Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Finally!!!! Israel’s AG Threatens to Draft all Charedim in Weeks if No Agreement Reached


DIN: This is not sustainable! We can no longer have 6 foot, "ois'ge'pasheter" bulvans, sitting drinking coffee, munching bamba while their brothers and sisters are fighting and protecting us. Families in Bnei-Brak and parts of Yerushlayim , Beitar Elite, Beit Shemesh, have no idea that there is even a war going on, and those that do know could care less. Their Rosh Yeshiva are tell them that those who go to war are no better than "garbage collectors." They do not even show up to the daily funerals of those who gave up their lives! Moshe Rabbeinu said it best 
"?האחיכם יבאו למלחמה ואתם תשבו פה"
"Shall your brothers go out to battle while you settle here"
Why didn't they just tell Moshe ... "We will learn Torah, and Torah is matzil" 
For those who argue that those who went to war were tzaddikim, then let's draft those learning in Brisk, Ponovitz and the Mir. Aren't they tzaddikim? 

In a shocking threat, Israel’s Attorney General has threatened to draft all military-age Charedim–including full-time yeshiva students.

According to Kan 11 News, AG Gali Baharav-Miara announced the devastating threat, which would be catastrophic for the Charedi community, and greatly diminish the amount of Torah being learned, at a time when z’chusim are badly needed for Klal Yisrael, in addition to dealing a massive blow to PM Netanyahu’s fragile coalition, at a meeting held between the Justice and Defense Ministries.

She announced that if by the end of next month, the government does not extend the draft exemption for yeshiva students, and declare its intent to enact a new draft law, all conscription obligations would immediately apply to all yeshiva students, even those who are ‘Torasam Umanusam’ (full-time yeshiva students). It was also announced that yeshiva funding would be cut off.

To avoid such a result, Likud and its coalition would need to renew the exemption for Charedim in the next few weeks, and need to work on a new draft law that would resolve military service issues for Charedim, which has not been successfully accomplished in decades.

The government is reportedly considering appealing the decision to the High Court, on the grounds that such a move is destructive during an all-out war in Gaza. However the AG said that should such an appeal be filed, she would not be able to represent the government, since she is the recipient of the lawsuit.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with drafting everyone. Waste of time and energy.

Ben Tayreh said...

I didn't realize you've gone in gantzen on the side of the Avigdor "Yvette" Liebermans of the world. What's wrong with drafting the batlonim but leaving the real learners alone? You seriously deny that Torah is magnee umatzlee? Even the evil shkotzim in Mitzrayim exempted the serious learners of shevet Levi from slavery as the gedolim of the previous dor have pointed out. Why are you pretending that Hamas & Yavan are the same type enemy requiring that even gantz Brisk close their Gemaras to take up arms? You know that Chazal said there is a difference that only for Yavan types that destroy ruchniyus but are nice to us if we comply do we all get up to fight.

Dusiznies said...

Ben Tayreh
Du bist ungantzen far'rickt! Du shtelst tzu Yavanim who were oiker Torah, tzu Yiddishe kinder fighting for our very lives?

The "teitch" of Torah "magnee umatzlee" is not how what you learn pshat, vehu reiah that Moshe Rabbeinu, Yehoshua, Dovid, Shlomy, Rebbe Akiva did not exempt "torah learners" from the army, and didn't use the axiom "magnee umatzlee for not fighting.

This is a brand new invention recently fabricated by the Kollel Guys to not work and let others do the dirty work. .
Exemptions for the army are explicit in the Torah and "learning Torah" is not one of them!
Your taaneh about Shevet Levi is exactly the way it was during the time when the Chazon Ish made a deal with Ben Gurian only a minority of a minority learn. Now in 2024, it's not sustainable and causing a pirud amongst the Jewish people. If they really cared they would do "Shirut Leumi but that has also been banned by their leaders.
Your ridiculous assertion that Shevet Levi didn't work in Mitzrayim "the evil shkotzim in Mitzrayim exempted the serious learners of shevet Levi from slavery " They actually didn't exempt them, they never worked to begin with, so the mitriyum had no hold on them,and they were NOT serious learners, in fact, they were also in the "nun-tes Shaarei Tumah" And even if you are correct, this is absolutely not what's going on now, working and fighting and paying taxes is not part of their "tzugang" they want to do nothing and take, and this will stop soon with my bracha! And dus iz mein tzu'shtell!

Ben Tayreh said...

In other words you are still in denial that, al pi Chazal, Torah protects everyone there. And you even go to the length to deny that frierdik gedolim have repeated this yesod. You aren't fooling anyone that it's a "recent fabrication of kollel guys".

I agree with you that it's not sustainable mitzad the many batlonim. Please don't get overly influenced by anti-Torah propaganda to lump the real learners into the equation. And be practical. What will be accomplished by forcing Peleg crazies into Tzahal who will always be insubordinate? This is the kind of 'dedicated' chayal you want protecting you?

Maybe some would be maskim to be IDF chazonim for Shirut Leumi takka. The problem with Sheirut Leumi that led the gedolim to asser it is the rampant znus & other unacceptable items in the atmosphere at Tzahal. I understand you are a fan of R' Yaakov Kamenetsky. He threatened to asser making aliyah if maydelach are forced into even non-combat Sheirut. Anderra gedolim have threatened to encourage men to leave Israel if Sheirut in made mandatory. For lamdonishe masmidim it's the same inappropriate bittul to join the infantry or work in an IT dept.

