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Friday, February 9, 2024

IDF To Extend Regular And Reserve Service, Sparking Calls For Charedi Shouldering Of Burden


The IDF announced Wednesday that it plans to extend the regular army service to 36 months, as well as increasing reserved duty until the age of 46 and added many days a year of active reserve service.

The announcement, made as part of a new framework for the draft law, aroused opposition both from government and opposition parties who want the draft law to include charedi participation in the IDF, thus lessening the burden on other sectors.

Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich, who is also a minister in the Defense establishment, addressed the charedi public and said: “Dear beloved community which contributes so much to the state of Israel, it is now imperative that you participate more in defense and security assignments. This move must happen via communication and discussion and not by coercion, The Religious Zionist sector proves that Torah study and keeping all Mitzvos can be integrated with military service at the front. My charedi brothers, we need you!”

Likud MKs, including Minister Amichai Shikli and Moshe Saada, also stressed that “What was before cannot continue” and there is a need for a more equal distribution of the burden.

Others said that the coalition must remove the current draft law from its agenda, since there is a need for a revision and bringing as many citizens as possible to serve in the IDF.

Other parties from the opposition also stressed the need for a fairer distribution of the burden. MK Chili Tropper (National Unity party) wrote on Facebook that “In the wake of the intent to place further burdens on those serving in the IDF, the truth must be said- The fallen are not from all sectors, some sectors have for many years removed themselves from this partnership. Many in the charedi public volunteer, study, pray for the fallen, visit the injured and this is worthy, but they do not participate in the service.”

MK Yair Lapid attacked the proposed “draft-dodge law” calling it a “betrayal of IDF soldiers, another proof that the coalition hasn’t learnt anything from October 7th. Its not that we fight and win together. It’s young people serving the country and endangering their lives while others organize their exemption.”

MK Avigdor Liberman called on Benny Gantz and Gadi Eizenkot to leave the government if the proposed law is passed in its current form. “I call on them not to assist in dividing the nation into two parts- those who serve in the army and those who study in yeshivot.”


Anonymous said...

Empty out the Universities

Garnel Ironheart said...

The most damning cartoon I saw is the one with the Chareidi bochur at a shtender explaining to a Dati Leumi high school kid that he has to go to the army earlier because there aren't enough soldiers.

Uriah’s Wife said...

If I were of a younger age and physically capable of manual labor, I would travel to Israel and volunteer to substitute my efforts and energy for Israeli soldiers whose presence and services are no longer available to advance the economic interests of the country.
A society that proclaims an extraordinary religious exemption for all its men to refuse military participation in defense of the country is a twisted and selfish one.
Its claims of Torah mandated exemption of military service only illustrates how easily it is to manipulate and shape The Torah to make it fit the evil hashkafa that Chareidim employs.

Anonymous said...

It's a terrible situation for all.
But should anybody be forced serve for the whims of the bosses i.e.Bagatz,Shabak,Mossad?