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Friday, February 9, 2024

Gazan Journalist to Israel ‘Please Find Us Somewhere To Go Put Us On Ships’

  A Gazan journalist revealed the severity of the situation in the southern Gaza Strip and implored Israel to help the Gazans emigrate.

In an interview with Ynet,  Sami Obeid, a journalist living in Rafah, said that “Most of those who live in Rafah are in tents. I see the tremendous suffering. There is no aid, the prices are very high. A kilogram of sugar is 40 shekels, a liter of milk is 50 shekels. There are no goods and no money. A pack of cigarettes costs 120 shekels.”

Asked whether he had received aid from the numerous humanitarian trucks entering the Gaza strip, Obeid replied bitterly: “How will they distribute it? There are many thieves. There is no police to control things. The residents are hungry. People take a bag of food and sell it to have some money. There is no police and no one to really deliver it. We are in a dilemma. The situation is difficult. You told us to move to Rafah. We have moved. Now you enter Rafah to fight, so return us to northern Gaza. What about us? We live in this hole. No money, no life.”

Obeid claimed that most residents in the Gaza Strip had nothing to do with the October 7th infiltration and massacre: “We didn’t do October 7,”  “Hamas did it. They did it and were wrong. Tens of thousands of dead, 100,000 wounded. How long will this last? Open the sea for us. Let us go. Hamas controls Gaza. If they come to my house, what can I do? What can I tell them? No one in Rafah will say a word about Hamas. They are afraid of Hamas, they control the area,” he said.

In a desperate plea to Israel, Obeid says: “Find us somewhere to go. Get us a country that will accept us. You don’t want us, find us a place. Load us on ships.”


Anonymous said...

Finally an Arab with some sense.

Anonymous said...

A colleague at work asked me hesitantly, respectfully, “Why won’t Jordan or Egypt help the Palestinian people?”

And I told her about Black September.

You know, that time from 1967-1970 when Jordan extended citizenship to all Palestinians in the West Bank, only for the PLO to cockily thank them by attempting a coup and attempted assassination on Jordanian King Hussein.

By 1970 Jordan expelled all Palestinians.

The PLO fled to Lebanon. Within 3 years their terrorism caused a civil war there and were kicked out of Lebanon.

Egypt watched this and said hell nah. When Hamas took over Gaza in 2007, Egypt SEALED THEIR BORDER.

The Palestinian people, if they consider themselves a people in need of statehood, and deserving of statehood, need to demonstrate their ability to elect democratic, non-corrupt leaders.

Anonymous said...

A recent Arab poll said 70% of Gazans support Hamas. No country in the world needs more ISIS terrorists.

Anonymous said...

Bogota is building a subway system. Maybe they could use some experienced tunnel diggers.