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Showing posts with label haim saban obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label haim saban obama. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Jewish "media mogul " Haim Saban & Marta Kauffman throw Israel under the bus! Raise $$$$$ for Obama, while the President signs deal with Iran!

President Obama attended two industry heavy fundraisers at the Beverly Hills homes of  media mogul Haim Saban and producer Marta Kauffman.
About 120 are expected at the dinner at Saban’s home, with tickets at $16,200 per person, according to an aide with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. They include Clarence Avant and his wife Jacqueline; former ambassador Nicole Avant and her husband, Netflix’s Ted Sarandos; Eli and Edythe Broad; Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti; Berry Gordy; Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson; Michael and Jena King; Paul Reiser; and Barry and Wendy Meyer.
This is Obama’s first visit to Saban’s home. After Saban supported Hillary Clinton in the 2008 race, he was lukewarm to Obama in the general election. Obama eventually invited Saban to the Oval Office, and Saban was a more enthusiastic supporter of his re-election in 2012. 
On Tuesday morning, Obama is scheduled to attend a $32,500-per-person event at the home of producer Marta Kauffman and her husband Michael Skloff, with Melanie Griffith a co-host. About 30 people are expected at the event, billed as an intimate, 60-minute roundtable with the president. The money raised will go to the Democratic National Committee.
Update: At the Beverly Park home of Haim and Cheryl Saban — just down the street from Magic Johnson’s house — Haim Saban revealed that he was at the White House on Friday for a “very small intimate dinner” with the Obamas.
“And we had a wonderful time — great food, great company, very inspiring,” Saban said in introducing the president. Then, he added, “No valet parking! You know what? I had to walk to the White House. We have valet parking at the Sabans! So, Mr. President, if you would, please, thank you. Taxpayers money? I’ll fund it, no problem.”
Obama later said in his remarks, “First of all, there was valet parking — for Cheryl. We thought it was appropriate for Haim to get some exercise. Cheryl, being the wonderful person that she is, declined the valet parking, and so she might have joined him. But I would have been happy to have her drive right up into the South Lawn.”
Saban showered Obama with praise, notable because he had previously been guarded about his support.
“Some so-called fair and balanced media and charmers like Mr. Rush Limbaugh have been having a field day with the technical glitch on the Obamacare website and this has clouded some of the most remarkable achievements of this administration,” he said, before mentioning some of his accomplishments “so that you can all see things with perspective without allowing the caffeine that’s in the Tea Party’s rhetoric to keep us awake at night worrying.”
Saban also praised Obama’s foreign policy and the negotiations with Iran. Saban noted that the military and intelligence “cooperation with Israel — our staunchest ally in the Middle East, arguably the world, has never been deeper and the president’s commitment to Israel’s security has never been stronger. And if the Iranians are at the negotiating table today, make no mistake about it, it is only as a result of President Obama’s resolve in striking down the most strict sanctions ever.”
Guests at the event were under a heated tent in the Sabans’ backyard, bathed in orange-gold light and surrounded by four palm tree-inspired chandeliers and an elaborate fountain in the middle of the gathering.
Obama addressed glitches in the Affordable Care Act website, telling the crowd, “I think it’s fair to say that I was not happy that we didn’t have a website that worked on the day it was supposed to work, although it’s actually starting to work pretty well now and it’s going to be working even better in the coming weeks.”
He added, “The reason I wanted to make that point is that so much of what we do is measured through the prism of politics and on any given day, the notion is who’s up and who’s down and what’s on cable television, should drive our sense of direction, sometimes should even [drive] our sense of what’s right and what’s wrong.” He added that when it is a family being able to afford healthcare, “I don’t need a headline to tell me that vindicates a core value that I believe in and that we as Americans should believe in.”
He also cited Iran, saying that “as a result of these sanctions, and the painstaking diplomacy that we engaged in, Iran ultimately came to the table and said that, we are prepared in a serious way to negotiate around our nuke program, for the first time in over a decade.”