Then you really think that Mitzrayim couldn't force Leviyim to work just because they were initially exempted? Come on! I never said every single Levi was a serious learner. But there definitely were plenty of them. See Yonason Ben Uziel in the onfang of parshas Yisro. The yeshiva that Moshe Rabbeinu showed Yisro was as per seforim the same yeshiva that existed through the entire yishuv Mitzrayim. As one heintig gadol puts it, the yeshiva was mamshich bli hefsek even though the matzav was almost as bad as Auschwitz as far as that non-enslaved non-Leviyim would also chapp arein quick sidrei limud whenever possible.

Dusiznies said...

Ben Tayre
What I need to get out of the way right away is that the vast Roshei Yeshiva in Israel do not believe in any way that "Toyre is Matzel" absolutely not! I remember very well that two years ago when Gaza was bombarding Ashkelon and Ashdod, the Roshei Yeshiva closed their Yeshivas and ran with their bochrim like poisoned mice to Bnei Brak, (I reported it at the time) while at the same time the Hesder Yeshivas stayed open so that their students could help the elderly run to miklats, as most home in Ashdod have no 'mammads" inside their homes.
During this war ALL Chareidie Yeshivas and Kollim closed up and went to different cities such as Beit Shemesh, I know that because את חטאי אני מזכיר היום, I learn in one of those kollim, and we are now swamped with the "torah is matzil" kollil guys of Ashkelon and Ashdod!
The bottom line is why should I a blogger believe something that "gedoilim" themselves don't believe in! You can drei and kvetch all you want but the reality is that they don't believe it themselves.
Having said that.
I don't believe for one second that the Leviyim were "mamshich bli hefsek"
anything, as the seforim hakdoishim point out that all the Jews at the time "were ovdei avoda zara" and even the Malachim were complaining "halalu Ve'halalu' in fact as I said before they, including the Levyim were steeped in the "mem tes shaarei tumah"
I wouldn't compare the Galus Mitzrayim to the Holocaust, as the Holocaust was far far worse, the Kloizinberger and the Kaliver both said that the Holocaust was the "worst atrocity against the Jewish people and that includes both Churban Habayis" The families in Mitzrayim were basically intact and the husbands came home every single night, in the Holocaust, families were separated and never saw each other again.
Bringing up your "Levyim" point is narishkeitin as the Levyim whether they were working or learning is irrelevant as they had no "chelik" in Eretz Yisrael. Following your logic the Kollil Guys should own nothing in Israel. If they own they should put on a uniform and protect it !

Garnel Ironheart said...

Ben Tayre, any child of survivors will tell you that Torah doesn't actually protect. Guns do.
In the alte heim, if you wanted to sit in kollel you had to pass rigorous testing and be considered to be the next Gadol HaDor. If you weren't, you were told to go to work and show up for night seder. And suddenly it's all changed and ever shlemiel can sit and drink coffee and tell people "Well I'm like Shevet Levi".
A reminder: Shevet Levi didn't sit around learning all day. They went around begging people for maaser rishon so they didn't starve to death. No one showed up with truckloads of supplies at their cities, happy to hand it to them.
There is no support for the Chareidi exemptions in greater Israeli society. Any support that they might have had amongst the Religious Zionists disappeared the minute the army said it was going to start drafting our 17 year olds because of manpower shortages.

Gedalye Leibowitz Esq said...

Ben Tayre
"torah is Matzil" is a lie, as thousands are sitting in learning and our children in uniform are nevertheless getting killed!
Are you suggesting that our children in uniform drop their arms and run to shul to learn? Are you suggesting that? Well it didn't work for 6 million Jews, it didn't work during Tach vetat. it didn't work during the crusades.
If you don't have an army yoy are a bunch of sitting ducks, let me tell you, do you remember the Har Nof massacre? That will be child's play when the troops drop their arms and run to shul to learn!

Anonymous said...

no one in Boro-Park, Willy, Lakewood, believes in "torah is matzil" they all have "shoimrim" and lick the tuches' of the cops, Most Yeshivas now have protection but these same guys don't want the State of Israel to have an army. It's mammash crazy and a perverted way of thinking. Instead of thanking Hashem that we have an army they compare them to garbage cleaners, is it any wonder that we have no achdus? What are we expecting from Chilonim when we keep telling them "torah is matzil" so we dont need to go to the army.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Martin Sherman served for seven years in operational capacities in the Israeli Defense establishment. He was a ministerial adviser to Yitzhak Shamir’s government and lectured for 20 years at Tel Aviv University in Political Science, International Relations and Strategic Studies

Dr. Martin Sherman
"..For Lapid’s core constituency, the demand for haredi conscription is a great drum to beat – so long as it remains unfulfilled. For I have a very strong suspicion – corroborated by recent pronouncements by several prominent left-wing figures – that if it were to begin to emerge as a tangible prospect, the biggest opponents to it would be many of those who demand it most vociferously today.

After all, the last thing Lapid’s “core” wants []is battalions of bearded ultra-Orthodox enlistees with M-16s slung menacingly over their shoulders...
Lapid consistently used his widely read Friday column in Yediot Aharonot to besmirch, berate and belittle them. The introductory above excerpts are but a small sampling ..