever speak about people who dress like humans but act like animals?

Dare we keep quiet? Are we going to continue attending Rav Schlesinger's shiurim when he does not care about our children?

Dear readers, anyone reading this article who continues to go on with his or her life, and doesn't pick up a phone to call 
Rav Schlesinger (845) 425-0063
 expressing outrage over this atrocity, is guilty of rape and abuse just like Turner!

Are we waiting for more children to hang themselves? Are we waiting until this ‑ G-D forbid ‑ hits home?

Call Rabbi Schlesinger and ask him, if he is really advocating that Turner walk the streets? Does he want his grandchildren near Turner?"

Don’t be soft on him, be firm and don’t let him beat around the bush. . . tell him “we had enough”. 
If he tells you that he has Turner under control, remind him of what he always preaches “Ain Aptropos L’aroyos”, which loosely translated means “when it comes to sexual matters no one is to be trusted. 

Rav Schlesinger has all kinds of Takonos in his shul . . . 
one cannot make a hot kiddush in his shul
it is not OK to feed your friends potato kugel in his shul when you make a simcha . . . etc., etc. 
but it's perfectly OK to have rapists walking the hallways of his shul on Dolson and on the streets of Monsey unfettered!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Schvartza "Moshiach" Mandela was an enemy of Israel, video

Citing a litany of anecdotal evidence,
 Italian journalist Giulio Meotti said in a Friday op-ed that Nelson Mandela legacy paints him as an “enemy of the Israeli people” and an “enabler of anti-Semitic terrorism.”

ISRAELNATIONALNEWS.com reports that Meotti uses Mandela’s own words in stating his case, harkening back often to Mandela’s longstanding claim that “those who are the enemies of the Jews” were not necessarily “his enemies.”

 Meotti writes that in 1990, “Mandela likened Israel to a ‘terrorist state’ and declared that ‘we do not regard the PLO as a terrorist organization. If one has to refer to any parties as a terrorist state, one might refer to the Israeli government because they are the people who are slaughtering defenseless and innocent Arabs in the occupied territories.”

 Further, “In 1999 Mandela supported the Palestinian Arab use of violence. With Arafat seated next to him in Gaza, Mandela declared: ‘All men and women with vision choose peace rather than confrontation, except in cases where we cannot proceed, where we cannot move forward. Then if the only alternative is violence, we will use violence,’”

 Meotti writes. In closing, Meotti states, “Nelson Mandela might be a symbol of goodness for many, but for Israel’s Jews he has been an enabler of anti-Semitism!

20 year old frum lady from Midwood, latest "Knockout" victim

knockout victim from previous assault

A 20 year old young woman from Borough Park was the city’s latest knockout assault victim, after being attacked this afternoon in broad daylight as she walked to visit a friend in Flatbush.
The attack took place this afternoon at 2:45 PM on MacDonald Avenue between Bay Parkway and Avenue M, according to newly elected City Council member Chaim Deutsch founder of Flatbush Shomrim.
“She saw an individual walking towards her and felt nervous,” Deutsch told VIN News.  “As he passed by her the victim said that she felt relieved that nothing had happened and that was when he struck her with a blow to the back of the head.”
As the young woman fell to the ground, her attacker fled.  The young woman got up and continued on to her destination, which was on nearby E3rd Street in Flatbush.  The victim contacted Shomrim after Shabbos, who urged her to call 911 and to file a police report.
“I have spoken with the 66th precinct and asked them to beef up patrols and to do everything possible to protect the area,” said Detusch.  “I also reached out to Curtis Sliwa of the Guardian Angels and shared my concerns, asking him to patrol the area, especially on Shabbos and to continue being visible in the area.”
Both Deutsch and Assemblyman Dov Hikind were among those who paid a visit to the victim who was not seriously injured in the attack. Hikind described the young woman as “very slight and very sweet.”
“You just take one look at her and say why on earth would anyone want to bother someone like her?” asked Hikind.  “A 20 year old girl?  A 78 year old woman? A 72 year old woman?  Your heart goes out to this girl when you look at her and it is mind boggling to imagine the cowardice it takes to walk over to a young girl and punch her in the head.”
Deutsch advised all area residents to avoid walking alone, if possible, to walk in well populated areas, and to be aware of their surroundings at all times.
Hikind urged any potential victims to call the authorities immediately if they are attacked, even on Shabbos.
“Halachically, I have been told that you have every right to do so if something like this takes place.  Who knows, maybe if this had been reported immediately we could have gotten this guy.”
Hikind also continued to advocate for the use of video cameras as a valuable security measure.
“We have been talking about putting them up for a long time,” said Hikind.  “At least now maybe it will finally happen.  In cases like this, video cameras can do a lot of good.
by Sandy Eller of VIN

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Brooklyn "Gedolim" that endorsed De Blasio, get slapped in their face, De Blasio says Iran Deal "A promising and positive Step"

De Blasio with Chassidishe Tuches lekers
The "gedolim" are supposed to know everything, but what they really care is how much money will the community get! 
They don't care that De Blasio is a communist & Palestinian lover ..... all they care is if the Mayor can funnel money to the "shtiblich." 

