Saturday, February 17, 2024

Yishay Gertner 23, from Modi'in Illit Murdered in Shooting Attack

Yishay Gertner, 23, from Modi'in Illit, is one of the two people who were murdered in the terrorist attack at the Re’em Junction on Friday, it was cleared for publication. He was a bochur from Modi’in Illit who was heading to learn at Yeshiva Meor HaTalmud in Malachi when he was killed.

Four people were injured in the shooting attack, including a 16-year-old who is critical condition and is being treated at Schneider’s Children Hospital in Petah Tikva.

The others were evacuated to Assuta Hospital in Ashdon and Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot.

An armed civilian battled the terrorist and eliminated him.

A source in the police stated that the terrorist arrived at the scene in a vehicle, sporting an "ISIS style" beard and a large white skull cap. He made a U-turn at the junction since he saw a large number of people standing there. He exited the vehicle and began shooting with a pistol. A civilian at the scene eliminated the terrorist.


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