They don't care that he says that the Iran deal that would put most of Klall Yisroel in imminent danger... is a "positive step." 
No wonder nobody cares about these "leaders" of Klall Yisroel any more!
You have two Bobover Rebbes in secular Court! You have two Satmarer Rebbis in secular court and they want the regular "Joe Shmo" that gets up every morning to chap a Daf-Hayoimie before he goes to daven and work, to respect them...

Read the following and weep..... this is the guy that they overwhelmingly voted for! 

New York City Mayor-Elect Bill de Blasio disagrees with New York’s senior Senator, Chuck Schumer’s vocal opposition to the Obama administration’s most recent steps taken on the sanctions regime against Iran.
“I have a different view on the issue. The administration is doing the right thing,” Mr. de Blasio told reporters following a public event Wednesday afternoon. “These negotiations are promising, and this could be the best way to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons.”

Mr. de Blasio, who was a staunch supporter of the sanctions regime and even created an Iran watch list as Public Advocate, said Wednesday, that the current deal reached in Geneva “is a positive step.”
“There is no closer relationship on earth — literally no closer relationship — than that between New York City and the state of Israel.” Mr. de Blasio declared in the final days of the campaign for mayor. “As mayor, It’s my sacred responsibility to speak out and defend the State of Israel.”
Apparently, the State of Israel and her leader don’t feel defended by the deal. According to a poll conducted by Israel’s channel two, 60 percent of Israelis believe the interim deal with Iran “endangers” Israel’s security. A whopping 76% of Israelis don’t think the US deal with Iran will stop them from becoming a nuclear nation, a similar poll found.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Jewish "media mogul " Haim Saban & Marta Kauffman throw Israel under the bus! Raise $$$$$ for Obama, while the President signs deal with Iran!

President Obama attended two industry heavy fundraisers at the Beverly Hills homes of  media mogul Haim Saban and producer Marta Kauffman.
About 120 are expected at the dinner at Saban’s home, with tickets at $16,200 per person, according to an aide with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. They include Clarence Avant and his wife Jacqueline; former ambassador Nicole Avant and her husband, Netflix’s Ted Sarandos; Eli and Edythe Broad; Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti; Berry Gordy; Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson; Michael and Jena King; Paul Reiser; and Barry and Wendy Meyer.
This is Obama’s first visit to Saban’s home. After Saban supported Hillary Clinton in the 2008 race, he was lukewarm to Obama in the general election. Obama eventually invited Saban to the Oval Office, and Saban was a more enthusiastic supporter of his re-election in 2012. 
On Tuesday morning, Obama is scheduled to attend a $32,500-per-person event at the home of producer Marta Kauffman and her husband Michael Skloff, with Melanie Griffith a co-host. About 30 people are expected at the event, billed as an intimate, 60-minute roundtable with the president. The money raised will go to the Democratic National Committee.
Update: At the Beverly Park home of Haim and Cheryl Saban — just down the street from Magic Johnson’s house — Haim Saban revealed that he was at the White House on Friday for a “very small intimate dinner” with the Obamas.
“And we had a wonderful time — great food, great company, very inspiring,” Saban said in introducing the president. Then, he added, “No valet parking! You know what? I had to walk to the White House. We have valet parking at the Sabans! So, Mr. President, if you would, please, thank you. Taxpayers money? I’ll fund it, no problem.”
Obama later said in his remarks, “First of all, there was valet parking — for Cheryl. We thought it was appropriate for Haim to get some exercise. Cheryl, being the wonderful person that she is, declined the valet parking, and so she might have joined him. But I would have been happy to have her drive right up into the South Lawn.”
Saban showered Obama with praise, notable because he had previously been guarded about his support.
“Some so-called fair and balanced media and charmers like Mr. Rush Limbaugh have been having a field day with the technical glitch on the Obamacare website and this has clouded some of the most remarkable achievements of this administration,” he said, before mentioning some of his accomplishments “so that you can all see things with perspective without allowing the caffeine that’s in the Tea Party’s rhetoric to keep us awake at night worrying.”
Saban also praised Obama’s foreign policy and the negotiations with Iran. Saban noted that the military and intelligence “cooperation with Israel — our staunchest ally in the Middle East, arguably the world, has never been deeper and the president’s commitment to Israel’s security has never been stronger. And if the Iranians are at the negotiating table today, make no mistake about it, it is only as a result of President Obama’s resolve in striking down the most strict sanctions ever.”
Guests at the event were under a heated tent in the Sabans’ backyard, bathed in orange-gold light and surrounded by four palm tree-inspired chandeliers and an elaborate fountain in the middle of the gathering.
Obama addressed glitches in the Affordable Care Act website, telling the crowd, “I think it’s fair to say that I was not happy that we didn’t have a website that worked on the day it was supposed to work, although it’s actually starting to work pretty well now and it’s going to be working even better in the coming weeks.”
He added, “The reason I wanted to make that point is that so much of what we do is measured through the prism of politics and on any given day, the notion is who’s up and who’s down and what’s on cable television, should drive our sense of direction, sometimes should even [drive] our sense of what’s right and what’s wrong.” He added that when it is a family being able to afford healthcare, “I don’t need a headline to tell me that vindicates a core value that I believe in and that we as Americans should believe in.”
He also cited Iran, saying that “as a result of these sanctions, and the painstaking diplomacy that we engaged in, Iran ultimately came to the table and said that, we are prepared in a serious way to negotiate around our nuke program, for the first time in over a decade.”

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Satmar Rebbe ignors his own battles with his own brother and warns the Litvishe Gedolim that they will "continue their infighting in jail."

Headlining the annual ‘Kuf Alef Kislev’ celebration – marking the 69th anniversary of the Satmar Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum’s Zionist rescue from the Nazis,
the Satmar Rebbe (Reb. Ahron) told his followers that Limmud HaTorah is the only fortification for the ongoing battles in our lifetime.
The Rebbe warned his followers that carrying a smart phone is like carrying a loaded gun. -

The Rebbe also decried the upcoming  Zionist resolution, due for a vote in the next couple of weeks, that will impose sanctions on Yeshiva bochurim who dodge mandatory draft.

The Rebbe said, “The ongoing debate between the parties, whether the [IDF draft] bill should include economic sanctions or criminal sanctions, is only to the extent of the sanctions. For them it is a question of what sanctions are harsher and would have a greater effect on the Haredi community,”
“This is a decree of conversion!

How can we idly sit by and remain silent?” the Rebbe roared.

  The Rebbe pointed in dismay to the lack of unity (LOL) at a time of crisis, a matter that could lead to jail time for those insisting to remain learning.
 He directly denounced the ongoing contentious rivalry between the two factions within the Lithuanian sector of the Haredi community in Israel.

 “While the two factions are fighting between themselves, there’s an imminent threat on the world of Torah,” the Rebbe declared. 

The Rebbe emphasized that in the mean time, there’s a fat chance that both factions will be apprehended and share one room in jail. If that happens, “they’ll be able to continue their infighting in jail,” the Rebbe quipped. -

Satmar celebrates 69 years of the Rebbe's rescue from the Nazis by a Zionist!

Reb Yoel Teitelbaum z"l

Yes! You read the headline 100% correctly. The Rebbe was saved by a Zionist, but you would never know that, reading Satmar propaganda!
The Rebbi never ever acknowledged or gave basic "Hakoras Hatoiv" to Rudolph Kasztner, who saved him!

The Rebbe  survived imprisonment in Bergen-Belsen because he and his entourage were passengers on Kasztner's train, the Zionist-organized rescue of almost 1800 Hungarian Jews negotiated by Hungarian Zionist leader Rudolph Kasztner with Adolph Eichmann, the Nazi in charge of the Nazi's Final Solution.
Kasztner's train was diverted to Bergen-Belsen by Eichmann and its passengers were held there as Eichmann waited to see if the Jewish Agency would pay him additional ransom to save other Jews.
The Kasztner hostages – who had marginally better conditions than other prisoners – were released on Eichmann's orders, 318 after about one month and the remainder after close to five months. All were taken to safety in Switzerland.
After the War, when Kaszter was libeled and the government of Israel sued in support of Kasztner, The Rebbe was asked to testify on Kaszter's behalf. The Rebbe refused to acknowledge the Zionists role in his rescue and reportedly replied, "I was saved by God, not by Zionists." (Satmar would later develop a mythology to cover for the lies that credited anti-Zionist haredi Jews for the rebbe's rescue, but that mythology has been clearly proved false. Kasztner saved him.)
The Rebbe had ordered his hasidim to stay in Hungary. He blocked Zionist organizations from operating in his region and steadfastly refused to believe the Nazis would ever harm Hungary's anti-Zionist Jews. The Nazis eventually threw everyone, Zionists and Anti-Zionists in the same ovens!